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Plastic is synthetic materials that use polymers as a main ingredient.

Plastic is able to be moulded or

shaped to any forms. There are tons advantages of plastic, the first is that it’s convenient. Fox example,
we can use shopping plastic bag when going to the supermarket. Another pro is that it’s lightweight so
people use it to manufacture airplain. Besides, plastic is a cost-efficient material because it can be
formed into final useful form quickly and inexpensively. Moreover, it’s durable and resistant ]to all kind
of adverse outside factors. For instance, it’s quite resistant to heavy rain and storms. Finally, it’s
reuseable. On the other hand, plastic has some disadvantages. First of all, using plastic so much can hurt
the enviroment. Secondly, plastic canot be biodegradable. Last but not least we can recyle plastic.

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