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Tittle : Determination Radius of a Concave Surface.

1. To determine the radius of a concave surface.
2. To know about the method of measurement of radius of a
concave surface.

Introduction :
A straightforward and precise technique for calculating the
radius of curvature of a concave surface is to use a roller and
parallel bar. Since it is non-destructive, the surface being
measured need not be harmed in any way for it to work.

The foundation of this technique is the idea that the radius of

curvature of a concave surface is equal to the product of the
roller's radius and the surface's distance from the roller. The
roller is positioned on the concave surface with its center lined
up with the surface's center of curvature. Next, a parallel bar is
positioned across the roller such that it is perpendicular to the
surface and the roller.

The following ideas form the foundation of the theory
underlying the roller and parallel bar technique of calculating a
concave surface's radius:
1. The distance between a concave surface's center of
curvature and any point on the surface is known as the
radius of curvature.
2. At the center of curvature of a concave surface, a roller
placed on it will be tangent to the surface.
3. The radius of the roller less the radius of the surface's
curvature is the distance between a parallel bar positioned
across it and the concave surface.

As a result, to calculate the radius of curvature of a concave

surface using the roller and parallel bar approach is to take two
measurements of the distance between the parallel bar and the
surface, then average them. The average distance between the
parallel bar and the surface plus the roller's radius determines
the surface's radius of curvature.


1. Concave work piece.

2. Rollers
3. Supporting Cylindrical Rollers
4. Slide calipers
5. Depth micrometer
Experimental Setup:

Figure-3.1: Experimental Setup for measuring concave surface

AC = R - 2
AB = 2
BC = R- (h+2 )
AB^2 = BC^2 + AC^2
𝑚+𝑑 2 𝑑 2 𝑑 2
( 2
) = (R − 2 ) + (R − h − 2 )
(𝑀+𝑑)2 ℎ+𝑑
R= +
8ℎ 2
Where ,
M=Inside distance between the rollers.
d= Diameter of the roller
h= height between upper roller and lower roller
Working Procedure :

1. Firstly, the concave surface was placed among four

cylindrical supports.
2. Then two rollers were kept on the cylindrical supports
touching the concave surface.
3. The third roller was set on the middle of the concave
4. Distance between upper two roller and lower roller (h) was
measured by depth micrometer.
5. The diameter of the three rollers were measured by slide
6. The distance between the upper two rollers (M) was
measured by slide calipers.

Data Table
No of Height, Dia meter of Distance of Radius Average
observation h(mm) the Roller, the Roller, Surface, Radius
d(mm) M(mm) (R)

1 25.25 9.75 132.25 66.218

2 25.5 9.65 133.20 67.03
03 25.7 9.7 132.8 66.4
(𝑀+𝑑)2 ℎ+𝑑
1. R = +
8ℎ 2

(132.25+9.75)2 25.25+9.75
= +
8∗25.25 2

=66.218 mm
(𝑀+𝑑)2 ℎ+𝑑
2. R = +
8ℎ 2

(133.20+9.65)2 25.5+9.65
= +
8∗25.5 2

=67.03 mm
(𝑀+𝑑)2 ℎ+𝑑
3. R = +
8ℎ 2

(132.8+9.7)2 25.7+9.7
= +
8∗25.7 2

=66.4 mm

Average Radius= = 66.55 𝑚𝑚
Precaution :

• It was made sure that the roller was placed on the concave
surface so that its center was aligned with the center of
curvature of the surface.
• It was made sure that the parallel bar was tangent to both
the roller and the surface.
• The distance between the parallel bar and the surface at two
different points was measured to ensure accuracy.

• Optics: This method is used to measure the radius of
curvature of lenses, mirrors, and other optical components.

• Engineering: This method is used to measure the radius of

curvature of a variety of engineering components, such as
bearings, gears, and cams.
• Surface metrology: This method is used to measure the
surface roughness of materials.
Results and Discussion:
A radius of curvature of 66.55 mm for a concave surface is a
relatively large radius. This means that the surface is not very
curved. Concave surfaces with large radii of curvature are often
used in optical applications, such as lenses and mirrors.

For example, a concave lens with a radius of curvature of 66.55

mm would have a focal length of approximately 133.1 mm. This
means that parallel rays of light passing through the lens would
converge at a point 133.1 mm from the lens. Also, it is quite
difficult to measure the outer distance between the two rollers
because of their unsteady condition while reading.


To sum up, the roller and parallel bar approach offers a

straightforward, precise, and non-destructive way to determine a
concave surface's radius of curvature. It is an adaptable
technique with numerous uses in research and development,
manufacturing, and quality assurance.
One crucial factor that affects a concave surface's visual,
mechanical, and aerodynamic properties is its radius of
curvature. We can precisely measure the radius of curvature of
concave surfaces and make sure they satisfy the necessary
requirements for a range of applications by employing the roller
and parallel bar approach.
(Access Date: 23/10/2023, Time: 8.30 pm)

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