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Virtual Interview Agreement

As a candidate for this position, you are subject to the same rules and procedures as applied to all
other candidates in this process. However, there are many differences between electronic and in-
person interviewing conditions. Therefore, the following conditions must be applied during your
electronic interview in order to ensure interview security:

1. You will join the link provided at least 5 minutes prior to start time and have a 5-minute grace
period for any technical issues.
2. You will have no one else in the room with you during this interview.
3. You will not communicate via any medium to other individuals during the interview.
4. You will not use any device to record any portion of the interview (example – writing notes during
interview) or obtain computer screen shots.
5. You shall not utilize any aids (example - books, magazines, literature, internet searches, or
notes) during the interview.
6. You must turn off phones and/or other equipment that may make sounds prior to the start of the
7. Do not disclose any portion of the interview process with others. This includes, but is not limited
to, discussing and/or sharing interview questions and the content of any performance exercises.
8. It is your responsibility to provide a quality electronic device that includes connections/functions
relevant to the type of interview being conducted and to ensure the signal is sufficiently strong
in your location.

Any violation of requirements 1-7 will result in disqualification from the selection process.

If you have any questions regarding the Google Meet platform, this agreement, or the virtual
interview process, please contact prior to your scheduled interview.

Your signature below indicates that you have read, understand, and agree to the above
conditions for your virtual interview.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________________________

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