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1st con rules:

- Two mins prep, two mins ans
- At most send 2 representative to answer 1 question
Drama- ()
Q. halloween collab (lyk)
A. Thank you for your question. We are very pleased to receive such an invitation from the
drama club and we would also consider having the collaboration. Further details and
discussion can also be made before the Halloween Party. Once again, thank you for
your invitation.

Sport so- (wcy)

Q. 多啲資源(?
A. Thank you for your question. We do understand that sports teams often do not
enjoy much resources from the school, and this might hinder the practices of the
respective teams. Therefore, if Vorpis is successfully elected, we will definitely
deliver your opinion to the school and hope to strive for more resources for the
sports teams.

Prefects- (yky/ckc)
Q. In Vorpis’s political platform, you’ve mentioned that you will sell hair ties and clips to students
to the SU office if you are elected. For students who are not wearing black or dark green
coloured hair accessories to school, and those who do not have their hair fringes clipped
properly, the Prefect’s Board will provide black coloured hair ties and clips for them free of
charge at the main entrance every morning and during assemblies. Don't you think it is
unnecessary for Vorpis to be charging students for the correct coloured hair accessories when
they could just obtain it from the prefects at the main entrance for free every morning and
during the assemblies? (Ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. The Student Union sells hair ties and clips every
year, providing students with the option at a certain amount. We offer these items
at a cheaper price compared to the market price outside, making it more
convenient for students to buy them on campus when needed. However, the
Prefects Board does not supply a large quantity of these items to fellow
schoolmates. Instead, prefects offer one or two to students who are not meeting
the requirements of school regulations regarding hair accessories. Therefore,
rather than providing free rubber bands, we will offer them for sale at a reasonable
price when students need to buy them in bulk or in a specific amount.

Q. In previous years, due to privacy concerns, students are forbidden to take pictures at the
Annual Dance Contest, making the PVEC members the only ones allowed to record the dance
performances. According to Vorpis’s political platform, you would strive for the school’s
permission for students to be able to take pictures during the contest. How can you ensure that
the students would not focus on taking pictures with their friends instead of watching the dance
performances and disrespect the dancers? Additionally, how can you ensure that students
would not secretly leave their seats and flock to the corridor areas or at the Gym, blocking other
students and teachers from accessing the Gym to take the attendance before performing? Do
you think this would be fair to prefects who would now have to perform duties to monitor
students instead of enjoying the dance performances? (Icy)
A. Thank you for your question. In order to address privacy concerns, students will
be explicitly informed that recording or taking photos during the dance contest is
strictly prohibited. They are encouraged to bring their cameras solely for the
purpose of capturing pictures with their friends during recess or before the end of
school day. In addition, PVEC will take the responsibility for sharing the recorded
videos with everyone involved. These videos will be uploaded to a shared drive,
allowing everyone to enjoy the performances. On the other hand, in order to
maintain discipline among students, we will be in contact with the sports society
to emphasize school rules through platforms such as Gmail or other suitable
channels. By implementing these measures, we have the confidence that our
fellow schoolmates will demonstrate self-discipline, respecting all school
regulations and showing utmost respect to the others.

Unicef- (chy)
Q. UNICEF Club and Teacher IC have never received any proposals from the proposed cabinet,
while the proposed cabinet has written that there will be cooperation between UNICEF Club and
the proposed cabinet in its political platform. Is there any communication between the proposed
cabinet members?
A. Thank you for your question. When we, Vorpis, invited UNICEF to hold a talk in
BPS, our teacher ic has invited the UNICEF club to collaborate with us via telling
Mr. Fong, the teacher ic of the UNICEF club. Our cabinet members have asked the
UNICEF club’s committee a few times if they know about the collaboration of this
event and they do receive our proposals. If there is any miscommunications, we
are sincerely apologetic about that. We’ll provide more information once we are
successfully elected.

Swimming team- (chy)

Q. 待遇&水運師生競技(If they mention no 師生競技in gala)
A. Thank you for your question. We are apologetic about being unable to receive any
information on the cancellation of the SU game when we’re formulating our
finalized political platform. We’ll try our best to ask for the latest updates on the
changes of the schedule of the swimming gala and cope with it by organizing
additional activities to strengthen the bonding between teacher and students.

Vteam- (Ckc)
Q. court b 青苔&冷氣機滴水
A. Thank you for your question. We have also noticed the problem of moss and the
air conditioner water dripping problem and we also believe that they are in need of
repairs since the moss and the water dripped may serve as a breeding ground for
pests and bacteria. If Vorpis is successfully elected, we’ll discuss this issue with
the school authorities and strive for taking further action to ensure this issue is
fixed as soon as possible so as to guarantee the safety of students and maintain a
hygienic environment.

Backstage- (tks)
Q. ask can m can 保養/ 換咗後台電腦 (dance con 音樂成日斷
A. Thank you for your question.We understand that machine malfunctions may
cause significant inconvenience for the dance con or even daily usage for
example during assembly.We are aware of the impact of this situation and hope
that it can be fixed as soon as possible。We will actively communicate with the
school authorities to see if there is a possibility of promptly replacing or repairing
the computers once we are successfully elected.

Lai hse- (wcy)

Q. 冷氣機滴水
A. Thank you for your question. We understand that the air conditioner failure has
been a crucial issue that disturbs students during lessons. We are aware of this
problem and strive to serve our schoolmates by providing a better environment
and try for more benefits for our schoolmates. As a result, if Vorpis is elected, we
would discuss this issue with the school and to resolve this issue as soon as

中普- (yky)
Q. 點promote club's event&點attract ppl to join
A. Thank you for your question. To promote club events, we will repost the posts
posted by clubs to share the information of the event with more students via
social media, for example, instagram. Additionally,we can try to collaborate with
clubs and teams to organize more activities to attract more schoolmates to join.
We believe that this can greatly increase the popularity of club activities and make
them more accessible to the students.

Table tennis-
Q1. As for allowing our students to use electronic devices during lunchtimes and after school,
our concern would be on how to ensure that the students would use the devices on academic
work and school-related tasks, and not to abuse this proposal. (icy)

A. Thank you for your question. (Firstly, Vorpis hopes that we can create a more
convenient environment for our schoolmates to complete academic matters
through striving for schoolmates to use electronic devices during lunchtimes and
after school.) As the library extension will no longer be provided for students to
self-study, students could not use any electronic devices at school for academic
purposes. To ensure students would use the devices on academic works, Vorpis
members will be on duty in order to manage good order at school. In addition, we
believe that BPS students have good manners and are self-disciplined that
students could use the electronic devices for academic use and not violate the
school rule.

Q2. As for striving to replace the 2 obsolete water dispensers at the gym, since those 2 water
dispensers are located just near to the lavatory at the gym. If the new water dispensers are
placed at the same location, we have a huge concern on the hygienic issue. Do you think you
would need to find another spot for those new water dispensers? (roselyn)
A. Thank you for your question. We understand the students’ concerns about
hygiene regarding the location of the water dispensers near the gym. As the
toilets in the gym may have lower usage compared to other toilets, we can help
mitigate any potential hygiene issues and ensure a clean and comfortable
environment for students by implementing diligent cleaning. Thank you.

Chis club-
Q1. Despite the installation of paper towel dispensers in every partition of the school toilets, only
the toilets of G floor actually have paper towels. How do you intend to optimize the toilet
facilities in our school? (Ho chi write hai google form dik) (fcl)
A. Thank you for your question. We are aware of the issue regarding the paper towel
dispensers in the school toilets. We understand the importance of having
adequate and functional facilities for all students. We will report it to the school
and work diligently to address this issue and ensure that all toilets have functional
paper towel dispensers. Thank you.

Q2. Due to the limited lunch time and the far distance of eateries from school, many students
are unable to have enough time to go out for meals, resulting in a majority of students having to
rely on cup noodles. Can Vorpis make efforts to persuade the school to allow students to order
takeout? (mavis)
A. Thank you for your question. We deeply understand that walking long distances
for meals can be time-consuming and exhausting for students. However, we are
concerned that allowing students to order takeout may lead to chaos and increase
the workload for our school staff members. Vorpis is committed to engaging in
open and constructive dialogue with schools to find workable solutions./
Therefore, it is not encouraged to allow students to order takeout. Thank you for
your understanding and cooperation.

Q. The sports teams of our school are facing the problem of a lack of budget and facilities, so I
would like to ask what specific support and help can the student union provide for us? (Ctc)

A. Thank you for your question. We understand the importance of supporting our
sports team and ensuring they have necessary resources to thrive. If we are
successfully elected,we will report this to our school/ bring this matter to the
attention of the school administration and try our best to provide meaningful help
and support to address the issues of budget and facilities faced by our sports
teams. Thank you.
Q. hall badminton d 線 all wrong(ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. We understand that this might greatly affect the regulations
of an official badminton competition and the practice of members. To solve the problem,
we would contact the teacher in charge of the badminton team as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Sci club- (yikki)
Q. With the advanced technology nowadays, STEM has always played an important role in
modern society. With the prevalence of STEAM, may I know how your cabinet will promote
science education in our school
A. Thank you for your question. We’ve noticed that the science club has planned to
organize a number of activities in the upcoming year, including joint school
activities. In order to further promote STEAM, we’ll discuss with the school
authorities the possibility of holding more science activities during the all round
development period so that science education, other than textbook knowledge,
can reach more students in this way. Moreover, we will also make use of our social
media platforms to promote activities to be organized by different clubs. We hope
this can encourage the spread of STEAM elements.

English club-
Q. According to pg43,the risk evaluation of Christmas dancing party(ball) shows that outsiders
may join the party,often many school have dancing party tickets leaked to the public.How will the
student union prevent such situation and make sure tickets are sold and promoted only in bps
and Wah Yan college? (lhm)
A. Thank you for your question. The tickets of the Christmas Ball will only be sold in
both bps and Wah Yan College Hong Kong, and all tickets have to be purchased
with students’ cards, thus will not be leaked to the general public. Besides, we’ll
arrange our cabinet members on duty on that day at the entrance of Wah Yan
College Hong Kong. The student cards of the participants have to be collected
upon their entrance. Therefore, we can ensure that no outsiders will be able to join
the ball.

Chee hse-
Q. ball & attitude (fcl)
A. Thank you for your question. Regarding the Christmas Ball, we have reached a
clear agreement with Equinex, the student union cabinet of Wah Yan College, to
co-organize the event. Since Equinex has already been elected and can provide us
with a venue, the risk of not being able to hold the ball is greatly reduced. There
are two main reasons for the Christmas Ball being banned in recent years. Firstly,
it was due to the pandemic, which posed health and safety concerns. Secondly,
there were issues related to the instability of collaborative schools. However, now
that the pandemic is over and Equinex has confirmed their commitment to the
Christmas Ball, there is a high possibility that the event can be successfully held.
For further details, you may refer to the risk evaluation in the political platform. If
you have any enquiries, feel free to approach us anytime. Thank you.

Budget 問題(tks)
Thank you for your question. We completely understand that the lack of budget has
caused numerous troubles for clubs and teams to organize activities. Not only could it
cause shortages of materials, but it might also affect the overall efficiency of the clubs
committees. Therefore, if Vorpis is successfully elected as the Student Union of the year,
we will definitely strive for more budget for clubs and teams.

Q. Wf yiu delete dclub?plus mm reply ngl (chy)
A. Thank you for your question. We sincerely apologize for the slow response in
opinion collection and QnA. As we have received a large number of inquiries from
students, which requires some time to prepare and provide thoughtful responses.
In addition, since Vopis has no information about any cancellation of clubs or
teams, we are apologetic that we are not able to answer your inquiries, if there is
any latest information about it, we will update it. Lastly, if there are any
cancellation of clubs, we would try our best to strive for it and put students
welfare first.

Q. 開手機(?)
A. Thank you for your question. I am here to clarify that I was holding a permission to
use electronic devices at school during that period of time since I’ve joined a
STEM competition that requires coding at school. I’m sincerely apologetic about
any misunderstanding caused.

Q. Prefect morning duty late n sometimes 唔當值
A. Thank you for your question. Regarding the instances where I have failed to
perform my duties on time, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I truly
understand the importance of my role as a prefect and the impact it has on the
school community. As a result, I have made reflections and a conscious effort to
improve my punctuality for morning duties during the second term of last year. On
the other hand, to prevent any misunderstandings, I have consistently informed
the Head Prefect about any absences. By doing so, I aim to maintain clear
communication and accountability. Moving forward, I promise to enhance my time
management skills, utilize reminders and prioritize my duties more effectively.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I assure you that I will do my
utmost to meet expectations. Thank you.

Q. Class chairlady not fully participated in dance con discussion

A. Thank you for your question. I acknowledge that, as the class chairlady, I may not
have participated in the dance contest discussions as much as some of my
classmates or other members of the class committee. I apologize for this.
However, I did make contributions and put in effort to ensure the success of our
dance contest. While the results may not have been as satisfactory as we had
hoped, I believe that our classmates enjoyed the progress we made during
practice and the final performance. I assure you that I will endeavor to fulfill my
responsibilities and provide service to the best of my abilities to benefit the

Q. Script writing attitude

A. Thank you for your question. Regarding the progress of the scriptwriting, I have
informed the scriptwriters that whenever you send out a script, the directors will
make an effort to identify and modify any small mistakes. However, if the
modifications we propose will significantly impact the overall content, we will
inform you beforehand. This way, we aim to fulfill our responsibilities as directors.
On the other hand, since you submitted the scripts after the deadline we had set,
we had to expedite the checking process and seek advice from teachers within a
limited period of time. Therefore, if we failed to clearly communicate everything to
you, I apologize. Furthermore, you mentioned that we displayed a rude attitude
during our discussions. If our opinions have offended you, I sincerely apologize
once again. I assure you that I will do my best to contribute to our school and
constantly reflect on my own attitude when communicating with others. Thank

Q. not contributing when joining the eect
1. Thank you for your question. Regarding the allegations for the lack of my
participation in the environmental education and conservation team, it does
concern me quite a bit that the claims are not true. I took part in a series of
activities such as the lip balm workshop, in which I also helped to prepare a
considerable amount of lip balms as gifts for the open day. I do not mean to take
credit, yet it would be an understatement to deny the effort I put in during my time
in the environmental education and conservation team. It would not be practical
for me to participate in every single event, as it would take away too much time
from my personal space. I am grateful to be a part of the team, and the invaluable
experience and memories while working together with other members in the team
is something I would cherish. Regardless, I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience caused.

(if they mention open day)

Thank you for your question. I do acknowledge that my absence would increase
the workload of other team members on the open day. I had menstrual cramps that
completely caught me off guard, and the pain had left me feeling really light
headed. I ended up drifting off to sleep in the sick room. I felt considerably better
after resting, and I wholeheartedly appreciate the friends and teachers who
comforted me while I tried to recover. It would be irresponsible of me to exert
myself in such a condition even after being discharged from the sick room. I do
not mean to intentionally evade my duties whatsoever. I sincerely hope you could
understand the situation.

A. Thank you for your questions. I sincerely apologize for sitting on top of the
storage cabinet. As a student, I understand that my behavior was inappropriate
and disrespectful. Sitting on the storage cabinet is not only unsafe but also goes
against the rules and regulations of the school. I want to assure you that I have
learned from this mistake, and I promise that it will not happen again. I will make a
conscious effort to abide by the safety guidelines and behavioral expectations set
by the school. I understand the importance of creating a safe and respectful
learning environment for everyone. Once again, I deeply apologize for my actions
and any inconvenience or concern they may have caused. Thank you for bringing
this to my attention, and I appreciate your understanding.

Q. Science club-outing, missed meeting

A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize that my actions caused you to
misunderstand that I am not responsible for the Science club activities as a
committee member. I would like to clarify that I have informed the person in
charge of the club about the time that I was not available through whatsapp in
advance, as I had to attend the category c subjects lesson, I could not be able to
join the outing of the club.

Also, I sincerely apologize about the absence of the meeting since I missed the
time for the meeting. However, I sent a private message to the vice chairlady (as
she sent the meeting link in the whatsapp group) to apologize for my mistake and
explain why I missed the meeting. I promise that it won’t happen again and I will
pay more attention to my time management.

Q.走house agm
A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for my mistake, since there
were rumors saying that the house meeting was optional, I didn’t attend the
meeting. However,when knowing that the meeting was mandatory, I immediately
apologized and explained to the teacher in charge of the house agm after realizing
my irresponsible act.I promise that I will be careful and responsible for any school
events and promise that this will never happen again.

Q. Promotion video — Henna tattoo
A. Thank you for your question. The tattoos on my hands are henna tattoos, which
originate from India and are created using natural plant dyes. I had them done
during a study tour in the UK while I was on my summer holiday. I chose to get
them during a visual art lesson to cherish beautiful and lasting memories.
Regrettably, I returned to Hong Kong just one day before the promotional video
was filmed, and henna tattoos typically take at least a week to completely fade.

Hence, I didn't have sufficient time to remove them. It is important to acknowledge

that henna tattoos hold immense cultural significance in India and are commonly
used during celebrations like weddings and festivals. They are also admired as a
form of temporary art in various countries. I genuinely appreciate diverse cultures
and possess an earnest desire to learn about different traditions. Thank you for
your understanding.


Q. 坐櫃(?
A. Thank you for your questions. I sincerely apologize for sitting on top of the
storage cabinet. As a student, I understand that my behavior was inappropriate
and disrespectful. Sitting on the storage cabinet is not only unsafe but also goes
against the rules and regulations of the school. I want to assure you that I have
learned from this mistake, and I promise that it will not happen again. I will make a
conscious effort to abide by the safety guidelines and behavioral expectations set
by the school. I understand the importance of creating a safe and respectful
learning environment for everyone. Once again, I deeply apologize for my actions
and any inconvenience or concern they may have caused. Thank you for bringing
this to my attention, and I appreciate your understanding.

Q. Skip hse agm

A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for my mistake, since there
were rumors saying that the house meeting was optional, I didn’t attend the
meeting. However,when knowing that the meeting was mandatory, I immediately
apologized and explained to the teacher in charge of the house agm after realizing
my irresponsible act.I promise that I will be careful and responsible for any school
events and promise that this will never happen again

Q. Open phone(?Have teacher permission during the lesson

A. Thank you for your question. I would like to clarify that I had obtained explicit
permission from my teacher to use the phone during class for the sole purpose of
conducting a group presentation and actively participating in educational
activities. I value the rules and regulations of the school and always strive to
adhere to them. I’m sincerely apologetic about any misunderstanding caused.
never happen again.

Q. Easy nervous


crying after competition 輸唔起

A: Thank you for your question, I understand that there must be some injuries during
sports competitions.
However, I also believe that it is totally reasonable that the injured person feel irritated
and depressed after multiple accidents.
I chose to cry as it is my way to express my unhappiness. Instead of being angry for
losing the competition.

Tai dor post

Promotion 笑?

Play board game/sth else [too naughty???]
A.Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for (mmsure).AS a student,I
understood my behavior was improper.Time for post exam activities should be relaxed
but this is too over.I have learnt from this mistake and i promised this won’t happen
again.I will make a conscious effort to abide by the safety guidelines and behavioral
expectations set by the school. I understand the importance of creating a safe and
respectful learning environment for everyone. Once again, I deeply apologize for my
actions and any inconvenience or concern they may have caused. Thank you for bringing
this to my attention, and I appreciate your understanding.
Mm frd with some ppl
A.Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize that my actions caused you to
misunderstand.At that time both of us are still not enough mature to settle a dispute,I
believe I have now become more mature and able to solve these problems.I have learnt
from this mistake and i promised this won’t happen again.I understand the importance of
creating a safe and respectful learning environment for everyone. Once again, I deeply
apologize for my actions and any inconvenience or concern they may have caused.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I appreciate your understanding.


Q.Refusing to be choir section leader
A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for turning down the offer and
causing the inconvenience. As I was deciding, I measured my workload and
ability, and thought that I would not be able to take up that many responsibilities
and wouldn't have enough time to handle that much work. Therefore, I personally
don’t think that I would be suitable to serve as a choir section leader in this


A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for my delayed decision.Sorry
for putting too much effort into finding a balance between the academic and my
responsibilities of my posts.Since I have confirmed my part in the cabinet.I
promise to dedicate as much effort as possible to fulfill my responsibilities and
serve our fellow schoolmates in the upcoming year if elected.
Q.promotion video缺席團體部分
A. Thank you for your question.During the filming of the promotion video in the
summer holiday,I contracted gastroenteritis unfortunately.The doctor advised me
to stay at home for complete recovery.Therefore, I was unable to attend the group
shooting for the promotion video.

Q. why 遲入
A. Thank you for your question. When considering whether to join, I took into
account many factors, including my time availability and competence to fulfill the
responsibilities, this resulted in a delayed decision, which may have affected the
work of other committee members. I sincerely apologize for this and pledge to
serve the school wholeheartedly if elected.

Q.story post lunch叫外賣

A. Thank you for your question. Last year, a teacher who had been my math teacher
in F3 was hired again to take over another teacher's lesson. My classmates and I
decided to have lunch with him, and he kindly helped us order some food. We
used his phone to take photos. I admit that posting these photos on social media
may have been inappropriate. I promise that I will never again post photos that
could lead to misunderstandings.
Q.ig post wine
A. Thank you for your question. I sincerely apologize for my improper action of
posting photos of wine on social media. I am well aware that drinking alcohol is
not permitted for those under the age of eighteen. However, I just simply posted
some pictures from a gathering. And the alcohol in the photo was not consumed
by me.I promise that I will not post any photos that could lead to
misunderstandings again.
Q.promotion video 最尾冇出現
A. Thank you for your question. During the filming of the promotional video for our
cabinet, I contracted the flu and had to stay at home to rest for a week. At that
time, I was unsure how long it would take to recover. To avoid delaying the filming

progress, I decided to take the shot after I had fully recovered. As a result, I was
unable to appear in the group shots.

Promotion video
Q. vice 無出樣
A. Thank you for your question. The main purpose of our promotion video is to let
everyone to focus on the morse code of “VORPIS” and how our cabinet members
are gathered to form a cabinet to participate in the 37th Student Union Election in
our school. We are sincerely apologetic about failing to capture the faces of our

vice president.
Q. henna
Q. 吾知我哋做緊啲咩,想表達啲咩
Q. 短褲(Roslyn)
A. Thank you for your question. We are sincerely apologetic about wearing shorts
when we were shooting the promotion video. It was summer and the weather was
hot at that time. Additionally, as we were off-campus, we mistakenly believed that
it was acceptable to wear shorts while shooting the promotional video. However,
moving forward, we understand the importance of maintaining a professional
appearance, especially when filming school-related content. Therefore, we will
ensure that we dress appropriately in neat uniforms or long pants when filming
school videos in the future. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience

caused by our oversight.
Q. 吾齊人
Q. 點解條片下咗架?

Q. 風格太似orenda (wcy)
A. (upgraded by chat gpt)Thank you for your question.We sincerely apologize for
any misunderstanding that may have arisen from our designs. In our pursuit of
providing clearer and more accessible information,we did draw inspiration from
the designs of previous student unions. However, it is important to note that our
cabinet also places a strong emphasis on innovation. We have dedicated
considerable effort to designing other social media postings, incorporating unique
elements that reflect the identity of Vorpis. We hope that you can recognize and
appreciate our diligent efforts in this regard.

Q. opinion collection, qna覆得太慢(ckc)

A. Thank you for your question. We apologize sincerely for the slow response in
collecting opinions and answering Q&A. We have received a large number of
inquiries from students, which requires some time to prepare and provide
thoughtful responses. We are working hard to improve our response speed and
aim to reply to your question as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience
and support. If you have any other questions or needs, please feel free to let us
know, and we will do our best to assist you.

Q. 揀問題答(tks)

A. Thank you for your question. It is crucial for a student union to uphold
transparency, fairness, and inclusivity in collecting and addressing student
opinions. Our primary objective is to represent the voice of the student body and
ensure that their concerns and suggestions are heard. When collecting student
opinions, we strive to create an open and unbiased platform where all students
can freely express their thoughts and ideas. We value every opinion and aim to
consider a wide range of perspectives to make informed decisions that benefit the
entire student community.

Q. schedule 推遲晒(fcl)
A. Thank you for your question. We sincerely apologize for the schedule delay. We
understand that the change in schedule may have caused inconvenience to the
students, and we sincerely apologize for that. We will make every effort to
coordinate and arrange the schedule to minimize inconvenience to the students.
However, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes lead to changes in the
schedule, such as venue issues, speaker conflicts, or other factors beyond our
control. We will strive to provide advance notice to students regarding any
schedule changes and offer as much explanation and understanding as possible.
We will continue to work hard to ensure that the activities and arrangements of the
student council align as much as possible with the needs and expectations of the
students. Thank you.

Q. orenda 主席幫我哋幫得太多(chy)
A. Thank you for your question. First of all, we would like to thank the president of
Orenda for providing us with various support and to keep encouraging us during
our election period. Although she had provided assistance to us to gather the
cabinet members to form Vorpis and had given us opinion on the matters we are
striving for, we don’t think this affects our independencies since all the present
proposed cabinet members are all gathered by our president and all of the cabinet
members have actively participated in formulating the finalized political platform.
Orenda is indeed admirable, we have added many elements that are different from
the one in Orenda to ensure that everything is brand new to Belilians and we hope
to define what Vorpis is. We hope our uniqueness can help us to serve Belilians
by organizing various internal and external activities, and to provide quality
service to the students. Lastly, we hope that we could strive more and organize
activities that could gather the Belilians’ spirit if we are successfully elected.
Thank you for your question once again.

Q. 點樣去ensure 我哋每一個人吾係為咗su 個名而去選su(lyk)

A. Thank you for your question. As members of the Student Union, we are committed
to ensuring that every candidate running for the Student Union does so with
genuine intentions and a desire to serve the campus and fellow students, rather
than simply seeking the title associated with the Student Union. Through the

inter-school and intra-school activities we organize, we provide opportunities to

actively participate in service and contribute to the community. By engaging in
these activities, we can demonstrate our tangible actions and contributions, and
prove that our involvement in the Student Union is driven by sincerity and a
willingness to serve the campus and fellow students. The members of the Student
Union are individuals who genuinely care about student interests and are
dedicated to improving the campus environment, rather than merely participating
for the sake of the Student Union's prestige. We believe that such a team will bring
about positive impact and substantial change for the student community.

Q. 前幾年su 嘅存在感好低,你哋可以點樣提高su 嘅存在感?(icy)

A. Thank you for your question. To enhance the presence of the Student Union (SU)
and increase its visibility, we have implemented several strategies. Firstly, we
have increased collaboration with other schools by organizing joint events. By
partnering with student unions from other schools, examples of such
collaborations include joint-school Christmas ball, city tracing, pen-pal scheme,
and more. These collaborations facilitate cross-school exchanges, enhancing the
visibility and presence of the student union. Secondly, we can strengthen
connections and collaboration with other organizations and clubs within our own
school. The student union actively participates in partnering with other
organizations to co-organize events. This increases the exposure of the student
union within the campus community and encourages student participation and
support. For instance, organizing Halloween day with the English club or hosting
talks in collaboration with the UNICEF Club. Lastly, we can enhance our presence
through social media and online promotion. The student union can utilize various
social media platforms and online channels to regularly share updates and
announcements about our activities, engaging in interactions and conversations
with students. This type of promotion raises awareness and interest in the student
union, providing a convenient way for students to learn about our work and
services. Thank you.
Q. Will you do anything towards more gender neutral terminology(中性語言no he she duck they) for
the VERY large percentage of genderqueer(kinda like x認同自己性別) students in bps? (Lhm)
(chatgpt)Thank you for your question. Using gender-neutral language is a respectful and inclusive
approach that acknowledges and affirms individuals who identify outside of the traditional gender
binary. It can help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for genderqueer students.
When communicating with them, it's important to use gender-neutral pronouns such as "they/them"
unless the individual specifies their preferred pronouns.Educational institutions and organizations
can also play a significant role in promoting inclusivity by adopting gender-neutral policies,
providing resources on gender diversity, and offering training sessions to staff and students about
the importance of respecting different gender identities.
It's worth noting that promoting gender-neutral terminology and inclusivity is an ongoing process
that requires continuous learning, open dialogue, and active support for the genderqueer

Q. 好多cab member 計埋su 嘅post 有齊晒 2 major 2 minor, 你哋可以點樣ensure 分到足夠嘅時間去

su affairs 到同埋保證其他post 都吾會free ride(ctc)
A. Thank you for your question.We understand the concerns of the students regarding
the multiple positions held by the cabinet members and their ability to focus on their
responsibilities in the student union. Each of our cabinet members carefully
considered their suitability for the positions before joining the student union. Also, we
will also ensure a suitable distribution of workload, allowing each cabinet member to
showcase their strengths and serve the students effectively.
Q. 投影機故障(ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. We apologize for the malfunction of the school's
projector and deeply understand that this issue is affecting students’ learning. We will
make a note of this issue and report it to the school so that it can be addressed.
Q. 天花板跌咗落嚟
Q. 風扇跌過落嚟
Q. 會吾會爭取頸巾(ctc)
A. Thank you for your question. We do understand that students would like to wear their
own cardigans to school in Winter rather than the one with the logo of our school
printed on it. However, the school believes that unifying the cardigans could be neater
and make it tidy. After several discussions between our cabinet members, we’ve
reached consensus that the possibility for changing this school rule is very low.
Therefore, we’re not including it as one of the matters to be strived for but we’ll deliver
your opinion to the school authorities.
Q. 我哋留意到有師生戀嘅情況發生,想問下你哋對於呢件事有啲咩睇法
Q. 如果學校要求你哋做國安promotion 你哋會吾會為咗呢件事而去organize 活動,或者你哋會點
Q. 覺得學校有啲咩做得吾好,點樣同學校提出同埋想點樣改善
Q. dance con and swimming gala
Q. 冷氣機噴熱氣

Political Platform
Halloween Party
Q. 你哋會點樣同english club 合作去搞萬聖節活動 (wcy)
A. Thank you for your question. The format of the halloween party will be changed to a
halloween day this year, and we’ll invite the English Club to collaborate with us to hold this
event together. We planned to hold a trick or treat activity with the English Club during
recess and lunch time on that day as well as hold a booth in the party venue.

Q. 如果合作內閣落選,你哋會點做(ctc)
A. Thank you for your question.We understand the concerns of the students regarding the
possibility of the collaborative cabinets not being elected and the disruption of the
activities. If, unfortunately, the collaborative cabinets are not elected, we will make an
effort to collaborate with the elected cabinets or other schools to ensure the smooth
execution of the activities.
Q. 聽講上年搞完之後風評麻麻,學校吾會再派出英文老師做監考,你哋會點做?(Yky)
A. Thank you for your question. We understand the concerns of the students regarding the
evaluation of last year's activity, especially regarding the possibility of English teachers
being invigilators this year. We believe that this opportunity is extremely valuable, and
therefore, we will discuss the arrangements with the school authorities to strive for the
exclusion of English teachers as invigilators once we are successfully elected . If the
school authorities do not exclude English teachers, we will ensure that teachers with a good
level of proficiency in English will be assigned as invigilators.


Q. 你哋會同邊間學校合辦聯校筆友計劃?(tks)
A. Thank you for your question. We planned to hold the joint school pen pal scheme with our
supporting schools and one of the schools will be Splendente from the Kings’ College.
Q. 聯校筆友計劃嘅形式會係點?(ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. In regards to the pen-pal scheme, students will engage in
daily letter writing, communication, ands learning with their classmates from one of the
supporting schools. Students can talk about daily things, what they see, articles they have
written, what they see and hear, etc. This activity aims to enhance their communication
skills. We will send representatives to exchange letters with representatives from one of
the partner schools. Throughout the process, we will prioritize student privacy and take
proactive measures to address any offensive behavior. Students are also encouraged to
include any additional attachments they may wish to share. Thank you.

Q. 你哋會點做去令到啲同學有興趣參加?(mavis)
A. We believe the joint school pen-pal scheme is of tremendous value as it presents a unique
opportunity to foster meaningful connections and create lasting memories. To ensure

maximum participation and engagement, we have devised a comprehensive promotional

plan. Firstly, we will leverage the power of social platforms by uploading captivating
promotional photos, along with relevant details such as dates and locations. This will
enable us to reach a wider audience and generate interest among students. Additionally, we
will strategically place promotional posters on the class bulletin boards, ensuring that
students have ample opportunity to read and digest the information. These posters will be
designed to grab attention and convey the excitement and benefits of participating in the
pen pal program. Furthermore, we will actively promote the program during class period
and morning assembly. Class teachers will make announcements to spark student curiosity
and encourage their active involvement. By highlighting the program's merits and
emphasizing the potential for personal growth and cultural exchange, we aim to pique
students' interest and motivate them to participate enthusiastically. In the event that we
encounter a shortage of participants, we will extend the invitation to Form 1 and Form 2
students. This inclusive approach will not only increase the number of participants but also
provide younger students with the opportunity to engage in this enriching experience.
Through these concerted efforts, we are confident in our ability to create awareness and
generate interest in the joint school pen pal program, ensuring that our students fully grasp
the value and significance of this unique opportunity.

Q. 如果合作內閣落選,你哋會點樣做?(wcy)
A. Thank you for your question. If Splendente of the Kings’ College is not successfully elected,
we will invite the elected cabinet to collaborate with us to hold the joint school pen-pal
scheme. Besides, we will invite the other supporting cabinets of Vorpis to hold this activity
with us. Thank you.
Q. 點樣可以確保到參加同學嘅私隱問題(lyk)
A. Thank you for your question. Privacy is of paramount importance, and we are fully
committed to safeguarding the privacy of all participating students. To ensure the privacy
of both students and to prevent any inappropriate behavior, it will be mandatory for
students to sign relevant agreements prior to participating in the activity. Furthermore, we
will employ opaque envelopes sealed with adhesive tape, ensuring that no one will tamper
with or access the contents before delivering them to the intended pen pal. We highly
recommend that classmates and pen pals utilize code names or nicknames when
communicating with each other, as an additional measure to prevent any potential privacy
breaches. Students will also be explicitly cautioned and advised to refrain from disclosing
personal information, such as addresses, in their initial communications.Thank you.

水運會師生競技 (Roslyn)
Q. sports team 問過學校體育老師,確定咗今年將會取消師生競技環節,想問下貴閣有啲咩回應?(ctc)
A. Thank you for your question. During the drafting of our political platform, we were not
notified that the teacher-student sports competition had been canceled. We sincerely
apologize for this. If we are successfully elected, we will actively engage in discussions
with the school authorities and the sports association to explore the possibility of
organizing alternative events to foster the bonding between teachers and students

Q. 上年搞吾成Christmas Ball, 你哋今年覺得搞得成ball 嘅機會大吾大(yky)
A. Thank you for your question. Before answering the possibilities for us to hold the joint
school Christmas Ball, please let me summarize the reasons behind why the previous
student unions failed to hold a joint school Christmas Ball. Firstly, the Christmas Ball to be
organized by Auris is canceled due to the serious pandemic, while Lux has held an online
Ball instead. As for Orenda, the proposed collaborating cabinet from Sing Yin Secondary
School has not been successfully elected and they had found another school to collaborate
instead. However, they could not seek an appropriate venue to hold a ball during the
mid-December. Since the pandemic is over, and Equinex of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
has already been elected and could provide their school hall as the venue for the joint
school Christmas ball to take place, we believe there is a high possibility for us to hold a
Christmas Ball and we would like to thank for your question once again.

Q. 點樣確保無校外人士進入舞會場地 (fcl)
A. Thank you for your question.We understand that students have concerns about outsiders
entering the ball and their personal safety. If Vorpis is successfully elected, we will ensure
that all tickets can only be purchased with a student ID card within the school premises and
tickets will be required for entry to the ball. Therefore, students need not worry about
outsiders entering and can enjoy a joyful christmas ball .
Q. 你哋propose 搞ball 之前有無考慮過之前學生會交吾到嘅原因?點解覺得你哋會搞得成?(ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. As the Christmas ball, an event that hasn't been held for
several years, we understand the students' expectations and concerns about its successful
organization. In the past few years, many activities, including the ball, could not take place
due to the pandemic. However, this year the restrictions have been lifted, and life is
returning to normal. Additionally, we have had productive discussions with cabinets from
other schools, and if elected, we will maintain close communication with the school
authorities and the collaborative cabinet to ensure the smooth execution of the event.
Q. 如果合作內閣落選,你哋會點樣做?(wcy)
A. Thank you for your question. We understand that students will be aware of the joint-school
event and would like to assure you that the joint-school events have a high possibility to be
held. If the other cooperation cabinet has lost, we could approach another cabinet to hold
the events. In addition, our collaboration cabinet of Wah Yan College, Equinex has been
successfully elected. As a result, if Vorpis is successfully elected, we will try our best to
provide our students with a better event structure and planning.

Q. 如果合作內閣落選,你哋會點樣做?(ctc)
A. Thank you for your question. Zendra from the Raimondi College and Ardent from Tsuen
Wan Government Secondary School are the only proposed cabinet from their schools. If
they’re not successfully elected, we will invite the elected cabinet to collaborate with us to
hold the joint school city tracing.
Q. 城市遊蹤啲人會去晒全香港嘅吾同地區,各自分散,你哋可以點樣確保到每一位同學喺香港嘅吾同角

A. Thank you for your question. We understand that students may have concerns about the
safety of the city tracing event. Our previous student union had held different joint school
events including city tracing. If Vorpis is elected, we will take the previous city tracing event
as a reference to conduct plans to ensure student safety, we would like to assure you that
we put students’ safety first. In addition, we will be prudent to discuss with another school’s
student union the plan of city tracing.
Q. 如果活動途中天氣變壞,你哋會點做?(tks)
A. Thank you for your question. We will keep an eye on the weather forecast before holding
the activity. If there are signs that show there will be a possibility of rain, we’ll cancel the
activity and inform the participants via whatsapp and the instagram page of the
collaborating cabinets. If the weather becomes worse during the activity, we’ll immediately
inform all the person in charge of every group, request them to report their location and
move to a safe place as soon as possible. As well as to dismiss the participants only when
the rain halts. We hope this can ease your concerns and thank you for your question once

Q. 大槪成個早會係做啲咩?會吾會影響到graduation ceremony? (Icy)
A. Thank you for your question. We will film a video with the teachers who taught F6 students
in their senior school life to show encouragement to the students who are facing the HKDSE
examination during the F6 Farewell assembly. Aside from organizing the S6 farewell
assembly, we will also distribute gifts prepared by the Student Union to the graduates,
acting as an act of support to them. We’d acknowledge that some students may be
concerned if this event is affiliated to the arrangements of the graduation ceremony, we are
here to clarify that the graduation ceremony will be held as usual.


Q. UNICEF Club and Teacher IC have never received any proposals from the proposed cabinet,
while the proposed cabinet has written that there will be cooperation between UNICEF Club and
the proposed cabinet in its political platform. Is there any communication between the proposed
cabinet members? (Chy)
B. Thank you for your question. When we, Vorpis, invited UNICEF to hold a talk in
BPS, our teacher ic invited the UNICEF club to collaborate with us via telling Mr.
Fong, the teacher ic of the UNICEF club. Our cabinet members have asked the
UNICEF club’s committee several times if they know about the collaboration of
this event and they do receive our proposals. If there is any miscommunications,
we are sincerely apologetic about that. We’ll provide more information once we
are successfully elected.

Q. 你哋計劃邀請邊位舊生返嚟?(Roslyn)

A. Thank you for your question. We planned to invite some of the top scholars in the HKDSE
examination of our school in previous years to share their experiences on preparing the
HKDSE examination and tips with us. Aside from that, we’ll also invite them to share more
information on JUPAS University programme selection and on the programme they are
studying currently as well. We hope that the sharing from the old girls can be both
informative in a fun way to broaden the horizons of our students.
Q. 除咗平時youtube 上面得到嘅資訊之外,你哋仲會叫啲舊生分享啲咩,等同學獲益多啲?(lhm)
A. Thank you for your question.We cordially invite old girls to share their invaluable
experiences in preparing for the HKDSE examination, and also some detailed information
about their university electives and their career pathways. The sharing will include a Q&A
segment, enabling our schoolmates to directly engage with the speakers and promptly
resolve any uncertainties they may have. Moreover, in addition to the wealth of information
available on the internet, the old girls will provide tailored tips specifically suited for BPS
students. We firmly believe that this activity holds immense value and relevance for our
schoolmates, offering them a unique opportunity to benefit from the wisdom and guidance
of those who have walked the same path before them.

Q. 到底同breaking up day 有咩分別?

Q. 擺喺廁所隔離會吾會有衞生問題?(marvis)
A. Thank you for your question. Currently, there are two obsolete water machines placed next
to the toilet at the gym. However, they’re no longer in service due to the serious COVID-19
pandemic in the previous years. We believe changing the water dispenser to a new one like
the one present in the first to third floor of our school is more hygienic than the one present
there currently. Since it is the only place at the gym with water and electricity sources, we
believe that placing a water dispenser there is appropriate. Moreover, this facilitates the
students of sports teams to refill their water bottles. Therefore, we believe that it's
beneficial to our students more than posting harms.
Q. 會吾會阻塞通道(yky)
A. Thank you for your question.We understand your concern regarding the placement of the
water machine may create a potential effect on the available space for our movement.
However, it is important to note that during the morning assemblies or lesson changing
times, students are required to walk in pairs in order. On condition that students adhere to
the school’s instructions, Vorpis ensures that the new water machine will not obstruct the
corridor and pose a risk of accidents.Thank you.
Q. 究竟啲人係吾係真係有呢個需要去喺嗰度擺部水機喺嗰度?(lyk)
A. Thank you for your question. We understand that students hope resources will be properly
allocated. We planned to change the water dispenser as we had a cautious discussion on
the matter to strive for before. Many students during PE lessons may need a large amount
of water to hydrate, when they finish their water and decide to replenish, they need to walk
to the first floor in order to get the water. To provide a convenient environment for students,
we decided to replace the 2 obsolete water dispensers at the gym.

喺G/F 增設新水機
A. Thank you for your question. As for installing a new water dispenser on G/F, we’re not
planning to place it at the same location as the one on the other floors, but next to the
toilet, where previously newspaper shelving was placed since the toilet could provide a
socket for us to connect electricity supply as well as water to the water dispenser. After
considering the above factors, we believe that there’s a high possibility for us to install one
on G/F.

Q. 會吾會阻塞通道?(ansed)((yky)
A. Thank you for your question.We understand your concern regarding the placement of the
water machine may create a potential effect on the available space for our movement.
However, we believe that the corridor has enough available space for us to place a water
dispenser and reserve enough space for students to pass the corridor at the same time.
Therefore, we believe the installation will not obstruct the corridor and pose a risk of
accidents. Thank you.
Q. 水機冇熱水,沖杯面咪都係要上一層沖熱水先得

派發相機牌 (gala and sports day)

Q. 多咗人喺走廊影相會唔會導致阻塞通道?
A. Thank you for your question.
Q. 會吾會加重prefects’ board 嘅工作量?(mavis)
A. Thank you for your question. We do understand that prefect’s have had busy schedules on
the day of the swimming gala in order to maintain a disciplined environment during the
event. In order not to burden the prefect’s board, Vorpis will also arrange duties for the
executive committee on that day. We will try our best to prevent all the students from
flocking to the corridor to take photos as well as to ensure that there’s no blockage of the
Q. 想問下貴閣諗住加幾多個名額?(chy)
A. Thank you for your question. Before setting the exact number of camera passes to be
added, we’ll conduct surveys beforehand to let us know the approximate number of
students who would like to bring their cameras to the swimming gala and the sports day
venue to take photos with their friends. We proposed to add at most three more quotas to
each class; however, it is subject to change - if more students wish to bring their cameras
to these events, we will further increase the quota.

派發相機牌(dance con)
Q. 點樣ensure 啲學生吾會離開個位去影相 (fcl)
A. Thank you for your question.If Vorpis is elected, to ensure that students will not leave their
seats to take photos during the dance contest, Vorpis member will be on duty during the
dance contest in hall, gym and corridors to prevent this situation happen.
Q. 點樣ensure 啲學生可以喺影相嘅同時respect 啲performers
Q. 會吾會需要prefects 當值,如果喺咁嘅話咪對啲prefects 好吾公平
(ks these 2 almost the same as prefects board’s question?)
Q. privacy concerns: 啲同學未必想俾其他同學影相,再post 上social media,點樣ensure 啲同學吾會
A. Thank you for your question. The purpose for us to strive for permitting students to
bring cameras to school on that day is solely for taking photos with friends. We do
care about the privacy issues of other students and the students are encouraged
not to take photos of other’s performances and to enjoy the atmosphere of the
dance contest instead of taking photos. PVEC will still act as the official party to
record the full performance on that day and upload to the shared google drive
afterwards. In order to ensure the privacy of all the students are protected, the
executive committee members will be on duty that day. We hope that our response
can ease your concerns.

Q. 過往咁多屆都無一屆爭取成功,你哋覺得同之前嗰啲su 有啲咩分別?點解覺得你哋會爭取成功?
A. Thank you for your question. With the advanced technology, we’ve noticed that most of our
students prefer to use iPads as a tool for them to do revision and to consolidate their
knowledge. According to the political platforms of the previous student unions, the

difference between ours and theirs is that we will only strive for permitting students to use
their devices during lunch and after school due to the limited time at recess. Before
formulating our finalized political platform, we’ve consulted the school several times and
we do believe there’s a high chance for students to use their own devices in school in this
academic year. We hope our answer could ease your concerns and thank you for your
question once again.
Q. 點樣確保ipad 淨係用作學習用途(icy)
A. To ensure students would use the devices on academic works, Vorpis members
will be on duty in order to manage good order at school. In addition, we believe
that BPS students have good manners and are self-disciplined that students could
use the electronic devices for academic use and not violate the school rule.

Q. 指定場所即係邊度?(ckc)
A. Thank you for your question. If Vorpis is successfully elected and strives for permitting
students to carry iPad to schools, the school will assign specific classrooms for students to
use their electronic devices, where the SU members will be on duty to ensure they are only
used for academic purposes.

Q. 點樣分辨啲同學係吾係申請咗先用ipad? (Roslyn)
A. Thank you for your question. We will place specific stickers or labels on the iPads of
students who have been approved to use them. This makes it easy for teachers and other
students to identify those who have applied for and are using an iPad. We will also conduct
regular classroom patrols during lunch and afterschool to ensure that only the students
with approval are using iPads within the school campus. If any of the students are found
violating the school rules, the student will be sent to the discipline team and further actions
will be taken.

Q. 如果要prefects 睇埋哩樣嘢嘅話係吾係會加重prefects 嘅工作量 (yky)

A. Thank you for your question. We understand that to ensure students use electronic devices
for only academic works and not violate the school regulations is not only the responsibility
of prefects. Vorpis members will be on duty to make sure that students can use electronic
devices for work and follow the school rules. So prefects will not increase their workload.
However, if the prefect board is willing to collaborate with us, we would greatly appreciate

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