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Citizenship and Social Development

Theme 2 Our Country since Reform and Opening-up

Topic 1: Change in people’s life and overall national strength
Chapter 1: Development of reform and opening-up and related strategies

Name: _______________________ ( ) Class: ________

Pre-lesson worksheet

A. Consider the following video clip and learn about the economic condition of
China before reform and opening-up.

Video clip 1:
Video name: 《央視財經 V 講堂》中國改革開放創造了怎樣
的奇蹟? (only Chinese version)
Video provider: CCTV Business
Upload date: 17 June 2019
Length 2mins 47s (Putonghua with Chinese subtitles)
Answer the following questions based on the video clip and your own knowledge.

1. What was China’s GDP before reform and opening-up?

2. What kind of economy was China before reform and opening-up?

3. Why do some people question the economic growth target proposed by Deng

B. What was China like before reform and opening-up?
Consider the following sources and learn about China before reform and opening-up.

Source C
Before reform and opening-up, China was almost completely isolated from the rest
of the world and its economy was struggling around the United Nations absolute
poverty line. The United Nations statistics showed that in 1978 China’s per capita
GNP was only US$229, which was below the absolute poverty line of less than
US$1 per day. In terms of people’s livelihood, there was a general lack of basic
living resources. The supply of daily food rations for urban residents was limited.
At that time, the monthly food ration for the urban population was 35.5 catties
(17.75 kg) for secondary school students, 27.5 catties for cadres of workers and
57.5 catties for manual workers. All other daily necessities had to be obtained with
ration coupons.
(Source: With reference to a news report on BBC Chinese dated 12 December 2018.)

1. What was Chinese society like before reform and opening-up? Explain your
answers with reference to the above sources.

2. Find some photos of the Chinese society before reform and opening-up and
share them with your classmates.

Photo and description

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