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Chapter test 14 Growth and development

14 Growth and development

Name: _________________ ( ) Class: __________
1 Answer ALL questions. Time and marks
2 Write your answers to Section A in the boxes next to Sections A to C: 40 mins / 35 marks
the questions, and your answers to Sections B and C in
the spaces provided below the questions.

Multiple-choice questions
(10 marks, 1 mark each)
1 The photograph on the right shows a potted plant.
Which of the following is/are suitable parameter(s) flowers

for measuring the growth of this plant?

(1) Height of the shoot leaves

(2) Total surface areas of leaves

(3) Total numbers of flowers
A (1) only
B (1) and (2) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

2 Which of the following are the advantages of using fresh mass to measure the growth of an
(1) It is easy and convenient.
(2) It allows continuous measurement of growth of the organism.
(3) Only a small sample size is needed.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

Directions: Questions 3 and 4 refer to the diagram below, which shows the vertical section of
a seed of a dicotyledonous plant.

3 Which of the labelled structures is/are actively respiring during germination?

A R only B P and Q only
C P, Q and R only D P, Q, R and S

4 Which of the following graphs correctly shows the change in the fresh mass of structure R
during the early stages of germination?


Chapter test 14 Growth and development

Directions: Questions 5 and 6 refer to the diagram below, which shows five set-ups (I to V)
used to investigate the conditions necessary for seed germination. The set-ups are
put under light.

5 In which set-up(s) are the seeds most likely to germinate?

A I only
B I and III only
C I and IV only
D II and IV only

6 To investigate whether warmth is necessary for seed germination, we should compare the
results of set-ups
A I and II.
B I and V.
C II and V.

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

D I, II and V.

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

7 The diagram below shows the longitudinal section of a young root of a plant.

Which of the following statements about the labelled regions are correct?
(1) Region P contains the most types of cells.
(2) Cells in region Q have more vacuoles than those in region R.
(3) Mitotic cell division actively takes place in regions R and S.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

8 Which of the following comparisons between primary growth and secondary growth in
plants is correct?
Primary growth Secondary growth
A occurs in herbaceous plants only occurs in woody plants only
B increases the length of the stem increases the diameter of the stem
C involves meristems does not involve meristems
D takes place in the region of takes place in the region of
differentiation cell division

9 Which of the following statements about the growth in humans is/are correct?
(1) No growth occurs after a person reaches adulthood.
(2) The growth rates of males and females are different.
(3) The head grows more rapidly than the limbs during infancy.
A (1) only
B (1) and (2) only

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

C (2) and (3) only

D (1), (2) and (3)

10 The graph below shows the growth curve of the first 25 years of the life of a person.

This person has the highest growth rate at age

A 0 to 2. B 5 to 8.
C 10 to 12. D 20 to 25.

Conventional questions
(20 marks)
1 A student prepared the following five set-ups to study the conditions for seed germination.
In each set-up, 10 seeds were put on cotton wool soaked in tap water or acid rain water.
After a few days, the student observed that only the seeds in set-up (1) germinated.

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

a Why did the student put 10 seeds, rather than one seed, in each set-up? (1 mark)

b What can be concluded about the following conditions for seed germination? Give
evidence from the results to support your answers.
i Temperature (2 marks)

ii pH (2 marks)

c Suggest a reason to explain why the seeds in set-up (3) did not germinate. (2 marks)

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

d The student concluded that light is necessary for seed germination based on the results
of set-ups (4) and (5). Do you agree? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

2 A scientist cut the roots of a plant into short pieces and grouped the pieces according to the
distance from the root tip. He measured the dry mass of each group. He also examined thin
sections of the roots in each group under a microscope and measured the cell volume and
the proportion of dividing cells in them. The graph below shows the results. The diagram
under the graph shows the appearance of cells at different distances from the root tip.

a i Suggest why the scientist measured the dry mass, rather than the fresh mass, of
the root pieces. (1 mark)

Chapter test 14 Growth and development

ii Describe how the dry mass of the root pieces can be determined. (2 marks)

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Chapter test 14 Growth and development

b Suggest how the proportion of dividing cells in a thin root section can be determined.
(3 marks)

c Explain the change in the proportion of dividing cells with the distance from the root
tip. (2 marks)

d Based on the information given by the graph and the diagram, suggest how a root
grows. (3 marks)

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Chapter test 14 Growth and development

Higher order thinking question

(5 marks)
3 The graph below shows the changes in the mass of some food substances in a certain kind
of seed during seed ripening.

a With reference to the graph, suggest reasons for the changes in the mass of different
carbohydrates and lipids during seed ripening. (4 marks)

b What is the benefit of storing lipids, instead of starch, as food reserve in this seed?
(1 mark)

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Chapter test Answers

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