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The portrait
by Dorian Gray

Main characters:
Dorian Gray: Protagonist, beautiful
young man who does not want to age
Basil Hallward: Painter who
painted the portrait of Dorian
Lord Henry Wotton:
Negatively influences Dorian

Dorian asks that his portrait be aged in
his place. He commits immoral acts but
remains young, while his portrait reflects
his decadence.

Gothic/horror novel
Set in London, late 19th century

Main themes: vanity, hedonism

interesting data:
Published in 1890 in a magazine and
in 1891 in book form. It is the
Oscar Wilde's only novel.
It generated scandal in the
Victorian era due to its immoral themes.

additional points:
Scandalous for the Victorian era Wilde's
only novel
Reference of the gothic novel
Explore themes such as vanity,
pleasures, double standards
Iconic character representing
narcissism and hedonism
Portrait as a metaphor for moral conscience

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