FCOM Rev 11

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Professional Pilot V

Revision 11
The flight crew operating manual (FCOM) has been developed to
ensure that ALL flight crew members utilize the same procedures.
Information in this manual is to serve as the basis for the
standardization of flight operations.

This manual includes Course Policy, Limitations, Normal Procedures,

Flight Procedures & Flows, Abnormal Procedures, Operational Policy,
and Aircraft Systems.

This manual is intended for training purposes only. It should not be

used as a reference for operation of the CRJ-700 outside the simulation
environment at MTSU.

Rev. 11 ii 01/12/2023

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... iii

RECORD OF REVISIONS ...................................................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1: Course Policy ................................................................................................................. 1
Attendance Expectations ................................................................................................................................................. 2
No-Show/Late Cancel Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Text Material Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Simulator Lesson Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Coordinating with Instructors....................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2: Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
General Limitations ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Maneuvering Limit Load Factors............................................................................................................................. 8
Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Kinds of Operations....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Aircraft Approach Category ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Weight and Balance Limitations ................................................................................................................................... 8
Structural Weights......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Cargo Loading Limits.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Passenger Door ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Airspeed Limitations ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Flaps Extended Speeds ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed ........................................................................................................... 8
Turbulence Penetration .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Windshield Wiper Operation .................................................................................................................................... 8
Maximum Tire Limit Speed........................................................................................................................................ 8
Operating Limitations ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Wind Components ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Maximum Pressure Altitude...................................................................................................................................... 9
Maximum Operating Altitude ................................................................................................................................... 9
Temperature Limitations ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Land and Hold Short (LAHSO) .................................................................................................................................. 9

Rev. 11 iii 01/12/2023

Runway Slope .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Cargo Restriction ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Taxi Lights ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Crew Oxygen .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Air Conditioning & Pressurization............................................................................................................................... 9
Pressure Cabin ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Auto-Flight ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Autopilot Usage............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Autopilot Disconnect Methods ............................................................................................................................... 10
Electrical Power ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
AC & DC Loading........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Circuit Breaker Reset ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Hydraulics ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Approaches ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum Descent Altitude ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Traffic Collision Avoidance System ...................................................................................................................... 10
Ice and Rain Protection .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Cowl Anti-Ice System.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Wing Anti-Ice System ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Pneumatic System ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Super-Cooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing ............................................................................................................ 11
Cold Weather Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Auxiliary Power Unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
APU Start ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
APU Bleed Air ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
APU Indications ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
APU Generator .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Flight Controls.................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Slats/Flaps ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Flight Spoilers................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Power Plant ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Description ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Warm-Up .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Rev. 11 iv 01/12/2023
Oil Temperature ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Oil Pressure .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Continuous Ignition .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Reduced (Flex) Thrust Takeoff............................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Starter Limits.................................................................................................................................................. 12
ITT Limit .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Thrust Reversers .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel Load ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel Quantities .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Go Around Fuel ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Fuel Temperature ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Fuel Crossflow ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 3: Normal Procedures ................................................................................................... 14
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Types of Normal Checklists ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Normal Checklist Descriptions.................................................................................................................................... 17
PREFLIGHT CHECK ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
BEFORE START CHECK ............................................................................................................................................. 17
PUSHBACK CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
START CHECK................................................................................................................................................................ 18
AFTER START CHECK ................................................................................................................................................ 18
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 19
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 19
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK .......................................................................................................................................... 20
CLIMB CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
EN ROUTE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
DESCENT CHECK.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
APPROACH CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
LANDING CHECK .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
AFTER LANDING CHECK........................................................................................................................................... 21
SHUTDOWN CHECK .................................................................................................................................................... 22
EXIT CHECK .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
SECURE CHECK ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

Rev. 11 v 01/12/2023
Amplified Procedures ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
PREFLIGHT CHECK (R/D) ........................................................................................................................................ 23
BEFORE START CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................ 26
PUSHBACK CHECK (C/R).......................................................................................................................................... 29
START CHECKLIST (SILENT) .................................................................................................................................. 30
AFTER START CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................... 32
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK (C/R)........................................................................................................................... 33
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK (C/R)........................................................................................................................... 35
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK (SILENT) ...................................................................................................................... 38
CLIMB CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................................... 39
CRUISE CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 39
DESCENT CHECK (C/R) ............................................................................................................................................. 40
APPROACH CHECK (C/R) ......................................................................................................................................... 41
LANDING CHECK (C/R) ............................................................................................................................................. 42
AFTER LANDING CHECK (SILENT) ...................................................................................................................... 43
SHUTDOWN CHECK (R/D)....................................................................................................................................... 44
EXIT CHECK (R/D) ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
SECURE CHECK (R/D)................................................................................................................................................ 46
Flows Reference Sheet.................................................................................................................................................... 47
BEFORE START CHECK ............................................................................................................................................. 47
PUSHBACK CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
AFTER START CHECK ................................................................................................................................................ 48
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 48
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK (TO THE LINE & BELOW THE LINE)............................................................. 48
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK .......................................................................................................................................... 49
CLIMB CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ 49
EN-ROUTE RESPONSIBLITIES ................................................................................................................................ 49
DESCENT CHECK.......................................................................................................................................................... 49
APPROACH CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
LANDING CHECK .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
AFTER LANDING CHECK........................................................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER 4: Flight Procedures/Profiles ..................................................................................... 51
General .................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Exterior Inspections ........................................................................................................................................................ 53

Rev. 11 vi 01/12/2023
Preflight Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Briefing Sheet ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
ACARS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 55
FMS Loading ................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Engine Start and Taxi ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Normal Engine Start ................................................................................................................................................... 57
Abnormal Engine Starts ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Taxi .................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Takeoff Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Normal Takeoff ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Static Takeoff ................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Crosswind Takeoff ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
Climb and Cruise Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 62
En Route Climb Speed ................................................................................................................................................ 62
Cruise Speed................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Holding ............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Holding Fuel Calculation ........................................................................................................................................... 64
En Route Procedures ....................................................................................................................................................... 65
Descent and Approach .................................................................................................................................................... 66
Descent ............................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Descent Planning.......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Flight Spoiler Usage .................................................................................................................................................... 66
Terminal Environment .............................................................................................................................................. 66
Approach Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 67
Shooting A Full Procedure Approach.............................................................................................................. 67
Vectored Approach ................................................................................................................................................. 68
Visual Approach............................................................................................................................................................ 69
Precision Approach ..................................................................................................................................................... 70
Precision Approach Profile. ..................................................................................................................................... 71
Non-Precision Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 72
CANPA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
VNAV Guidance “Snowflake” .............................................................................................................................. 73
CANPA Examples ..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Non-Precision Approach Profile. ........................................................................................................................... 76

Rev. 11 vii 01/12/2023

Circling Approaches .................................................................................................................................................... 77
Missed Approaches/Go Around Procedure ...................................................................................................... 77
Two Engine Go Around Profile ............................................................................................................................... 79
Landing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Stabilized Approach .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Normal Landing ............................................................................................................................................................ 81
Maximum Performance Landing ........................................................................................................................... 82
Crosswind Landing...................................................................................................................................................... 82
ACARS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Initializing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Preflight Preparation.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Obtaining ATIS ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Obtaining Takeoff Performance Data ............................................................................................................. 85
Viewing and Inputting Takeoff Data .................................................................................................................... 87
Messaging Dispatch or Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 90
In flight Menu and In Range Report ..................................................................................................................... 91
Landing Performance ................................................................................................................................................. 92
Post-Flight ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Advanced Maneuvers Profiles ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Category II ILS Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Stall Recovery ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Upset Recovery ............................................................................................................................................................. 95
Windshear ....................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Takeoff Roll Windshear Prior to V1 ................................................................................................................ 95
Takeoff Roll Windshear After V1 ...................................................................................................................... 95
Windshear Caution ................................................................................................................................................. 96
Windshear Warning ............................................................................................................................................... 96
EGPWS Warning Maneuver ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Single Engine Operations.......................................................................................................................................... 97
CHAPTER 5: Abnormal Procedures .............................................................................................. 98
General .................................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Memory Items .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Emergency Checklist .................................................................................................................................................... 100
Quick Reference Handbook ....................................................................................................................................... 103

Rev. 11 viii 01/12/2023

Rejected Takeoff............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Abort Criteria.............................................................................................................................................................. 104
Rejected Takeoff Profile ......................................................................................................................................... 104
Emergency Evacuation ................................................................................................................................................ 105
Engine Failure After V1 ................................................................................................................................................ 106
Initial Climb with Engine Failure........................................................................................................................ 106
Acceleration Altitude with Engine Failure ..................................................................................................... 106
Engine Fire or Failure AT or After V1 Profile ................................................................................................ 108
Single Engine Landing.................................................................................................................................................. 109
CHAPTER 6: Operational Policy .................................................................................................. 110
Operational Specifications (OP SPECS) ................................................................................................................ 111
Dispatch Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 111
Takeoff Minimums.................................................................................................................................................... 111
Takeoff Alternate ...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Destination Alternate .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Approach Minimums ............................................................................................................................................... 112
Normal Callouts .............................................................................................................................................................. 113
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) Callouts ....................................................................................................... 113
Autopilot On Examples: ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Autopilot Off Examples: ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Additional Callouts ................................................................................................................................................... 114
CHAPTER 7: Aircraft Systems....................................................................................................... 115
Aircraft General .............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Aircraft Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................. 118
Turning Radius........................................................................................................................................................... 118
Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) ............................................................................................................. 119
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Flight Control Panel (FCP)..................................................................................................................................... 119
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) ......................................................................................................................... 120
Flight Director (FD).................................................................................................................................................. 121
Autopilot ....................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Flight Instruments ......................................................................................................................................................... 122
Primary Flight Display (PFD) ............................................................................................................................... 122

Rev. 11 ix 01/12/2023
Multi-Functional Display (MFD) ......................................................................................................................... 122
EFIS Control Panels .................................................................................................................................................. 123
Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) ................................................................................................. 125
Air Data Computer (ADC) ...................................................................................................................................... 125
Indication and Alerting................................................................................................................................................ 125
EICAS Displays ........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Color Logic ................................................................................................................................................................... 126
EICAS Control Panel (ECP) .................................................................................................................................... 126
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) ...................................................................................................................................... 127
Electrics ............................................................................................................................................................................. 128
General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
AC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 128
DC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Overhead Panel .......................................................................................................................................................... 128
Powerplant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
FADEC Management ................................................................................................................................................ 130
Hydraulics ......................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Components ................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Operation...................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Fuel ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Operation...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Boost Pumps ............................................................................................................................................................... 133
Crossflow ...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Pneumatics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Distribution ................................................................................................................................................................. 133
Valves ............................................................................................................................................................................. 134
Diagram......................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Control Panel .............................................................................................................................................................. 135
Environmental Control System (ECS) ................................................................................................................... 135
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 135

Rev. 11 x 01/12/2023
Avionics Cooling ........................................................................................................................................................ 135
Pressurization ............................................................................................................................................................ 135
Controls ......................................................................................................................................................................... 136
ECS Synoptic Page..................................................................................................................................................... 138
Ice and Rain ...................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Wing Anti-Ice .............................................................................................................................................................. 139
Cowl Anti- Ice.............................................................................................................................................................. 139
Probe and Windshield Heating ........................................................................................................................... 139
Fire and Overheat .......................................................................................................................................................... 140
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 140
Engines .......................................................................................................................................................................... 140
APU ................................................................................................................................................................................. 140
Cargo .............................................................................................................................................................................. 140
Lavatory ........................................................................................................................................................................ 141
Main Landing Gear ................................................................................................................................................... 141
Flight Controls................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Ailerons ......................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Rudder ........................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Multifunction Spoilers (MFS) ............................................................................................................................... 142
Elevator/Stabilizer ................................................................................................................................................... 142
Flaps and Slats............................................................................................................................................................ 142
Stall Protection........................................................................................................................................................... 143
Landing Gear.................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 143

Rev. 11 xi 01/12/2023
Revision Number Revision Date

Original Issue 08/20/2011

1 08/27/2013

2 01/13/2014

2 08/11/2014

4 06/23/2016

5 01/15/2018

6 05/01/2018

7 01/07/2020

8 08/15/2020
CRJ-700 Revision
9 01/10/2022

10 08/22/2022
11 01/12/2023

Rev. 11 xii 01/12/2023


CHAPTER 1: Course Policy

Attendance Expectations ................................................................................................................................................. 2
No-Show/Late Cancel Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Text Material Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Simulator Lesson Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Coordinating with Instructors....................................................................................................................................... 3

Rev. 11 1 01/12/2023

Attendance Expectations
Please refer to the course syllabus for classroom attendance expectations. For simulator
sessions, attendance of at least one event per week is expected. If scheduling conflicts with
your instructor prevent this, please advise the course professor.
Crews are expected to arrive early. If a briefing begins at 0800, students should arrive no
later than 0745. Instructors expect students to have utilized the student simulator
workbook to adequately prepare for the lesson. If you are not present and ready to begin at
0800, it is considered a no-show.
Crews who arrive without the prerequisite knowledge expected may be asked to leave and
have the lesson rescheduled. A fee will be charged to cover instructor time of up to 4

No-Show/Late Cancel Policy

Students are held responsible for no-shows and late cancellations for simulator sessions. A
no-show is defined as not being present at the start of the scheduled training block without
prior coordination with the instructor. If a student no-shows a lesson, they will be charged
an instructor fee of up to 4 hours for the first occurrence. The second occurrence will
result in a full 4-hour charge for both instructor and simulator time. A third occurrence
will result in a full 4-hour charge for both instructor and simulator time, and all further
training will be discontinued until a meeting is arranged with the course professor.
If a student must cancel a lesson, it should be done no later than 24 hours prior to the
lesson. It is understandable that this cannot always be done, and all cancellations less than
24 hours will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Text Material Overview

Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) – this manual presents students with all relevant
information required to operate the CRJ-700 for Blue Raider Airlines. This includes
company policy, aircraft operating information, flight crew procedures/flows, aircraft
systems, operational specifications, and flight crew training information.
Student Simulator Workbook – this workbook is designed to aid students through the
simulator training program. General information and lesson specific information can be
found in this workbook. Each lesson contains study materials, reference marks,
worksheets, and lesson paperwork to help students’ study appropriately before each
lesson. Students are expected to complete each lesson’s worksheet prior to arrival.
Normal Checklist – Each student is given a normal checklist that can be used to take notes
and practice with. During each lesson, a laminated checklist is provided to the students.
Emergency Checklist – a laminated card located in the flight deck that has critical, time-
sensitive items for flight crew to complete during emergency situations.

Rev. 11 2 01/12/2023
Quick Reference Handbook – a book of procedures located in the flight deck to aid
students in diagnosing and solving abnormal and emergency situations and failures.

Simulator Lesson Structure

Simulator lessons are all four hours in length. The simulator time slots available are: 0800
to 1200, 1200 to 1600, 1600 to 2000, 2000 to 0000. If a student and instructor mutually
agree, training may also be conducted between 0400 to 0800 or 0000 to 0400.
Each lesson begins with an approximate 30 to 45-minute briefing, approximately 3 hours of
simulator training, and followed by a 15 to 30-minute debriefing. Please allow additional
time at the end of the lesson for a thorough debriefing. If you are scheduled to meet from
0800 to 1200, do not schedule a flight at 1200 or have a class on campus that begins at
There are a total of 7 lessons:
Procedures Trainer: cockpit familiarity, flows practice, FMS & ACARS Training.
Maneuvers Trainer 1: normal takeoffs and landings, ILS approaches, basic flight
maneuvers, engine malfunctions.
Maneuvers Trainer 2: Non-precision approaches, missed approaches, icing conditions.
Maneuvers Validation: a test on all flight maneuvers covered in PT1, MT1, MT2. Must pass
to proceed to next phase.
Line Operational Simulation 1 & 2. Each lesson is a simulated flight between two airports
that engages students to solve problems faced in a normal operating environment.
Line Operational Evaluation: Final Exam for the course. Simulated flight between two

Coordinating with Instructors

It is the responsibility of the crew’s designated Captain to establish and maintain contact
with their assigned instructor(s).
If a crew is unable to contact an instructor, it is their responsibility to contact the course
professor or attempt to contact a different simulator instructor.
Most of the simulator instructors are active airline pilots – as such, it is imperative to
communicate your availability and schedule simulator lessons well in advance. Attempting
to schedule sessions less than a week in advance is extremely difficult.
Contact your instructor early and often, have an open availability, and attempt to schedule
2 to 3 lessons at a time several weeks in advance. This is key to ensuring an on-time
completion of the course.

Rev. 11 3 01/12/2023

CHAPTER 2: Limitations
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
General Limitations ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Maneuvering Limit Load Factors............................................................................................................................. 8
Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Kinds of Operations....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Aircraft Approach Category ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Weight and Balance Limitations ................................................................................................................................... 8
Structural Weights......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Cargo Loading Limits.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Passenger Door ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Airspeed Limitations ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Flaps Extended Speeds ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed ........................................................................................................... 8
Turbulence Penetration .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Windshield Wiper Operation .................................................................................................................................... 8
Maximum Tire Limit Speed........................................................................................................................................ 8
Operating Limitations ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Wind Components ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Maximum Pressure Altitude...................................................................................................................................... 9
Maximum Operating Altitude ................................................................................................................................... 9
Temperature Limitations ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Land and Hold Short (LAHSO) .................................................................................................................................. 9
Runway Slope .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Cargo Restriction ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Taxi Lights ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Crew Oxygen .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Air Conditioning & Pressurization............................................................................................................................... 9
Pressure Cabin ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Auto-Flight ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Autopilot Usage............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Autopilot Disconnect Methods ............................................................................................................................... 10

Rev. 11 4 01/12/2023
Electrical Power ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
AC & DC Loading........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Circuit Breaker Reset ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Hydraulics ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Approaches ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum Descent Altitude ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Traffic Collision Avoidance System ...................................................................................................................... 10
Ice and Rain Protection .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Cowl Anti-Ice System.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Wing Anti-Ice System ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Pneumatic System ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Super-Cooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing ............................................................................................................ 11
Cold Weather Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Auxiliary Power Unit ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
APU Start ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
APU Bleed Air ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
APU Indications ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
APU Generator .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Flight Controls.................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Slats/Flaps ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Flight Spoilers................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Power Plant ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Description ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Warm-Up .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Oil Temperature ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Oil Pressure .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Continuous Ignition .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Reduced (Flex) Thrust Takeoff............................................................................................................................... 12
Engine Starter Limits.................................................................................................................................................. 12
ITT Limit .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Thrust Reversers .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel Load ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Rev. 11 5 01/12/2023
Fuel Quantities .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Go Around Fuel ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Fuel Temperature ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Fuel Crossflow ............................................................................................................................................................... 13

Rev. 11 6 01/12/2023

The limitations in this chapter were reproduced from the Bombardier Airplane Flight
Manual and contain items specific to the CL600, model 2C10 (CRJ700) aircraft. Observance
of these limitations is mandatory.
Items that are preceded by or followed by “(Company)” are more restrictive, company-
imposed limitations.
Items that are highlighted yellow indicate a limitation that affects aircraft operations.
Pilots must be familiar with these limitations and be able to recall them from memory.
Note: This manual is intended for training purposes only for use within the MTSU
AERO4250 Training Course.

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 7 01/12/2023

General Limitations
Maneuvering Limit Load Factors Passenger Door
Flaps Up -1.0g to 2.5g No more than 4 people or 1,000 total pounds is
Flaps Down 0.0g to 2.0g authorized on the passenger door loading stairs.

Dimensions Airspeed Limitations

Wingspan 76ft 3in Maximum Operating Speed (RVSM): Mach 0.83

Tail Height 24ft 4in Flaps Extended Speeds

The maximum speeds at which flaps may be
Length 106ft 8in
extended are:
Kinds of Operations Flaps to 1° 230 KIAS
The CRJ-700 is a transport category aircraft approved Flaps to 8° 230 KIAS
for flight in the following conditions:
Flaps to 20° 230 KIAS
- Day and Night Flaps to 30° 185 KIAS
- VFR and IFR Flaps to 45° 170 KIAS
- Flight into Known Icing (FIKI)
Aircraft Approach Category Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed
The CRJ-700 is a category “C” aircraft when Landing Gear Extension 220 KIAS
determining instrument approach criteria. Landing Gear Retraction 200 KIAS
Landing Gear Down and 220 KIAS
Weight and Balance Limitations Locked
Structural Weights
Description Weight Turbulence Penetration
Maximum Ramp Weight 75,250 Maximum speed 280 KIAS or 0.75 IMN,
(MRW) during turbulent whichever is slower.
Maximum Takeoff Weight 75,000 operations.
Maximum Landing 67,000 Windshield Wiper Operation
Weight (MLW) Maximum Wiper 250 KIAS
Maximum Zero Fuel 62,300 Operation Speed
Weight (MZFW) Maximum speed if 250 KIAS
Minimum Flight Weight 42,000 wiper fails in non-
Note: MTOW and/or MLW may be further limited due parked position
to performance considerations.
Cargo Loading Limits Maximum Tire Limit Speed
Compartment Weight Limit Maximum tire speed 182 knots ground
Aft 3,650 (Company) speed
Forward 1,000

Rev. 11 8 01/12/2023

Operating Limitations
Wind Components Cargo Restriction
Maximum Tailwind 10 Flights must be operated within 60 minutes of a
Maximum Crosswind (Dry 30 suitable airport if cargo is carried in the cargo
Runway) compartment.
Maximum Crosswind (Wet 27
Runway) Taxi Lights
Maximum Crosswind (RCC 3 or The taxi light must be switched OFF whenever
less OR on a Contaminated 20 the airplane is stationary in excess of 10
Runway) minutes.
Note: The above are steady state maximums. The
effects of gusts shall be considered. Crew Oxygen
The table below outlines the minimum oxygen
Maximum Pressure Altitude requirements for dispatch.
Takeoff 8,000 ft
Landing 8,000 ft Crew Members CRJ700
Maximum Operating Altitude 2 807
Max Operating Altitude 41,000 ft 3 1107
Temperature Limitations
Maximum ambient temperature ISA +35°C Air Conditioning & Pressurization
for takeoff and landing
Pressure Cabin
Minimum ambient temperature -40°C
for takeoff Max differential pressure (Diff-P): 8.7psi
Max single pack operation altitude: 31,000ft
Cabin Altitude Caution: 8,500ft
Land and Hold Short (LAHSO) Cabin Altitude Warning: 10,000ft
The CRJ700 is a group 7 aircraft for LAHSO. CPCP Pax Oxygen Mask Deploy: 14,000+/-300ft
CPCP Pax Signs Auto On: 8,500ft
The minimum runway distance available for Emer Depress Switch Limiter: 14,500+/-500ft
LAHSO operations can be found below.
AP SL- 2000- 4000- 6000- Auto-Flight
ELEV 1999 3999 5999 7999 Autopilot Usage
RWY 6000 6200 6400 6600 Operation with the autopilot engaged is
Distance prohibited at altitudes below 600 ft AGL, except
when performing the following:
Runway Slope
- Visual Approach: 400 ft AGL
The maximum runway slopes approved for takeoff
- Non-Precision Approach: 400 ft AGL
and landing are:
- ILS Approach: 80ft AGL
Uphill +2%
Downhill -2%

Rev. 11 9 01/12/2023

Autopilot Disconnect Methods Hydraulics

Normal Pressure 2950-3050psi
Normal Disconnects
Low Pressure <1800psi
1. Red AP/SP disc. switch on yoke pressed.
2. TOGA switches pressed. High Pressure >3200psi
3. AP ENG switch on FCP pressed. Pressure Relive Valve 3750psi
4. STAB Trim is operated.
5. AP Disc Switch bar on FCP is lowered. Normal Reservoir Level 45%-85%
High Temp. Caution 93°-96°C
Abnormal Disconnects:
1. Yaw Damp Disc. switch pressed. Note: ADG powers ACMP 3B regardless of switch
2. One FCC Fails. position.
3. Both yaw dampers fail.
4. Gen 2 has a hard transfer (IE Number 2
Engine Failure).

Electrical Power Navigation

AC Loading Approaches
Use of the LPV and LNAV/VNAV approaches are not
Individual AC generator loading must not exceed authorized.
the following values:
Altitude Main Gen APU Gen
0 to 41,000ft 40 KVA 40KVA Minimum Descent Altitude
When setting the MDA marker on the PFD, the next
AC & DC Loading highest 10-foot increment must be selected during
In flight, the maximum permissible load on each precision approaches and CANPA non-precision
TRU is 120 amps. There are four (4) total TRUs. approaches.
To protect cockpit CRT displays, the maximum
permissible time for ground operations with DC
power only is five (5) minutes. Traffic Collision Avoidance System
Pilots are authorized to deviate from an ATC
Circuit Breaker Reset clearance to comply with a TCAS resolution advisory
A circuit breaker must not be reset or cycled in (RA) command. Prompt notification to ATC is
flight unless doing so is consistent with explicit necessary.
procedures in the QRH, or unless in the judgement
of the PIC, resetting or cycling of the breaker is
necessary for safe completion of the flight.

Rev. 11 10 01/12/2023

Ice and Rain Protection

Super-Cooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing
Cowl Anti-Ice System Continuous operations in SLD icing is prohibited.
Ground Operation SLD icing is indicated by ice accretion on the
Must be selected ON when OAT is 10°C or below AND flight compartment side windows. Leave SLD
visible moisture is present (fog with a visibility less icing when encountered.
than 1 mile, rain, snow, sleet, etc).
Must be selected ON when OAT is 10°C or below when
operating on runways, taxiways, or ramps with snow,
ice, or slush present. Cold Weather Operations
Takeoff is prohibited with frost, ice, snow, or
Flight Operation
slush adhering to any critical surface. (wings,
Icing conditions exist in flight when the TAT is 10°C or winglets, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer,
less and visible moisture is present, unless the SAT is
-40°C or less. control surfaces, engine inlets).

Cowl anti-ice must be ON anytime in icing conditions

OR anytime the ICE message is annunciated by the ice
detection system. Auxiliary Power Unit
Wing Anti-Ice System
Ground Operations APU Start
No more than three start attempts per hour is
The wing anti-ice system must be ON for takeoff when
permitted. Observe a two-minute cool down
the OAT is 5°C or below and visible moisture is
between start attempts.
present (fog with a visibility less than 1 mile, rain,
snow, sleet, etc). APU Bleed Air
Bleed air extraction is not permitted above
Flight Operations
25,000 feet.
Icing conditions exist in flight when the TAT is 10°C or
APU Indications
less and visible moisture is present, unless the SAT is
Indication Red Limit Normal Range
-40°C or less.
APU EGT °C 807 0 to 806
Wing anti-ice must be ON when in icing conditions and APU RPM% 107 0 to 106
airspeed is less than 230 KIAS OR anytime the ICE
message is annunciated by the ice detection system.
APU Generator
Do not hold in icing conditions with flaps extended. Maximum load is 40KVA up to 41,000 feet.
Pneumatic System
Wing and/or cowl anti-ice selection is prohibited with
the APU selected as a bleed source in manual mode.

Rev. 11 11 01/12/2023

Flight Controls Continuous Ignition

Slats/Flaps Continuous ignition must be ON during the
- En-route use of slats/flaps is prohibited. following:

- Maximum altitude for slats/flaps extension - Takeoffs and landings on contaminated

is 15,000 feet.
- Takeoffs and landings when windshear is
Flight Spoilers present.
- Minimum altitude for spoiler usage: 1000 - Flight through moderate or heavier rain
AGL - Flight through moderate or heavier
- Flight spoilers should not be used at speeds
- Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms
below Vref+10 for current configuration.
Reduced (Flex) Thrust Takeoff
Power Plant Flex thrust takeoffs are not authorized:
Engine Description - If wing and/or cowl anti-ice are in use.
Two tail-mounted General Electric CF34-8C1 - On contaminated runways
- When windshear is reported or forecast
Each produces 13,790 lbs. of thrust.
- When anti-skid is inoperative
Engine Warm-Up Note: flex thrust procedures may be used on
Engines must remain at IDLE until oil pressure is wet runways, provided that wet performance
in the normal range. data is used, and the runway is not
Do not exceed 75% N1 for two minutes after start. contaminated with 1/8-inch standing water
or more.
Oil Temperature
Min. Oil Temp. -40°C Engine Starter Limits
Max Continuous Temp +155°C
Start Attempt Max Time On Followed By
Max Permissible Temp +163°C (15 min. max)
1&2 90 Seconds 10 seconds
Oil Pressure cool down
Steady state idle 25 psi minimum
3 through 5 90 Seconds 5 minutes cool
Takeoff power 45 psi minimum down
Max continuous power 95 psi maximum Flight
Start Attempt Max Time On Followed By
- 1 120 seconds 10 seconds
cool down
2 through 5 60 seconds 5 minutes cool

Rev. 11 12 01/12/2023

ITT Limit Fuel Temperature

Prior to thrust lever movement from SHUT OFF to Takeoff with engine fuel temperature indications
IDLE, the ITT must be 120°C or less for ground below 5°C is prohibited.
starts OR 90°C or less for air starts.
Takeoff with bulk fuel temperature indications
Thrust Reversers below -30°C is prohibited.
Do not attempt a go around maneuver after thrust
reverser deployment.
Fuel Crossflow
During landing, maximum reverse thrust is
Powered crossflow and gravity crossflow must be
prohibited below 75 KIAS, and reverse idle should
OFF for takeoff
be achieved by 60 KIAS.

Note: When in automatic mode, the fuel system

Fuel computer initiates fuel crossflow upon detecting a
fuel imbalance of 200 pounds between main tanks.
Fuel Load Auto crossflow will stop when the low tank reaches
Maximum Fuel Imbalance between wings: 50 pounds higher than the other.

- Takeoff: 300 pounds

- All other Phases: 800 pounds

Takeoff with fuel load in excess of 500 lbs. in the

center tank is not permitted, unless each wing tank
is above 4,400 lbs.
Fuel Quantities
Pressure Gravity
Left Main 7,492 lbs. 7,405 lbs.
Right Main 7,492 lbs. 7,405 lbs.
Center 4,610 lbs. N.A.
Total 19,594 lbs. 14,810 lbs.

Go Around Fuel
The minimum go around fuel per wing is 600
pounds (1200 pounds total).

Rev. 11 13 01/12/2023

CHAPTER 3: Normal Procedures

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Types of Normal Checklists ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Normal Checklist Descriptions.................................................................................................................................... 17
PREFLIGHT CHECK ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
BEFORE START CHECK ............................................................................................................................................. 17
PUSHBACK CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
START CHECK................................................................................................................................................................ 18
AFTER START CHECK ................................................................................................................................................ 18
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 19
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 19
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK .......................................................................................................................................... 20
CLIMB CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
EN ROUTE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
DESCENT CHECK.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
APPROACH CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
LANDING CHECK .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
AFTER LANDING CHECK........................................................................................................................................... 21
SHUTDOWN CHECK .................................................................................................................................................... 22
EXIT CHECK .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
SECURE CHECK ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Amplified Procedures ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
PREFLIGHT CHECK (R/D) ........................................................................................................................................ 23
BEFORE START CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................ 26
PUSHBACK CHECK (C/R).......................................................................................................................................... 29
START CHECKLIST (SILENT) .................................................................................................................................. 30
AFTER START CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................... 32
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK (C/R)........................................................................................................................... 33
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK (C/R)........................................................................................................................... 35
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK (SILENT) ...................................................................................................................... 38
CLIMB CHECK (C/R) ................................................................................................................................................... 39
CRUISE CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 39

Rev. 11 14 01/12/2023
DESCENT CHECK (C/R) ............................................................................................................................................. 40
APPROACH CHECK (C/R) ......................................................................................................................................... 41
LANDING CHECK (C/R) ............................................................................................................................................. 42
AFTER LANDING CHECK (SILENT) ...................................................................................................................... 43
SHUTDOWN CHECK (R/D)....................................................................................................................................... 44
EXIT CHECK (R/D) ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
SECURE CHECK (R/D)................................................................................................................................................ 46
Flows Reference Sheet.................................................................................................................................................... 47
BEFORE START CHECK ............................................................................................................................................. 47
PUSHBACK CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
AFTER START CHECK ................................................................................................................................................ 48
FLAPS 8 (20) TAXI CHECK ....................................................................................................................................... 48
BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK (TO THE LINE & BELOW THE LINE)............................................................. 48
AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK .......................................................................................................................................... 49
CLIMB CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ 49
EN-ROUTE RESPONSIBLITIES ................................................................................................................................ 49
DESCENT CHECK.......................................................................................................................................................... 49
APPROACH CHECK ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
LANDING CHECK .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
AFTER LANDING CHECK........................................................................................................................................... 50

Rev. 11 15 01/12/2023

This section will discuss in detail the procedures contained in the Normal Checklist. The
Normal Checklist is used by the flight crew to operate the aircraft during normal
conditions. During normal operations, the CA or PF will call for all checklists, and the FO or
PM will read all checklists.
The Normal Checklist contains the following markings to aid in clarification:
C - Captain
F - First Officer
AC – Accomplishing Crew Member – Pilot who accomplishes the task
C&F – Both Captain and First Officer respond to the checklist challenge
* - First Flight of the Day item – only to be accomplished during the aircraft’s first flight of
the day
PM: Pilot Monitoring - Pilot not flying the aircraft
PF: Pilot Flying - Pilot flying the aircraft
- Items denoted with this symbol are referred to as the “Boxed Items” and are to be re-
accomplished should the crew be assigned a different runway for takeoff or landing or a
different SID for departure.
Types of Normal Checklists
Read and Do – Checklist items should be completed as they are read. There is not a flow
associated with this type of checklist. The person who performs the checklist will call the
checklist complete.
Challenge and Reply – Checklist is called for by the CA (on ground) or PF (in flight). Some
checklist items are completed using a flow prior to reading the checklist. The checklist is
then read aloud, and items are confirmed complete. When on the ground, the FO will read
all checklist items, and in flight the PM will read all checklist items. The response part of
each item will depend on which crewmember is designated on the checklist (C, F, PF, PM,
C&F). Some items require both crewmembers to respond, in which case the challenged
crewmember will respond first, followed by the challenger (checklist reader).
Silent – Checklist is called for by the CA or PF and then completed using a flow. Checklist
items are not read aloud. The person completing the flow will verify the items are
complete using the checklist and call the checklist complete.
Once complete, all checklists are verbally called complete. For example: When the BEFORE
START CHECK is complete, the FO will state “BEFORE START CHECK COMPLETE.”

Rev. 11 16 01/12/2023

Normal Checklist Descriptions

This section describes each normal checklist, when it should be completed, and the trigger
associated to accomplish the tasks. For a more detailed description of each checklist item,
see the Amplified Procedures in this chapter.

This check is used to establish AC power, hydraulics, and bleed air on the aircraft. It can be
completed by either pilot, depending on who arrives at the aircraft first. This is a read and
do check.
FLOW TRIGGER: None. This is a read and do checklist.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Crew arrival at the aircraft and as assigned by the CA
CA – “Preflight Check”
CA or FO – “Preflight Check complete”


This check is completed prior to every flight. Prior to running this check, the crew should
have the weather, clearance, FMS loaded, performance data set from dispatch/ACARS
(speeds and trims), and departure briefing complete. Flow items are performed prior to
the CA calling for this challenge and reply check. It must be completed prior to pushback or
engine start.
Ensure the following is completed:
ATIS and ATC clearance received
FMS loaded and verified by both pilots (FPLN and LEGS pages)
Performance data set (V-speeds, weights, and trims)
FLOW TRIGGER: PF states “Departure briefing complete”
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: CA completes his/her flow items, then calls for checklist.
CA – “Before Start Check”
FO – “Before Start Check complete”

Rev. 11 17 01/12/2023
This check is completed after all exterior doors and the flight deck door are closed and
before aircraft movement for pushback. The pilots will complete their flows for this check
when the flight attendant states “The cabin is ready for pushback” and closes the flight deck

FLOW TRIGGER: Captain calls for checklist. (Exterior doors and flight deck door closed)

CHECKLIST TRIGGER : CA completes his/her flows, then calls for checklist.

CA – “Pushback Check”

FO – “Pushback Check complete”

CA – makes intercom contact with pushback crew. When cleared or ready to pushback, the CA
relays to pushback crew, “Brakes released, cleared to push.”

Once pushback has stopped the pushback crew will announce “Pushback complete, set
brakes.” The CA will respond, “Brakes set, cleared to disconnect.”

This check is completed once the ground crew grants permission to start engines.
Normally, the number 2 (right) engine is started first.

FLOW TRIGGER: There are no flows.



This check is completed after the CA calls for the After Start Check following the successful
and stabilized start of both engines. It is completed to prepare the aircraft for taxi. Once
both pilots’ flows are complete, the FO will start reading this challenge and reply check.

FLOW TRIGGER: Engine start complete, engines stabilized, then FO announces “Engine
Start Check Complete” Note: CA must wait for pushback to complete and brakes set prior to
beginning his/her flow.

CHECKLIST TRIGGER: CA completes his/her flows and calls for the checklist.

CA – “After Start Check”

FO – “After Start Check complete”

Rev. 11 18 01/12/2023
This check is completed just prior to taxi, and it helps configure the aircraft for takeoff. It is
critical that this check is always stated with the flaps setting needed for takeoff. Done
correctly, there will be several opportunities for the flaps to be verified at their correct
FLOW TRIGGER: CA calls for the checklist. (Flow done when checklist is called).
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Pushback complete, checklist read prior to aircraft movement.
CA – “Flaps 8 (20) Taxi Check”
FO – “Flaps 8 (20) Taxi Check complete”


This check is used to make final preparations for takeoff. This check is divided into two
parts. Both parts of this check are performed as a challenge and reply.
TO THE LINE – This portion of the check is performed when in the vicinity of the departure
runway. The check should be complete before the aircraft reaches the runway hold short
line. Prior to calling for this part, the FO must ensure the flight attendant is ready for
departure; this will be accomplished by making a PA announcement. Flows items are
performed after the CA calls for this portion of the check.
FLOW TRIGGER: CA calls for the checklist.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: CA calls for checklist when in the vicinity of the departure runway.
CA – “Before Takeoff Check to the line”
FO – “Before Takeoff Check to the line complete”

BELOW THE LINE – The CA calls for these items when cleared onto the active runway for
departure. Flow items are performed after the check is called for.
FLOW TRIGGER: CA calls for the checklist.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: CA calls for checklist when crossing runway hold-short line.
CA – “Before Takeoff Check below the line”
FO – “Before Takeoff Check below the line complete”

Rev. 11 19 01/12/2023
This is a silent check accomplished by the PM after the PF calls for the flaps to be fully
retracted above 1000’ AGL.
FLOW TRIGGER: PF calls for flaps up.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: PF calls for after takeoff checklist, read silently once flow complete.
PF – “Flaps up, After Takeoff Check”
PM – “After Takeoff Check complete”

This check is designed to configure the aircraft for the en-route climb segments. The PF
will call for the check. Flow items are completed before the checklist is called for. This is a
challenge and response check.
FLOW TRIGGER: Climbing through 18.000 MSL.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Climbing through 18.000 MSL, PF calls for the checklist.
PF – “Climb Check”
PM – “Climb Check complete”

While no checklist exists for en route operations, crews have several responsibilities and
duties during cruise. Refer to the amplified procedures in this chapter or the flight
procedures/profiles chapter 4.

This check is called for by the PF when descending through 18,000 ft. MSL. This check is
used to ensure the aircraft and flight crew are ready for the final descent phase. Flow items
should be performed prior to calling for this challenge and reply check.
FLOW TRIGGER: Descending through 18,000’ MSL
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Descending through 18,000’ MSL, PF calls for the checklist.
PF – “Descent Check”
PM – “Descent Check complete”

Rev. 11 20 01/12/2023
This check is called for by the PF when the aircraft is descending through 10,000 ft. MSL.
This checklist signals the beginning of sterile cockpit. Flow items should be completed
before the checklist is called for. This is a challenge and reply checklist.

FLOW TRIGGER: Descending through 10,000` MS, PF calls for the checklist.

CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Descending through 10,000` MSL

PF – “Approach Check”

PM – “Approach Check complete”

The PF calls for this check immediately following the selection of Flaps 45. It is the final
step in configuring the aircraft for landing. Flow items should be completed before reading
the checklist. This is a challenge and reply checklist.

FLOW TRIGGER: PF calls for “Flaps 45”.

CHECKLIST TRIGGER: “Flaps 45, Landing Checklist”

PF – “Flaps 45, Landing Check”

PM – “Landing Check complete”


The CA will call for this silent check when the aircraft is clear of the active runway after
landing. This checklist reconfigures the aircraft after landing and prepares it to taxi to the
gate. The FO will perform this check as a silent checklist (read and do).

FLOW TRIGGER: CA calls for the after landing check.

CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Once airplane is ENTIRELY clear of the runway, CA calls for the after
landing check.

CA – “Flaps Up, After Landing Check”

FO – “After Landing Check complete”

Rev. 11 21 01/12/2023
This check is used to shut the aircraft engines down after arriving at the gate. The CA will
perform this read and do check after setting the parking brake and receiving the chocks in
signal from the ground crew.
FLOW TRIGGER: None. This is a read and do check.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: After brakes are set and chocks in signal has been received from the
ground crew
CA – “Shutdown Check”
FO – “Shutdown Check complete”

This check is used to configure the aircraft if both crewmembers are going to leave the
aircraft for a short period of time, or if a crew change will occur while the aircraft is left
unattended. This check configures the aircraft to remain unattended without the
possibility of loss of AC power discharging the emergency lights power source. The CA or
F/O will perform this read and do check.
FLOW TRIGGER: None. This is a read and do check.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Aircraft will be left unattended for a brief period of time AND AC
power is available.
CA – “Exit Check”
CA or FO – “Exit Check complete”

This check is used to secure the aircraft if both crewmembers are going to leave the aircraft
for an extended period of time, such as an RON (remain overnight). This check configures
the aircraft to be completely shutdown, including any systems that may drain the on-board
DC batteries. AC power may still be connected to the aircraft and used via the service
configuration for cabin cleaning and servicing. The CA or F/O will perform this read and do
FLOW TRIGGER: None. This is a read and do check.
CHECKLIST TRIGGER: Aircraft left unattended for lengthy time OR AC power unavailable.
CA – “Secure Check”
CA or FO – “Exit Check complete”

Rev. 11 22 01/12/2023

Amplified Procedures


AIRCRAFT LOGBOOK & DOCUMENTS (AC)…………………….………………..…………….checked

Ensure the airworthiness, registration, immediate action item cards, QRH, and speed cards
are onboard.
EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (AC)…………………………………….……………………..…..……...checked
Ensure all flight deck emergency equipment is present and in proper condition. This
includes the halon fire extinguisher, crash ax, PBE, life vests, and flash lights.
GEAR & SAFETY PINS (AC)…………………………………………….…….…………………………on board
Ensure all three gear safety pins are removed from landing gear and located in the flight
CIRCUIT BREAKERS (AC)…………………………………….…………………………………...............closed
Ensure all circuit breakers are closed unless opened due to a maintenance deferral.
NOSE WHEEL STEERING (AC)………………………………………………….…………………..…………OFF
Ensure the NWS steering switch is in the OFF position.
LANDING GEAR LEVER (AC)…………………………………………………………….……................DOWN
Ensure the landing gear lever is down and that all landing gear indications are green.
THRUST REVERSERS (AC)………………………………………………………………………………..ARMED
Move the switches from OFF to ARM for the Left and Right Thrust Reversers.
Confirm the following advisory messages appear on ED 2: “L REV ARMED” and “R REV
SPOILER LEVER (AC)……………………………………….……………………………………….RETRACTED
Ensure the spoiler lever is fully retracted. The retracted position is full forward.
FLAP LEVER (AC)……………………………………….............................................................................0
Ensure the flap lever is set to actual flap position. This should be at the 0-degree position,
but if the flaps were left at 20 degrees for icing conditions, or any other position, select
their current position.
RADAR (AC)…………………………………………………………………………….………………………..OFF
Ensure the radar switch is in the off position.

Rev. 11 23 01/12/2023
ADG MANUAL RELEASE HANDLE (AC)…………………………………………………………....STOWED
Ensure the ADG switch is guarded and in the stowed position.
BATTERY MASTER SWITCH (AC)…………………………………………….…………………………...….ON
Turn the batter master switch into the on position.
NAV LIGHTS (AC)………………………………………………………………………………………………….…ON
Turn the NAV lights on using NAV light switch.
FIRE DETECTION TEST (AC)………………………………………………………………………..…complete
The crew must complete a FIREX Fire Detection Test prior to each operational segment.
Press and hold the FIRE DETECTION TEST button on the overhead panel. Observe the
following indications:
➢ FIRE SYS OK advisory message.
➢ Both MASTER WARNING lights on.
➢ LH and RH ENG FIRE PUSH lights on.
➢ APU FIRE PUSH light on.
➢ BOTTLE 1 and 2 ARMED – PUSH TO DISCH lights on
➢ FWD and AFT CARGO SMOKE PUSH lights on
APU/AC ELECTRICS (AC)…………………………………………………………………..…………...establish
To establish AC power to the aircraft, the aircraft must be connected to ground power or
the aircraft’s APU must be started. If the aircraft has ground power, simply press the
illuminated AC ground power switch. If the APU is to be utilized, use the following
procedure to start it.
Verify 22 minimum volts in the APU and Main Battery on the DC synoptic page
APU GEN Switch………………………………………………………………………………….………….………AUTO
APU PWR FUEL PBA……………………………………………………………………..….…………….……..Press In
Check for the following messages on the Status page:
APU START/STOP PBA…………………………………………………….…………………….….………..Press In

Rev. 11 24 01/12/2023
Check for the following:
➢ “START” PBA light on
➢ “APU START” on the Status page
At 50%RPM, the “START” light extinguishes, and the “APU START” start
message extinguishes. At 99% RPM + 2 seconds, the “AVAIL” light PBA Illuminates.
The “AVAIL” light PBA indicates the APU is available for electrical loading.
Check for the following:
➢ AC and DC Synoptic pages show all busses are powered

HYD PUMP 3A (AC)………………………………………………………………………………………………..ON

HYD PUMP 3A switch….………………………………………………………………………………..ON
This provides adequate pressure for parking brakes.
Ensure both L & R PACK Switches are ON. Ensure BLEED AIR PANEL is selected to AUTO.
CARGO FAN (AC)….………………………………………………………………………………..……..COND AIR
Cargo Fan switch…………………………………………………………………………….COND AIR
RECIRCULATION FAN (AC)….……………………………………………………………………..……………ON
Recirc Fan switch……………………………………………………………….……………………ON
Note: During cabin TEMPS exceeding 30°C, turn the RECIRC FAN to OFF to enhance cooling.
YAW DAMPER/STAB & MACH TRIM (AC)……………………………………………………..ENGAGED
Yaw Damper 1&2 and Stab & Mach Trim PBA switches……………………………….ENGAGED
➢ Verify the Yaw Damper, Stab Trim, and Mach Trim Caution messages are gone from
➢ If only 1 Yaw Damper is engaged, a YD 1 or YD 2 Status message may be present on
ED 2.
PARKING BRAKE (AC)…………………………………………………..…………………………………………ON
Check that the Parking Brake Advisory message is illuminated on ED 2.
FMS POSITION INITIALIZATION (AC)………………………………..…………………….…….complete
Ensure the FMS is initialized, and position agrees with airport location. Initialization
should be accomplished by referencing the departure airport coordinates (as supplied by

Rev. 11 25 01/12/2023
the FMS database) and copying them into the set position data reference field under POS
ACARS INITIALIZATION (AC)………………………………..…………………….…….complete
Complete initialization request in ACARS. Refer to FCOM Ch.4 ACARS for detailed

FMS (C)……………………………………………………………………………………………..………….…………set
Ensure FMS is programmed. Verification of the flight plan and legs should be conducted by
both pilots.
PREFLIGHT (C)………………………………………………….………………….……………………….complete
Ensure preflight walk around is completed and gear pins are removed
DEPARTURE BRIEFING (C)…………………………………………………………..………………..complete
The departure briefing will be completed by whoever is going to fly that particular leg (PF).
The CA will always call the briefing complete when running the checklist. The briefing
should include the items listed on the briefing sheet and include any specific threats to
safety during the flight.
Utilization of the departure briefing guide is recommended, with the format of “WARTS” to
assist in covering all required
FLIGHT CONTROL PANEL (C)…………………………………………………………..........………………..set
Ensure this panel is set for the flight.
➢ Expected heading should be selected with the heading bug. If the heading is
unknown, it best practice to set the runway heading of the expected departure
➢ Set the altitude as stated in the ATC clearance or the top altitude in the assigned SID.
➢ Set the speed bug to V2 plus 15
➢ XFR Switch: If the CA is the PF, select the XFR switch on the FCP so that the arrow
points to the left. If the FO is the PF, select the XFR switch so that the arrow points
to the right.
NOTE: The only lights illuminated on the FCP if configured properly will be those for the XFR
switch IF the FO is the PF for that leg.
PRESSURIZATION (C)………………………………………………………………………………………set
Select the destination field elevation on the status page using LDG ELEV knob on the CABIN
PRESS panel.

Rev. 11 26 01/12/2023
WINDSHIELD HEAT (C)…………………………………………………………………………………….LOW
Both L & R Windshield Heat Switches…………………………………………………..LOW
PROBES (C)………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….ON
Both L & R Probes Switches…………………………………………………………….…ON
EMERGENCY LIGHTS (C)………………………………………………………….……………………….ARMED
The crew will confirm that the emergency lights switch is selected to the armed position.
Ensure that the emergency lights OFF light is not illuminated and that there is no EICAS
“EMER LTS OFF” caution message displayed on the primary page or “EMER LTS ON” status
message displayed on the status page.
PASSENGER SIGNS (C)……………………………………………………….…………………………………….ON
NO SMKG and SEAT BELTS Switches..........................................................................................ON
On the status page, note the “NO SMOKING” and “SEAT BELTS” Status messages
STERILE LIGHT (C)……………………………………………………………………………………….…………ON
Sterile Light Switch………………………………………………………………………………………….ON
HYDRAULIC PUMPS (C)………………………………………………….………………………….….AUTO/ON
Hydraulic Pump Switches 1B, 3B, 2B......................................................................................AUTO
Hydraulic Pump Switch 3A................................................................................................................ON
RADIOS/NAVAIDS/TCAS (C&F)………………………………………………………………………..……...set
All navigation radios and courses are set for departure. In addition, ensure the TCAS is
selected on.
COM 1 is used for ATC communications. COM 2 is used for company, ATIS, etc.
TCAS should be selected to the following sub-modes via the RTUs: AUTO; ALT:REL,
CREW O2 & MASKS (C&F) ……………………….…………..……………………..…………………..checked
The crew must complete the crew O2 mask test before each flight.
Check the oxygen system as follows:
Check that the oxygen supply, pressure, and quantity are sufficient for flight and that the
OXY LO PRESS caution message is extinguished.
The oxygen masks/smoke goggles must be checked for proper functionality.
This is accomplished by using the PRESS-TO-TEST and RESET lever to check that:

Rev. 11 27 01/12/2023
➢ The flow indicator indicates proper oxygen flow.
➢ The oxygen flow system is fully operational.
➢ The oxygen flow sound
ALTIMETERS (C&F)……………………………………………………...…………………………..……___, x-ckd
The CA sets and cross-checks the left and center barometric settings and altimeter
The FO sets and cross-checks the right barometric setting and altimeter reading.
Both pilots should verify the barometric settings and altimeter readings of all three
CA...............................................................................................................................”30.01, cross-checked”
FO...............................................................................................................................”30.01, cross-checked”

FUEL (C&F)………………………………………………………………………….…..…___ RAMP, ___on board

Both pilots will verify RAMP fuel is on board and meets or exceeds the amount listed on the
dispatch release.
For example: “fuel 8.5 ramp, 8.6 on board.”
The CA should contact dispatch if the fuel load is more than 200 lbs. above or below the
RAMP fuel. Either of these situations will require coordination with dispatch to ensure the
correct fuel burn numbers are provided.
BLUE RAIDER ALIRLINES Dispatch provides flight plan and fuel burn numbers based upon
departing the gate with RAMP fuel on board. Crews are cautioned that departing below this
number may be accomplished safely (MINF + TAXI), provided that dispatch is notified, and
concurrence is obtained from the dispatcher.

Rev. 11 28 01/12/2023

DOORS (F)…………………….………………………………………………………..……………………….…closed
Check that no red or amber EICAS door messages are displayed. Check that the crew
escape hatch is secure, the locked marks are aligned, and the handle is stowed.
FUEL PUMPS (F)………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..ON
Select both fuel boost pumps on.
➢ Ensure L FUEL PUMP ON and R FUEL PUMP ON advisory messages are displayed.
GRAVITY CROSS-FLOW (F)…………………………………………………………………….…….….checked
GRAVITY XFLOW Switchlight.........................................................................................Select OPEN
Verify the following:
➢ GRAVITY XFLOW OPEN Pushswitch Light is illuminated.
➢ GRAV XFLOW OPEN, L FUEL PUMP ON, R FUEL PUMP ON advisory messages are
GRAVITY XFLOW Switchlight......................................................................................Select CLOSED
Verify the following:
➢ GRAVITY XFLOW OPEN Pushswitch Light is extinguishes.
➢ GRAV XFLOW OPEN advisory message is no longer displayed.
TRANSPONDER (F)………………………………………………………………………………………………..1(2)
➢ Select the transponder to 1 if the CA is PF
➢ Select the transponder to 2 if the FO is PF
BEACON (C)…………………………………………………………………..…….…………………………………..ON
Turn beacon on by selecting beacon switch to on.
PARKING BRAKE (C)…………………………………………………………………….……..…………………..ON
If pushback is required, release the parking brake after completion of the Pushback Check
and when directed by tug driver. The Captain should also ensure that the nose wheel
steering is off.

Rev. 11 29 01/12/2023

ENGINE(S) (AC)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….start
Once ground crew authorizes engine start, the CA will direct the FO to start the engines.
Alternatively, the CA may choose to start them himself, although this is not standard
procedure. Engines may be started during pushback.
It is desirable to start the number 2 engine first to obtain full brake pressure sooner.
L or R ENG START Switchlight...........................................................................................................PRESS IN
➢ On the status page verify: “L ENGINE START or R ENGINE START”
The pilot performing the engine start should start the chronometer when the L or R ENGINE
START status message appears on the status page.
The following callouts and engine instrument verification are required:
“N2 “.......................................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“Oil Pressure”……............................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“ITT”.................................................................................................................................VERIFY BELOW 120° C
At N2 20%..................................................................................................L OR R THRUST LEVER TO IDLE
➢ On the status page verify: “L or R AUTOIGNITION”
“Fuel Flow”.....................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“Light Off”.................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASE IN ITT
‘’Starter Cutout”.................................................VERIFY L OR R ENGINE START STATUS MESSAGE
The following parameters indicate at stable engine at ISA:
N1...........................................................................................................................................21 TO 25% RPM
ITT.............................................................................................................................................450 TO 600°C
N2........................................................................................................................................55 TO 65% RPM
Fuel Flow........................................................................................................APPROXIMATELY 350 LBS/HR
Oil Pressure.................................................................................................................GREATER THAN 25 PSI

Rev. 11 30 01/12/2023
* FUEL CHECKED VALVE TEST (AC)………………………………………………………...……..complete
On the first flight of the day, perform the fuel check valve verification after starting the left
Before starting the right engine:
Select both fuel boost pumps OFF.
➢ On the primary page, verify: “L FUEL PUMP” “R FUEL PUMP” “R FUEL LO PRESS”
Select both fuel boost pumps back ON and start the right engine.

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 31 01/12/2023

GENERATOR(S) (C)……………………………………………………………………………………………AUTO
Ensure both L and R generators are in AUTO.

ELECTRICS (C)……….…………………………………………………………………………….….…….checked
Reviewing the AC and DC electrics synoptic pages, the CA verifies:
➢ All buses are powered, and the loads, voltages, and frequencies are within normal
➢ The flow lines are green.
➢ No abnormal messages are displayed.

APU (F)………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….as required

If APU is not required for departure (takeoff performance data), then perform the
shutdown procedure.
APU START/STOP PBA…………………………………………………….…………………….….………..Press Out
APU PWR FUEL PBA……………………………………………………………………..….………….……..Press Out
➢ Verify APU RPM is decreasing and the green “AVAIL” light on the START/STOP PBA
is extinguished.

COWL ANTI-ICE (F)……………………………………………………………………………………as required

If icing conditions exists on the ground, turn the cowl anti-ice on.
RUDDER (C)……………………………………………………………………………………..……………..checked
EICAS Control Panel (ECP)........................................................................................................F/CTL
The CA moves the rudder pedals full travel and confirms on the synoptic page that
maximum deflection is obtained without binding.
When rudder check is completed:
EICAS Control Panel (ECP)........................................................................................................STAT

NOSE WHEEL STEERING (C)………………………………………………….………………………….ARMED

NWS Switch……………………………………………………………………………….……….……….ARM

Rev. 11 32 01/12/2023

Prior to taxiing the aircraft, the CA will call for the takeoff flap setting and the taxi check.
(Ex. “FLAPS 8 (or 20), TAXI CHECK”). The FO will set the flap lever to the desired setting,
and then perform his or hers flow before reading the checklist.

FLAPS (C&F)….…………………………………………………….………………….…….set___, indicating___

This item is designed to confirm the flaps are set properly for takeoff. This check uses a
two-step verification: “set” refers to the flap lever position, and “indicating” refers to the
EICAS flap position.

THRUST REVERSERS (F)…………………………………………….…………………………………..ARMED

The thrust reversers should already be armed, but confirm the following EICAS advisory
messages appear:

FLIGHT CONTROLS (F)………………..………………………………………………………..……….checked

Move the control wheel left and right to full deflection and verify movement on the FLT
CONTROL synoptic page. Check for smooth movement without binding.
Move the control wheel fore and aft to full deflection and verify movement on the synoptic
page. Check for smooth movement without binding.
Ensure there are no abnormal status or advisory messages on F/CTL synoptic page, and no
abnormal graphic colors. Ensure that the left and right flap position on the synoptic page
coincide with the indication on the primary page.
Verify that aileron and rudder trim indicators are green and set to the neutral position.
Return to status page.
TRIMS (C&F)…………………………………………………………..……………………..centered & ___set
Verify that aileron and rudder trim indicators are green and set to the takeoff performance
paperwork’s indicated trim setting.
NOTE: When the aileron and rudder trim indicators are centered, they are green on the
ground and white in flight. Verify that the stabilizer trim indicator is green and set as

Rev. 11 33 01/12/2023
THRUST (C&F)……………………………………………………………………………………FLX(TO),____ set
Both pilots will verify the flex temp is entered into the FMS, if required. Ensure “TO” or
“FLX” and numerical N1 thrust setting is posted by the N1 gauges. Thrust cannot be less
than 1% of the Takeoff Performance Data N1 Minimum.

TAKE OFF SPEEDS (C&F)……………………………………………………………..___, ___, ___, ___, ___ set

Verify that the five (5) V-speeds are set for takeoff.
V1, V2, VR, VT, and V2+15.
One pilot will read from the TOLD card while the other verifies them on the PFD.

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 34 01/12/2023


FLAPS (C&F)….………………………………………….………….set___, indicating___, T/O CONFIG OK

Verify the flaps are set properly for takeoff, and that green “T/O CONFIG OK” is posted on
the EICAS.
FLIGHT ATTENDANTS (F)…………………………………………………..………….………………..notified
The FO advises the flight attendants of the imminent takeoff with a brief PA announcement,
no less than one minute prior to takeoff. If the flight attendant is not seated or the cabin is
not secured for takeoff, he/she will immediately initiate an interphone call to the flight
deck requesting a delay.
FUEL CROSS-FLOW (F)……………………………………………………………………………….….MANUAL
The FO presses in the X-FLOW AUTO OVERRIDE switchlight
Verify that the following status message illuminates: “MAN XFLOW”
Verify there is no GRAVITY XFLOW OPEN advisory message or L or R XFLOW ON status
APU (F)………………………………………………………………………………………….……….as required
If the takeoff performance data requires a bleeds closed takeoff, ensure the APU is ON.
Otherwise, the APU should be turned OFF.
IGNITION (F)………………………………………………….……………………………………….as required
The FO selects the continuous ignition as briefed for the takeoff. Continuous ignition shall
be used under the following conditions:
- Takeoffs and landings on contaminated runways.
- Takeoffs and landings when windshear is present.
- Flight through moderate or heavier rain
- Flight through moderate or heavier turbulence
- Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms

ANTI-ICE (F)……………………………………………………………………………..………..wing___, cowl___

Configure the wing and/or cowl anti-ice systems as briefed for takeoff. For the response,
state the condition of the systems, i.e. “wing OFF, cowl ON”
BTMS (F)…………………….………………………………………………………………………..........…checked
The FO verifies that the BTMS indicators are green. If BTMS is white or red, takeoff should
be delayed.

Rev. 11 35 01/12/2023
FMS (F)…………………………………………………………………….…………………………….…AUTO TUNE
The FO ensures that the FMS is in AUTO TUNE by verifying the annunciation on the RTUs.
RADAR (F)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….ON
The RADAR is turned on and set to an appropriate tilt for the range selected, +5.0 degrees
for takeoff.
EICAS & STAT (F)……………………………………….…………………….…………..…checked & cleared
The FO checks the EICAS messages to ensure that all displayed messages are normal for the
current operational configuration of the aircraft. To “clear” ED 2, press the STAT button on
the EICAS Control Panel. The response is “Checked and Cleared.” ED 1 should not show any
caution or warning messages.
TAKEOFF BRIEFING - RAMS (F)……………………………………………………………____.____.____.____
The FO verbalizes the initial takeoff instructions to verify clearance and automation
settings. The format is “RAMS” – runway, altitude, mode, speed. Runway should be
crosschecked with the FMS and exterior signage. Altitude is the first altitude level off,
noting any restrictions. Mode is either NAV mode and first fix OR HDG mode and initial
heading. Speed is to note any speed restrictions.
Example 1: “Runway 26L, 10,000 feet, NAV mode to MPASS, no speed restrictions.”
Example 2 “Runway 10, 8,000 feet, HDG mode at 210 degrees, 250 knots until advised”
FUEL (C&F)………………………………………………………..………………..…….…___MINF, ___on board
Both crew members verify that at least the MINF required FAR fuel is on board prior to
takeoff. Minimum fuel is calculated by adding the B/O, ALT, and RSV fuel data on the
dispatch release. This has been pre-calculated on the dispatch release under the MINM fuel
TOGA (F)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..TO/TO
The CA will normally select the TOGA switch when taxing onto the runway. Pressing the
TOGA switch updates the FMS position and gives you the TO/TO mode on the flight
director. The FO will confirm this is done and state “TO/TO,” by verifying the FMA
indications.” If the CA does not select TOGA, it is acceptable or the FO to select it in his or
her flow or prompt the CA.
T/O CONFIG (F)…..…………………………………………………………………………………………….……OK
The FO will confirm the green T/O CONFIG OK EICAS message is present. If missing,
takeoff should not be attempted until the configuration discrepancy is identified and

Rev. 11 36 01/12/2023
LIGHTS (C)……………………………………………….……………………………………………………...……..set
STROBE, WING INSPECTION, RECOG/TAXI Switches………………………………………………..….ON
LANDING LIGHT Switches…………….……………….(Entering Runway/Cleared for Takeoff ) ON
The CA verifies the NAV and BEACON lights are on, and turns on the STROBE, WING
INSPECTION, RECOG/TAXI, and LANDLING lights when cleared on the runway (CA
discretion for safety on any lights).

NOTE: Blue Raider Airline Light Policy

The NAV lights shall be selected ON from the Preflight Check until the Secure Check.
The BEACON light shall be selected ON from the Pushback Check until the Shutdown Check.
The STROBE lights shall be selected ON from the Before Takeoff Check Below the Line until
the After Landing Check, and in addition, anytime the aircraft crosses or occupies an active
The WING INSPECTION lights shall be selected on for takeoff and all flight operations below
18,000 feet , and in addition, anytime the aircraft crosses or occupies an active runway.
The REGOG/TAXI lights shall be selected on during taxi, and for takeoff and all flight
operations below 18,000 feet, , and in addition, anytime the aircraft crosses or occupies an
active runway These lights should be selected OFF when the is aircraft stationary/with the
brake set.
The LANDING LIGHTS shall be selected on once entering the runway for takeoff, and for all
flight operations below 18,000 feet, and in addition, anytime the aircraft crosses or occupies
an active runway. The CA may use the nose landing light for increased visibility during taxi if

Rev. 11 37 01/12/2023

LANDING GEAR (PM)…………………………………………………………………………………..…………UP

The PM will confirm that the landing gear lever is selected up, and the gear is retracted and
indicated retracted on the EICAS primary display.
FLAPS (PM)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..UP
The PM will confirm that the flaps are retracted and indicated retracted on the EICAS
primary display.
FUEL CROSS-FLOW (PM)……………………………………………………………………..…………….AUTO
X-FLOW AUTO OVERRIDE Switchlight........................................................................SELECT OUT
APU (PM)…………………………………..………………………………………………………………...shutdown
If the takeoff was done with the APU ON, shutdown the APU at this time.
APU START/STOP Switchlight...........................................................................................PRESS OUT
APU PWR FUEL Switchlight.................................................................................................PRESS OUT
THRUST REVERSERS (PM)………………………………………………………………………………..……OFF
Thrust Reverser Switches................................................................................................................OFF
EICAS & STAT (PM)……………………………………………………………….………...checked & cleared
The PM checks the EICAS messages to ensure that all display messages are normal for the
current operational configuration of the aircraft and clears the messages by pressing the
STAT and/or CAS buttons on the ECP.
NOTE: When climbing through 10,000 feet MSL, the PM will select the STERILE light to OFF
indicating that sterile procedures are no longer in effect. The Flight Attendants may begin
service and contact the flight deck if needed.

Rev. 11 38 01/12/2023

ALTIMETERS (C&F)………………………………………………………………….………….……29.92, x-ckd

The CA sets and cross-checks the left and center barometric settings and altimeter
The FO sets and cross-checks the right barometric setting and altimeter reading.
Both pilots should verify the barometric settings and altimeter readings of all three
CA..................................................................................................”29.92, cross-checked”
FO..................................................................................................”29.92, cross-checked”

LIGHTS (C)…………………………..………………………………………………..…………………………….…. set



Once reaching Top-of-Climb (TOC), crews should consider the following cruise flight
➢ Fuel checks at regular intervals cross-checked against the flight release.
➢ If entering RVSM airspace, verify all three altimeters are within 200 feet.
➢ Maintaining communication with cabin crew/passengers.
➢ Obtaining destination weather/ATIS information.
➢ Obtaining landing performance data from ACARS or Speed Cards
➢ Reviewing all charts and tables for the anticipated STAR and IAP.
➢ Completing an arrival briefing prior to reaching top-of-descent (TOD).
➢ Send an “In-Range” report at TOD.

Rev. 11 39 01/12/2023

ALTIMETERS (C&F)……………………………………………………………..…………………………___, x-ckd

The CA sets and cross-checks the left and center barometric settings and altimeter
The FO sets and cross-checks the right barometric setting and altimeter reading.
Both pilots should verify the barometric settings and altimeter readings of all three
CA...............................................................................................................................”30.01, cross-checked”
FO...............................................................................................................................”30.01, cross-checked”
MINIMUMS (C&F)…………………………………………………………………………...MDA(DH)___, x-ckd
For a precision approach, set the MDA(DH) rounded up to the nearest 10 feet. For a non-
precision approach, set the MDA rounded up to the nearest 100 feet. Example: (ILS 203’ =
MDA 210) (GPS 435’ = MDA 500). DH is only utilized for authorized CAT II Approaches.
LANDING DATA (PM)………………………………………………………………………………….…………..set
The PM calculates the VREF, V2, and VT. The PM enters VREF, V2 and VT on the PFD bugs.
APPROACH BRIEFING (PM)……………………………………………………………..…………….complete
If possible, the PF should complete an approach briefing while in level cruise. This briefing
should include the expected arrival and approach procedure. If necessary, the PF will
transfer controls of the airplane to the PM in order to complete the briefing. The PM will
verify this briefing is complete.
SEAT BELT SIGN (PM).…………………………………………..………………………………………………...ON
The PM will confirm that the Seat Belt sign is on for descent, approach, and landing.
PRESSURIZATION (PM)…………………………………………………….………………………….………….set
The PM confirms that the destination airport landing field elevation is set.
EICAS & STAT (PM)…………………………………………………………………………checked & cleared
The PM verifies EICAS messages are normal and clears the messages.
LIGHTS (C)…………………………………….………………………………………………………………...………set
The CA may elect to leave the NOSE LANDING LIGHT switch OFF until landing clearance is

Rev. 11 40 01/12/2023

FMS & NAV INSTRUMENTS (PM)………………………………………..…………………………………..set

PM will verify that the FMS is loaded correctly for the instrument approach expected, and if
conducting an ILS or localizer approach, the appropriate localizer frequency is set in
standby for NAV 1 and NAV 2.

STERILE LIGHT (PM).......................................................................................................................ON

Select Sterile Light…………………………………………………………………………………………….ON
This indicates sterile procedures in effect, and the flight attendants will discontinue their
service and only contact the flight deck in emergencies.

NOTE: if additional go-around power is desired, the APU may be started during the
approach checklist.

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 41 01/12/2023

LANDING GEAR (C&F)……………………………………………………………………………down/3-green

PM selects the LDG GEAR lever to the DN position when directed by the PF. During the
checklist, the PM confirms with the PF that three green DN gear symbols are displayed on
the EICAS ED 1. Each crewmember will state “DOWN/3 GREEN.”

FLAPS (C&F)…………………………………………………………………………………..set___, indicating___

Verify flap lever selection matches flap position indicator on EICAS ED 1. During normal
operations, the flaps will be at 45 degrees for all landings.

THRUST REVERSERS (PM)………………………………..………………………………..……………ARMED

The PM selects both thrust reversers to ARMED and confirms that the following Advisory
messages are displayed: “L REV ARMED” and “R REV ARMED”

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 42 01/12/2023

FLAPS (F)………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….UP
It may be necessary to limit retraction to 20° if the approach was made in icing conditions
or if the runway was covered with slush or snow. Otherwise, retract the flaps to 0°.

RADAR (F)……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….OFF
PM turns off the radar.

ANTI-ICE (F)……………………………………………………………………………………wing OFF/cowl___

During taxi after landing, wing anti-ice is not needed so it will always be turned OFF.
However, the risk of engine icing and flameout is still present during taxi-in so the crew
must decide if cowl anti-ice will be needed to the gate. The FO will state the condition of
the system after he/she configures it appropriately. For example, “wing OFF, cowl ON.”

APU (F)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ON
The APU is normally started to make the parking and shutdown process the most efficient
possible. Crews may leave the APU off, but only if the arrival station has ground power and
air available, and the crew expects it will be connected with minimal delay.

LIGHTS (F(C))………………………………………………………………………………………………………....set
The CA should set the lights after clearing the runway, and the F/O will verify they are set
correctly. Alternatively, the CA may allow the F/O to set the lights due to workload.


The CA may use the nose landing light for increased visibility during taxi at his/her discretion.

Rev. 11 43 01/12/2023

NOTE: Prior to shutdown, operate the engines at or near IDLE for a minimum of two
minutes. Taxi time at a stabilized 80% N2 or below may be credited in the two-minute cool
down period. If ITT rises above 350° and is increasing rapidly following engine shutdown,
carry out an engine motoring cycle immediately to reduce ITT. It is permissible for the CA
to instruct the FO to shut-down the #1 engine during taxi-in.
PARKING BRAKE (C)………………………………………………………………………………………………..ON
The CA will set the parking brake and ensure the ramp crew gives him/her the chocks in
NOSE WHEEL STEERING (C)………………………………………………………………………................OFF
SEAT BELT SIGN (C)……………………………………………………………………………………………….OFF
GENERATORS/ELECTRICS (C)……………………………………………………………………….………..set
Verify AC electric through the APU or external AC power is established. Do not turn the L
or R Engine Gen switches OFF.
FUELS PUMPS (C)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..OFF
L and R BOOST PUMP Switches.....................................................................................SELECT OUT
*FUEL CHECK VALVE TEST (C)……………………………………………………………………….complete
On the first shutdown of the day, the pilot performs the Fuel Check Valve test.
Fuel Boost Pumps (both).............................................................................................................OFF
Left Engine......................................................................................................................SHUT DOWN
Check the following:
➢ L and R BOOST PUMP ON lights are extinguished.
➢ L and R BOOST PUMP INOP lights illuminate “INOP”
➢ L and R FUEL PUMP ON advisory message are extinguished.
Check that the following EICAS messages are displayed:
If after two minutes and the L FUEL LO PRESS caution message is still not displayed for the
left engine:
Left engine..................................................................................................DRY MOTOR (30 SECONDS MAX)

Rev. 11 44 01/12/2023
The applicable FUEL LO PRESS caution message should be displayed during motoring as
the residual fuel pressure is reduced. “L FUEL LO PRESS”
Absence of the low-pressure caution message on the EICAS is an indication that the fuel
feed check valve has failed in the open position.
Right Engine.........................................................................SHUT DOWN

ANTI-ICE (C)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………OFF
L and R COWL ANTI-ICE Switches...........................................................................OFF

THRUST LEVERS (C)……………………………………………………………………………………...SHUTOFF

PROBES & WINDSHIELD HEAT (C)………………………………………………………………………...OFF

LH and RH WINDSHIELD AND PROBE Switches...............................................OFF

HYDRUALIC PUMPS (C)………………………………………………………………………………………….OFF

Hydraulic 1, 2, 3A, 3B Pump Switches…………….................................................OFF

BEACON (C)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...OFF

TRANSPONDER (C)…………………………………………………………….………………………………..STBY

Rev. 11 45 01/12/2023

Perform only if EXTERNAL AC POWER is available, and the aircraft will be left unattended
for short period of time.

PARKING BRAKE (AC)…………………………………………………………………………………………….ON

EMERGENCY LIGHTS (AC)……………………………………………………………………………………..OFF
EXTERNAL AC POWER (AC)……………………………………………………………………………………ON
APU (AC)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… OFF
BATTERY MASTER SWITCH (AC)…………………………………………………………………………..OFF


Perform if EXTERNAL AC POWER is unavailable, or aircraft will be left unattended for long
period of time.
PARKING BRAKE (AC)……………………………………………………………………………………………..ON
THRUST REVERSERS (AC)……………………………………………………………………………………...OFF
EMERGENCY LIGHTS (AC)………………………………………………………………………………………OFF
CARGO FAN (AC)…………………………………………………………………………..………………………..OFF
RECIRCULATION FAN (AC)…………….……………………………………………..………………………..OFF
APU (AC)…………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….OFF
EXTERNAL AC POWER (AC)…………………………………….………...……………………………..…….OFF
DC SERVICE SWITCH (AC)……………………………………………………….……………………………..OFF
LIGHTS (AC)……………………………………….…………………..…….………………………………………..OFF
BATTERY MASTER SWITCH (AC)……………………………………………..…………………………….OFF

Rev. 11 46 01/12/2023

Flows Reference Sheet

Flows are designed to complete various checklist items in a timely manner. Flow items
require a change or test of a particular system. These changes are complete in a particular
order which corresponds with the aircraft’s condensed checklist. All items are completed
by memory before the checklist is referenced, and usually begin with a trigger event. The
checklist is then used to verify flows items are complete.
Not all checklist items will be contained in the associated check’s flow. Flows items
generally require the pilot to physically touch the aircraft to perform the item. Reference
the Amplified Procedures above for additional descriptions.
Captain First Officer
ATIS and ATC clearance received
FMS loaded and verified by both pilots (FPLN and LEGS pages)
Performance data set from dispatch (V-Speeds, weights, trim)

TRIGGER: “Departure briefing complete”

Pressurization - SET LDG ELEV
Windshield Heat - LOW
Probes - ON
Emergency Lights - ARM
Passenger Signs – ON
Sterile Light - ON
Hydraulic Pumps – AUTO/ON
Radios/Navaids/TCAS – SET/AUTO-REL-ON Radios/Navaids/TCAS – SET/AUTO-REL-ON
Altimeters - SET Altimeters - SET

Captain First Officer
TRIGGER: Captain calls for checklist when all exterior doors and flight deck door are

Beacon - ON Doors - CLOSED

Parking Brake – ON Fuel Pump(s) - ON
Gravity Cross Flow - CHECKED
Transponder – 1/2

Rev. 11 47 01/12/2023
Captain First Officer
FO states “Engine Start Check Complete”
Rudder Check – FLT CTL SYNOPTIC Generators – VERIFY AUTO
Nose Wheel Steering - ON Electrics – AC & DC - CHECK
Cowl Anti-Ice – AS REQUIRED


Captain First Officer
After salute received from pushback crew and when ready for taxi
TRIGGER: Captain calls for checklist.

Flaps (8 or 20)
Flight Controls - CHECKED

Captain First Officer
Vicinity of runway - Captain calls for the checklist.
Flight Attendant Notify – PA ANNOUNCEMENT
Fuel X-Flow - MANUAL
Ignition – AS REQUIRED
Wing/Cowl Anti-Ice – AS REQUIRED
Crossing hold short line – Captain calls for checklist.
Lights – ALL ON

Rev. 11 48 01/12/2023
Pilot Monitoring (PM)
Passing 1000’ AGL, accelerating, after PF calls for flaps up
Flaps - UP
Fuel X-Flow - AUTO
Thrust Reversers - OFF

NOTE: Climbing through 10,000 ft MSL, the PM will turn the STERILE light to OFF
indicating the FA may begin cabin duties and the cockpit is no longer sterile.

Captain First Officer
Climbing through 18,000’ MSL
Altimeters - STANDARD Altimeters - STANDARD
Lights – SET (Beacon, Strobe, Nav Only)

Pilot Flying (PF) Pilot Monitoring (PM)
Prior to TOD – approaching destination airport (150 NM)
Brief Instrument Approach & STAR ATIS
Load FMS Landing Data / V-Speeds / Weights
Radios & Navaids Radios & Navaids
Minimums/MDA Minimums/MDA

Captain First Officer Pilot Monitoring (PM)
Descending through 18,000’ MSL
Altimeters - SET Altimeter - SET Passenger Signs - ON
Lights – ALL ON Pressurization – SET LDG ELEV

Rev. 11 49 01/12/2023
Pilot Monitoring (PM)
Descending through 10,000’ MSL
Sterile Light - ON

After PF calls for Flaps 45
Thrust Reversers - ARMED


Captain First Officer
Once entire aircraft is clear of active runway(s).
CA calls for “Flaps Up, After Landing Check”
Lights – SET (Strobe, Landing Lights OFF) Flaps - UP
Silent Read & Do Checklist

Rev. 11 50 01/12/2023

CHAPTER 4: Flight Procedures/Profiles

General .................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Exterior Inspections ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
Preflight Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Briefing Sheet ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
ACARS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 55
FMS Loading ................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Engine Start and Taxi ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Normal Engine Start ................................................................................................................................................... 57
Abnormal Engine Starts ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Taxi .................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Takeoff Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Normal Takeoff ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Static Takeoff ................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Crosswind Takeoff ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
Climb and Cruise Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 62
En Route Climb Speed ................................................................................................................................................ 62
Cruise Speed................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Holding ............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Holding Fuel Calculation ........................................................................................................................................... 64
En Route Procedures ....................................................................................................................................................... 65
Descent and Approach .................................................................................................................................................... 66
Descent ............................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Descent Planning.......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Flight Spoiler Usage .................................................................................................................................................... 66
Terminal Environment .............................................................................................................................................. 66
Approach Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 67
Shooting A Full Procedure Approach.............................................................................................................. 67
Vectored Approach ................................................................................................................................................. 68
Visual Approach............................................................................................................................................................ 69
Precision Approach ..................................................................................................................................................... 70
Precision Approach Profile. ..................................................................................................................................... 71

Rev. 11 51 01/12/2023
Non-Precision Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 72
CANPA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
VNAV Guidance “Snowflake” .............................................................................................................................. 73
CANPA Examples ..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Non-Precision Approach Profile. ........................................................................................................................... 76
Circling Approaches .................................................................................................................................................... 77
Missed Approaches/Go Around Procedure ...................................................................................................... 77
Two Engine Go Around Profile ............................................................................................................................... 79
Landing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Stabilized Approach .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Normal Landing ............................................................................................................................................................ 81
Maximum Performance Landing ........................................................................................................................... 82
Crosswind Landing...................................................................................................................................................... 82
ACARS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Initializing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Preflight Preparation.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Obtaining ATIS ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Obtaining Takeoff Performance Data ............................................................................................................. 85
Viewing and Inputting Takeoff Data .................................................................................................................... 87
Messaging Dispatch or Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 90
In flight Menu and In Range Report ..................................................................................................................... 91
Landing Performance ................................................................................................................................................. 92
Post-Flight ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Advanced Maneuvers Profiles ..................................................................................................................................... 93
Category II ILS Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Stall Recovery ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Upset Recovery ............................................................................................................................................................. 95
Windshear ....................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Takeoff Roll Windshear Prior to V1 ................................................................................................................ 95
Takeoff Roll Windshear After V1 ...................................................................................................................... 95
Windshear Caution ................................................................................................................................................. 96
Windshear Warning ............................................................................................................................................... 96
EGPWS Warning Maneuver ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Single Engine Operations.......................................................................................................................................... 97

Rev. 11 52 01/12/2023

This section outlines the normal procedures and profiles for Blue Raider Airlines.
Crewmembers should follow these procedures as close as possible to ensure a
standardized flight deck.
The following are general flight responsibilities for both the PF and PM.
Pilot Flying (PF)
➢ Flight attitude and airspeed control
➢ Navigation
➢ Aircraft configuration
➢ Loading the FMS during preflight and making FMS entries above 10,000’ MSL with
autopilot engaged.
Pilot Monitoring (PM)
➢ Flight attitude and airspeed monitoring
➢ Navigation monitoring
➢ Communications
➢ Adhering to standard callouts
➢ Checklist reading
➢ Making FMS entries during critical phases of flight, when the autopilot is
disengaged, or when requested by the PF

Exterior Inspections

An exterior inspection is required before and after every flight. The completion of the
inspection will enable the crew to identify and correct any condition that could possibly
pose a risk to the flight. Although the inspection will normally be completed by the FO, it is
the CA’s responsibility to ensure that the inspection is performed.
The pre/post-flight inspection will be accomplished by performing an external walk-
around. Starting at the left forward fuselage, walk in a clockwise manner around the entire
aircraft. Specifically, the following visible components must be checked for condition and

➢ Nose gear (tires and strut)

➢ Main gear (tires and strut)
➢ Fluid leaks (especially hydraulic leaks in the main gear brake assemblies)
➢ Brakes
➢ External lights
➢ External vanes/probes

Rev. 11 53 01/12/2023
➢ Skin condition of:
o Radome section
o Fuselage
o Wings
o Winglets
o Nacelles
o Pylons
o Empennage
➢ Static dischargers
➢ Engine anti-ice blowout plugs
➢ All external flight controls
➢ Any other condition that the crew feels is questionable for safe flight
Upon discovery of any questionable condition, the crew will contact maintenance as soon
as possible in order to correct the condition in a timely manner. While the simulator has no
exterior to represent the aircraft, crew members should still examine the general condition
of the simulator for faults.

Preflight Responsibilities
Briefing Sheet
With the help of a briefing sheet, the crew will perform a number of preflight
responsibilities prior to each flight. These responsibilities include but are not limited to the
➢ Program ACARS – The PM normally initializes the ACARS flight data information.
Refer to the ACARS section of this chapter for detailed information.
➢ Obtaining the origin weather – The PM normally uses the ACARS to obtain the local
ATIS information. If unavailable, the #2 radio may be used to obtain the ATIS,
AWOS, or ASOS. Using this information, the crew must decide if a takeoff is possible
and if a takeoff alternate is needed.
➢ Checking destination weather – The CA and FO will use the provided dispatch
release to review the forecasted destination weather. Using this information, the
crew will determine if the flight can be legally dispatched and if a destination
alternate is needed.
➢ Obtaining the IFR clearance - The PM normally uses ACARS to obtain the
predeparture clearance (PDC). If not available, the FO may call clearance delivery on
the #2 radio to obtain the IFR clearance. Clearances are available 30 minutes prior
to departure. If possible, both pilots should listen to the clearance to ensure it is
copied correctly.
➢ Load FMS – This will be completed by the Pilot Flying (PF) for the leg.

Rev. 11 54 01/12/2023
➢ Weight and Balance/Performance Calculations – After receiving the passenger and
cargo loads, the PM normally inputs this information in the takeoff performance
ACARS page. The PF should ensure all computations are correct and do not exceed
any limitations. The ACARS return message will provide trim, flex, and flap settings
that should be set in the aircraft. For detailed information on the takeoff
performance request page, refer to the ACARS section in this chapter.
o If ACARS is unavailable, the FO will then normally call the dispatcher to
obtain all weight/balance and performance calculations. The dispatcher will
ask for weather and load information to provide accurate performance data.
The dispatcher will ensure the aircraft is within CG limits and will provide
the crew with a takeoff flap setting, stab trim setting, and flex temperature is
➢ Setting V-speeds – Using takeoff performance data, the crew will set V1, VR, V2,
V2+15, and VT.
o If ACARS is not available, speed cards may be used rounded to the nearest
➢ Departure Briefing – The PF for the leg will normally complete the departure
briefing. The required talking points are listed on the “Briefing Sheet” provided in
the simulator.
Refer to the last section of this chapter for information regarding setup and programming
of the ACARS system. Normally, the PM is responsible for setting the ACARS information.
FMS Loading
1. Press INDEX button and then select the POS INIT page (L2).
a. Press NEXT PAGE. Line select L2 or L3 (L or R GPS Position) to place the LAT
/ LONG into the scratchpad.
b. Press PREV PAGE to return to page 1. Place the LAT / LONG into the SET POS
position prompt (R5) twice.
2. Press FPLN button and enter the origin, destination, flight number, and any
alternate if applicable.
3. Press the DEP/APR button and select the takeoff runway from the right side. If you
were given a departure procedure, select the appropriate procedure and transition
if applicable from the left side.
4. Return to the FLPN button and review the changes you have made. If you were not
cleared via a departure procedure, put the flight plans first fix in R4. If there are
more than one fix with the same spelling, you may have to select the correct one out
of a list of LAT/LONGS. For example, there are two BNA’s but only one of them is in
North America.

Rev. 11 55 01/12/2023
5. On the FPLN page 2, enter the rest of your routing. Fixes go on the right while victor
airways and jet routes go on the left. Additional pages are available if needed.
6. Press the LEGS button, and check the flight plans legs vs. your charts and/or
dispatch release.
7. Press the PERF button and enter the FLEX temp, but we will not get this information
until talking to our dispatcher. Also on this page, ensure the advisory VNAV is
8. From the PERF page 1, select the sub-page PERF INIT (L2). Enter your cruise
altitude and ramp fuel load on this page. You will enter the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW)
on this page when it becomes available. When done, select the NEXT PAGE button.
9. On PERF INIT page 2, enter all wind and temperature information from your
dispatch release. With done, press the NEXT PAGE button.
10. On PERF INIT page 3, enter the flight’s taxi and reserve fuel as shown on the
dispatch release. When done press the PERF button.
11. From the main PERF page, select the PERF MENU sub-page (R1). Select the FUEL
MGMT sub-page (R1). Ensure the PERFORMANCE MODE is set on PREDICTED.
(Predicted should be green)
12. Press the MFD MENU button. Select the following map options. HI NAVAIDS,
SPEED, ALTITUDE, MISS APPR, and RNG TO ALT (Page 2). In addition, the PF should
set his WINDOW to VNAV and the PM should be set to ON.
13. Press the RADIO button. Ensure both NAV 1 and NAV 2 are set to AUTO.
14. Confirm the FMS is still POS INIT’ed by pressing the INDEX button then POS INIT
15. Press the MSG button and check to ensure you have no messages.
16. When Takeoff Performance is received, place the Zero Fuel Weight onto PERF, PERF
INIT page 1.

Rev. 11 56 01/12/2023

Engine Start and Taxi

Normal Engine Start
When ready to start engines, the CA will call for the “START CHECK.” The FO will normally
perform all engine starts. A timer should always be started when the starter button is
depressed. This will ensure that starter engagement time is noted should an abnormal
start condition happen.
The following callouts and engine instrument verification are required:
“N2 “.........................................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“Oil Pressure”……..............................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“ITT”...................................................................................................................................VERIFY BELOW 120° C
At N2 20%.....................................................................................................L OR R THRUST LEVER TO IDLE
“Fuel Flow”..........................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASING
“Light Off”...................................................................................................................VERIFY INCREASE IN ITT
‘’Starter Cutout”..................................................VERIFY L OR R ENGINE START STATUS MESSAGE
After completing the start procedure, normal indications of stable engine are:
N1...........................................................................................................................................21 TO 25% RPM
ITT.............................................................................................................................................450 TO 600°C
N2........................................................................................................................................55 TO 65% RPM
Fuel Flow........................................................................................................APPROXIMATELY 350 LBS/HR
Oil Pressure.................................................................................................................GREATER THAN 25 PSI

The mnemonic “2-4-6” is a good reference to use in identifying normal idle engine
➢ approximately “2”0% N1
➢ approximately “4”50 ITT,
➢ approximately “6”2% N2

Rev. 11 57 01/12/2023
Abnormal Engine Starts
The following abnormal start procedures should be committed to memory. After
performing these procedures from memory, refer to the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH)
for the appropriate procedure.
Hot Start
Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF
Dry motor until ITT is reduced below 120 degrees C, respecting starter time limit.
N2 Stagnation or Interrupted Start

Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF

Dry motor until ITT is reduced below 120 degrees C, respecting starter time limit.
No Light Off

Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF

Dry motor until starter time limit.

Affected ENG STOP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESS

The CA is responsible for taxing the aircraft. Both pilots should be familiar with the taxi
route prior to moving the aircraft. During times of low visibility, the crew should perform
all checklists and before takeoff tasks while stationary. This will allow both pilots to
concentrate on the taxi route.
When approximately number three for takeoff, the FO will make a PA and ask the flight
attendant to prepare the cabin for departure. This begins the trigger for the Before Takeoff
Check – To the Line.
PA example:
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard BLUE RAIDER AIRLINES flight 5151 to
Knoxville, TN. We are currently number 1 for takeoff. Sandra, please prepare the cabin
for departure.”

Rev. 11 58 01/12/2023

Takeoff Procedure
Normal Takeoff
Once the aircraft is on the runway, the role of the crew becomes: Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot
Monitoring (PM). When the takeoff is to be performed by the FO, the CA will transfer
controls to the FO by using the following callout, “You have the controls.” The FO will
acknowledge the transfer by stating, “I have the controls.” This transfer will occur after all
pre-takeoff checklists have been completed and the aircraft is aligned with the runway.
The PF will then advance the thrust levers to approximately 70% N1, while the PM monitor
engines parameters checking for any abnormal indications. Once the thrust levers are
advanced to approximately 70% N1, the PF will verify engines are stable, and then
advanced the thrust levers into the TO/GA detent. The PM verifies visually on the N1
gauges this is accomplished.
The CA will keep his/her hand on the thrust levers until the V1 call. The PM will announce
“80 KNOTS,” the PF will respond, “CHECKS”. As the airspeed increases to V1, the PM will call
“V1”. At VR the PM will then call out: “ROTATE”. At VR the PF will rotate the aircraft to
approximately 10 -12 degrees and climb out at V2+15 knots. Once a positive rate is
indicated by the VSI, the PM will call “POSITIVE RATE“, and the PF will respond: “GEAR UP,
SPEED MODE, HEADING MODE/NAV MODE.” The PM will select the landing gear UP,
engage speed mode and ensure V2+15 is selected with the flight control panel (FCP), and
then select either HDG or NAV, as required.
At 600 AGL the PM will call “600 FEET”. The PF will then call “AUTOPILOT ON” if desired.
At 1,000 AGL the PF shall call “1,000” and the PF will begin accelerating by commanding a
higher speed into the flight control panel (FCP).
Flaps 20 T/O - When at V2+15 and accelerating, the PF will call for “FLAPS 8.” At V2+20
and accelerating, the PF will call for “FLAPS UP, CLIMB THRUST, AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK.”
Flaps 8 T/O – When at V2+15 and accelerating, the PF will call for “FLAPS UP, CLIMB

Rev. 11 59 01/12/2023
1. Thrust – Set approximately 70% N1
2. Brakes – Release (Static only)
3. Thrust – Advance into the TO/GA Detent
4. “80 knots” (PM)
5. “Checks” (PF)

1. At V1 – “V1” (PM)
2. At VR – “Rotate” (PM)
3. Smoothly rotate toward command bars (10-12 degrees nose up)
4. When Positive Climb – “Positive Rate” (PM)
5. “Gear Up, Speed Mode, Heading or NAV Mode” (PF)
- The PM will need to reset the speed bug to match V2+15 exactly
- The PM will select either HDG or NAV as directed

4. AT 600 FEET AGL

1. “600 FEET” (PM)
2. “Autopilot ON” (PF) (if desired)


1. “1,000 FEET” (PM)
2. Set speed bug to 200 KIAS or 250 KIAS if appropriate (Class B) (PF)
3. FLAPS 20 TAKEOFF - AT V2+15 and accelerating "Flaps 8”, then at V2+20 and
accelerating “Flaps Up, Climb Thrust” (PF)
FLAPS 8 TAKEOFF – AT V2+15 and accelerating “Flaps Up, Climb Thrust” (PF)
4. "After Takeoff Check” (PF)
5. “After Takeoff Check Complete” (PM)

6. AT 2,500 FEET AGL

1. Set speed bug to 250 KIAS if not already selected

Rev. 11 60 01/12/2023
Takeoff Profile.

Rev. 11 61 01/12/2023
Static Takeoff
The static procedure will be identical to the rolling procedure with the exception of brake
usage. The brakes will not be released until engines have stabilized at approximately 70%
N1. At that point, the pilot flying smoothly releases the brakes and advances the thrust
levers into the TO/GA detent. The remainder of the takeoff is identical to the rolling
Crosswind Takeoff
An initial application of aileron should be applied at the beginning of the takeoff roll and
reduced as airspeed increases and the flight controls become more effective
(approximately 80 knots). Use aileron, as needed, to maintain wings level and rudder to
maintain centerline.
During normal rotation, adjust control wheel input into the wind to compensate for the
tendency of the upwind wing to rise during takeoff. At lift-off, the airplane is in a sideslip
with crossed controls. To recover from this condition, gradually neutralize the rudder and
aileron inputs while establishing runway heading.

Climb and Cruise Procedures

En Route Climb Speed
The climb speed schedule that follows presents climb speeds after flap retraction.


Flap Retraction Altitude to 200 or 250 kts
10,000 feet Depending on airspace
Long Range Climb – 250 kts/
10,000 feet and above Mach 0.70
Normal Climb – 290 kts/
Mach 0.74
High Speed Climb – 320 kts/
Mach 0.77

There are times during certain conditions (IE high ISA deviations or gross weight) when
the normal climb profile cannot be maintained throughout the entire climb. If this occurs,
it is acceptable to allow the speed to drop off to the minimum climb speed. The minimum
climb speed above 10,000 feet is 250 KIAS/.70 Mach (whichever is slower).

Rev. 11 62 01/12/2023
Cruise Speed
The normal cruise speed is 300 KIAS or .77 (whichever is slower). The minimum cruise
speed is 250 KIAS or .70 Mach (whichever is slower).
It is the controller’s responsibility to issue complete holding instructions, unless the hold is
charted on an EN ROUTE, AREA, or STAR chart, plus an EFC time and an estimate of any
additional delays.
If the holding pattern is charted and the controller does not issue complete holding
instructions, the pilot is expected to hold as depicted on the appropriate chart. If nearing a
clearance limit for which no holding pattern is depicted and holding instructions have not
been issued, ask ATC for holding instructions prior to reaching the fix.
If unable to obtain holding instructions prior to reaching the fix, a standard holding pattern
on the course on which the aircraft approached the fix should be entered, and further
clearance be requested as soon as possible.
Holding patterns must be entered and flown at or below the airspeed set by regulatory
agencies. Air Traffic Control (ATC) must be advised if you cannot comply with the
appropriate maximum holding speed.



Up to and including
15,000feet Flaps 0° VREF +30 kts
Above 15,000 feet 230 kts 215 kts

Speed reduction to the holding airspeed should be initiated three minutes before the
estimated arrival at the holding fix.

Upon Receipt of a Holding Clearance:

MHA to 6,000 feet 200 kts 1 minute
6,001 feet to and
including 14,000 230 kts 1 minute
Above 14,000 feet 265 kts 1 ½ minutes

Rev. 11 63 01/12/2023
The Pilot-Flying (PF) should check the following:
➢ Prior to entering the hold, determine entry procedure
➢ Expect further clearance (EFC) / expected approach clearance time (EAC)
➢ Type of approach in use
➢ Minimum diversion fuel
➢ Weather at the destination and at the alternate destination
➢ Endurance speed
The initial outbound leg should be flown for 1 minute or 1 ½ minutes, as required for the
altitude. Timing for the subsequent outbound legs should be adjusted as necessary to
achieve the proper inbound leg timing. ATC should be advised immediately if an increase
in airspeed is necessary due to turbulence or if it is impossible to accomplish any part of
the holding procedure.
Holding Fuel Calculation
While several ways exist to calculate holding fuel, below is one method that can be used.
1) Determine required RSV and ALT fuel from release and add together.
2) Determine fuel required to proceed from holding point to destination.
3) Determine a reasonable buffer for destination vectors to shoot an approach.
4) Add 1,2, and 3 together. Subtract from fuel on board once crossing the holding fix.
a. This gives you total fuel available for holding.
5) Calculate fuel flow per hour in the hold (typically about 2200 pph). Refer to your
fuel flow gauges to determine the current fuel flow.
6) Divide the fuel available from step 4 by the fuel flow in step 5.
a. This provides total holding time available in hours.
7) Multiply the number in step 6 to obtain the total available holding time in minutes.
Approaching Nashville, ATC gives you a hold over Murfreesboro airport. Your flight release
paperwork states you have a reserve fuel of 2000 pounds. Your alternate is KMEM and the
ALT fuel is 1000 pounds. Step 1) 2000+1000 = 3000 pounds of alternate and reserve fuel
Looking at your FMS or dispatch release, you see it requires 250 pounds to get from MBT to
BNA. Step 2) 250 pounds.
You estimate approximately 500 pounds of “buffer” fuel for vectoring and completing your
missed approach. Step 3) 500 pounds.
Step 4) 3000+250+500= 3750 pounds of required fuel to complete the flight legally. You
have 6000 pounds on board at MBT. 6000-3750= 2250 pounds of EXTRA fuel.
Looking at your fuel flow gauges, you’re burning 1500 per side Step 5) 3000 pph.

Rev. 11 64 01/12/2023
Step 6) 2250 pounds / 3000 pph = 0.75 hours of fuel available.
Step 7) .075 x 60 minutes = 45 minutes.
You have now calculated that you can hold 45 minutes over MBT before needing to go to
your alternate.

En Route Procedures
There are a number of activities that must be completed while en route to your destination.
These items should be completed sometime between the Climb Check and the Descent

1. Obtain destination weather via ACARS ATIS or radio when within 150 NM.
Determine runway condition (dry or wet).

2. Send an ACARS IN-RANGE Report.

3. Send Landing Performance Request utilizing ACARS for arrival runways.
4. Set landing data (VREF, V2, VT) from ACARS landing performance report or speed
- If ACARS is not available, VREF (FLAPS 45) should be obtained from the landing
section of the appropriate speed card. V2 and VT should be taken from the same
speed card, but they will be located in the takeoff portion for FLAPS 8. We do
this because we perform FLAPS 8 go-arounds.
5. Load the appropriate approach into the FMS and complete an approach briefing
- The PF will normally complete the approach briefing. Crews should consider
workload management, and it is optional to transfer controls to the PM.
- The approach will be chosen from the DEP/ARR page of the FMS. The FMS will
place a DISCONTINUITY in-between the en route fixes and the approach fixes.
- Loading an approach will often add additional en route fixes when shooting an
arrival procedure into the destination airport. This occurs when the arrival
procedure has fixes that are runway dependent.
- If the airport is the last waypoint on your flight plan (no arrival), the airport will
be removed after loading an approach. You will need to re-enter the airport
identifier before executing the changes to the FMS.

Rev. 11 65 01/12/2023

Descent and Approach

The descent speed schedule that follows presents three descent speeds above 10,000 feet.
The speed selected is determined by the operational requirements.
Long Range Descent –
Mach 0.70/250 kts
Normal Descent –
Above 10,000 feet Mach 0.74/290 kts
High Speed Descent –
Mach 0.77/320 kts
10,000 feet and below 250 kts

Excess airspeed is slow to dissipate and generally requires a small level-flight segment.

Descent Planning
Good descent planning is necessary to arrive at the desired altitude at the correct speed
and configuration. The distance required for the descent is approximately three miles per
thousand feet of altitude. This is known as the “3 to 1 Rule.” From a typical cruise altitude,
the top-of descent point should be advanced by 2 miles for each 10 knots of tailwind during
the descent and by 2 miles for each 1,000 feet of anti-ice use. Use 2 miles for each 10 knots
of airspeed reduction (e.g., slowing 50 knots requires 10 miles). The descent should be
planned to arrive at 10,000 feet AGL, 30 miles from the airport at a speed of 250 knots.
The crew should maintain an awareness of the destination weather and traffic situation
and consider the requirements of a potential diversion. A review of the airport approach
charts for the approach and landing should be conducted. The approach briefing should be
completed as soon as practical, preferably before arriving at the top of the descent point.
This allows the crew to give full attention to airplane control.

Flight Spoiler Usage

Whenever using the flight spoilers, the PF should keep his/her hand on the spoiler lever to
avoid forgetting that the flight spoilers are extended. The flight spoilers should be
retracted before adding thrust. Spoiler limitations may be found in CH2: Limitations.

Terminal Environment
When within the terminal environment flaps should be selected to flaps 8° and a speed of
200 KIAS should be flown unless otherwise directed by ATC.

Rev. 11 66 01/12/2023

Approach Setup
To successfully transition from enroute navigation to an approach procedure, pilots must
have a thorough understanding of the various types of approaches and the procedures used
to configure the aircraft appropriately. The CRJ-700 can use the FMS or a single ground-
based navigation signal to shoot various types of approaches.
WHITE NEEDLES (FMS) are used to shoot the following types of approaches.
2. NBD (Bearing Pointer Overlay)
3. VOR (PM uses GREEN NEEDLES to monitor the approach)

GREEN NEEDLES (Single NAV Freq) are used to shoot the following types of approaches.
1. ILS
2. LDA
3. LOC
- GREEN NEEDLE approaches will still be loaded in the FMS to provide
additional situational awareness.

Once an approach is loaded into the FMS, there will be a DISCONTINUITY between the en
route fixes and the approach fixes. This ensures that the two segments are kept separate
until the pilot is ready to begin the approach procedure.
Beginning an approach usually begins one of two ways. Option one includes VECTORS
from ATC to join the approach course. The second involves proceeding to an IAF to
perform a full procedure approach. Pilots must be familiar with both methods and
understand the different procedures to accomplish both. The following notes will
summarize the basic steps used to accomplish these tasks.
Shooting A Full Procedure Approach
When cleared to an IAF:
1. The PM selects the appropriate fix in the FMS and puts it into the DIRECT TO
position (L2) of the FMS.

2. The PF confirms the entry and ensures the correct FCP mode is selected.
- If shooting a full procedure ILS, LDA, LOC, or BC LOC, the FMS and WHITE
NEEDLES will be used until the aircraft is established inbound on the final
approach course. Only then will GREEN NEDDLES be selected.

Rev. 11 67 01/12/2023
Vectored Approach
1. After being given the initial vector for the approach (HDG Mode), the PM will select
the first fix of the approach and put it into the DIRECT TO position (L2).

2. The PM will then enter the final approach course into the FMS and place it into the
R6 position of the FMS. This will extend the final approach course which will help
with situational awareness as you eventually join the final approach.

3. The PF will then confirm the entry and ensure the correct FCP mode is selected.
- APPR or NAV mode should be selected when cleared for the approach.
- Steps 1and 2 are referred to as “CLEAN IT UP AND MAKE IT BIG.”

When being vectored to an approach that requires GREEN NEEDLES, there is an additional
step that must be completed. This step is usually completed just prior to “CLEAN IT UP
AND MAKE IT BIG.” This step is called “HEADING, FREQUECY, NEEDLES.” The steps are
listed below.
1. When given your initial vector, press HDG mode and dial in the appropriate heading
2. Swap the ILS, LDA, or LOC frequency into the active NAV position on both radios

Rev. 11 68 01/12/2023
Visual Approach
A visual approach is an approach where an aircraft on an IFR flight plan, under the control
of an ATC facility and having an ATC authorization, may proceed to the airport of
destination in VFR weather conditions.

Initial Approach
The initial approach phase is common to all approaches. Normally, set flaps 20° at the
initial approach fix outbound or an equivalent position for a radar vectored or visual
approach. Once flaps 20 is selected, the aircraft should be slowed to 180 KIAS.

Downwind to Base
Fly at a pattern altitude of 1500 feet AGL and establish the initial approach configuration of
flaps 20° and speed 180 KIAS. Maintain a track parallel to the landing runway
approximately 3.5 miles abeam. Once abeam intended touchdown point, extend the
landing gear and extend the flaps to 30° while decelerating to 160 KIAS. Turn base and
start your descent when approximately 45 degrees to your landing point.
Final Approach
When established on final approach, extend flaps to 45° and adjust airspeed to VREF +factor.
Establish a constant rate of descent that maintains a 3° glide path. Aircraft should be
stabilized in landing configuration by 500 feet above the field elevation.

1. Airspeed – 200 KIAS – Flaps 8° Selected
2. “Flaps 8 ” (PF)
3. Altitude – 1,500’ AGL


1. “Flaps 20°” (PF)
2. Speed 180 recommended.
1. “Gear Down, Flaps 30°” (PF)
2. Speed 160 recommended.


1. Begin Descent

1. “Flaps 45°, Bug VREF +Factor, Landing Check” (PF)
2. “Landing Check Complete” (PM)

Rev. 11 69 01/12/2023
Precision Approach

Airplane procedures are covered in the precision approach profile. Whenever possible,
crews should make maximum use of the FMS during transition to the precision approach.
This profile may be modified to suit local traffic and ATC requirements.


1. Airspeed – 200 KIAS – Flaps 8° Selected
2. “Flaps 8 ” (PF)
3. Ensure “Clean It Up / Make It Big” and “HEADING, FREQUENCY, NEEDLES” is


1. “Flaps 20°” (PF)
2. Speed 180 recommended.


1. Select APPR Mode: Make sure you are in green needles.

1. Localizer Movement / Capture – “Localizer Alive” (PM), “Localizer Captured” (PM)

1. Glideslope Movement – “Glideslope Alive” (PM)
2. “Gear Down, Flaps 30°,” (PF)
3. Speed 160 recommended.

1. Glideslope Capture – “Glideslope Captured” (PM)
2. “Flaps 45°, BUG VREF + Factor, Landing Check” (PF)
3. “Set Missed Approach Altitude” (PF)
4. “Landing Check Complete” (PM)


1. “200 Above Minimums” (PM)
1. “100 Above Minimums” (PM)

1. “Minimums – Approach Lights in Sight” OR
“Minimums – Runway in Sight” OR
“Minimums – No Runway” (PM)
2. “Continuing” OR “Landing” or “Go-Around, Go-Around Thrust, Flaps 8” (PF)

Rev. 11 70 01/12/2023
Precision Approach Profile.

Rev. 11 71 01/12/2023
Non-Precision Approach
Non-precision approaches present unique challenges. Some non-precision approaches
contain multiple step-down altitudes both prior to, and after passing the FAF. Special care
must be exercised in utilizing the automatic flight control system. IAS/CLB/DES modes
(flight director or autopilot coupled) are not authorized for use during approaches.

Blue Raider Airlines utilizes a Constant Angle Non-Precision Approach (CANPA) technique
to complete non-precision approaches. This replaces the previous “dive and drive” method
of setting the lowest authorized altitude and then descending at a fixed VSI to that altitude.
The CANPA technique calculates a single descent path to mimic a precision approach.

Instead of published LNAV minimums, pilots shall create a “Derived Decision Altitude” or
“DDA” to utilize for the approach. The DDA is calculated as MDA + 50 ft. For example, if the
LNAV MDA minimums are 1226 ft., the DDA is 1276 ft. The BARA MDA knob utilized to
place minimums into the air data reference panel rounds up to the nearest tenth. Thus,
1280 ft is the altitude placed in the minimum’s MDA selector knob on the air data reference
panel, and this is considered the minimums for the approach. Because the altitude window
on the FCP can only select hundreds of feet, always round up when setting the DDA in the
altitude window during the descent. In this case, the MDA minimums on the PFD will state
“1280” ft while the altitude window from the FCP will have 1300 feet.

Unlike a traditional non-precision, CANPA’s do not level off at the MDA; instead, upon
reaching the DDA, crews will make an immediate “land” or “go-around” decision. This
follows the same procedure as a precision approach. When descending through 1000 feet
AGL, crews should set missed approach altitude into the FCP altitude window.

Crews will calculate their descent angle utilizing the 3-degree rule. For every 3 miles
between fixes, there is approximately 1000 ft of altitude to lose to maintain a 3-degree
descent profile. In this technique, crews may cross fixes above the minimum height
authorized until reaching the 3-degree path. The goal is to cross the Final Approach Fix
(FAF) at the published minimum altitude, already descending on a 3-degree path, and while
also complying with all intermediate fix altitude restrictions.

Crews should work backwards from the FAF to the expected intercept altitude. Determine
how far from the FAF a descent must be initiated using the 3:1 rule. Divide the altitude
needed to descend by 1000 and then multiply that number 3 to yield distance from the fix
to begin a descent. For tailwinds, add 1NM for each 10KTS of wind.

When crews arrive at the calculated descent point on the 3-degree path, they should begin
a descent at an appropriate VSI to remain on the 3-degree path. A recommended technique
is to half your groundspeed and add a 0 to determine your needed VSI. For example, a GS of
150 KTS would yield a descent rate of 750 FPM. Crews should monitor groundspeed and
fix crossing altitudes during the descent and adjust their descent rate as required to comply
with published crossing altitudes – some may not adhere to a 3-degree decent path.

Rev. 11 72 01/12/2023
Additionally, the DIR INTC page of the FMS contains VNAV information that you may find
useful in determining required descent rates.

Recommended altitude chart: most Jeppesen non-precision approach charts include a

recommended altitude chart based on distance from a fix. Utilize this chart to help ensure a
proper 3-degree descent path.

While this technique is more complicated than the dive and drive, it is much more stable
and safer in producing a transition from minimums to landing. Spending time planning and
preparing for the approach upfront eases stress and workload during the approach itself.
When in doubt, crews may revert to a traditional “dive and drive” approach, but this should
only be conducted in abnormal situations that may not afford the crew enough time to
properly prepare for a CANPA approach.

VNAV Guidance “Snowflake”

When performing a GPS approach, the VNAV guidance track known as the snowflake will
appear on the right side of the PFD next to the altimeter. This can be utilized for additional
reference and guidance on complying with altitude restrictions.
If you are shooting a “green-needles” approach (LOC or VOR), placing the threshold
crossing height into the RWY on the LEGS page will also generate a VNAV guidance
snowflake for use on those approach types.
To ensure the snowflake appears during the approach, go to the PERF page of the FMS and
ensure ADVISORY VNAV to selected ON.

CANPA Examples
Example 1: RNAV/GPS Y 02C BNA

Rev. 11 73 01/12/2023
The crew is expecting to intercept at 3,000 feet. Instead of the traditional “dive and drive”
method when passing JASOP and descending aggressively to 2500 feet, we will use CANPA
for a smoother, precision-like approach path.

Start by determining the FAF minimum crossing altitude: GRRTH @ 2500 ft. Determine
how far from GRRTH you must begin a descent using the 3:1 rule. We must lose 500 feet.
The 3:1 rule says we must begin a descent 1.5 NM from GRRTH for a 3-degree descent path.
The distance from JASOP to GRRTH is 6 NM. Thus, we do not need to descend to 2500
when crossing JASOP. We will set DDA (LNAV + 50 = 1050) rounded up to the nearest
hundred (1100) into the altitude window, and then 1.5 NM from GRRTH begin a 3-degree
descent all the way to our DDA.

Our descent rate depends on our ground speed. If our ground speed is 130 knots, half of
that plus a 0 yields 650 fpm. Crews should select 600 or 700 fpm and then monitor their
altitude during the approach to ensure compliance with all crossing restrictions Adjust VSI
as needed to comply. Upon reaching DDA of 1050, the crew will either state “land”,
“continue”, or “go-around”. The DDA is treated exactly the same as a DA in an ILS approach

Example 2: LOC26L ATL

In this scenario, crew is being vectored outside of JIRRI at 6,000 feet. The FAF is DEJAA at
2600 feet. The crew must descend 3,400 feet. Applying the 3:1 rule, the crew should begin
a descent 10.2 NM from DEJAA.

Let’s also assume our groundspeed is 140 knots, and we have a 10-knot tailwind.

We now begin as 11.2 NM from DEJAA (+1NM / 10 knots Tailwind).

The descent rate will be 700 FPM (Half of 140 and add a 0).

Looking at the profile view, 11.2 NM from DEJAA would put us 2.4 NM before BOYKN.
Starting at 6,000 feet at this point, we would comply with all altitude restrictions. Monitor

Rev. 11 74 01/12/2023
vertical speed to ensure BOYKN is cross at or above 5,000 and MARKD is crossed at or
above 4,000.

The DDA is 1470 (1420 + 50).

The altitude selector will have 1500 set until reaching 1000 AGL, then the missed approach
altitude will be set.

See next page for non-precision profile.

[Intentionally Left Blank]

Rev. 11 75 01/12/2023
Non-Precision Approach Profile.

Rev. 11 76 01/12/2023
Circling Approaches
Blue Raider Airlines is not approved to conduct IFR circling approaches.
Missed Approaches/Go Around Procedure
The missed approach procedure is accomplished by simultaneously advancing the thrust
levers into the TO/GA detent, pressing the go-around button on the thrust levers, and
rotating toward the flight director target altitude (10°).

PF...........................................................................”GO-AROUND, GO-AROUND THRUST, FLAPS 8”

The PF selects the TO/GA detent.

The PM verifies TO/GA power and selects flaps to 8.

Once the aircraft has achieved a positive rate of climb:

PM.........................................................................................................................”POSITIVE RATE”
PF.............................................................................................”GEAR UP, SPEED MODE, NAV/HDG MODE”

With all engines operating, adjust the pitch attitude to maintain

V2+15 knots to the acceleration altitude (normally 1,000
feet above field elevation).

Minimum altitude for a turn, under normal circumstances, is 400 feet AGL.

If a turning missed approach is required, turns at speeds less

than V2+10 require the selection of ½ bank to ensure adequate overbank protection.

AT or above 600 feet AGL:

PF...................................................................................................”AUTOPILOT ON” AS REQUIRED

If the FMS is to be used for the missed approach, white
needles should be selected. Anytime the FMS is to be
used for navigational information, AUTO TUNE must be

At acceleration altitude (normally 1,000 feet above field elevation), adjust the pitch attitude
to maintain a slight climb rate while accelerating. This is accomplished by calling for or
selecting, as appropriate for autopilot configuration, 200 knots on the FCP.

At V2+15 and accelerating, call “FLAPS UP”

PF..........................................................................................................”FLAPS UP, AFTER TAKEOFF CHECK”

Rev. 11 77 01/12/2023


1. Go Around
2. TOGA Switch(es)—Press (PF)
3. Advance Thrust Levers into TO/GA Detent (PF)
4. Smoothly Rotate Toward Command Bars (PF)
5. “Go-Around, Go-Around Thrust, Flaps 8”
6. When Positive Climb – “Positive Rate” (PM)
7. “Gear Up, Speed Mode, Heading or NAV Mode” (PF)


1. “AUTOPILOT ON” as required (PF)


1. Set Speed BUG to 200 KIAS (PF)
2. At V2+15 and Accelerating – “Flaps Up” (PF)
3. “After Takeoff Check” (PF)
4. “After Takeoff Check Complete” (PM)

4. AT 2,500 FEET AGL

1. Set Speed BUG to 250 KIAS (PF) Or As Directed By ATC

See next page for profile.

Rev. 11 78 01/12/2023
Two Engine Go Around Profile

Rev. 11 79 01/12/2023

Stabilized Approach

A stabilized approach is one of the key features of a safe approach and landing. A stabilized
approach is characterized by a constant angle, constant rate-of-descent approach profile
ending near the touchdown point.

All appropriate briefings and checklists should be accomplished before 1,000 feet height
above touchdown (HAT) in IMC, and by 500 feet HAT in VMC.

Flight should be stabilized by 1,000 feet HAT in IMC and 500 HAT in VMC.

An approach is stabilized when all of the following criteria are maintained from 1,000 feet
HAT (or 500 HAT in VMC) to landing in the touchdown zone:
• The aircraft is on the correct track. (The correct localizer, radial, or other track
guidance has been set, tuned, and identified, and is being followed.)

• The aircraft is in the correct landing configuration.

• After glide path intercept, or after the FAF, or after the derived fly-off point (Per
Jeppesen), the PF requires no more than normal bracketing corrections to maintain
the correct track and desired profile (3° descent angle) to a landing in the
touchdown zone.

• The aircraft speed is within five knots of the briefed profile as outlined in the
Operation Procedures section of the FCOM.

• The rate of descent is no great than 1,000 fpm

o If an expected rate of descent greater than 1,000 fpm is planned, a special
approach briefing should be performed.
o If an unexpected, sustained rate of descent greater than 1,000 fpm is
encountered during the approach, a missed approach should be performed.
A second approach may be attempted after a special approach briefing, if
conditions permit.

• The engines are spooled up and stabilized for the landing configuration selected.

Rev. 11 80 01/12/2023
Normal Landing

During a normal approach with the flaps set at 45°, the pitch attitude is approximately 2°
nose up. Smoothly transition from approach speed (VREF + factor) so as to cross 50 feet AGL
at VREF. At 50 feet AGL, smoothly begin to retard the thrust levers towards idle and
compensate for the slight nose up thrust vector. Idle thrust should be achieved at
approximately 10 feet AGL. When the main gear is approximately 10 feet above the
runway, initiate the flare by increasing the pitch attitude very slightly. This technique
permits sufficient deceleration to ensure touchdown at VREF or less. Touchdown with
airspeed in excess of VREF may result in the nose gear touching first.

At touchdown, the ground lift dumpers deploy automatically. The PM will verify that the
GLD DEPLOY message appears on the EICAS and will state “SPOILERS GREEN.” In the event
that the GLD DEPLOY message does not appear upon touchdown, the SPOILERS GOURND
LIFT DUMPING switch will be placed to the MAN ARM position and the flight spoilers will
be manually extended. Gently lower the nose wheel onto the runway and select thrust
reversers. Smoothly apply wheel braking by steadily increasing pedal pressure, adjusted
for runway conditions and length available. Do not attempt to modulate or pump the
brakes. Maintain deceleration rate until stopped or desired taxi speed is reached. The anti-
skid system should normally remain on at all times.

Do not wait for thrust reverser deployment before braking.

Reverse thrust reduces the airplane stopping distance more efficiently than using brakes
alone and is most effective at high speeds.

Raise the thrust levers to the interlock/deploy position and observe the amber REV icons
on the N1 gages. After reverser interlocks release and the REV icons change to green, the
reverse levers can be raised as required. Pilots shall not use greater than reverse idle until
the nosewheel has touched down.

The PM monitors engine indications and calls out any abnormalities. At 80 knots the PM
states: “80 knots.”

At 80 knots, start reducing reverse thrust. Idle reverse power should be established by 60

During landing, application of maximum reverse thrust
is not permitted at airspeeds below 60 KIAS. Below 60
KIAS, reverse thrust must be reduced to idle (not above
30% N1). IF reverse thrust above idle reverse is used at
speeds less than 60 KIAS, foreign object damage to the
engines may occur.

Rev. 11 81 01/12/2023

When the landing is performed by the FO, the CA will assume control of the aircraft when it
has been slowed to a safe taxi speed utilizing the callout “I have the controls.” The FO will
acknowledge transfer of the controls by responding “You have the controls.”.
Maximum Performance Landing

If a minimum landing roll is necessary, select the thrust reversers as soon as the main
wheels touch down, and once the nose wheel is on the runway, aggressively apply the
brakes. Maintain a slight forward pressure on the control column to increase nose-wheel
directional stability.

With rapid airplane deceleration, exercise caution to ensure idle reverse thrust is not
exceeded below 60 knots.

Crosswind Landing

The recommended crosswind landing technique on the CRJ is to combine crab and sideslip.
On final approach, a crab angle is established with wings level to hold the airplane on the
desired course. When commencing the flare, gently apply rudder to align the aircraft with
the runway centerline while applying aileron to prevent a sideways drift.

Rudder control is effective down to approximately 60 knots. Rudder pedal steering is

sufficient for maintaining directional control during rollout. During a crosswind, displace
aileron into the wind.

The Aircraft Communications addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) utilizes VHF
datalink to send and receive information to and from the aircraft; ACARS is connected to
company dispatch, maintenance, weather services, takeoff and landing performance data
computers, and air traffic control. ACARS is integrated into the existing CDU box and is
controlled from the FMS.
Under normal conditions, the PM is responsible for operating the ACARS system. This
includes initializing it for the flight, obtaining ATIS/Clearance information, sending for
takeoff and landing requests, and sending position reports. However, nothing precludes
the PF from utilizing the ACARS system when the autopilot is engaged during non-critical
phases of flight.

Rev. 11 82 01/12/2023
To access ACARS, select the MCDU Menu Key, then select 3L Key “ACARS”. This brings you
to the ACARS Main screen. Press 6R “INITIALIZE” to bring you to the ACARS initialization

Fill in all entries with an open white box. Use the below table for guidance.
ORIGIN (3 Digit) DESTINATION (3 Digit)
Return to Preflight PAGE Send Initialization Information

Rev. 11 83 01/12/2023
Preflight Preparation
After sending the initialization page (6R), press RETURN (6L) to return to the preflight
menu. The actions that must be performed are: obtain local D-ATIS (if available), obtain
pre-departure clearance (PDC) (if available), and finally send for takeoff performance data.

Obtaining ATIS
1) Press 5L “ATIS”
2) Press 1L “ATIS”
3) Enter your 4 Digit ICAO airport code in 1L.
4) Select Departure or Arrival ATis in 2L.
5) Press 5R “SEND”
6) When available, 6R will display an “ATIS” prompt. Press this to view the ATIS.
7) If you wish to view the ATIS again in the future, either repeat these steps OR go to
the “RCVD MSGS” tab on the PREFLT MENU.

Obtaining Pre-Departure Clearance

1) From the PREFLT MENU, press 4L “CLX REQUEST”
3) Ensure the information is filled out correctly.
4) If any remarks are needed, press next page to add free-text remarks.
5) Press 5R “SEND” when reading to send.

Rev. 11 84 01/12/2023
6) A MESSAGE prompt will appear when the PDC has been received. It can be viewed
anytime from the “RCVD MSGS” tab on the PREFLT MENU.

Obtaining Takeoff Performance Data

1) From the PREFLT MENU, press 2L “PERF/W&B

2) From this menu above, press 1L “TAKEOFF CONDITIONS”.

3) Enter the runway into 1L. Additional runways may be entered in 2L and 3L. If an
intersection takeoff is desired, place a / then the intersection. Example: 23L/E
4) Select surface condition in 4L.
5) Enter wind values in 1R
6) Enter OAT & Altimeter in 2R.

Rev. 11 85 01/12/2023
7) Press NEXT PAGE to select anti-ice usage and FLEX thrust information.
8) Press return page.
9) Press 4R “LOADSHEET” to input weight and balance.

10) Use the following table to guide you through the loadsheet screen:
2FAs/1ACM (Jumpseater). If no Fuel on Board
jumpseater, ensure it says 2/0.
Select to bring up BIN 1 Cargo Screen.
It will allow you to input checked,
Zone A Pax heavy, and carry on baggage in number
of bags. It also has an “OTHER” line for
cargo in pounds.
Zone B Pax Select to bring up BIN 2 Cargo Screen.
Zone C Pax Select to bring up PAX DETAILS. Allows
input of adult and child passengers in
each zone if needed.
Any Lap Children SEND REQUEST

Once all of the information is input on both the TO CONDITIONS and LOADSHEET
Pages, the “SEND” prompt will appear at 5R on the Loadsheet page. Press this to
send the data. You will receive a message prompt “TO DATA” when the information
is available for view. This can be viewed later at any time through the RCVD MSGS
tab or under the PERF/W&B tab “VIEW DATA” prompt (3L).

Rev. 11 86 01/12/2023
Viewing and Inputting Takeoff Data
The TO DATA sheet provides detailed information for your takeoff performance. It consists
of at least three pages, with an additional page for each extra runway requested.

Page one displays all of the inputted data used for calculations. This includes wind,
weights, cargo, temperature, and zero fuel weight. When viewing page one, users should
verify the correct information, and then place the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) into the FMS
Perf Init page.

Page 2 displays any remarks. This may include additional crewmembers (ACM), broken
equipment, anti-ice usage, or wet runway information.

Page 3 displays the takeoff data for the first runway requested. It includes the distance,
engine failure information, flex temp, v-speeds, flap and trim settings, maximum weights,
and bleed configurations. See the next page for a detailed breakdown of page 3.

Rev. 11 87 01/12/2023

This textual description will begin at the top line and work to the right.
KDAY 24R FULL 10900
DT (Direct Turn) H239
Line 3: THRUST TYPE (Flex/Full)| TAKEOFF TYPE (RLNG/Static| BLEEDS (Open/Closed)
FLEX 46 MRTW 71.2/LIM C V1 123 / V2 128
Line 4: FLEX TEMP | Max Runway Takeoff Weight | V1/VR Speed
FLAP 8 MTOW 70.2 V2 136 / VFTO 185
Line 5: FLAP Setting | Max Takeoff Weight | V2/VFTO Speed
TRIM 7.5 GTOW 64.9 / CG 19.5 FRA 2009 N1 83.2
Line 6: TRIM Setting | Gross Takeoff Weight/CG | Flap Retraction Altitude |Min N1 Setting
On the next page, you will find a visual aid that may be more useful in identifying the

Rev. 11 88 01/12/2023

When reading the performance data, the following must be checked/inputted:

1) ZFW from page 1 placed in the FMS PERF INIT page.
2) Verify Runway in FMS matched takeoff data page 3.
3) Note whether the takeoff requires FULL THRUST, the type of takeoff (Rolling or
Static), and the bleed configuration. If it’s a bleeds closed takeoff, the APU must be
4) Input the FLEX TEMP into the FMS PERF page.
a. Verify the N1 displayed is not less than 1% of the N1 Minimum on the takeoff
data page (bottom right)
5) Set the TRIM setting.
6) Verify the GTOW does not exceed the MTWO OR MRTW.
7) Input the V-Speeds using the Air Data Reference Panel.
8) Set V2 + 15 into the FCP using the Speed Knob.

Rev. 11 89 01/12/2023
Messaging Dispatch or Maintenance
Utilize the FREE TEXT tab to communicate with dispatch or maintenance. This can be
found on 5R the main menu.

Type your message in the scratch pad and place it in 1L. Continue to utilize 2L, 3L, 4L, etc.
and page 2 for additional room to type your message. Once ready to send, press 5L SEND,
and your message will send to your dispatcher. Pressing 5R sends the message to MTC
(maintenance control).

Rev. 11 90 01/12/2023
In flight Menu and In Range Report
Once in flight, the PRFLT MENU main menu will be renamed INFLT MENU and look slightly

The only differences are the replacing of the Flight Initialization page (1L) with the IN-
RANGE report, also in 1L. Additionally, there is no CLX REQUEST tab once airborne. All
other functions remain the same.
Selecting 1L IN RANGE allows users to notify the arrival station that they are approaching
the airport – this is usually sent around the top-of-descent (TOD).

By default, no changes should need to be made to the in-range page 1. Page 2 allows the
user to send a short free text message. Once done, press 5R SEND on page 2 to send the in-
range report. Expect a gate assignment on reply.

Rev. 11 91 01/12/2023
Landing Performance
Landing performance is accomplished through the PERF/W&B tab, R1 “Landing
Conditions”. Input the requested information to receive data for landing. A screenshot is
currently not available for this page. The provided information will include landing weight,
v-speeds, runway length required versus available, and other pertinent information.
Ensure the V-Speeds are set into the aircraft via the air data reference panel.

If you desire to view your OUT-OFF-ON-IN (OOOI) times, from the main menu, press the
OOOI tab 3L. This will display all of your relevant flight times for that flight. Once the
ACARS is reinitialized with a new flight, these times are erased.

Rev. 11 92 01/12/2023

Advanced Maneuvers Profiles

Category II ILS Approach
Category II (CATII) approaches are not authorized for normal operations. CATII
approaches are demonstrated only for training purposes. A Category II approach allows a
specially certified aircraft utilizing specially trained flight crew to conduct ILS approaches
to a lower than standard decision height – this is usually to approximately 100 ft AGL.
Unlike a traditional ILS approach, most CATII approaches utilize radio altimeter (RA)
minimums instead of barometric altitude minimums. This means pilots will see a decision
height (DH) instead of a decision altitude (DA) on the published procedure.
All CATII approaches are flown by the FO, and the CA serves to monitor the entire
approach. CATII approaches are flown exactly like a regular ILS approach, except for the
minimum’s callout and landing sequence.
At “MINIMUMS” call, the CA will state “MY AIRCRAFT LANDING” or “GO AROUND”. If the
CA states “MY AIRCRAFT, LANDING”, the CA will gently push the FOs hands off the throttles
and take control of the aircraft, executing a normal maneuver to land. If after the CA takes
control of the aircraft a situation arises that requires a go around, the CA shall perform the
go around.
If the CA states “GO AROUND” at the “MINIMUMS” call, the FO will respond “GO AROUND,
GO AROUND THRUST, FLAPS 8”, and the crew will execute a normal go around procedure.
NOTE: during a CATII go around procedure, it is not uncommon for the aircraft to bounce
on the runway due to the time it takes to transition energy from descending to climbing.
Continue with the go around even if contact is made.
The landing rollout procedure is the same as any other landing; ensure the SPOILERS
GREEN and 80 KNOTS calls are made as appropriate.
Certain equipment is required to perform a CATII. Prior to conducting a CATII approach,
both crew members should perform an RA TEST function on the Air Data Reference Panel.
If any of the following equipment is missing, MEL’d, or becomes inoperative during flight,
CATII approaches are not authorized. Below is a list of required equipment:
➢ At least two AC Generators
➢ Both PFDs
➢ Both AHRS Computers
➢ Both ADC Computers
➢ Both Radio Altimeters
➢ Autopilot
➢ 1 Transponder
➢ Both Flight Control Computers
➢ Captain Side Windshield Wipe

Rev. 11 93 01/12/2023
Stall Recovery
A stall occurs when the critical angle of attack is exceeded. To recover, the angle of attack
must be reduced below the critical angle of attack.
Recovery from a stall or approaching stall condition should occur at the first indication of a
stall. This can include buffeting or activation of the stick shaker. Additionally, stall
indications include low airspeed near the low speed red tape, stick pusher, warble alarm,
and flashing STALL warning light.
Stall Recovery Procedure
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring
Initiate Recovery: ➢ Monitor altitude and airspeed.
➢ Hold the control column firmly and
disconnect the autopilot. ➢ Verify the required actions have
Simultaneously: been done and call out omissions.
➢ Reduce angle of attack with nose
down elevator. ➢ Call out any trend towards terrain
➢ Apply thrust up to and including contact.
MAX POWER detent as needed.
➢ Ensure flight spoilers are stowed.
Continue the recovery: ➢ Monitor altitude and airspeed.
➢ Roll to maintain wings level
➢ Verify the required actions have
➢ Accept altitude loss while been done and call out omissions.
➢ Call out any trend towards terrain
➢ Do not change flaps or gear contact.
configuration during the recovery
Complete the recovery: ➢ Monitor altitude and airspeed.

➢ At first indication of increased ➢ Verify the required actions have

performance, readjust configuration been done and call out omissions.
as needed.
➢ Call out any trend towards terrain
➢ Re-engage flight director modes and contact.
autopilot as needed.
➢ Obtain new clearance from ATC if
To summarize, lower the nose to reduce the angle of attack. Apply up to MAX POWER as
needed. Ensure the spoilers are stowed. Do not change configuration until positive
performance is observed. Accept an altitude loss to recover airspeed.
NOTE: At high altitude, a several thousand feet loss may be necessary to recover.

Rev. 11 94 01/12/2023
Upset Recovery
An aircraft upset is any condition that exceeds the following parameters:
➢ Pitch greater than 25 degrees nose up, or
➢ Pitch greater than 10 degrees nose down, or
➢ Bank angle greater than 45 degrees, or
➢ Within above parameters but flying at speeds inappropriate for current flight
To recover from an upset state, utilize the following best practice technique:
It is helpful to state those recovery steps aloud as you perform them.
PUSH: disconnect the autopilot and push the nose down if needed. This is to prevent
potential stall conditions.
ROLL: Adjust bank angle. While level is a good practice, in an extreme nose high situation,
rolling into a higher bank will aid in lowering the nose and preventing a stall condition.
POWER: Add or reduce power as appropriate given airspeed and pitch.
STABILIZE: Finally, make the necessary adjustments to return to a level flight at normal
airspeeds. Once stable, call for autopilot or flight director modes.
The pilot monitoring should call out any missed steps, terrain closure, or approach to stall
The CRJ700 is equipped with EGPWS that includes windshear detection and escape
guidance systems. This is active between 10 feet AGL and 1500 feet AGL. Note: the system
is not active during the takeoff roll, and windshear must be detected using airspeed
Takeoff Roll Windshear Prior to V1
If windshear is detected prior to V1, the crew should perform a rejected takeoff.
Takeoff Roll Windshear After V1
If windshear is detected after V1, the crew should delay rotation until 2000 feet before the
end of the runway and ensure maximum thrust is set. After rotation, follow the Windshear
Warning expanded guidance in the next section.

Rev. 11 95 01/12/2023
Windshear Caution
If the crew encounters a windshear caution, they may continue with normal flight
maneuvers, but anticipate the caution may develop into a warning – review the escape
maneuver. A windshear caution is advisory in nature about potential windshear
The PM should call out any significant deviations in airspeed, altitude, rate of climb, and
pitch. If significant deviations occur, crews may consider cancelling their approach or
increasing their airspeed as able.
Windshear Warning
A windshear warning will appear on the PFD as a red “WINDSHEAR”, a two-tone alert
plays, followed by an aural “WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR, WINDSHEAR”. Crews should
immediately perform the escape maneuver, even if no deviations are observed. The
EGPWS system is predictive and can alert crews to windshear before fully entering the
Additionally, the flight director will provide escape guidance from windshear conditions.
At the top of the PFD, yellow alpha-margin indicators (AMIs) appear that display maximum
angle of attack for recovery.
Windshear Escape Maneuver
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring
➢ Disconnect the autopilot ➢ Assure maximum thrust
➢ Press either TO/GA switch
➢ Aggressively apply maximum thrust ➢ Verify required actions are
➢ Roll wings level and rotate to 15 complete
degrees pitch up
➢ Follow flight director guidance ➢ Advise when windshear guidance is
➢ Retract spoilers active
➢ Do not change flap or gear ➢ Monitor vertical speed and altitude.
configuration until windshear is no
longer a factor. ➢ Call out any trend toward terrain
contact, descending flight path, or
➢ Monitor vertical speed and altitude. significant airspeed changes.

When clear of windshear and vertical path is under control, accomplish the Go
Around procedure.

Rev. 11 96 01/12/2023
EGPWS Warning Maneuver
When EGPWS detects a terrain closure rate with impact of less than 30 seconds, an EGPWS
warning will be issued directing the crew to initiate the warning maneuver.

The EGPWS warning is indicated through the red PULL UP switchlight flashing and
accompanied with a “WHOOP WHOOP, PULL UP” or “TERRAIN, TERRAIN, PULL UP”. Crews
many only disregard an EGPWS warning when ALL of the following conditions are met:
➢ VMC Day Conditions.
➢ Visual awareness of surrounding terrain and obstacles confirming no contact will
➢ Altitude greater than 2500 AGL (No RA altitude displayed on the PFD).
When the EGPWS warning occurs, the following maneuver shall be performed:
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring
➢ Disconnect autopilot. ➢ Assure maximum thrust.

➢ Aggressively apply maximum thrust. ➢ Verify all required actions have been
➢ Roll wings level and rotate to a pitch
of 15 degrees initially.

➢ Retract spoilers.

➢ If terrain remains a threat, continue

to rotate back to the stick shaker.
Do not change gear or flap configuration ➢ Monitor vertical speed and altitude.
until terrain separation is assured.
➢ Call out any terrain contact trends.
Monitor RA for sustained or increasing
terrain separation

When clear of terrain, reduce pitch attitude

slowly and initiate a recovery to normal
flight conditions.

Single Engine Operations

For all single engine operations, refer to CH5: Abnormal Procedures.

Rev. 11 97 01/12/2023

CHAPTER 5: Abnormal Procedures

General .................................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Memory Items .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Emergency Checklist .................................................................................................................................................... 100
Quick Reference Handbook ....................................................................................................................................... 103
Rejected Takeoff............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Abort Criteria.............................................................................................................................................................. 104
Rejected Takeoff Profile ......................................................................................................................................... 104
Emergency Evacuation ................................................................................................................................................ 105
Engine Failure After V1 ................................................................................................................................................ 106
Initial Climb with Engine Failure........................................................................................................................ 106
Acceleration Altitude with Engine Failure ..................................................................................................... 106
Engine Fire or Failure AT or After V1 Profile ................................................................................................ 108
Single Engine Landing.................................................................................................................................................. 109

Rev. 11 98 01/12/2023

This section outlines abnormal procedures flight crew could encounter during CRJ-700
operations. It provides information regarding rejected takeoff procedures, emergency
evacuations, single engine operations, and a description of the emergency checklist and
quick reference handbook (QRH).

Memory Items
As a part of abnormal procedures, crews are required to memorize procedures that are
time sensitive during critical emergency situations. These memory items are highlighted
yellow on the Emergency Checklist. Below is a list of all required memory item procedures.
For the procedures themself, refer to the Emergency Checklist located in the next section.
During Landing-
Stabilizer Trim Excessive CABIN ALT Msg or
Runaway Asymmetry or Loss Emergency Descent
of Braking
Uncommanded Yaw Configuration
Aborted Takeoff
Motion Warning
Double Engine Hot Start
No Light Off
N2 Stagnation No Starter Cutout
Note: engine start malfunctions are not located on the emergency checklist, but must be
committed to memory. Below are the four engine start malfunction procedures that must
be memorized:

Hot Start
Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF
Dry motor until ITT is reduced below 120 degrees C, respecting starter time limit.
N2 Stagnation or Interrupted Start

Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF

Dry motor until ITT is reduced below 120 degrees C, respecting starter time limit.
No Light Off

Affected thrust lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SHUTOFF

Dry motor until starter time limit.

Affected ENG STOP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESS

Rev. 11 99 01/12/2023

Emergency Checklist
This checklist contains situations which are time critical and must be addressed
immediately. Upon completing this checklist, most procedures reference you to an
additional section in the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH). A copy for each required
crewmember is located within the flight deck side pockets.

Below is a list of all procedures on the Emergency Checklist. It is important to know which
procedures are on the checklist, so critical time is saved utilizing the more readily available
Emergency Checklist instead of the more cumbersome QRH. Keep in mind that all
Emergency Checklist items are also published in the QRH. Those procedures highlighted on
the Emergency Checklist indicate a memory item.

Note: starter malfunctions are memory items not located on the Emergency Checklist.
Those procedures are listed in the previous “memory item” section.

Rudder System Stabilizer Trim

Jammed Runaway
Engine Fire or Engine Fire or
Aileron System Uncommanded Yaw
Severe Damage Severe Damage
Jammed Motion
(Flight) (Ground)
During Landing-
SMOKE AFT (FWD) Elevator System Excessive
APU Fire
CARGO Jammed Asymmetry or Loss
of Braking
Double Engine In-Flight Engine Passenger Configuration
Failure Shutdown Evacuation Warning
Smoke/Fumes CABIN ALT Msg or
Rejected Takeoff
Removal Emergency Descent


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Rev. 11 101 01/12/2023


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Quick Reference Handbook

The quick reference handbook is organized by system and is used for all abnormal and
emergency situations. Most QRH procedures are triggered because of a caution or warning
message. At the front of each tab is a list of warning and caution messages with their
procedures’ page number. Additionally, there are non-EICAS event listings that cover
situations that do not generate an EICAS message, such as a rejected takeoff or
smoke/fumes in the cockpit. A complete list of messages and non-EICAS procedures is
located in the front of the book.
When performing a QRH procedure, the PF should handle radio communications. The PM
should perform the procedure. When an item states “CONFIRM”, it requires the other pilot
to verify the correct switch is selected. Example:
QRH states “Left Thrust Lever Confirm and Idle”
PM points to left thrust lever and states “LEFT THRUST LEVER CONFIRM, IDLE”
PF visually verifies both that it is the left thrust lever and idling it is a correct action.
If the switch is guarded with a plastic cover, do not lift the plastic cover until the
confirmation process is complete.

Rejected Takeoff
As the airplane accelerates, energy increases rapidly. At low speeds of up to approximately
80 KIAS, the energy required to stop the aircraft is not significant. This is referred to as the
“low speed regime”.
As the aircraft accelerates past 80 KIAS and approaches V1, the effort required to stop the
aircraft reaches maximum, and beyond V1, there may not be enough runway remaining to
stop the aircraft. Therefore, the decision to reject the takeoff must be made so that the
maneuver can be initiated prior to reaching V1 speed.
A successful rejected takeoff at or near V1 is dependent upon the pilot making quick
decisions and utilizing proper procedure./ The use of reverse thrust will produce
additional stopping capability, and reverse thrust should be initiated as soon as possible.
When recognition of conditions requiring a rejected takeoff are within one second of V1
speed, the balance of risk shifts in favor of continuing the takeoff. While continuing a
takeoff of an engine failure slightly less than V1 may result in a slightly lower altitude at the
threshold, it may be of less consequence than aborting slightly above V1 and overrunning
the runway.

Rev. 11 103 01/12/2023

Abort Criteria
Below is Blue Raider Airlines’ rejected takeoff criteria policy.
Below 80 KTS CA discretion to abort for any aircraft abnormality,
indication, caution, or warning message.
80 KTS to V1 Engine failure, fire or smoke warning, windshear,
aircraft is unsafe or unable to fly.
Above V1 Continue takeoff, except if:
aircraft is unsafe or unable to fly.

Note: it is generally a safer option to continue a takeoff above 80 knots with an abnormal
condition than it is to abort. High speed aborts risk lateral loss of control, overrun of the
runway when using improper technique, and significant stress on the brakes and tires.

Rejected Takeoff Profile

“Abort, My Aircraft” “Spoilers Green”
Thrust levers – Idle “80 Knots”
Wheel brakes – Maximum
Thrust reversers – Maximum Advise tower of reject
(consistent with directional
control of aircraft)
Parking brake – ON
Verify the problem
If memory items required: Advise tower of intentions and
Complete actions and requirements
If no memory items required,
PA to PAX: “Please remain
Call for the “Rejected Takeoff
Complete appropriate checklist(s)

Rev. 11 104 01/12/2023

1. Either Pilot Calls out Problem – Example: “FIRE LEFT ENGINE” or “ANTI SKID
2. “Abort, My Aircraft” (CA) or “Continue” (CA)
a. If continuing: complete normal takeoff to 1,000 AGL, then QRH as required.
b. If aborting: complete memory items for abort.
3. Thrust levers – Idle (CA)
4. Wheel brakes – Maximum (until safe stop) (CA)
5. Thrust reversers – Maximum (consistent with directional control) (CA)
6. “Spoilers green, 80 knots”, then advise tower of abort when safe (FO)
1. Bring aircraft to a complete stop on runway
2. Parking brake – ON (CA)
3. Verify the problem (CA)
4. Perform memory items as required (CA)
a. If no evacuation is required, advise passengers via PA:
“Please Remain Seated.”
5. Advise tower of intentions and requirements (FO)
6. Call for Rejected Takeoff QRH (CA)
7. Complete Rejected Takeoff QRH (FO)
8. Clear runway or initiate emergency evacuation (CA)

Emergency Evacuation
An emergency evacuation is initiated for a condition potentially endangering the life or
physical well-being of passengers and crew. That said, pilots must understand that
evacuating an airplane is a dangerous procedure that usually results in at least one
significant injury and several minor injuries. Pilots should always weigh the risk of
evacuating against the risk of remaining on board prior to initiating an evacuation.

In the majority of cases, this procedure will follow another QRH procedure. This requires a
great deal of coordination on the part of the crew members.

This checklist secures the aircraft against movement of any sort, and therefore allows for a
safe evacuation.

If the decision to evacuate is made, use the passenger evacuation checklist on the
emergency checklist. If the CA chooses to evacuate the passengers by a particular exit, he
should state the exit first, followed by the evacuate command.

Rev. 11 105 01/12/2023


Engine Failure After V1

After reaching V1, any engine failure requires the flight crew to continue the takeoff. This
profile is referred to as the “V1 Cut” profile – referencing losing an engine at the worst
possible moment, just reaching V1. When an engine fails at V1, flight crews will experience
a significant yaw motion into the failed engine. Utilize rudder control to maintain runway
center line, but do not apply rudder aggressively or utilize too much rudder. This could
result in oscillations down the runway.
The PM should announce the failure, clear any warning/caution annunciations, and provide
any necessary guidance for stability/control. Do not begin reading any checklists or QRH
procedures until after accelerating through VT airspeed.
When reaching VR speed, the PM will announce “ROTATE”. The PF should smoothly rotate
at 1 to 2 degrees per second watching the centerline disappear below the windshield. At
this point, transition inside to the PFD and monitor the slip indicator to ensure the
“triangle” is centered. Continue to rotate into the command bars smoothly.
Initial Climb with Engine Failure
Once the rotation is complete, this begins the initial climb phases of the V1 cut maneuver.
The PM will call “POSITIVE RATE.” The PF will respond “GEAR UP, SPEED MODE, SET V2”.
Upon recognizing this is complete, the PF will state “HEADING MODE, HALF BANK”. The
PM will raise the gear, select speed mode, and bug V2 speed. Then he or she will select
heading mode and turn on half bank to prevent over banking at slow speed.
Once this is complete, the PM will notify the tower of the failure and their intentions. It is
ideal to fly runway heading, but terrain or performance requirements may prevent this.
Your takeoff data report provides information on what to do in the event of an engine
At 600 ft AGL, the autopilot may be engaged. Note: use of rudder trim may assist in
maintaining directional control but use caution in applying too much trim. After
accelerating, some trim may need to be removed. Any time after completing the positive
rate callouts and before 1000 AFE, the PM shall state the malfunction and the PF shall state
Acceleration Altitude with Engine Failure
Upon reaching the acceleration altitude (normally 1000 AFE), the PF will set VT speed.
Upon accelerating through V2+15, the PF will call “FLAPS UP, HALF BANK OFF”. The PF will
then move the thrust levers into the CLIMB detent – this provides Max Continuous Thrust
(MCT) during single engine operations. Upon reaching VT, the PF will call for “AFTER

Rev. 11 106 01/12/2023

TAKEOFF CHECKLIST” and then the appropriate emergency checklist or QRH procedure.
For example, a left engine severe damage may sound like this:
(PF) Sets VT into the speed window.
➔ Speed is now accelerating through V2+15
(PF) Sets MCT by moving the thrust levers into CLIMB detent.
➔ Speed is now at VT.

Rev. 11 107 01/12/2023

Engine Fire or Failure AT or After V1 Profile

Rev. 11 108 01/12/2023


Single Engine Landing

The QRH describes the necessary steps when landing with an engine failure. All landings
will be conducted at flaps “20”. It is recommended that the aircraft join a 10-mile file and
be fully configured no later than 5 miles from landing to ensure stability of the aircraft.
Additionally, if a precision approach is available, it is highly recommended it is utilized for
vertical guidance. Note: do not aggressively flare when landing as the excess speed utilized
on a flaps 20 landing will cause significant float.
In the event of a go-around or missed approach, fly the V1 cut profile. Maintain V2 until at
least 1000 AFE, then accelerate to and maintain VT until level at a safe cruising altitude.
At Decision Altitude (DA), no runway in sight:
(PM) 600 FEET
➔ @1000 FT AFE, PF sets VT airspeed
➔ @VT Airspeed

Rev. 11 109 01/12/2023


CHAPTER 6: Operational Policy

Operational Specifications (OP SPECS) ................................................................................................................ 111
Dispatch Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 111
Takeoff Minimums.................................................................................................................................................... 111
Takeoff Alternate ...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Destination Alternate .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Approach Minimums ............................................................................................................................................... 112
Normal Callouts .............................................................................................................................................................. 113
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) Callouts ....................................................................................................... 113
Autopilot On Examples: ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Autopilot Off Examples: ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Additional Callouts ................................................................................................................................................... 114

Rev. 11 110 01/12/2023


Operational Specifications (OP SPECS)

Dispatch Requirements
Blue Raider Airlines cannot legally dispatch to an airport when weather is forecasted to be
below landing minimums at the estimated time of arrival. It is a joint responsibility
between the PIC and the dispatcher to ensure landing weather is good enough to dispatch
prior to the aircraft leaving the gate.

Blue Raider Airlines is not permitted to dispatch under Exemption 3585 and 17347.

Takeoff Minimums
No pilot operating an aircraft under part 121 may takeoff from an airport under IFR unless
weather conditions are at or above the weather minimums for IFR takeoff published for
that airport. If IFR takeoff minimums are not published, the following STANDARD
minimums apply.


Blue Raider Airlines has OP SPECS allowing the airline to use the following lower than
standard takeoff minimums depending the runway lighting installed.
BLUE RAIDER AIRLINES OP SPECS: Lower than Standard Takeoff Published Minima
Blue Raider flights are authorized to a takeoff minima of 500 ft RVR. Reference the
Jeppesen 10-9a page for your departure airport for specific authorized minima that may be
more restrictive.

Takeoff Alternate
A takeoff alternate is required on any flight where the origin airports weather is below
CAT1 landing minimums.
For an airplane with two engines, the takeoff alternate must be within 1 hour of the
departure airport at normal speed in still air with one engine inoperative.

Destination Alternate
A destination alternate is required with the weather at the destination is forecasted to be
below 2,000 foot ceilings or below 3sm visibility within 1 hour before to 1 hour after your

Rev. 11 111 01/12/2023

Normally, the dispatcher will choose an alternate when preparing the initial dispatch
release. The dispatchers use the ONE NAV/TWO NAV rule to determine the weather
required to file an airport as an alternate. Pilots should be familiar with this rule.


One Navigation Aid: Add 400 feet to the MDA(H) or CAT 1 DA(H), and add 1 statute mile
visibility to the landing minimums of the approach to be used.
Two Navigation Aids: Add 200 feet to the higher of the CAT 1 DA(H) or MDA(H), and add ½
statute mile to the higher visibility of the two approaches to be used.

Approach Minimums
During Part 121 operations, an instrument approach procedure cannot be commenced if
the weather is broadcasting below approach minimums.
Approaches – To begin an instrument approach procedure, only the visibility minimum is
required to be met.
A missed approach must be performed if the visibility drops below minimums while
shooting an approach, unless you are inside the final approach fix.

Rev. 11 112 01/12/2023


Normal Callouts

The following callouts are required for normal operations, in addition to the previously
stated callouts throughout this manual. If the responsible crewmember misses a normal
callout, the other crewmember shall make the callout, and the responsible crewmember
will respond with the same callout. Crewmembers must be vigilant for any deviation from
standard callouts.
“Two Callout Rule” – if a crewmember misses two standard callouts, or one standard
callout and the appropriate response, the other crewmember shall assess for any signs of
incapacitation, and then take control of the aircraft if necessary.

Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) Callouts

Any change made to the FMA via the FCP must be verbalized and verified by both pilots. If
the PF is flying without the autopilot engaged, the PM shall select the FCP mode and
announce the mode change., and then the PF verifies the mode seen on the FMA. If the
autopilot is on, the PF announces and selects the FCP mode change, and then the PM
verifies the mode seen on the FMA. Below are examples of potential callouts, but it is not
all inclusive:
Autopilot On Examples:
(PF) “NAV MODE” (PM) “FMS or LOC or VOR”

Autopilot Off Examples:

(PF) “Select Speed Mode” (PM) “SPEED MODE” (PF) “CLIMB 290”
(PF) “Select VS, Set 1.5 Up” (PM) “VS MODE” (PF) “VERTICAL SPEED, 1500”
(PF) “Select NAV Mode” (PM) “NAV MODE” (PF) “FMS or LOC or VOR”
(PF) “Select Heading mode” (PM) “HDG MODE” (PF) “HEADING”

Rev. 11 113 01/12/2023

Additional Callouts
“___, ___” – Both pilots will announce the new altitude and point at the altitude selector to
Autopilot ON – PF sets and announces altitude, PM responds by announcing and verifying
Autopilot OFF – PM sets and announces altitude, PF responds by announcing and verifying
“LOCALIZER (COURSE) ALIVE” – This callout should be made when the first positive
motion of the localizer (course) is identified on the PFD. (PM)
“GLIDESLOPE ALIVE” – This callout should be made when the first positive motion of the
glideslope is identified on the PFD. (PM)
“LOCALIZER (COURSE) CAPTURED” – This callout should be made when the localizer
(course) is captured by the flight director. Verify that LOC 1 and LOC 2 (FMS) are the active
lateral modes on the FMA. (PM)
“GLIDESLOPE CAPTURED” – This callout should be make when the glideslope is captured
by the flight director. Verify that GS becomes the active vertical mode on the FMA. (PM)
“LOCALIZER (COURSE)” - Deviation of more than 1/3 dot on CDI: PF will then call out:
“GLIDESLOPE” - Deviation of more than 1/2 dot on glide slope: PF will then call out:
“AIRSPEED” - Deviation of more than 5 KIAS on approach. PF will then call out:
“_____ for _____” – PM announces the current altitude and the selected altitude when the
aircraft is 1,000 feet above or below, as indicated by the “C-Chord” Altitude Alert Chime.
“ALTS CAP” – This callout should be made when the flight director captures a new altitude
and ALTS CAP is shown on the FMA. (PM)
“CONFIRM”, “EXECUTE”. When making inputs to the FMS after the initial preflight load, all
changes should be confirmed with the other party. The inputting pilot states the change
and asks “CONFIRM?”. The other pilot verifies the change visually and states “EXECUTE” is
they agree on the change.

Rev. 11 114 01/12/2023


CHAPTER 7: Aircraft Systems

Aircraft General .............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 118
Aircraft Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................. 118
Turning Radius........................................................................................................................................................... 118
Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) ............................................................................................................. 119
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Flight Control Panel (FCP)..................................................................................................................................... 119
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) ......................................................................................................................... 120
Flight Director (FD).................................................................................................................................................. 121
Autopilot ....................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Flight Instruments ......................................................................................................................................................... 122
Primary Flight Display (PFD) ............................................................................................................................... 122
Multi-Functional Display (MFD) ......................................................................................................................... 122
EFIS Control Panels .................................................................................................................................................. 123
Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) ................................................................................................. 125
Air Data Computer (ADC) ...................................................................................................................................... 125
Indication and Alerting................................................................................................................................................ 125
EICAS Displays ........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Color Logic ................................................................................................................................................................... 126
EICAS Control Panel (ECP) .................................................................................................................................... 126
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) ...................................................................................................................................... 127
Electrics ............................................................................................................................................................................. 128
General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
AC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 128
DC Power ...................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Overhead Panel .......................................................................................................................................................... 128
Powerplant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
FADEC Management ................................................................................................................................................ 130
Hydraulics ......................................................................................................................................................................... 130

Rev. 11 115 01/12/2023

Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Components ................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Operation...................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Fuel ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Operation...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Boost Pumps ............................................................................................................................................................... 133
Crossflow ...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Pneumatics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Distribution ................................................................................................................................................................. 133
Valves ............................................................................................................................................................................. 134
Diagram......................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Control Panel .............................................................................................................................................................. 135
Environmental Control System (ECS) ................................................................................................................... 135
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Avionics Cooling ........................................................................................................................................................ 135
Pressurization ............................................................................................................................................................ 135
Controls ......................................................................................................................................................................... 136
ECS Synoptic Page..................................................................................................................................................... 138
Ice and Rain ...................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Wing Anti-Ice .............................................................................................................................................................. 139
Cowl Anti- Ice.............................................................................................................................................................. 139
Probe and Windshield Heating ........................................................................................................................... 139
Fire and Overheat .......................................................................................................................................................... 140
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 140
Engines .......................................................................................................................................................................... 140
APU ................................................................................................................................................................................. 140
Cargo .............................................................................................................................................................................. 140
Lavatory ........................................................................................................................................................................ 141
Main Landing Gear ................................................................................................................................................... 141
Flight Controls................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 141

Rev. 11 116 01/12/2023

Ailerons ......................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Rudder ........................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Multifunction Spoilers (MFS) ............................................................................................................................... 142
Elevator/Stabilizer ................................................................................................................................................... 142
Flaps and Slats............................................................................................................................................................ 142
Stall Protection........................................................................................................................................................... 143
Landing Gear.................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 143

Rev. 11 117 01/12/2023


Aircraft General
This chapter will provide the flight crew with a general overview of the CRJ-700 aircraft
systems. A thorough knowledge of aircraft system will significantly help flight crew during
both normal and abnormal operations. The material presented in this chapter is taken from
the Bombardier Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). If a more detailed description is needed,
reference the AFM.

Aircraft Dimensions
Wingspan Length Height
76.27 ft 106.67 ft 24.36 ft

Turning Radius
The CRJ-700 requires 75 feet of pavement to complete a 180-degree turn. This is
determined using symmetrical thrust, a slow continuous turn, aft center of gravity, max
gross weight, and a dry surface.

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Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)

The AFCS provides a link between the flight directors and autopilot. It is comprised of two
flight control computers (FCCs), two autopilot motors, two yaw dampers, and the flight
control panel (FCP). Using these components, the AFCS is capable of flying the aircraft
based on pilot selections on the flight control panel.
When the autopilot is engaged, the AFCS maneuvers the aircraft while the pilot monitors
the flight path by observing guidance information presented on the EFIS displays. With the
autopilot disengaged, the pilot manually flies the aircraft in response to guidance provided
by the flight director command bars on the PFD.
Flight Control Panel (FCP)
The FCP is used to select and control the flight director modes and autopilot. It is located on
the glareshield of the aircraft. FCP buttons control vertical modes, lateral modes, course
selections, and autopilot.

1.Course Knob – used to manually select a VOR, LOC, or LDA course.

2. FD Pushbutton – select the flight director on and off when not coupled to the autopilot.
3. AP ENG Pushbutton – engages and disengages the autopilot.
4. AP DISC Bar – lowering disengages the autopilot.
5. XFR Pushbutton – transfer autopilot control between flight computers. Normally,
selecting the XFR commands the autopilot to follow the first officer’s FCC.
6. TURB Pushbutton – Engages turbulence mode that dampens autopilot response in
7. SPEED Pushbutton – Engages speed mode that commands the AFCS to maintain selected
speed utilizing pitch.
8. SPEED Bug Knob – selects desired IAS or MACH displayed magenta above the airspeed
indicator. Pressing the center of the knob switches between IAS and MACH.

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9. APPR Pushbutton – Selects approach mode to track the active navigation signal. For ILS
approaches, this arms the glide slop for capture. Only ILS and LOC (GS Out of Service)
approaches utilize APPR mode.
10. B/C Pushbutton – Selects back course mode indicated with a white BC 1 in the
navigation source FMA display. Directs the FCC to track the back course of tuned
navigation frequencies for approach.
11. HDG Pushbutton – Selects heading mode and commands FD to track bugged heading.
12. HDG Knob – changes selected reference heading. Pushing the center synchs to present
13. NAV Pushbutton – Selects navigation mode. The FCC tracks active navigation needles.
NAV is armed and current roll mode remains active until the course is intercepted.
14. ½ Bank Pushbutton – Selects half back mode when operating in HDG. Limits max bank
to 15 degrees. Automatically selected when climbing above 31,600 feet.
15. ALT Pushbutton – Selects altitude hold mode. Commands FD to hold current pressure
altitude at time of selection.
16. ALT Preselect Knob – Changes preselected altitude reference located in magenta above
the altitude tape. Pushing the center of knob cancels any audible altitude alerts.
17. VS Pushbutton – Selects of clears vertical speed mode. When selected, current vertical
speed in maintained. Adjustments are made using the VS wheel.
18. DOWN/UP Wheel – Selects vertical speed value when in VS mode or pitch angle when
in PTCH mode. Each click is 100 feet in VS or ½ degree pitch change when in PTCH.

Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)

The FMA is located in the upper left-hand corner of both Primary Flight Displays. The FMA
shows both active and armed flight director modes for pitch and roll. Armed modes are
displayed in white. Active modes are displayed in green. All inputs into the flight control
panel should be confirmed utilizing the FMA indications.

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Flight Director (FD)
The FD provides visual guidance utilizing a single-cue command bar overlayed on both
PFDs. Modes can be selected and displayed utilizing the FCP regardless of autopilot status.
The pilot can then utilize the guidance on the FD, based on selected mode, to operate the
The flight director can capture and follow attitudes, altitudes, headings, vertical speeds, a
navigation source, a localizer and glideslope, backcourse signals, provide go around pitch
and roll guidance, and windshear escape guidance.

The CRJ-700 is equipped with a digital, two-axis, passive failing autopilot. The elevator and
ailerons are controlled by servo motors. The rudder uses a dual channel yaw damper. The
autopilot is engaged by pressing the AP ENG button on the FCP. Note: a two-axis autopilot
does not incorporate autothrottles. Automation can only maintain airspeed using pitch
during a climb or descent when utilizing “speed” mode on the FCP.
In order for the autopilot to engage, the following conditions must be met.
1. Both Flight Control Computers working
2. Both Attitude and Heading Reference Systems working
3. One Air Data Computer working
4. At least one Stab Trim Channel engaged with no pitch faults
5. At least one yaw damper engaged
6. No significant instabilities
There are numerous ways to disengage the autopilot, but the primary method is the AP
DISC red button located on the yoke. Other ways include pressing TOGA, trimming the
stab trim yoke switches, selecting the AP ENG button on the FCP, lowering the AP DISC bar
on the FCP, pressing the YD DISC button, or during severe turbulence or aircraft upsets.

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Power Transfer
During a power transfer of BUS 2, the autopilot will disengage. It may be engaged by
selecting the AP ENG button on the FCP. This is most commonly seen during a failure of the
number two engine or when selecting the number two generator to reset during a non-
normal procedure.

Flight Instruments
All basic flight information is presented to the flight crew on electronic flight instrument
system (EFIS) displays. Each pilot contains a primary flight display and a multi-functional
Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Two PFDs provide the information necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft. Cooling
is performed through AC Display Cooling Fans. The PFD will revert to a decluttered mode
removing extraneous information during upset recovery events. Additionally, Alpha
Margin Indicators (AMIs) appear on the attitude display during windshear events and
approaching stall angle of attack.

Multi-Functional Display (MFD)

The MFDs combine HSI display and map display data on a variety of selectable navigation
map formats. The MFD can also be used in as a reversionary display in the event of a PFD
of EICAS display failure. During most normal operations, FMS MAP mode is used.

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EFIS Control Panels

Each pilot has an EFIS control panel located on the side panel just to the left (captain) or
right (first officer) of the PFD. The EFIS control panel contains three individual subpanels
that enable the user to select preferences on the MFD, program V-speeds and minima, and
manage reversionary modes.

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Display Control Panel (DCP)
The DCP allows selection of formats and ranges on the MFD, navigation needle source
selection and bearing pointer selection for the HSI, and toggles weather, terrain, and traffic
for the MFD.

Air Data Reference Panel

The Air Data Reference Panel allows user selection of reference speeds, MDA and DH
minima, and altimeter setting input.

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Display Reversionary Panel (DRP)
The DRP enables the MFD to be utilized as a PFD or EICAS display screen.

Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS)

The AHRS is a two-unit system that utilizes gyros to generate information for use in the
stall protection system, ground proximity warning system, traffic collision avoidance
system, flight control computers, and automatic flight control systems. Ground alignment
takes approximately one minute. If alignment is required in flight, it takes approximate 45
seconds, and the airplane must remain straight and level.
Air Data Computer (ADC)
The ADC uses inputs from three static and three pitot tubes to calculate altitude, SAT, TAT,
vertical speed, indicated airspeed, Mach number, true airspeed, airspeed trend vector, and
overspeed warning systems.

Indication and Alerting

EICAS Displays
The engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS) provides automatic system
monitoring, integrated systems information, color logic for data presentation, and
aural/visual alert messages. This information appears on the two center displays labeled
EICAS display 1 (left) and EICAS display 2 (right). Herein referred to as ED1 and ED2.
When viewing messages, the displayed ordered is listed in order of occurrence. Messages
are categorized using colors and aural alerts. Red for warning, amber for caution, green for
advisory, and white for status. ED1 displays warning and caution messages, while ED2
displays advisory and status messages.
The most recent message always appears at the top of its respective list. ED1 displays
primary information ,while ED2 can cycle through a variety of synoptic pages. ED2’s
default page is STAT and should be left on STAT when not in use. The below image (next
page) diagrams the ED1 PRI page (top) and the ED2 STAT page (bottom).

Rev. 11 125 01/12/2023


Color Logic

EICAS Control Panel (ECP)

The ECP is located on the center pedestal and allows the user to cycle various synoptic
pages through ED2. Four of the buttons are mechanical, which allows operation in the
event of ECP failure. Those are PRI, STAT, CAS, and STEP. Pressing the STAT page with ED2
selected to the STAT page already will remove all status messages. They may be recalled
by selecting the STAT button again. The STEP button cycles through all synoptic pages.

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Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

The APU is a Honeywell turbine auxiliary power unit located in the aft equipment bay. The
primary purpose is to provide AC electric power, but it can also pressurize the pneumatic
system for engine start, pressurization, and air conditioning. The APU generator is rated at
40 kVA. While the APU can be used for electricity up to 41,00 feet MSL, the max altitude for
bleed air extraction is 25,000 feet MSL. The APU fuel pump draws fuel from the left
collector tank for operation.
Two switches on the overhead panel control the APU. The PWR/FUEL switch opens the
door, energizes the fuel pump, opens the APU fuel SOV, completes the self IN BITE tests,
and displays gauges on the STAT page. The START/STOP commands the APU to start or
shutdown. On the ground, the APU door is fully open. In flight, the APU door modulates
according to airspeed. Door position, RPM, and EGT information can be found on the STAT
page on the lower portion of ED2. Below is a description of the entire APU start sequence.
1. Verify 22 volts DC on APU and MAIN Batteries
2. Select PWR/FUEL switch.
a. APU SOV OPEN status message is displayed.
b. APU IN BITE status message is displayed.
c. APU RPM and EGT gauges are displayed.
d. APUI DOOR OPEN message displayed.
e. When on the ground, wait until APU IN BITE message is no longer present
before pressing START/STOP.
3. Select START/STOP switchlight.
a. APU START status message appears.
b. Fuel and ignition introduce at 5% RPM.
c. 46% to 60% RPM starter will de-energize and APU START message
d. 99% RPM +2 seconds, the green AVAIL light illuminates.

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The CRJ-700 utilizes both 115 VAC and 28 VDC electrical power. There are three circuit
break panels, two located in the flight deck. Panel 1 is located behind the Captain. Panel 2
is located behind the First Officer. Panel 3 is located in the aft equipment bay.

AC Power
The primary source of power is AC power utilizing one of four AC generators. Both engines
have an AC generator, the APU AC generator, and the Air Driven Generator (ADG)
emergency generator. There are four AC buses: AC ESS BUS, AC BUS 1, AC BUS 2, and AC
SERV BUS. Additionally, external power can be connected for ground use in the AC system.
AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are critical buses that are protected with logic to ensure constant
power supply. Below is the source priority for AC BUS 1 and 2.
1. Onside Generator (1 or 2)
2. APU Generator
3. Cross-side Generator (2 or 1)
4. External AC power

DC Power
DC power is provided through four transformer rectifier units (TRUs). TRUs convert AC
power into DC power for use in the DC system. If a TRU fails, ties automatically close to
allow alternate TRUs to power parts of the systems. Batteries can be used during engine
starts and abnormal operations to power select sections of the DC system. There are 9 DC

Overhead Panel
Below (next page) is a detailed description of the overhead panel electric panel, and its
related switches.

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The CRJ-700 is equipped with two General Electric CF34-8C1 high-bypass turbofan
engines. The accessory gear box (AGB) supplies electrical power, hydraulic power, and
bleed air for subsystems. Each powerplant is controlled by a full authority digital engine
control (FADEC). The motor consists of a single stage N1 fan connected to a four-stage low
pressure turbine. The N2 rotor is a 10-stage axial flow compressor connected two a two-
stage high pressure turbine. The N2 compressor drives the AGB. Normal takeoff thrust is
12,670 lbs. with automatic power reserve (APR) thrust rated at 13,790 lbs.

Rev. 11 129 01/12/2023

FADEC Management
The CRJ-700 thrust levers utilize detent positions for thrust management. The CLIMB
detent maintains optimum N1 setting for CLIMB. The TO/GA detent is used for setting
takeoff N1 or during go-around procedures. The MAX POWER detent provides maximum
APR power for abnormal conditions. FADEC attempts to synch both engine N1s to the left
N1 setting. When an engine failure is detected, FADEC automatically increases each
detent’s thrust output. APR power in TOGA detent, MCT when in CLIMB, and a proportional
increase when operating in the cruise (non-detent) range.

The CRJ-700 has three independent hydraulic systems labeled 1, 2, and 3. The normal
pressure is 3000 psi, and all three systems utilize Skydrol. System 1 and 2 fluid are cooled
using a ram air/fluid heat exchanger. The fluid in system 3 does not need cooling due to its
System 1 and 2 utilize a primary engine-driven hydraulic pump with an electric AC motor
pump as a back-up. System 3 has a primary AC motor pump and a back-up AC motor pump.
There are 4 AC motor pumps and 2 engine-drive pumps. The 2 engine-driven pumps have
no control switch, and each operates when their respective engine is operating. The four
AC motor pumps are located on the overhead switch panel. Systems 1 and 2 have a shutoff
valve for the engine driven pump located on the overhead panel.

Each hydraulic system controls various hydraulic actuated systems. The hydraulic synoptic
pages demonstrates which system powers which equipment. Below (next page) is a
diagram for each system and an additional diagram that outlines the synoptic page layout.

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Rev. 11 131 01/12/2023


The CRJ-700 is equipped with two wing and one center fuel tanks. The tanks can be filled at
the single point pressurized refueling port or utilizing gravity fueling procedures on over-
wing access points. NACA vents allow ventilation during ground operations and create
positive pressure during flight. Water drains remove condensation. Fuel is heated using a
fuel-oil heat exchanger.

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A dual channel computer monitors and controls the fuel system. The system uses a number
of ejector pumps to move fuel. Fuel moves from the center tanks using the transfer ejectors
into the wing tanks. Scavenge ejectors then move fuel from the wing tanks into the
respective collector tank. Main ejectors then deliver the fuel from the collector tank to the
engine. Ejectors move fuel using motive flow which is created through the engine driven
fuel pumps.
Boost Pumps
Two electric boost pumps are installed as back-ups to the main ejectors and for engine
starting. Selecting a boost pump switchlight to “on” does not turn the pump on. It enables
the pump to start automatically when low pressure is detected. If either pump detects low
pressure with the respective switchlight pressed “on”, then both pumps will activate
regardless of the other pumps switch position.
Fuel crossflow can be accomplished using either automatic or manual methods. When
enabled, automatic crossflow occurs when a fuel imbalance reaches more than 200 lbs. The
crossflow pump draws fuel from the wing tank of higher quantity and pumps it into the low
wing tank. When the low wing tank quantity reaches 50 lbs. higher than the original high
quantity tank, automatic crossflow stops. Manual crossflow can be completed utilizing the
overhead switchlights to power the crossflow pump and direct the fuel into the low wing.
A gravity valve allows crossflow in the vent of the crossflow pump failure during
imbalance. No crossfeed is available.

The pneumatic system receives pressurized air from either the 6th or 10th stage of the
engine compressors, the APU, or from an external ground source. The pneumatic system is
used for engine starting, cowl and wing anti-ice, and air conditioning/pressurization. The
bleed air system is fully automated with a manual mode for abnormal operation.
The system is divided in half with a left and right side. An isolation valve separates the
systems but can be opened to allow crossflow of air during engine starts, APU operation, or
engine failures. Cowl anti-ice cannot be supplied from opposite sides; however, a wing
anti-ice cross-bleed valve can be opened to allow the left engine to heat the right wing and
vice versa.

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An APU load control valve (LCV) prevents backflow of air into the APU and opens to allow
APU air to supply the system. Each engine has a high-pressure valve (HPV) that
automatically cycles to pull air from either the 6th or 10th compressor section depending on
system demand. In automatic mode, all valves are operated through the air conditioning
system controller without pilot input required.

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Control Panel

Environmental Control System (ECS)

The ECS provides regulated conditioned air using two air conditioning packages (PACKs).
The PACKs receive air from the pneumatic system and cool it for temperature regulation
and pressurization. The left PACK supplies 85% of the air to cockpit, while the right PACK
supplies 85% of the air to the cabin. The cabin and flight deck have separate controllers
with both automatic and manual modes. Manual modes have no overheat or freeze
protection. A recirculation fan pulls air from floor level back into the air conditioning
system to aid in air flow and temperature regulation.
Avionics Cooling
AC powered fans draws airflow through the display screen and avionics area and into the
avionics equipment bay for offloading through a vent valve. If a display cool caution
message appears, the overboard valve is stuck open and the airplane will not pressurize.
Alternate fans are available for both avionics and display. Displays must not be operated
without AC power for more than 5 minutes or overheat may occur.
Cabin pressurization is controlled by metering the amount of air that exits the pressure
vessel through one electric cabin outflow valve. Two identical but independent cabin
pressurization controllers (CPCs) control the pressurization system automatically or
manually depending on switch position. The CPCs automatically deploy passenger oxygen

Rev. 11 135 01/12/2023

masks at 14,000+/- 300ft cabin altitude, and it also attempts to limit cabin pressure to
14,500+/-500 during EMER DEPRESS.

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ECS Synoptic Page

Ice and Rain

The CRJ-700 is certified for flight into known icing (FIKI). The aircraft’s engine cowls and
wing leading edges use pneumatic bleed air for heating. The windshields, side windows,
and air data probes are electrically heated. Windshield wipers are available for rain
removal below 250 KIAS. An ICE probe alerts flight crew of ice conditions; this probe
vibrates at high frequency, and when the frequency decreases at a preset value, a caution
message ICE is generated.

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Wing Anti-Ice
The leading edge of the wing roots and slats are heated using engine bleed air. A dual-
channel anti-ice leak detection controller controls the valve operation and detects leaks.
When in the on position, the controller modulates the valve to maintain temperature in the
bleed air duct. Air is then offloaded from the duct through piccolo tubes onto the inner
wing surface. Temperature sensors detect overheat conditions in the wing bleed air ducts.
Cowl Anti- Ice
The engine intakes are heated using engine bleed air. A cowl anti-ice shutoff valve (SOV)
opens when the switches are selected ON, and the bleed air pipes through to an ejector
nozzle and exits piccolo tubs onto the cowl surface; air then exits from vents. A leak
detection system will close the valves if a leak is detected.
Probe and Windshield Heating
The following probes are electrically heated to prevent ice formation. When on the ground,
only some probes are heated. Regardless of switch position, all probes will be heated once
airborne automatically.
1. Two Pitot Static Probes
2. One Standby Pitot Probes
3. Two Alternate Static Ports
4. Two Angle of Attack (AOA) Vanes
5. One Total Air Temperature (TAT) Sensor

The flight deck windshields are heated and controlled by a three-position switch. OFF
disables all heating elements. LOW powers defrosting and defogging to the two side
windows and two front windshields. HIGH powers a higher temperature to the front
windshield only. LOW is the normal position.

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Fire and Overheat

Fire and overheat protection are provided for the engines, jet pylons, APU, and main
landing gear. The cargo bins and lavatory have smoke detectors. Pneumatic ducts have
independent bleed leak and overheat detectors. The system is tested using the overhead
FIREX Monitor TEST button. A successful test is indicated with an advisory message.
The nacelle, jet pipe, and pylon are each protected with a dual loop detection system. Two
loops increases reliability and dispatchability. Both loops must detect an overheat
condition for a fire warning to occur. There are two Halon fire bottles available for engine
use. Both can be fired into one engine is necessary. Engine fire indicates are a fire bell,
warning message, and the associated fire push switch on the glareshield will illuminate.
The fire pushswitches isolate the engine, closing the fuel SOV, pneumatic SOV, hydraulic
SOV, disabling the engine driven generator, and arming the Halon bottle squibs. Once the
pushswitch is pressed, both bottles are available for discharge.

The APU is protected with a dual loop detection system, and there is one Halon bottle
available for use. This bottle automatically discharges on the ground. The APU is housed in
a titanium fireproof box in the aft equipment bay. The APU fire pushswitch on the
glareshield isolates pneumatic, fuel, and electrical from the APU, while also arming the
Halon bottle squibs.
The aft cargo bin has two smoke detectors. The forward bin utilizes three detectors. When
smoke is detected, an aural “SMOKE” will sound with the associated cargo fire pushswitch
illuminated. Pressing the pushswitch closes all exhaust and vent valves from the associated

Rev. 11 140 01/12/2023

bin, and it arms both Halon bottle squibs. Two Halon bottles are available for the cargo
bins. The first bottle fires rapidly to extinguish the fire. The second bottle fires
simultaneously, but at a much slower rate to suppress the fire over a 60-minute period.
When cargo is carried in either bin, the flight must be within 60 minutes of a usable airport.

The lavatory utilizes a ceiling mounted smoke detector. A SMOKE TOILET caution message
displays in the flight deck when smoke is detected, as well as the detector itself emitting a
sound. The waste bin has an automatic extinguisher mounted above it.
Main Landing Gear
The main landing gear bay is protected using a single loop detector. When an overheat
condition is detected, the flight crew will receive an MLG OVHT warning message and a
“GEAR BAY OVEHREAT” aural message.

Flight Controls
The primary flight controls are operated conventionally using cables. The surfaces are
actuated hydraulically or electrically depending on the system. Hydraulic systems received
input from the cables and use a power control unit (PCU) to translate the input to the
control surface. Primary controls include the ailerons, rudder, elevator, and multifunction
spoilers (MFS). Secondary controls include the flaps, slats, flight spoilers, ground spoilers,
and stabilizer trim.

Rev. 11 141 01/12/2023

Two independent control systems control the aileron. The pilot controls the left and the
copilot the right. During normal operations, they are linked together using a torque tube,
but can be separated when jammed using the ROLL DISC handle on the center console.
Each aileron receives input from two PCUs, each powered from a separate hydraulic
system. In the event of a single PCU or hydraulic failure, the remaining PCU can operate the
The rudder is powered using three PCUs, each controlled from a separate hydraulic system.
Two yaw dampers are installed to improve turn coordinate and prevent dutch-roll. In
flight, a rudder limiter prevents the rudder from moving to full deflection.
Multifunction Spoilers (MFS)
On the upper surface of each wing are four spoiler-type panels. The outer most two are the
MFSs. The inner most two are the ground spoilers, labelled inboard and outboard. The
ground spoilers are only deployed on touchdown for ground lift dumping. The MFSs are
used for roll assist, flight spoilers, and ground lift dumping.
Each elevator is controlled utilizing three PCUs, each powered from a separate hydraulic
system. Like the aileron, the system is split into two separate systems. The pilot controls
the left and the copilot the right. During normal operations, the systems are linked using a
torque tube. In the event of a jam, the system can be separated using the PITCH DISC
handle on the center console. When trimming, the stabilizer moves the horizontal
stabilizer to the trimmed value. In the event of a trim runaway, a continuous warble will
sound, and either pilot can disable the trim using the button on the back of the yoke.
Flaps and Slats
The CRJ-700 is equipped with electrically operated rearward moving double slotted flaps.
The six positions are 0, 1, 8, 20, 30, and 45 degrees. In the event of asymmetrical flap
extension or motor malfunction, a FLAPS FAIL caution will appear and flaps cannot be
Additionally, leading edge slats are included on the aircraft. When flaps are placed in
position 1, the slats move to 20 degrees and flaps remain zero. In position 8 or 20, the slats
remain at 20 degrees, while flaps move to their respective lever position. When the lever is
set to 30 or 45, the slats extend to 25 degrees.
An EMER FLAP switch is utilized to deploy SLATS/FLAPS both to the 20-degree position in
the event the flap lever itself fails.

Rev. 11 142 01/12/2023

Stall Protection
The stall protection system gives aural, visual, and tactile indications of an approaching
stall. If corrective action is not taken, the stick pusher will physically push the yoke
forward to prevent a stall. The stick pusher can be stopped by pressing and holding the
AP/SP DISC button or by turning the stall protection system off. When approaching a stall,
alpha margin indicators (AMIs) appear on the PFD indicated the maximum pitch attitude
before reaching the critical angle of attack.

Landing Gear

The CRJ-700 uses a conventional retractable tricycle landing gear system. On the ground,
the nose can be steered using either the rudder pedals or tiller with hydraulic nosewheel
steering from hydraulic system 3. The rudder provides 8 degrees of turn, while the tiller
proved 80 degrees of turn.
Hydraulic system 3 powers the retraction and extension of the gear. When system 3 is not
available, pulling the manual gear release handle will allow release the up-locks and enable
the gear to lower using airflow and an emergency accumulator for assistance.

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