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UNIT 7. Write a description of a movie or TV show you watched recently. Write about 130
• What type of movie/TV show was it?
• Which actors were in it?
• What happened in the movie/TV show?
• Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not?

When it comes to my favorite movie, I would say it is the 2017 Beauty and the Beast

remake. I am always a big fan of musical romantic films, and this movie is the best one that I have

ever seen. It is a love story between a beautiful girl named Belle and an ugly beast who used to be

a handsome prince. Still, he and every person in his castle were punished by an evil witch. She

handed him an enchanted rose and warned him he would always be a beast if he could not learn to

love a girl and win her affection until the last petal dropped. I love everything about this movie

including its sound effect, a-list movie stars, and the meaning behind it. It teaches me how to

respect other people despite their flaws, and I should not judge a book by its cover. All in all, this

movie is a masterpiece for me.


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* Wri7en by Agena English Center.
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UNIT 8. Write ten sentences for a report about ways to have a healthier lifestyle. You could
write about things like diet, daily routine, or staying in shape.
• Use formal language in your sentences.
• Include relevant facts and information.
• Make recommendations and suggestions.
• Use as well, in addition, and moreover in some of your sentences
to provide extra information.

Because of the development of technology these days, people tend to be attracted to electric

devices, and a sedentary lifestyle has become popular among all ages. Hence, a healthy lifestyle is

more and more necessary in our daily lives, and there are three ways to keep fit and stay healthy

in my opinion. Firstly, doing exercise and playing sports regularly are the best ways to stay healthy.

Physical activities like walking, jogging, or swimming will improve the body's resistance and

prevent some diseases such as lung cancer, heart attack, or corona. Secondly, having a healthy and

balanced diet and staying away from junk food will help you avoid obesity and diabetes. Finally,

getting enough sleep and avoiding stress is good for your mental health since insomnia makes your

body tired and negative. Therefore, having good health can help people be more optimistic, and

they will have enough energy to work and study.


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* Wri7en by Agena English Center.
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UNIT 9. You and your classmates want to go out for dinner

together at the end of the term. Write an email to your classmates suggesting a
restaurant you could go to. Write about 130 words.
• Tell them which restaurant you recommend and where it is.
• Explain what the restaurant is like.
• Describe what kind of food you can eat there.
• Say why you are recommending it.

Hey everyone!
I hope you're all excited about our end-of-term dinner! I wanted to suggest a fantastic
restaurant for us to celebrate our achievements together - "The Fusion Bistro," located at 123 Main
The Fusion Bistro is a trendy, lively place with modern decor and a cozy atmosphere,
perfect for a group gathering. They specialize in a unique fusion of Mediterranean and Asian
cuisine, offering a wide variety of dishes to suit everyone's tastes. From steaming dim-sum and
noodles to delicious curries and kebabs, there's something for everyone.
I'm recommending The Fusion Bistro not only for its great food but also for its friendly
and attentive staff. They have a reputation for excellent service, ensuring we have a memorable
evening together. Plus, their prices are reasonable, which is perfect for students.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to share any other suggestions too. Looking
forward to celebrating with all of you!


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* Wri7en by Agena English Center.
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UNIT 10. Write ten sentences for a for and against essay on one of these topics:
“The government should tax unhealthy foods.” OR “Using plastic bags is a crime-
people who use them should pay large fines.”
• Write two sentences for your introduction.
• Write three sentences which argue for the topic.
• Write three sentences which argue against the topic.
• Write two sentences for your conclusion.
• Include at least two topic sentences and use examples to support your arguments.
EX1. “The government should tax unhealthy foods.”
The consumption of unhealthy food has been linked to several diseases and health problems such
as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. To address this issue, some argue that the government
should impose taxes on unhealthy foods.
Firstly, taxing unhealthy foods can discourage people from consuming them and promote healthier
eating habits. Secondly, the revenue generated from the taxes can be used to fund health initiatives
and education programs to encourage healthy lifestyles. For instance, the revenue generated from
a sugary drink tax in Berkeley, California, was used to fund community health programs and
improve access to fresh produce.
On the other hand, some argue that taxing unhealthy foods is unproductive and unfairly targets
low-income individuals who may have limited access to healthier food options. Additionally, it
may not effectively reduce consumption as people may still choose to purchase unhealthy foods
despite the higher price. For example, in Denmark, the government implemented a tax on saturated
fats, but it was eventually repealed as it did not lead to a significant reduction in consumption.
In conclusion, while taxing unhealthy foods can have positive impacts on public health and
generate revenue for health initiatives, it may not be an effective solution for reducing consumption
and may disproportionately affect low-income individuals. Therefore, a combination of
approaches such as education, improved access to healthier food options, and taxation may be
necessary to promote healthier eating habits.


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* Wri7en by Agena English Center.
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EX2. Using plastic bags is a crime-people who use them should pay large fines.”

The use of plastic bags has been a major environmental concern due to their negative impacts on
wildlife and the ecosystem. Some argue that the use of plastic bags should be considered a crime
and those who use them should face hefty fines.

Firstly, the use of plastic bags contributes to the prevalent of plastic waste in the environment,
which takes hundreds of years to decompose. Secondly, imposing fines on those who use plastic
bags can encourage people to switch to more sustainable alternatives such as reusable bags. For
example, Ireland introduced a plastic bag levy in 2002, which resulted in a 90% reduction in plastic
bag usage.

However, some argue that imposing fines on individuals who use plastic bags may be unfair and
unreasonable, especially for those who cannot afford more expensive alternatives. Additionally,
some argue that the real solution to the problem of plastic waste should be improving recycling
and waste management practices. For example, in countries such as Japan, plastic waste is
efficiently managed through a combination of recycling and incineration, reducing the amount of
waste that ends up in the environment.

In conclusion, while the use of plastic bags has negative environmental impacts, imposing fines
on individuals may not be the most effective solution. A host of actions should be taken such as
improving recycling and waste management practices, promoting sustainable alternatives, and
education may be necessary to tackle the problem of plastic waste.


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* Wri7en by Agena English Center.
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UNIT 11. A tourist has posted this question on a travel forum about your country:
“Which places should I visit when I come to your country next month? I love the
outdoors and I prefer spending time in nature to sightseeing in towns and cities.
Please send me your recommendations!” Write a post to answer the question. Write
about 130 words.
• Suggest one or two places the tourist can visit.
• Describe the place(s).
• Say what you can do there.
• Tell the tourist any important information about visiting the place(s).

My favorite pizza restaurant is a place called Al Fresco located in Thao Dien, District 2. This place
has Italian decor and a specialty menu that remind guest of authentic Italian foodcourt. The
atmosphere here is uniquely European and the servers are professional and friendly.

The pizzas are large and delicious. The crust is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. The
sauce isn’t store-bought but they are hand-made by using local tomato and other herbs. My favorite
part is the toppings, of which there are many such as pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, olive, seafood
and other delicious goodies.

While Al Fresco is a bit pricier than your typical pizza joint, the quality of the ingredients and the
skill of the chefs make it well worth it. I love coming here with friends or for a cozy date night,
and I always leave looking forward to my next visit.


* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Wri7en by Agena English Center.

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