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Name: Andrian M.

Dela Cruz
Program: Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Subject & Code: GE15 (9699)
Date of submission: January 23, 2021

Activity No. 1. Now that you have known the most essential terms in the study of environmental science.
Let us try to check your understanding of these terms. In the space provided, write the terms, being asked
in the following statements:

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1. It refers to the systematic study of our environment and our place in
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2. An interdisciplinary science integrating natural sciences, social
sciences, and humanities in broad study of the world around us.
ENVIRONMENT 3. The circumstances or conditions that surrounds an organisms or group of
organisms or the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community.
SCIENCE 4. The process of producing knowledge methodically and logically.
SYSTEM 5. The set of components, or parts that function together as a whole.
OPEN SYSTEM 6. Refers to systems that receive inputs from surroundings and produce outputs that
leave the system.
SUSTAINABILITY 7. It is refers to the ability of a system to exists constantly at a cost in a universe that
evolves towards thermodynamic equilibrium.
ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS 8. It is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of
human beings and moral status of the environment and its nonhuman contents.
THE DISTURBANCE 9. The temporary change in environmental conditions resulted to a pronounced
change in an ecosystem.
ATOM 10. Refers to the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that constitutes a chemical element.

Activity No. 1. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in studying environmental sciences will not be
sufficient. What matters is that you should be able to discuss the interrelationship environment,
development, social progress, and environmental ethics. Now, I will require you to explain your answers
1. Define environmental science and identify some important environmental concerns we face today.
Should environmental science include dimensions? Explain.

Environmental science is an evolving interdisciplinary field in which ecology, geology, meteorology,

biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics study environmental issues and social impacts on the
environment. Environmental science is a quantitative discipline, with both applied and theoretical aspects,
and has been influential in informing the policies of governments globally. Environmental science is
considered distinct from environmental science, which emphasizes human contact with the environment
and its social and political aspects. For example, while a researcher in environmental studies may focus
on the economic and political aspects of international climate change protocols, an environmental
scientist may seek to understand climate change by quantifying its impacts by modeling and evaluating
means of prevention. Environmental scientists are researching a wide variety of environmental problems
and potential solutions, including renewable energy systems, pollution reduction and natural resource
management, which can be used by governments, industry, universities or non-profit organizations.

2. What is science? Identify and discuss some of its basic principles.

Scientists attempt, in the broadest possible terms, a systematic arrangement of information about the
universe and its components. This information is focused on explanatory concepts that can be checked by
objective observers for verifiable consequences. Science provides a broad body of proof gathered by
repeated observations and experiments. Although its purpose is to approach true theories as closely as
possible, there are no final or permanent explanatory truths asserted by its investigators. Changes in
science. It's changing. Verifiable evidence often take priority.
Until the past decade, to ensure honesty in the research process, scientists, research institutions, and
government agencies relied primarily on a self-regulation system based on shared ethical values and
widely agreed research practices. These are those expressed as reverence for the dignity of science,
collegiality, fairness, objectivity, and openness, among the very basic values that govern scientists, as
well as many other scholars. In the basic aspects of the scientific method, such as formulating a
hypothesis, planning an experiment to test the hypothesis, and gathering and analyzing data, these
concepts are at work. In addition, the observation methods; the collection, storage, management, and
exchange of data; the communication of scientific knowledge and information; and the training of
younger scientists are influenced by more basic concepts characteristic of specific scientific disciplines.
Between the various scientific disciplines, different research organizations, and individual investigators,
how these concepts are applied differs considerably. In an unwritten code of ethics, the fundamental and
unique principles that govern scientific research practices mainly exist. While some have suggested that
these concepts should be written down and formalized, science's principles and practices are, for the most
part, transmitted through example, debate, and informal education to successive generations of scientists.
As noted in an early Academy study on responsible conduct of health science research, "In the academic
research environment, there are currently a variety of informal and formal practices and procedures to
ensure and maintain the high quality of research conduct".

3. Draw a diagram showing steps of scientific methods and explain why each is important.



An experiment must be set up and conducted after
developing a theory to validate the hypothesis. An
experiment must have an independent variable and a
One can see a confusing scenario after observation and ask dependent variable (the thing being measured which
naturally, "Why is it happening?" When hypotheses are may be affected by the independent variable). It is
being made and questions are being formulated, it is important to regulate the other factors so that they do
important to do research to see whether others have already not influence the result.
addressed the question or found information that could help
influence the question.

After performing an experiment and collecting data,
the information must be analyzed. Analysis studies
It is necessary because it is basically an act of studying all are usually analyzed using statistical methods in
carefully and thoroughly in order to obtain in-depth order to create associations between the data. One
knowledge about it. In order to be accurate, research might actually look at the outcomes in the case of a
should be systematic, coordinated, summarized and simplified experiment and see if the shift in the
correctly published. independent variable interacts with it.


To explain the phenomenon occurring, a hypothesis is a The final step in the empirical process is to form a
logical inference based on previous experience. It tackles conclusion. If the evidence supports the theory, the
the question asked in the previous phase. Theories can be hypothesis can explain the phenomenon. In order to
concrete or more general, depending on the question being verify the results, several experiments must therefore
asked, but all theories need to be testable by gathering be carried out, and it is therefore important to ensure
evidence that can be tested. that the sample size, the number of measurements
taken, is sufficiently high such that only a few
observations do not distort the data.
4. Why is ethics being studied in environmental science? Cite examples.

As it involves systematizing, defending, and presenting concepts of right and wrong conduct, ethics is
being studied. It has an ethical division that discusses the human-environment relationship, and how
ethics plays a role in this. Ethics in environmental science agree that humans, as well as other living
creatures, are part of society, including plants and wildlife. These items are a very important component
of the ecosystem and are known to be a functional component of human life. It is also crucial that every
human being recognizes and accepts this, and uses morals and ethics when dealing with these beings.
There will be an existing field of practical ethical philosophy "which reshapes the credible data of
reasoning that can be made for the protection of natural entities and the sustainable use of natural
resources." The main competing paradigms are anthropocentrism, physio centrism and Theo centrism. In
order to preserve the wellbeing of the earth and ourselves in the process, environmental ethics is
essentially the responsibility of us to protect the environment. You must conduct yourself and your work
with these ethics in mind to be a quality environmental scientist.


Activity No. 1. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary science that ensures a holistic study
and understanding of the natural scope of environmental science and its whole systems. The
study of the environment and human dimensions is an integral part requires deeper
understanding on the role of human towards sustainability as well as the sustainable use of
resources and the growing issue and conflicts between the social, economic, and environment.
Based on the definitions and the essential elements in the study of environmental and the
learning exercises that you have done, please feel free to indicate your arguments or lessons
learned below.
1. The environment is a complex system where people and nature are intertwined, and the
unprecedented growth rate of the human population is the underlying global environmental
2. Ethics and faith base perspectives often inspire people to engage in natural resource
conservation and management, which eventually influences decision making about
environmental issues, which involves society, politics, culture, economics, values, and scientific

3. To find solutions to various environmental problems, we need to research the environment and
the sciences applied to it so that children of tomorrow can still appreciate the safe and prosperous
environment we still have now. If man just makes use of the numerous discoveries by
environmental science, then not only for us, but for the next generation, this planet will certainly
be a better place to be called home.

4. Our lives are affected and colored by the climate. It is from the atmosphere that we get food to
consume, water to drink, air to breathe, and our environment provides all the necessities of
everyday life. So it is a system of life support. The complexity and meaning of the setting can
therefore be well known.

5. To save our planet from destruction, environmental science is important. The world is no
longer healthy because of the violent acts of men. More calamities, such as flashfloods,
hurricanes and draughts, and climate change, have been encountered. If we do not research the
world, then there is a great danger that everything that we know as a home and all that surrounds
us will lead to extinction, including the extinction of our species.
6. Naturally, the combustion of fossil fuels and the cutting down of natural resources such as
forests have accounted for a variety of environmental concerns. In today's world, environmental
issues should not be ignored as they will impact the sustainability of humanity's present and
future. Human civilization's continuity depends greatly on the environment's health.

7. Environmental science is important because it helps you to know how these interactions work.
For example, humans, which plants need for photosynthesis, breathe out carbon dioxide. On the
other hand, plants generate and release into the atmosphere oxygen that humans need for

8. The climate gives us numerous advantages that we can't afford for our whole lives. Since the
forest, plants, animals, water, and air are associated with them. The air is filtered by the forest
and trees and they absorb toxic gases. Plants purify water, minimize the risk of flooding and
many others preserve natural equilibrium. In addition, the community maintains a close watch on
the environment and its operation, controlling the ecosystem's critical systems. Besides, the
civilization and quality of life on earth are preserved.

9. Numerous natural processes that happen every day are governed by the climate. These cycles
allow the equilibrium between living beings and the world to be preserved naturally. Eventually,
these objects can disrupt the life cycle of humans and other living things. For thousands of years,
the world has enabled humans and other living creatures to thrive and evolve. Fertile land, water,
air, livestock and many important items for life are given by the climate.

10. The global human population continues to expand, so does our environmental impact as well.
It is dazzling the creativity with which our species has harnessed natural resources to meet our
requirements. However, even as we increase our hold on the environment, long-standing
ecological balances are destabilized by the escalating scale of anthropogenic behavior.

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