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Optimizing Athletic Performance: An Investigation into the Impact of

Hydration Status on Student Athletes at Abellana National School

Name (Optional): ____________________ Date: __________

Section: ___________________ Sex: Female___
Age: 16 - 17 _______ (Put Check) Male___
18 or above _____ Sport: _______

Instructions: Read and analyze carefully the questions below and answer what is
being asked. Place a checkmark (✓) next to each answer If you agree with or want
to select. You can choose more than one answer.

1. How often do you drink water during your training sessions?

□ Never
□ Rarely
□ Occasionally
□ Frequently
□ Always
2. On average, how many liters of water do you drink per day?
□ Less than 1 liter
□ 1-2 liters
□ 2-3 liters
□ 3-4 liters
□ More than 4 liters
3. How many hours before participating in sports do you typically drink water or
□ Less than 1 hour
□ 1-2 hours
□ 2-3 hours
□ 3-4 hours
□ More than 4 hours
4. How soon do you notice a change in your performance after drinking fluids during a sports

□ Immediately
□ Within 15 minutes
□ Within 30 minutes
□ Within 1 hour
□ More than 1 hour
5. Have you ever experienced dehydration symptoms, such as dizziness, cramps, or
fatigue, due to not drinking water during a sports session?
□ Yes
□ No
□ Not sure
6. How would you rate your performance in your sport when you are hydrated?
□ Poor
□ Average
□ Excellent
7. Do you believe that individual differences (e.g., body weight, fitness level) affect how
much water an athlete should consume during sports activities?
□ Strongly Disagree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral
□ Agree
□ Strongly Agree
8. Do you feel a noticeable difference in your athletic performance when you are
adequately hydrated?
□ No difference
□ Slight improvement
□ Significant improvement
9. Does drinking too much water affect your performance?
□ Yes, negatively
□ No, not at all
□ Yes, positively

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