Forum Rules

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Forum rules


• Do not make xenophobic, intolerant or any kind of offensive and disrespectful


• Interventions that contain threats or insults to other students will be


• Interventions that include links to pages that violate the current laws of
intellectual property protection of authors and whose legality is scarce or
dubious will be eliminated.

• Interventions that include links to pages that are potentially dangerous in

terms of filtering viruses or malicious code will be excluded from the forum.

• Do not use a programming code that makes reading the forum difficult, such
as changing font size, colors, etc.

• Your intervention should be adjusted to the topic of the Forum.

• Respect other students´ interventions.


• Fulfill its dual purpose:

• Prove that you are able to work as a team by providing other students
with valuable input related to the main topic under discussion.

• Make original contributions beyond the mere mechanical repetition of

contents of the subject or other complementary materials.

• If you wish to express your agreement or disagreement with previous

interventions, you must necessarily do so with elaborated arguments that,
from another point of view, reinforce or contradict them.

• Avoid simply expressing conformity or disagreement with no further


• Although it may be of some interest to reach joint conclusions, it is not
essential, and sometimes not even desirable, since university work does not
aim at consensus at all costs; In fact, intellectual creation is often
accompanied by a degree of dissent.

• Maintaining personal convictions that are not necessarily shared is to be

valued, as long as they are accompanied by the corresponding reasons and
do not respond to simple occurrences or unfounded currents of opinion.

• Keep in mind that it is meaningless to enter for the first time the last day of
the forum and to make independent contributions about the topics that have
been addressed.

• Students who access the forums regularly and make contributions consistent
with the topic(s) under discussion and helpful to the group will be positively

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