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History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis in amphibians

Article in Fungal Ecology · February 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2015.09.007


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6 authors, including:

Lee Berger Alexandra Roberts

University of Melbourne James Cook University


Jamie Voyles Joyce Longcore

University of Nevada, Reno University of Maine


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History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis

in amphibians

Lee BERGERa,*, Alexandra A. ROBERTSa, Jamie VOYLESb,

One Health Research Group, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University,
Townsville, Queensland, 4810, Australia
Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 89557-0325, USA
School of Biology and Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME, 04469-5722, USA
Grantham Institute e Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Norfolk Place, London, W2 1PG, UK

article info abstract

Article history: Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) emerged in the 1970s in Australia and the Americas,
Received 25 March 2015 causing rapid and catastrophic declines and extinctions of na€ıve amphibian populations as
Revision received 4 September 2015 it spread through remote rainforest and alpine regions. The description of chy-
Accepted 9 September 2015 tridiomycosis in 1998 stimulated a large and diverse global research effort, including
Available online 6 October 2015 studies on phylogeny, distribution, ecology, and virulence e but mitigating its effect
Corresponding editor: remains a major challenge. In 2010 a second Batrachochytrium species, B. salamandrivorans
€ rlocher
Felix Ba (Bsal), emerged after spreading to Europe from Asia and has decimated fire salamanders in
the Netherlands and Belgium. Bsal appears to be restricted to salamanders and newts
Keywords: whereas Bd can infect all amphibian orders. These cases show that despite the current
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis advanced state of globalisation, severe pathogens are still spreading and some may cur-
B. salamandrivorans rently be excluded by geographic barriers, hence biosecurity still has potential to mitigate
Wildlife spread of undiscovered and unpredictable pathogens of wildlife.
Extinction ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
Emerging infectious disease
Population decline

Introduction diversity when introduced into na€ıve host populations (Scott,

1988; Tompkins et al., 2015). Chytridiomycosis caused by
The emergence and spread of Batrachochytrium species in Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has generated a huge
amphibians has overturned a traditional view that pathogens research effort since it was first reported in 1998. Here we
do not significantly affect wildlife populations (Skerratt et al., focus on Bd with a brief section on the recently discovered
2007; Martel et al., 2014). On the contrary, pathogens, even B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), which also causes amphibian chy-
when acting alone, can cause catastrophic losses of wildlife tridiomycosis. Past reviews of Bd have covered immunology

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Berger).
1754-5048/ª 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.
90 L. Berger et al.

(Rollins-Smith et al., 2011; Voyles et al., 2011), pathology, after metamorphosis when the rest of the skin becomes ker-
diagnosis (Berger et al., 2009), treatment (Berger et al., 2010; atinised and infection becomes widespread (Berger et al., 1998;
Baitchman and Pessier, 2013), probiotics (Bletz et al., 2013), Marantelli et al., 2004). In 1997, researchers had also found
genetics (Rosenblum et al., 2009) emergence and impacts rainforest frogs dying during an outbreak of chytridiomycosis
(Skerratt et al., 2007; Fisher et al., 2009b; Kilpatrick et al., 2010), in Panama, confirming that this disease was the global culprit
and management (Woodhams et al., 2011; Scheele et al., for widespread declines (Berger et al., 1998). Contempora-
2014b; Skerratt et al., accepted for publication). In this review, neously, Bd was discovered in metamorphs of South Ameri-
we describe the discovery of Bd and summarise recent can dendrobatid frogs that died at the National Zoological
research on phylogeny, distribution, ecology, and virulence in Park, Washington, USA. Bd was isolated into pure culture from
the global effort to mitigate this pandemic. Lastly, we discuss these frogs, studied and described as a new genus and species
Batrachochytrium species in the context of emerging fungal (Longcore et al., 1999; Pessier et al., 1999).
diseases in wildlife. This review is not intended to be The spread of declines in areas of North and Central
exhaustive, and we tend to cite Australian studies as America enabled researchers to monitor Bd at remaining sites
examples. with abundant amphibians. The disease arrived in well stud-
ied sites in both Panama and California in 2004 and
researchers documented a steep rise in Bd prevalence as
Discovery and impacts of Bd amphibian populations crashed (Lips et al., 2006; Vredenburg
et al., 2010). Transmission experiments with pure cultures
Some of the most dramatic amphibian population declines involving even low numbers of zoospores resulted in fatal
began in the late 1970s, particularly in remote and protected infections (Berger et al., 1999, 2004; Woodhams et al., 2003;
mountain regions of Australia and Central America. It took Carey et al., 2006). It has since become accepted that the
about a decade, however, for this global catastrophe to gain spread of chytridiomycosis has caused hundreds of species
attention because amphibian populations can fluctuate dra- worldwide to decline with numerous extinctions, and chy-
matically and because mass mortality events were rarely tridiomycosis is now regarded as the most devastating disease
observed. Determining the cause of amphibian “dis- on record to impact vertebrate biodiversity (Skerratt et al.,
appearances” became an urgent conservation task with 2007). In Australia, extinctions include iconic species such as
researchers testing hypotheses on pollutants, increased UVB the southern and northern gastric brooding frogs (Rheoba-
radiation, feral predators and climate change (Alford and trachus silus, R. vitellinus), last seen in 1981 and 1985,
Richards, 1999; Stuart et al., 2004). Habitat loss is a major cause respectively.
of amphibian declines but was not linked to these “enigmatic” Chytridiomycosis has become endemic through many
population crashes that were occurring in pristine and pro- regions where it can usually be found at more than 5 %
tected areas (Stuart et al., 2004). prevalence and where disease outbreaks may occur season-
In Australia, Keith McDonald (chief ranger of the Queens- ally (Berger et al., 2004; McDonald et al., 2005; Skerratt et al.,
land Government) recruited Rick Speare (epidemiologist 2010). Persisting amphibian species exhibit different respon-
employed in public health at James Cook University) to ses in post-epidemic systems; some have lower abundance
examine the pattern of declines in his spare time. They pro- and smaller distributions and some are continuing to decline
posed that an introduced fatal infectious disease of frogs had and suffer significant annual mortality from chy-
spread north across Queensland between 1979 and 1993, with tridiomycosis, even decades after introduction (McDonald and
a mean rate of spread of w100 km/yr 1, wiping out pop- Alford, 1999; Murray et al., 2009; Pilliod et al., 2010; Phillott
ulations of adults (but not tadpoles) within months of arrival et al., 2013; Brannelly et al., 2015a). For example, annual
(Laurance et al., 1996). McDonald and Speare conducted mortality of the alpine tree frog (Litoria verreauxi alpina) results
intense monitoring of abundant rainforest frog populations in in almost complete population turnover after breeding
the north where they predicted this disease would spread to (Scheele et al., 2015). Some critically endangered species now
next, including the last population of the, now extinct, sharp have very small populations and will need intervention to
snouted dayfrog (Taudactylus acutirostris). The effort to mon- become secure. In Australia, six species have been placed in
itor this population led to the detection of a die-off in late 1993 this category, including the corroboree frog (Pseudophryne
as it decimated the population (Laurance et al., 1996). A team corroboree), which relies on continual reintroductions to per-
of investigators with expertise in detecting emerging infec- sist (Skerratt et al., accepted for publication). Populations of
tious diseases collected dead frogs and used pathology, some susceptible species, however, are recovering in abun-
microbiology, electron microscopy and DNA sequencing to dance and distribution albeit at levels lower than before chy-
diagnose a novel epidermal infection that they named chy- tridiomycosis was introduced (McDonald et al., 2005; Newell
tridiomycosis (Berger et al., 1998). et al., 2013; Scheele et al., 2014a).
While these diagnostic investigations were underway, an
initial experiment was conducted to verify the pathogenicity
of this superficial skin infection. This experiment involved Taxonomy and phylogeny of Bd
exposing frogs to infected skin pieces and resulted in 100 %
mortality within 3 weeks (Berger et al., 1998). Histopathology Bd is a member of the Chytridiomycota, an early diverging
explained why tadpoles were not included in the mass mor- lineage of true fungi whose members reproduce by forming
talities; although tadpoles can carry infection in their kerati- uniflagellate zoospores. Although early studies (Berger et al.,
nised mouthparts, the infections are not usually fatal until 1998; Longcore et al., 1999) placed the genus Batrachochytrium
History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis 91

in the Chytridiales, molecular studies have since identified formation of resting spores by Bd may occur though they have
additional lineages in what was earlier considered one order. not been detected under conditions in skin and culture
Batrachochytrium is now placed in the order Rhizophydiales examined so far, and experiments with culture have shown
(Letcher et al., 2006). Members of this order have a chitin- Bd is susceptible to heat and desiccation (Johnson et al., 2003).
walled zoosporangium plus rhizoids that anchor to the sub- Recently another species, B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), has
stratum and also increase the surface area for enzyme been added to the genus Batrachochytrium (Martel et al., 2013)
excretion and nutrient absorption (Alexopoulos et al., 1996). (additional information below). These two species are unusual
Bd zoosporangia grow inside host epidermal cells (Berger as they are the only known chytrid pathogens of vertebrates.
et al., 2005a; Greenspan et al., 2012). Zoospores, the asexual Their closest known relative is Homolaphlyctis polyrhiza, a
reproductive spores, form within the zoosporangium follow- saprobe isolated from a cellulosic substrate (Longcore et al.,
ing mitosis and are released through a discharge tube to the 2011).
epidermal surface. Zoospores are surrounded by a membrane
and are motile but spread in water largely via passive move-
ment. They encyst on the skin surface and infect deeper cells Global distribution
via a germ tube (Greenspan et al., 2012). The development of
sporangia matches the differentiation and turnover of epi- A global survey of wild and archived amphibian populations
dermal cells so that by the time sporangia are mature they has revealed that Bd is now widespread and has an excep-
have been carried to the skin surface (Berger et al., 2005a). tionally broad host range, detected in over 520 amphibian
A global, virulent, panzootic lineage of B. dendrobatidis (Bd- species (including frogs, toads, caecilians, salamanders and
GPL) occurs throughout amphibian inhabited continents and newts) from 56 countries (see collation of databases at www.
is thought to have formed from recombination between pre-; Murray et al., 2010; Gower et al., 2013; Olson
viously geographically isolated strains (Farrer et al., 2011). et al., 2013). Bd has been found in a huge variety of habitats
Based on analyses of 36 genetic loci, Bd-GPL can be subdivided and under a wide range of climatic condition, but thrives in
into a North American clade (Bd-GPL-1) and a more globally relatively cool, wet, diverse habitats in alpine, temperate and
dispersed clade (Bd-GPL-2) (Schloegel et al., 2012). Regional tropical areas (e.g., Kriger and Hero, 2007b; Murray et al., 2010;
lineages also exist and population genetics based on rese- Skerratt et al., 2010; Ocock et al., 2013). In global and Aus-
quencing data has indicated the existence of lineages that are tralian analyses, a large temperature range is correlated with
likely specific to South Africa (Cape lineage, Bd-CAPE) and lower risk of Bd infection (Murray et al., 2011a; Murray and
Switzerland (Bd-CH) (Farrer et al., 2011) e regions without Skerratt, 2012; Liu et al., 2013) and in Australia and Costa Rica
known population declines caused by Bd (Weldon et al., 2004; low rainfall and high temperatures reduce Bd occurrence
Spitzen-Van Der Sluijs et al., 2014). Based primarily on anal- (Puschendorf et al., 2009, 2011; Murray et al., 2011a). Excep-
yses of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) tions to this occur such as seen with die-offs due to chy-
haplotypes, an Asian Bd lineage is also present in Japan (Goka tridiomycosis in the stream-dwelling Arizona desert lowland
et al., 2009), China (Bai et al., 2012), India (Dahanukar et al., leopard frog (Lithobates yavapaiensis) (Savage et al., 2011).
2013), and Korea (Bd-Korea; Bataille et al., 2013) while Brazil Severe population impacts leading to decline and extinc-
harbours an endemic lineage (Bd-Brazil), as well as a hybrid tion are more likely in cooler, wetter, less thermally variable
between Bd-GPL and Bd-Brazil (Schloegel et al., 2012). Con- regions (Bielby et al., 2008; Murray et al., 2011b). In addition,
tinental endemic lineages are usually sparsely detected, exposure, infection risk and potential for severe population
whereas Bd-GPL lineages are common worldwide. One effects are strongly mediated by host species’ ecological and
hypothesis explaining this observation is that Bd-GPL has out- life history traits (Murray et al., 2010, 2011b; Murray and
competed local endemic strains. Skerratt, 2012) as well as the presence of other extrinsic fac-
Not only does Bd have a complex population genetic tors. For example, within the distribution of Bd, local envi-
structure, but the species is interesting in that strains are ronmental factors other than climate and weather that reduce
subject to aneuploidy (Farrer et al., 2013; Rosenblum et al., the effects of chytridiomycosis include salinity (Heard et al.,
2013). Copy number of chromosomal regions (contigs) within a 2014; Stockwell et al., 2015b) and suitability for aquatic
single isolate can range from one to four. Although chromo- microfauna (Schmeller et al., 2014).
somal copy number is not a predictor of relatedness (Rose- Retrospective diagnoses show that Bd strains have occur-
nblum et al., 2013), copy number of some genes may affect red historically (>80 yrs) in parts of Asia, Africa and Brazil, and
pathogenicity. in these regions frogs have not undergone declines associated
An isolate with the genetic signature of both Bd-GPL and with mass mortality (Weldon et al., 2004; Goka et al., 2009;
Bd-Brazil from one site in Brazil suggests that sexual repro- Rodriguez et al., 2013; Tarrant et al., 2013). A survey of 15 Asian
duction is possible in Bd (Schloegel et al., 2012), but such countries found only 2.35 % Bd prevalence (Swei et al., 2011).
recombination events may be rare. In many Chy- The general lack of population effects combined with genomic
tridiomycetes, sexual reproduction is accompanied by the studies revealing endemic Bd lineages, are consistent with
formation of thick-walled, resistant sporangia (resting spores) Asia, Africa and Brazil having a long history of infections and
that can withstand drying. Resting spores, however, most these regions are possible origins of the species (Bataille et al.,
commonly form asexually and although they have not been 2013; Rodriguez et al., 2013; Tarrant et al., 2013). The unex-
seen in Bd, they do occur in pure cultures of other species in pected detection of Bd by PCR on museum samples collected
the Order Rhizophydiales (e.g., Longcore, 2004; Letcher and since 1888 in Illinois requires confirmation by alternative tests,
Powell, 2005). Hence it is possible both sexual and asexual but may represent a US endemic strain (Talley et al., 2015).
92 L. Berger et al.

Distribution models show that Bd has likely already spread (Kilpatrick et al., 2010). This differential tolerance among hosts
to most climatically suitable regions (Fisher et al., 2009b; (e.g., with some species acting as Bd reservoirs) is problematic
Ro€ dder et al., 2010; Murray et al., 2011a), with a notable for more vulnerable sympatric species (D. Hunter, unpub).
exception being West Africa (Penner et al., 2013). It is possible In laboratory inoculation experiments, mortality rates
that inhospitable non-forested terrain to the west of Nigeria have differed dramatically among species, ranging from 0 to
has been a barrier to spread in Africa (Penner et al., 2013). Of 100 %, with many species exhibiting an intermediate level of
immediate concern is Madagascar, where Bd has recently susceptibility. Additionally, within a species susceptibility to
been detected by PCR at low intensities in sites scattered Bd may vary between populations and clutches, and immu-
among otherwise Bd-negative populations (Bletz et al., 2015; nological studies are aimed at understanding the mechanisms
Kolby et al., 2015). However, such an important diagnosis for these innate differences (Savage and Zamudio, 2011; Elli-
should be confirmed by visualising sporangia by histology son et al., 2014a,b; Bataille et al., 2015). The increasing lon-
and/or immunohistochemistry and/or fungal culture (Skerratt gevity of Fleay’s barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi) post decline
et al., 2008, 2011). (Newell et al., 2013) provides hope that innate immunity may
Within infected countries smaller areas may be free of be evolving in some species.
chytridiomycosis. For example, in Australia, na€ıve pop- Amphibian behaviour and life history also affect disease
ulations in apparently suitable environment exist at the outcome; for example, species that bask or inhabit warmer
extremes of Bd distribution in Australia, including in south- and drier microclimates have higher survival rates than oth-
west Tasmania and Cape York Peninsula as well as on an ers within the same habitats, while population impacts have
island 3 km off the east coast (Berger et al., 2004; Murray et al., been most commonly observed in species with greater asso-
2010, 2011a; Skerratt et al., 2010; Stockwell et al., 2015a). ciation with water (Bielby et al., 2008; Murray et al., 2011b;
Rowley and Alford, 2013). Additionally, in some species, pop-
ulation persistence is related to high recruitment rates of
Ecology juveniles despite high mortality, and there is some evidence of
compensatory recruitment (Muths et al., 2011; Phillott et al.,
Temperature effects 2013; Scheele et al., 2015).
Although adaptive immune responses have been detected,
Temperature plays an important role in the disease ecology of highly effective acquired immunity towards Bd in vivo has not
chytridiomycosis and can largely explain seasonality and been demonstrated in the species tested, and frogs became re-
distribution (based on both altitude and latitude) of infections infected even after multiple exposures (Ramsey et al., 2010;
in many regions (Berger et al., 2004; McDonald et al., 2005; Cashins et al., 2013; McMahon et al., 2014). Hence developing a
Skerratt et al., 2007; Murray et al., 2009, 2011a,b, 2013; Phillott vaccine may be challenging, given the difficulties in over-
et al., 2013). Temperature affects both the ectothermic coming the immunosuppressive effects of B. dendrobatidis (see
amphibian hosts (e.g., by mediating immune responses) and Virulence Section below).
growth of Bd which is restricted to between w4  Ce26  C
(Berger et al., 2004; Piotrowski et al., 2004). Reservoirs and non-amphibian interactions
In laboratory studies, Bd reproduced more slowly at lower
temperatures but zoospores were active for longer, and iso- The possibility that Bd can grow or survive away from
lates adapted to lower temperatures (4  C) over time and amphibians (either as a saprobe, by forming a resting spore, by
exhibited shifts in reproductive traits (Voyles et al., 2012). infecting an alternative host or in being transmitted by a non-
Evidence for adaptation to temperatures was also seen in amphibian vector) has important implications for under-
differences in growth among Bd isolates collected across a standing the distribution and persistence of Bd. Although
latitudinal gradient (Stevenson et al., 2013). amphibians appear to be the key habitat for Bd, some evidence
Prevalence and intensity of infection are associated with suggests that amphibian-independent persistence of Bd is
seasonal changes in environmental temperatures (McDonald possible. For example, Bd DNA has been detected in non-
et al., 2005; Murray et al., 2009, 2013; Phillott et al., 2013). The amphibian samples such as crayfish, lizards and water fowl
disease is mitigated by high temperatures and hence is gen- (Kilburn et al., 2011; Garmyn et al., 2012; Brannelly et al.,
erally more severe in moderate climates, such as winter in 2015b). Most of these preliminary studies rely on positive PCR
tropical north-eastern Australia, spring in centraleeastern results, which only indicate presence of Bd DNA, not infectious
Australia and summer in temperate southern Australia zoospores or replication within host tissue. The strongest
(Berger et al., 2004; Kriger and Hero, 2007a; Skerratt et al., 2010; evidence for a non-amphibian reservoir of Bd is provided in a
Aziz et al., 2011). study of crayfish with Bd detected in gut contents (McMahon
et al., 2013). Experimentally exposed crayfish had increased
Differential host susceptibility and resistance mortality and could also transmit Bd to amphibian tadpoles.
Bd DNA has also been detected in water and sediments, but
Amphibians vary in their innate susceptibility to chy- the inability to isolate Bd from the environment has limited
tridiomycosis, both within and among populations and spe- investigation on saprobic life stages (Kirshtein et al., 2007;
cies (Berger et al., 2009; Savage and Zamudio, 2011; Gahl et al., Hyman and Collins, 2012). In experiments, Bd persisted at low
2011; Brannelly et al., 2012). Resistant species include some levels on moist soil or sediment for weeks, with greater sur-
major invasive amphibians, including North American bull- vival under sterile conditions (Johnson and Speare, 2003;
frogs (L. catesbeianus) and African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) Walker et al., 2007), and the possibility of extended survival
History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis 93

away from the host has not been ruled out. Bd appears to be cell apoptosis (Brutyn et al., 2012). Bd supernatants contain
easily outcompeted by other microbes, however, and is proteolytic enzymes with various functions, including elas-
inhibited by secretions from many bacteria (Bletz et al., 2013). tolytic and tryptic activity (Symonds et al., 2008; Moss et al.,
Aquatic zooplankton, including crustacea (e.g., Daphnia), cil- 2010), although the exact role of specific enzymes in patho-
iates and rotifers may also consume Bd zoospores (Buck et al., genesis has not been determined. Gene expression studies
2011; Schmeller et al., 2014). Predation by zooplankton also support the role of proteases in colonisation and patho-
reduced Bd zoospores and infection rates in Pyrenean genicity, as several fungalysin metallopeptidases, aspartyl
mountain lakes and also experimentally reduced infection in peptidases and serine proteases were differentially expressed
tadpoles (Schmeller et al., 2014). Hence, altering aquatic between zoospore and sporangial life stages, or when Bd was
microfauna provides hope for biological control, particularly grown on amphibian substrata (Rosenblum et al., 2008, 2012).
in higher nutrient lakes rather than clear lower nutrient Differences in morbidity and mortality in experimentally
streams. In addition, altering microbiota on amphibian skin infected amphibians indicate that Bd virulence can vary
by exposing animals to inhibitory bacterial species has been between strains of the same and different lineages (Berger
shown to reduce Bd infection rates in the laboratory and is et al., 2005b; Farrer et al., 2011). Increased Bd growth rate,
being trialed in the field (Bletz et al., 2013). zoospore production and sporangial size in pure culture, have
Bd appears to spread naturally through suitable environ- been linked with increased host mortality and immunosup-
ments, but can jump across barriers such as deserts or oceans, pressive activity (Fisher et al., 2009a; Farrer et al., 2011; Piovia-
probably via pet or produce trade (Kolby et al., 2014). Scott et al., 2014; Voyles et al., 2014a). Differential gene
expression between (a) the two life stages, (b) different growth
substrates, or (c) different Bd strains have identified many
Virulence putative Bd virulence factors that may help Bd invade host
cells or evade immune responses, including proteases, adhe-
Much research has focused on identifying and understanding sins, lipases, and crinkler- (CRN)-like effector genes and fun-
mechanisms of Bd virulence, with the aim to develop targeted gal proteins similar to those involved in vertebrate signal
approaches to attack Bd or enhance host resistance. Inves- transduction, immune regulation and intracellular trafficking
tigations of virulence have been directed by: (1) knowledge of systems (Rosenblum et al., 2008, 2012; Fisher et al., 2009a;
effects on hosts and (2) analysis of Bd strain variation. Garland et al., 2011). Further studies, however, are required to
Infection with Bd appears to cause immunosuppression in validate and assign mechanistic functions to these candidate
some species (Fites et al., 2013; Young et al., 2014), which genes.
presumably enables infection to progress. Zoosporangia, but Genome analysis suggests that the most rapidly evolving
not zoospores, produce one or more immunosuppressive gene regions in Bd encode putative virulence factors such as
metabolites (Fites et al., 2013). These metabolites inhibit proteases and CRN-like effectors (Farrer et al., 2013). The
lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and cause splenocyte apop- ability of Bd to rapidly adapt has been seen in vitro with growth
tosis by inducing caspase signalling pathways, but do not rates and virulence changing over successive passages (Brem
affect macrophage or neutrophil activity. In vivo, Bd metabo- et al., 2013; Langhammer et al., 2013; Voyles et al., 2012, 2014a).
lites inhibit localised adaptive skin immune responses, but The potential for evolution of virulence raises concerns
not innate leucocyte proliferation (Fites et al., 2014). This regarding the likelihood and severity of chytridiomycosis
pathogen-mediated immunosuppression may help explain epizootics into the future.
the contrasting results of host immunity proteomic studies, as
splenic T cell activation and signalling genes are more sup-
pressed in susceptible frog species (Ellison et al., 2014a,b). Comparison to B. salamandrivorans
Interestingly, even frogs with severe chytridiomycosis do not
have obvious signs of immunosuppression such as secondary A second species of Batrachochytrium, B. salamandrivorans
infections (Berger et al., 2004). Further work on Bd’s immu- (Bsal), was recently discovered, causing severe mortality and
nosuppressant and virulence will help uncover the precise declines of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) in
mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility to Europe. In 2010, the Netherlands’ fire salamander population
chytridiomycosis. experienced a sudden 96 % decline. Half the group of 39 ani-
Additionally, high Bd burdens disrupt skin function and mals that were brought into captivity began dying and Bsal
electrolyte homeostasis in frogs. During Bd infection, epi- was cultured from these hosts and described (Martel et al.,
thelial ion transport is inhibited causing a 25e70 % depletion 2013). Bsal spread to Belgium causing outbreaks in 2013 and
of plasma electrolytes (Voyles et al., 2009; Marcum et al., 2010). 2014. Global surveys and infection experiments combined
This depletion of ions most likely affects cardiac electrical with genetic work showed that it most likely originated in East
function, ultimately leading to cardiac arrest and death Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan), where it does not cause
(Voyles et al., 2009). It is not yet known whether specific ion obvious disease (Martel et al., 2014). The lack of detection of
channel inhibitors are responsible for this phenomenon, or Bsal outside Europe or Asia means there is a high threat of Bsal
whether it is the result of general skin degradation. Activity- introduction into populations of na€ıve salamanders, such as
based studies have pointed to the role of proteases in the those in North America which is a hotspot of salamander
disruption of host skin integrity. Incubation of zoospore diversity, and has relatively poorly regulated but high volume
supernatants with X. laevis skin explants caused the dis- amphibian trade (Yap et al., 2015). Mitigating this threat is one
ruption of intracellular junctions and detachment-induced of the highest current priorities for animal conservation.
94 L. Berger et al.

Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans has the same zoospore challenge of mitigation (Scheele et al., 2014b). However,
ultrastructural features as Bd but has slightly different wildlife diseases are complex to investigate and to manage. As
developmental morphology (such as the occurrence of germ the ecology of Bd is affected by many host and environment
tubes in culture and a greater proportion of colonial thalli in variables, factors that influence population survival are con-
skin) and infects different amphibian hosts. Genetically, Bsal text specific. Hence, conservation solutions will be diverse and
is sufficiently divergent that it is not detected by PCR primers necessitate species-specific research in many instances.
that amplify a relatively conserved section of the ITS region of Interventions based on current knowledge are being trialled
all Bd lineages (Blooi et al., 2013). Analysis of sequences from (Scheele et al., 2014b), but it is hoped that further discoveries
18S and 28S rDNA indicates a large genetic distance between (e.g., of host resistance or pathogen virulence) will be able to
the two species, but groups them together with strong support achieve more sustainable disease control. Captive and wild
(Martel et al., 2013). In experimental results thus far, Bsal assurance colonies and attempts to improve survival rates of
occurs only in urodeles (salamanders and newts) and not critically endangered species are the highest priorities, while
anurans (frogs and toads) (Martel et al., 2014). Like Bd, Bsal also helping less threatened species re-establish their former dis-
infects epidermal cells but invades into deeper layers, result- tributions and abundances is next. When selecting optimal
ing in a more erosive and ulcerative disease than caused by Bd frog habitat to preserve, including environmental refugia from
(Berger et al., 2005a; Martel et al., 2013). Another difference chytridiomycosis has become a high priority (Puschendorf
between the two species is a lower temperature preference for et al., 2011).
Bsal, which grows best between 10  C and 15  C and dies at For Bsal, there is still a chance to stop further international
25  C (Martel et al., 2013). spread, and overwhelming evidence supports a ban on sala-
mander trade (Martel et al., 2014; Yap et al., 2015).
The catastrophic emergences of Batrachochytrium species
Emerging fungi of wildlife (in w1979 and 2010) show that despite the current advanced
state of globalisation, severe pathogens may still be retained
Another recently emerging fungal disease that is devastating by historical bio-geographic boundaries; hence, continental
to biodiversity is white nose syndrome, caused by Pseudo- and even country level biosecurity is crucial because it can
gymnoascus destructans (Minnis and Lindner, 2013), and which prevent the spread of undescribed pathogens. This is partic-
has spread across North America killing millions of hiber- ularly the case given the potential for strain recombinations to
nating cave bats (Eskew and Todd, 2013). Similarly to Batra- result in increased virulence via the trade in wildlife. Although
chochytrium spp., it infects skin, has broad host specificity and environmental changes can precipitate disease outbreaks,
has emerged due to spread by human transport e it likely pandemics are most commonly caused by the spread of a
originated in Europe where it causes aclinical infections in Old pathogen to na€ıve regions (Skerratt et al., 2007; Tompkins
World bats. Snake fungal disease (caused by Ophidiomyces et al., 2015). The emergences of Bd and Bsal highlight the
ophiodiicola) has also recently emerged in the eastern US. It difficulty of detecting and predicting which pathogens are
causes a fatal skin disease and population impacts are sus- dangerous. Neither seems to have caused obvious disease in
pected but are still unclear (Allender et al., 2015). These recent its hosts of origin, in which they would have appeared as
cases add to other fungal wildlife diseases such as in coral, harmless skin microbes if surveys had been conducted. There
bees and platypus as well as oomycete infections in aquatic are other examples of diseases impacting biodiversity that
animals. Some diseases are multifactorial and in many cases may not be predictable based on past events (e.g, trans-
spread to naive hosts is the key driver of emergence (Connolly, missible Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease). This dem-
2009; Fisher et al., 2012; Tompkins et al., 2015). These exam- onstrates the need for incorporating uncertainty into
ples show that the effect of fungi on animal populations, as on biosecurity and risk assessments, especially when dealing
plants, can be severe and should not be overlooked. Fisher with relatively undescribed systems like wildlife health. Many
et al. (2012) conclude that attributes of fungi that make them countries have rigorous biosecurity for livestock which should
dangerous differ among species and may include: (1) broad be adapted for wildlife, however, current processes focus on
host range, (2) reservoirs in carrier species, saprobic stages or specific diseases and hence do not incorporate the unpre-
long lived environmental spores, (3) rapid growth and viru- dictability of emerging diseases. In addition, a reserve
lence similar to bacteria or viruses, and (4) well developed capacity of diverse and flexible teams is needed to address
toxin production. Most mammals, however, have higher body wildlife disease outbreaks should biosecurity fail; similar to
temperatures than ectotherms, platypus (32  C) and hiber- crises in general. Hence collecting baseline knowledge of
nating bats (7  C). A higher body temperature is suspected to wildlife disease is important, especially in terms of early
be an advantage against fungal infections and may explain detection of incursions (Grogan et al., 2014).
why fungal disease in mammals is usually opportunistic and The discovery of Bd has led to a paradigm shift in attitude
secondary to other co-factors (Robert and Casadevall, 2009). to wildlife disease as a conservation issue. The initial unwill-
ingness to accept that an introduced pathogen could be the
sole cause of population decline and extinction has now been
Conclusions overcome. As a result, there is now more rapid recognition of
the impact of pathogens in wildlife disease outbreaks, such as
Since being recognised as a cause of global amphibian Bsal and white nose syndrome (Voyles et al., 2014b). The next
declines, Bd has become one of the most well studied wildlife step is to ensure this evidence is used in policy decisions
pathogens, with much research aiming towards the greater (Langwig et al., 2015).
History and recent progress on chytridiomycosis 95

Acknowledgements declines-and-disappearances-australian-frogs.
Berger, L., Speare, R., Hines, H., Marantelli, G., Hyatt, A.D.,
This work was supported by Australian Research Council McDonald, K.R., Skerratt, L.F., Olsen, V., Clarke, J.M.,
grants (FT100100375, LP110200240 and DP120100811), a Gillespie, G., Mahony, M., Sheppard, N., Williams, C., Tyler, M.,
2004. Effect of season and temperature on mortality in
Queensland Accelerate Fellowship (14-218) and the Taronga
amphibians due to chytridiomycosis. Australian Veterinary
Conservation Science Initiative. Thanks to Rick Speare for
Journal 82, 31e36.
discussions. Berger, L., Speare, R., Pessier, A., Voyles, J., Skerratt, L.F., 2010.
Treatment of chytridiomycosis requires urgent clinical trials.
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