(Note) Customs5

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[CUSTOMS5 Customs Clearance] - MODULE 1 B.

Transshipment System (TSS)

CLEARANCE - refers to the completion of customs and other ● Electronic Import Permit (eIPS) for PEZA
government formalities necessary to allow goods to enter for ● Electronic Zone Transfer System (eZTS) for PEZA
consumption, warehousing, transit, transshipment, to be
● Electronic Transit Admission Permit System (e-TAPS) for
exported, or placed under another customs procedure.
TRADE FACILITATION - refers to a specific set of measures that AFAB, CDC, SBMA
streamline and simplify the technical and legal procedures for ● Gatepass Management System (GMS) for SBMA
products entering or leaving a country to be traded ● Trade Automation & Facilitation System
e2m (electronic-to-mobile) Customs Project - is one of the A. Modified Goods Declaration Verification System
mission-critical and high-impact ICT projects of the national B. Document Tracking System
C. Alert Order Monitoring System
➔ it seeks to streamline BOC’s core processes (imports and
exports) and improve trade facilitation between the Bureau D. National Value Verification System
and its stakeholders, including other government agencies, E. Customer Care Portal (BOC Ticketing System)
through the development and integration of various systems F. Parcel and Balikbayan Box Tracking System
allowing Internet enabled and later SMS-enabled, thus less PHILIPPINE NATIONAL SINGLE WINDOW
face-to-face transactions. The Philippine NSW is in realization of the ASEAN agreement to
FEATURES OF THE E2M CUSTOMS establish an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015 whose
1. Online submissions of declarations
mission is to develop a single market and production base that is
2. Automatic advise on declaration status
3. Engagement of Value Added Service Providers (VASPs) stable, prosperous, highly competitive and economically
4. Online submission of manifests by airlines, shipping lines and integrated with effective facilitation for trade and investment,
consolidators thereby forming the ASEAN Single Window.
5. Automated process for other types of import transactions Objectives of Philippine NSW:
such as informal (including passenger baggages system 1. An internet application that allows parties involved in trade to
warehousing and transshipment entries)
lodge information and documents with a single entry to fulfill all
6. Automated process for liquidation of raw materials
7. Centralized management of bonds transactions import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements.
8. Links with relevant government agencies; and 2. It aims to increase transparency in cargo processing by
9. Online resource access through BOC website on issuances, providing more accurate, timely and cost-efficient exchange of
processes, policies, guidelines and other related information information by reducing more Customs operational costs and
AUTOMATED SYSTEMS UNDER THE E2M CUSTOMS improving revenue collection.
A. Import Assessment System (IAS) 3. To avail of the easy on-line processing of permits/clearance
E2m components implemented through IAS
certificates an importer/exporter should be registered by
● Client Profile Registration System (CPRS)
● Electronic Manifest System (EMS) providing TIN Number and valid email address for notification
● Formal Entry System (FES) purposes.
● Payment Abstract Secure System version 5.0 GOODS DECLARATION - refers to a statement made in the manner
(PASS-5) prescribed by the Bureau and other appropriate agencies, by
● Other Settlement Modes (OSM) consisting of Tax which the persons concerned indicate the procedure to be
Exemptions, Import Entry Declaration (IED) for
observed in the application for the entry or admission of
Advance Duties, Tax Debit Memos (TDM), Deferred
Payment of Government Account (DPGA) imported goods and the particulars of which the customs
● On-line Release Systems (OLRS) administration shall require.
● License and Clearance System (LCS) for government SEC. 400. Goods to be Imported through Customs Office. All
agencies that are already connected to the National goods imported into the Philippines shall be entered through a
Single Window (NSW) customs office at a port of entry, or may be admitted to or
B. Informal Entry System (IES)
removed from a free zone as defined in this Act, as the case may
C. Automated Bonds Management System (ABMS)
D. Raw Materials Liquidation System (RMLS) be.
E. Passenger Baggage Entry System (PBES) SEC. 401. Importations Subject to Goods Declaration. Unless
F. Value Reference Information System (VRIS) otherwise provided for in this Act, all imported goods shall be
AUTOMATED SYSTEMS LINKED WITH OTHER GOVERNMENT subject to the lodgement of a goods declaration. A goods
AGENCIES declaration may be for consumption, for customs bonded
A. Automated Export Documentation System warehousing, for admission, for conditional importation, or for
● Clark Development Corp. in Clark Freeport Zone uses customs transit.
Electronic Export Declaration System (EEDS) instead of Types of Goods Declaration (for consumption)
AEDS 1. INFORMAL ENTRY (value of less than PHP 50,000)
2. FORMAL ENTRY (value of not less than PHP 50,000) the compilation of statistics and compliance with this Act. The
SEC. 402. Goods Declaration for Consumption. – All goods Bureau shall require the electronic lodgement of the goods
declaration for consumption shall be cleared through a formal declaration.
entry process except for the following goods which shall be The Bureau shall only require supporting documents
cleared through an informal entry process: necessary for customs control to ensure that all requirements of
(a) Goods of a commercial nature with Free on Board (FOB) or the law have been complied with. Translation of supporting
Free Carrier At (FCA) value of less than fifty thousand documents shall not be required except when necessary.
pesos (P50,000.00), and Goods declaration must be lodged within fifteen (15)
(b) Personal and household effects or goods, not in commercial days from the date of discharge of the last package from the
quantity, imported in a passenger's baggage or mail. vessel or aircraft. The period to file the goods declaration may,
SEC. 403. Provisional Goods Declaration. Where the declarant upon request, be extended on valid grounds for another fifteen
does not have all the information or supporting documents (15) days: Provided, That the request is made before the
required to complete the goods declaration, the lodging of a expiration of the original period within which to file the goods
provisional goods declaration may be allowed: Provided, that it declaration: Provided, however, That the period of the lodgement
substantially contains the necessary information required by the of the goods declaration maybe adjusted by the Commissioner.
Bureau and the declarant undertakes to complete the information SEC. 408. Lodgement and Amendment of Goods Declaration. The
or submit the supporting documents within forty-five (45) days Bureau shall permit the electronic lodgement of the goods
from the filing of the provisional goods declaration, which period declaration at any designated customs office. The Bureau shall, for
may be extended by the Bureau for another forty-five (45) days for valid reason and under terms and conditions provided by
valid reasons. regulation, permit the declarant to amend the goods declaration
If the Bureau accepts a provisional goods declaration, the that has already been lodged: Provided, That the request to
duty treatment of the goods shall not be different from that of amend the goods declaration, together with the intended
goods with complete declaration. amendments, must be received prior to final assessment or
Goods under a provisional goods declaration may be examination of the goods.
released upon posting of any required security equivalent to the SEC. 409. Advance Lodgement and Clearance. The Bureau may
amount ascertained to be the applicable duties and taxes. provide for the lodgement and clearance of goods declaration and
SEC. 404. Owner of Imported Goods. All goods imported into the supporting documents prior to the arrival of the goods under such
Philippines shall be deemed to be the property of the consignee terms and conditions as may be provided by rules and regulations
or the holder of the bill of lading, airway bill or other equivalent to be promulgated under this Act.
transport document if duly endorsed by the consignee therein, or, SEC. 410. Entry of Goods in Part for Consumption and in Part for
if consigned to order, duly endorsed by the consignor. The Warehousing. – Goods declaration covered by one bill of lading or
underwriters of abandoned goods and the salvors of goods saved airway bill over goods which are meant in part for consumption
from wreck at sea, coast, or in any area of the Philippines, may be and in part for warehousing may be both entered simultaneously
regarded as the consignees. for release at the port of entry.
SEC. 405. Liability of Importer for Duties and Taxes. Unless SEC. 411. Contents of Goods Declaration. Goods declaration shall
relieved by laws or regulations, the liability for duties, taxes, fees, contain the names of the consignee, importing vessel or aircraft
and other charges attached to importation constitutes a personal port of departure, port of destination and date of arrival, the
debt due and demandable against the importer in favor of the number and marks of packages, or the quantity, if in bulk, the
government and shall be discharged only upon payment of duties, nature and correct commodity description of the goods contained
taxes, fees and other charges. It also constitutes a lien on the therein, its value as set forth in a proper invoice, and such other
imported goods which may be enforced while such goods are information as may be required by rules and regulations.
under customs' custody. Where the declarant does not have all the information
SEC. 406. Importations by the Government. Except those required to make the goods declaration, a provisional or
provided for in Section 800 of this Act, all importations by the incomplete goods declaration shall, for certain cases and for
government for its own use or that of its subordinate branches or reasons deemed valid by the Bureau, be allowed to be lodged:
instrumentalities, or corporations, agencies or instrumentalities Provided, That it contains the particulars deemed necessary by
owned or controlled by the government, shall be subject to the the Bureau for the acceptance of the entry filed and that the
duties, taxes, fees and other charges under this Act. declarant undertakes to complete it within forty-five (45) days
SEC. 407. Goods Declaration and Period of Filing. As far as from the filing of the provisional goods declaration in accordance
practicable, the format of the goods declaration shall conform with Section 403 of this Act.
with international standards. The data required in the goods
declaration shall be limited to such particulars that are deemed
necessary for the assessment and collection of duties and taxes,
For new Customs Broker, the following pertinent documents are Pursuant to CMO 19-2019, all brokers who are transacting with
to be submitted: the Bureau shall file an application for renewal of registration to
1. Application form (notarized and completely filled out); the CIIS District Office at the Collection District nearest the
2. Bureau of Customs Official Receipt (BCOR) evidencing Broker's principal place of business.
payment of Processing Fee (Php 1,000); Alternatively, you may file your application online opening a ticket
3. Photocopy of Valid Philippine Regulatory Commission and attaching the scanned copy of required documents. Just visit
(PRC) Identification Card, back-to-back. For married https://client.customs.gov.ph/. Your ticket will be forwarded to
female brokers, if the name reflected in the PRC ID is that concerned CIIS District Office and you will be informed regularly of
of her maiden name, submit copy of Marriage Contract the status of your application.
issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA);
4. List of clients with complete addresses and contact WHAT ARE THE ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW
details (if no clients, submit affidavit of no clients); IMPORTERS?
5. List of representative/s with personal details, photos and For new importers, the following pertinent documents are to be
specimen signatures (if no representative/s, submit submitted:
affidavit of no representative/s); 1. Duly notarized accomplished Application Form and
6. Printed CPRS profile of applicant and updated notification signed by owner (for Sole Proprietorship), responsible
of “STORED” status; Officer (for Corporation), Chairman (for Cooperative) and
7. BIR Registration (2303); authorized partner (for Partnership);
8. Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) duly received by the BIR; 2. Bureau of Customs Official Receipt (BCOR) evidencing
9. Valid NBI Clearance of applicant; and payment of processing fee (Php1,000.00);
For renewal of Customs Broker’s application, the broker shall 3. Corporate Secretary Certificate (Corporation) / Affidavit
submit the following pertinent documents: (Sole Proprietorship) / Partnership Resolution
1. Duly accomplished and notarized Application Form for (Partnership) / BOD Resolution (Cooperative) designating
Renewal (if there are updates/changes) its authorized signatories in the import entries;
2. Bureau of Customs Official Receipt (BCOR) evidencing 4. Two (2) valid government issued IDs (with picture) of
payment of Processing Fee (Php 1,000); Applicant, President and Responsible Officers (i.e.,
3. Photocopy of Valid Philippine Regulatory Commission passport, UMID Card, SSS ID, Driver’s License, Alien
(PRC) Identification Card, back-to-back. For married Certificate of Registration and Alien Employment Permit
female brokers, if the name reflected in the PRC ID is that for aliens);
of her maiden name, submit copy of Marriage Contract 5. NBI Clearance of applicant (issued within three (3)
issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA); months prior to the application)
4. If there is no change in material information previously 6. Photocopy of DTI Registration or SEC Registration/Articles
declared and submitted, a duly accomplished and of Partnership and Latest General Information Sheet, or
notarized Affidavit of No Change in Information (i.e., Cooperative Development Authority Registration and
Registered Name, Office Address, Contact Number/s, latest Cooperative Annual Progress Report, whichever is
Email Address, List of clients, List of representative/s) applicable;
using the prescribed form (Annex E-1 of CAO No. 5-2019): 7. Personal Profile of Applicant, President and Responsible
5. In case of change/s in material information previously Officers;
declared and submitted, a duly accomplished and 8. Company Profile with pictures of office with proper and
notarized Affidavit of Change in Information (i.e., permanent signage and pictures of warehouse/storage
Registered Name, Office Address, Contact Number/s, area;
Email Address, List of clients, List of representative/s) 9. Proof of Lawful Occupancy of Office Address and
using the prescribed form (Annex E of CAO No. 5-2019) Warehouse (i.e., Updated Lease Contract under the name
with supporting documentary requirements. of the Corporation or Proprietor, Affidavit of Consent
6. Updated printed CPRS profile of applicant and updated from the owner and the Title of the Property under
notification of “STORED” status; his/her name in case the property is used for free,
7. Latest Income Tax Return (ITR); and Certification from the Lessor or Owner allowing the
8. Certificate of Good Standing issued by a PRC accredited sharing of office in case of Sublease);
national organization of Customs Brokers. 10. Printed CPRS of the Company and updated notification of
“STORED” status;
11. BIR Registration (2303);
12. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the past three (3) years duly declaration shall, under penalties of falsification or perjury,
received by the BIR, if applicable; contain the following statements:
13. Valid Mayor’s Permit as certified by the Bureau of Permits a. The invoice and goods declaration contain an accurate and
and Licensing Office; faithful account of the prices paid or payable for the goods,
14. Proof of Financial capacity to import goods (Bank and other adjustments to the price actually paid or payable,
Certificate or other forms of financial certification) (Top and that nothing has been omitted therefrom or concealed
1000 Taxpayers and under SGL Companies are whereby the government of the Republic of the Philippines
exempted); and might be defrauded of any part of the duties and taxes
15. Endorsement from the District Collector, if applicable. lawfully due on the goods; and
16. Location map/sketch map of office and warehouse b. To the best of the declarant's information and belief, all the
address invoices and bills of lading or airway bills relating to the
For renewal of importer’s application, the importer shall submit goods are the only ones in existence relating to the
the following pertinent documents: importation in question, and that these documents are in
1. Duly accomplished and notarized Application Form for the same state as when they were received by the declarant,
Renewal; and the declaration thereon are in all respecting genuine
2. Updated General Information Sheet (Corporation) / DTI and true.
(Sole Proprietor) / Articles of Partnership / CDA Goods declaration shall be submitted electronically pursuant to
Registration or Cooperative Annual Progress report Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise known as the “Electronic
(CAPR) (Cooperative.); Commerce Act of 2000”. Such declarations when printed and
3. Bureau of Customs Official Receipt (BCOR) evidencing certified by a competent customs officer as a faithful reproduction
payment of Processing Fee (Php 1, 000); of the electronic submission shall be considered as actionable
4. Affidavit of Change or No Change; documents for purposes of prosecuting a declarant if the
● If there are updates/changes in Company Information, declarations are found to be fraudulent.
necessary supporting documents must be submitted. SEC. 413. Description of Goods .- Under such terms and
Submit Affidavit of Change of Company information, conditions prescribed under the rules and regulations, the
please specify changes; description of the goods in the goods declaration must be
● If there is no change in material information previously sufficient and specific in detail to enable the goods to be identified
declared and submitted, a duly accomplished and for customs valuation, statistical purposes, and classification to
notarized Affidavit of No Change in Company Information the appropriate tariff heading and subheading in the currency of
(i.e. Business Name, Business Ownership, Office Address, the invoice, and in such other particulars necessary for the proper
Warehouse/Storage address, Responsible Officers, Line of assessment and collection of duties and taxes. The quantity and
Business, Contact Numbers, Email Address, Importable value of each of the several classes of goods shall be separately
Items and Designated Signatories in the Import Entry) declared according to their respective headings or subheadings
using the prescribed form (Annex A); and the totals of each heading or subheading shall be duly shown.
5. Updated Printed CPRS of the company and updated SEC. 414. Commercial and Non-Commercial Invoice .- Commercial
notification of “STORED” status; invoice of imported goods shall contain the following:
6. Latest Income Tax Return (ITR); a. the agreed price paid or to be paid for the goods;
7. Valid Mayor’s Permit (certified true copy by the BPLO); b. the adjustments to the price paid or to be paid as defined in
8. Financial Capacity to import (example: Bank Certificate, Section 701 (1) of this Act, if not yet included in the invoice,
Line of Credit etc.) - supporting documents of Affidavit of as may be applicable;
No Change; c. the names of the buyer, seller, and the time and place of
9. Updated List of Importables with declared Grand Total sale;
Value of all items; d. the port of entry;
10. Previous Bureau of Customs Certificate of Registration e. a sufficient description to enable the accurate identification
(BOC-COR); of goods for tariff classification, customs valuation, and
11. Location map/sketch map of office and warehouse statistical purposes, indicating the correct commodity
address description, in customary term or commercial designation,
Note: You may submit all required documents one (1) month the grade and quality, numbers, marks or symbols under
before the expiration. which they are sold by the seller or manufacturer, together
with the marks and number of packages in which the goods
SEC. 412. Statements to be Provided in the Goods Declaration .- are packed;
No entry of imported goods shall be allowed unless the goods f. the quantities in the weights or measures of the goods
declaration has been lodged with the Bureau. The goods shipped; and
g. any other fact deemed necessary for the proper by customs officers who shall examine and receive the inventory
examination, customs valuation,and tariff classification of made on the cargo.
the goods as may be prescribed by rules and regulation. Derelicts and goods salvaged from foreign vessels or
To the extent possible, the above requirements shall also apply to aircrafts recovered from sea or wreck are prima facie dutiable and
goods imported but not covered by sale, such as goods on may be entered for consumption or warehousing. If claimed to be
consignment or lease, samples, or donations, covered by a of Philippine production, and consequently conditionally
consignment, pro forma invoice, or other non-commercial invoice. duty-free, proof must be submitted as in ordinary cases of
SEC.415. Mode of Payment and Terms of Trade.- Subject to re-importation of goods. Foreign goods landed from a vessel or
existing laws and rules on foreign currency exchange, the aircraft in distress is dutiable if sold or disposed of in the
internationally accepted standards and practices on the mode of Philippines. Before any goods taken from a recent wreck are
payment or remittance covering import and export transactions, admitted to the customs territory, the same shall be appraised,
including standards developed by international trading bodies and the owner or importer shall have the same right to appeal as
such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on trading in ordinary importation. No part of a Philippine vessel or aircraft
terms (Incoterms)and on international letters of credit such as the or its equipment, wrecked either in Philippine or foreign waters,
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP), shall be subject to duty.
shall be recognized.
SEC.416. Examination of Samples .- Customs officers shall see to it [CUSTOMS5] MODULE 3
that representative samples taken during examination shall be OPERATIONAL PROVISIONS ON INFORMAL ENTRY AND FORMAL
properly receipted for and retained within a reasonable period of ENTRY
time. The quantity and value of the samples taken shall be noted FORMAL ENTRY PROCESS - shall refer to the cargo clearance
in the specified box of goods declaration or electronic form. Such process for imported shipments considered to be of commercial
samples shall be duly labeled as will definitely identify them with nature which are those in excess of FOB or FCA value limitation for
the importation for which they are taken. informal entry and those for which the informal entry process may
SEC. 417. Forwarding of Cargo and Remains of Wrecked Vessel or not be used, subject to the exceptions provided under the CMTA.
Aircraft .- When vessels or aircrafts are wrecked within the INFORMAL ENTRY PROCESS - shall refer to the clearance process
Philippines, the original owners or consignees of the cargo, or by for imported goods with FOB or FCA value of less than Fifty
its underwriters, in case of abandonment, may seek approval from Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) and personal and household effects
the Bureau to forward the goods saved from the wreck to the or goods, not in commercial quantity, not for sale, lease, hire or
ports of destination without going through the customs officer in barter and other shipments covered under Section 4 of this CAO.
the district in which the goods were cast ashore or unloaded. SHIPMENTS CLEARED THROUGH INFORMAL ENTRY PROCESS
Upon approval, the goods may be forwarded with the particular A. Goods of Commercial Nature with FOB or FCA value of less
manifests and duly certified by a customs officer in charge of the than Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00).
goods. B. Personal and household effects or goods, not in commercial
The owner of the vessel or aircraft may be permitted to quantity, whether or not subject to duties and/or taxes.
export the remains of the wreck upon proper examination and C. Conditionally Tax and/or Duty-Exempt Importations under
inspection. The remains of a wrecked vessel shall include not only Section 800 of the CMTA
its bull and rigging, but also all sea stores, goods, and equipment, ● Importation of Returning Residents and OFWs
such as sails, ropes and chain anchors. ● Balikbayan Boxes
SEC.418. Derelicts and Goods.- Derelicts and all goods recovered ● Shipments accompanying travelers, that are arriving
from sea or from abandoned wrecks shall be under the before or after the arrival of the traveler in the
jurisdiction of the port where the goods arrive, and shall be Philippines.
retained in the custody of the Bureau. If not claimed by the ● Shipments containing Personal and household effects
owner, underwriters or salvor, the same shall be deemed as belonging to foreign consultants and experts for their
property of the government. own use.
When such goods are brought into port by lighters or ● Shipments containing personal and household effects of
other craft, each vessel shall submit a manifest of their respective any officer or employee of the DFA or employee of other
cargo. departments assigned to any Philippine consular office
The customs officer nearest the scene of the wreck shall abroad.
take charge of the goods saved and shall give immediate notice to ● Shipments containing professional instruments and
the District Collector or the nearest customs office. implements, tools of trade, occupation or employment,
In order to prevent any attempt to commit fraud, the wearing apparel, domestic animals, and personal and
District Collector shall be represented at the salvage of the cargo household effects belonging to persons coming to settle
in the Philippines or Filipinos or their families and
descendants who are now residents or citizens of other to the Formal Entry Division (FED) or its equivalent office or unit,
countries, such parties hereinafter referred to as together with the following documents which shall form an
overseas Filipinos subject to conditions as may be integral part of the Goods Declaration:
required by the DOF and the Bureau. 1. Duly accomplished SDV form.
● Shipments containing Importations for the personal or 2. Duly endorsed BL or AWB, or in the absence thereof, a
family use of members and attachés of representatives of written order (Delivery Order, Telex Release or Release
foreign governments and for official use. Order) by the carrier or agent of the vessel or aircraft;
● Coffins or urns containing human remains, bones or 3. Commercial invoice, letter of credit or any other verifiable
ashes, used personal and household effects of a commercial document evidencing payment; in cases where
deceased person. there is no sale for export, by any commercial document
>> Those falling under the remaining sub-paragraphs of indicating the commercial value of the goods
Section 800 of CMTA, Conditionally Tax and/or 4. Packing list, or the commercial invoice, provided, it contains
DutyExempt Importations shall fall under Informal Entry the itemized specific information
Process provided that its FOB or FCA value as determined Documents as may be required by rules and regulations, such as:
by the Bureau is less than fifty thousand pesos a. Import authority, permit, clearance or license for imported
(P50,000.00). goods listed in the official list of regulated goods as posted in
>> Clearance of previously imported diplomatic the BOC website. For this purpose, the Bureau shall
supplies and equipment of foreign embassies periodically update the official list of regulated goods;
and tax-exempt institutions sold to a nonprivileged buyer b. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance (SPSIC);
shall be manually processed under the Informal Entry c. Authority to Release Imported Goods (ATRIG);
Division. d. Certificate of Origin (for various Free Trade Agreements and
DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS ON INFORMAL ENTRY Economic Partnership Agreements) or other Proof of Origin
The goods declaration shall be signed by the declarant and/or the such as Invoice Declaration by Certified Exporter when the
customs broker, duly notarized and submitted to the IED or Self Certification System is availed of by contracting
equivalent office or unit through the Customer Care Center (CCC), countries and Origin Declaration by Approved Exporter for
with the following supporting documents: PH- EFTA FTA;
1. BL/HBL or AWB/HAWB e. Advance Ruling, if the ruling was applied in the lodgement of
2. Commercial invoice or any other verifiable commercial the goods declaration;
document evidencing value f. LPS or DPS report for bulk or break bulk importations;
3. Packing list or any other similar document that contains the g. TEI, if applicable; and
itemized specific information of the importation; h. Other documents as may be required by the Bureau or
4. Gate Pass BC Form No. 201 for airport, in case of manual existing regulations
filing; and
5. Import authority, permit, clearance or license for imported FILING OR LODGEMENT OF GOODS DECLARATION AND
goods listed in the official list of regulated goods as posted in PROVISIONAL GOODS DECLARATION
the BOC website. For this purpose, the Bureau shall Lodgement of Goods Declaration: Goods declaration shall be
periodically update the official list of regulated goods; lodged with the Bureau's E2M system and shall be filed at the
6. Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) certificate, if applicable; Informal Entry Division (IED) or equivalent unit of the port
7. Authority to Release Imported Goods (ATRIG), if applicable; concerned. The declarant shall accomplish, submit and register
and the goods declaration online following a prescribed format.
8. Tax Exemption Indorsement (TEI). Pending implementation of the Informal Entry System, the
declarant shall file the goods declaration using the Informal
a. Goods of Commercial Nature with FOB or FCA value of more Period to Lodge Goods Declaration: Goods declaration must be
than Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00). lodged within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of
b. Importation of motor vehicles, motorcycles and motor discharge of the last package from the vessel or aircraft. The
scooters regardless of the consignees, including those under period for the lodgement of the goods declaration may be
Section 800 of the CMTA, shall be under the Formal Entry adjusted by the Commissioner.
Process. Extension of lodgement of goods declaration:
Unless and until the Bureau is operating in a paperless ● may be extended another fifteen (15) calendar days, subject
environment, the printout of the SAD signed by the declarant and to the approval of the Collector of Customs, as may be
the customs broker, if any, and duly notarized, must be submitted authorized by the Commissioner.
● Provided, that the request is made before the expiration of be completed upon final readjustment and submission by
the original period within which to lodge the goods the declarant of the additional information or
declaration and is based on the following grounds: documentation required to complete the goods
■ Fraud committed against the owner, importer or declaration within forty-five (45) calendar days from the
consignee; lodgement of the provisional goods declaration, subject
■ Accident; to extension period of another forty-five (45) calendar
■ Mistake days for valid reasons.
■ Excusable negligence The conditional release of goods under provisional goods
■ Force Majeure declaration shall be governed by the following rules:
■ Technical issues as certified by the Management a. In case of regulated shipments, the conditional release of
Information System Technology Group (MISTG); and goods shall not be permitted unless the regulatory agency
■ Other analogous circumstances concerned allows such release, subject to the following
Provisional Goods Declaration conditions:
Provisional Goods Declaration (PGD) may be allowed in order to i. Goods shall be delivered to the importer's premises for
facilitate trade and to prevent goods from being declared storage and shall not be disposed until the required permit,
abandoned. clearance or license is issued and submitted to the Bureau
The filing of Provisional Goods Declaration shall be allowed within the prescribed period.
under the following circumstances: ii. A specific and sufficient security shall be required to cover
a. When no regulatory permit, clearance or license has been the duties, taxes and other charges of the goods, except in
presented at the time of lodgement, provided that the case of importers enrolled in any of the trade facilitation
importer has filed his application for such permit, clearance programs of the Bureau where a general security or an
or license, prior to the departure of the goods from the undertaking may be required in lieu of a security.
country of origin or the arrival of the goods into the b. In all other cases, the conditional release of goods
Philippines, depending on the policy of the concerned provisionally declared shall be subject to the following rules:
regulatory agency; i. A specific and sufficient security shall be required to cover
b. When the TEI has not been issued, provided an application the amount of duties, taxes and other charges that shall be
has already been filed at the time of lodgement; or collected when the lacking information or document is not
c. Any other situation where the declarant lacks certain submitted within the prescribed period.
information or document to make a complete goods ii. In case of highly compliant importers such as those
declaration provided it is not due to the declarant's enrolled in any of the trade facilitation programs of the
negligence or fault. Bureau or when the ground for provisional goods declaration
Lodgement of Provisional Goods Declaration may be allowed does not affect the final computation of duties, taxes and
provided the following documents are presented: other charges, no security shall be required for the
a. Pro forma invoice; conditional release of the goods.
b. Duly endorsed BL or AWB, or in the absence thereof,a Effects of the non-compliance with the conditions for the release
written order by the carrier or agent of the vessel or aircraft; of goods under provisional goods declaration:
c. Advanced copies of Certificate of Origin, if applicable;and a. In case the declarant fails to submit the required permit,
d. Duly notarized undertaking by the declarant that the other clearance or license from the regulatory agency within the
supporting documents required shall be submitted within prescribed period, the regulated goods shall be subject to
forty-five (45) calendar days from lodgement of Provisional seizure, provided due notice is given to the declarant.
Goods Declaration. The 45- day period may be extended for b. In case of release under the provisional goods declaration
another 45 days for valid reasons upon approval of the due to the lack of import documents to assess the correct
written request by the Collector of Customs, provided that duties, taxes and other charges, any security posted or
the said request for extension is made prior to the lapse of undertaking submitted shall be subject to forfeiture for
the original 45-day period. failure of the declarant to submit the required supporting
documents or information within the prescribed period;
EFFECTS OF GOODS DECLARATION: Provided that due notice is given to the declarant, and
i. If the Collector of Customs accepts a provisional goods without prejudice to any other legal remedy to recover
declaration, the duty and tax treatment of the goods shall duties, taxes and other charges that may be due on the
not be different from that of goods with complete importation.
ii. Tentative assessment of duties, taxes and other charges No entry of imported goods shall be allowed unless the goods
on goods covered by a provisional goods declaration shall declaration has been lodged with the Bureau. All goods
declaration shall be lodged through the BOC portal which allows examination of the goods or to render any assistance necessary to
the declarant to accomplish, submit and register goods facilitate the examination.
declaration online at anytime, anywhere following a prescribed The Bureau shall take samples of the goods only when
format. needed to establish the tariff description and the value of the
Who may be a Declarant? goods declared, or to ensure compliance with this Act. Samples
A declarant is any person who makes a goods declaration or in drawn shall be as minimal as possible.
whose name a goods declaration is made, and may be: SEC. 420. Conditions for Examination - Pursuant to internationally
● The importer, being the holder of the BL or AWB; accepted standards, the Bureau may adopt non-intrusive
● A customs broker acting under the authority of the importer examination of goods, such as the use of x-ray machines.
or from a holder of the bill; or Physical examination of the goods shall be conducted when:
● A person duly empowered to act as agent or attorney-in-fact a. it is directed by the Commissioner on account of a
for each holder of the bill consistent with international derogatory information;
standards and customs best practices. b. the goods are subject to an Alert Order issued by the
In case the importer is a juridical person, a responsible officer who competent authority;
must be an official of the business, shall be authorized to sign the c. the goods are electronically selected for physical
goods declaration as declarant on its behalf. examination;
● For corporations, the responsible officer must be authorized d. there are issues and controversies surrounding the goods
by the Board of Directors to sign as the declarant on its declaration and the import clearance process; or
behalf, as shown by the corporate secretary's certificate. e. the importer or declarant requests for the examination of
● For partnerships, the responsible officer must be authorized the goods.
by the partners, as shown by the certification of the The Commissioner may exempt from physical examination the
managing partner. goods of authorized economic operators or of those provided
● For sole proprietorships, the declarant may be the owner or under any existing trade facilitation program of the Bureau.
a responsible officer of the business authorized under oath Physical examination, when required, shall be conducted in an
by the owner expeditious manner.
Rights and Responsibilities of the Declarant SEC. 421. Duties of Customs Officer Tasked to Examine the
1. The declarant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the Imported Goods - In the examination, classification, and valuation
goods declaration and for the payment of all duties, taxes of the goods, the customs officers shall:
and other charges due on the imported goods. a. determine whether the packages for examination and
2. The Customs Broker shall likewise be responsible for the their contents are in accordance with the goods
accuracy of the goods declaration but shall not be declaration, invoice and other pertinent documents;
responsible for the payment of duties, taxes and other b. take samples of the imported goods for examination or
charges due on the imported goods. laboratory analysis when necessary;
3. The declarant shall sign the goods declaration, even when c. issue a receipt for a sample taken and retained during
assisted by a Customs Broker, who shall likewise sign the examination; and
goods declaration. d. report whether the goods have been correctly declared as
to value, quantity, measurement, weight, tariff
[CUSTOMS5] MODULE 4 classification and not imported contrary to law
SEC. 419. Examination of Goods - Examination of goods, when Failure on the part of the customs officer to perform the above
required by the Bureau, shall be conducted immediately after the duties shall be penalized according to Section 1431 of Title XIV of
goods declaration has been lodged. Priority in the examination
this Act.
shall be given to live animals, perishable goods and other goods
requiring immediate examination. SEC. 422. Customs Expenses Constituting Charges on Goods - The
Whenever necessary, a system of coordination and joint cost of the examination shall be for the account of the importer or
examination of goods shall be established by the Bureau and exporter, subject to proper accounting and documentation. All
other regulatory agencies under existing laws and regulations. expenses incurred by the Bureau for the handling or storage of the
As a general rule, the Bureau may examine the goods in goods and other necessary operations shall be chargeable against
the presence of the declarant or the authorized representative. the goods, and shall constitute a lien thereon.
Examination of the goods in theabsence of the declarant or
authorized representative may be allowed in exceptional
circumstance and valid justifiable grounds, as may be defined by
regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
recommendation of the Commissioner. The Bureau may require
the declarant to be present or to be represented at the

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