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Submitted In the partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of

Degree of





Under the Guidance of

Dr. Ashis Tripathy


CHENNAI – 600127
November 2023



This is to certify that the Project work entitled “IoT Driven Smart Device For Colour Based
Real-Time Segregation ” has been carried out by the following students
Ms. Saranya Das, Registration no. 22BEC1475

Mr. Manan Sakhiya, Registration no. 22BEC1352

Mr. Jay Borania, Registration no. 22BEC1494

under the supervision of Dr. Ashis Tripathy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in the department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai during the academic year 2023-2024.

Supervisor School Dean

Dr. Ashis Tripathy

Professor Susan Elias
Associate Professor
School of Electronics Engineering
School of Electronics Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai


Dr. Ashok Mondal

Associate Professor, School of Electronics Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai


I hereby declare that the project titled “IOT Colour Based Product Sorting Machine
with real-time segregation” submitted to the School of Electronics Engineering, Vellore
Institute of Technology, Chennai for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Electronics and Communication Engineering is a result of original research carried-out in this
project work. I understand that my report may be made electronically available to the public.
It is further declared that the project report or any part thereof has not been previously
to any University or Institute for the award of degree or diploma.

Name of Student(s) : Ms. Saranya Das

Mr. Manan Sakhiya

Mr. Jay Borania

Registration Number(s): 22BEC1475


Degree : Bachelor of Technology in ECE

Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Title of the project : IOT Colour Based Product Sorting Machine Project with real-time

Ms. Saranya Das

Mr. Manan Sakhiya

Mr. Jay Borania

(Names of the Students)
Date: 23/11/2023

The traditional method that many medium- and small-scale packaging industries favour is
manual sorting. Sorting the vast quantity of items in the business in the proper way is a
crucial task that must be completed in the final packing segment in many industrial
applications. In an industry, material sorting is a repetitive industrial operation that is
typically done by hand. Issues with output accuracy, such as incorrect items in the wrong
area, container, or package, arise from this ongoing human sorting process. Nevertheless,
given that specialists perform the manual visual assessment, the traditional approach is
tedious, time-consuming, monotonous, and unreliable. firms now demand more automation
of production processes from firms as society develops. Efforts are underway to develop the
design and implement the much-needed automated approaches in order to overcome these
difficulties. Instead of utilizing the drawbacks of traditional packaging, our automatic sorting
machine can be used to eliminate these issues by utilizing the TCS3200 colour sensor, which
can quickly and accurately identify distinct coloured objects among other things.
Consequently, we demonstrate a Smart device that helps sort objects according to colour
using servo motors, Arduino Uno, and a TCS3200 colour sensor. This system suggests using
a colour sensor to detect colour when an object comes into view. Once the colour is
recognized, the sensor sends a message to the sorter mechanism, which uses one motor to
move the sorting tube in the right directions and another motor to let the object pass through
the tube. Thus, it is possible to create an entirely automated IoT-based system for sorting and
detecting. Due to specific shortcomings in the manual method, automated systems are
revolutionizing every operation in various industries, including manufacturing, processing,
packaging, etc., in the modern day. The system's goal is to lessen the manual system's
shortcomings, which include poor precision, inconsistent performance, excessive costs, etc.

Arduino Uno, Colour sensor TCS3200, Servomotor, Simulation, IOT

Certificate from VIT 2
Declaration 3
Abstract 4
Table of Contents 5
List of Tables 6
List of Figures 7

1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Problem statement 8
1.3 Scope of research 8
1.4 Research hypothesis 9
1.5 Objectives 10
2.1 Background 11
2.2 Summary of literature review 14

3.1 Materials 15
3.2 Summary of methodology 17


4.1 Summary of results and discussion 18
5.1 Conclusion 18
5.2 Future Prospective 18

List Of Tables
Table 2.1:
Components Required:-
Components Description
Arduino Uno An open-source electronics platform called Arduino is built on user-
friendly hardware and software. Arduino boards have the ability to
take inputs, such as a light from a sensor, a finger pressing a button,
or a message from Twitter, and convert them into outputs, such as
turning on an LED or starting a motor.
Colour Sensor A photodiode is the component of a colour sensor that measures the
TCS3200 power reflected by a red, green, and blue light source. For the same
reason, it will aid in identifying the designated colour.
Breadboard A breadboard is a fundamental tool used in electronics for
prototyping and testing circuits. It provides a way to quickly and
easily build temporary electronic circuits without the need for
Servomotor It has a compact, lightweight and a powerful output. This servo
functions exactly like the regular types but is smaller. It has a
rotation range of about 180 degrees (90 in each direction).

Table 2.2:
Pin Description Of Colour Sensor TCS3200:-
GND(4) Power supply ground. All
voltages are referenced to
OE(3) I Enable for fo (active low)
OUT O Output frequency (fo)
S0,S1 (1,2) I Output frequency scaling
selection inputs
S2,S3 (7,8) I Photodiode type selection
VDD (5) Supply voltage

List Of Figures

Figure 2.1:
Pin Diagram of a colour sensor. A colour sensor has a
total of 8 pins. Pins 1 and 2 are used for frequency scaling,
and pins 7 and 8 are for selection. The output is pin 6.

Figure 2.2:

The hardware setup for the model

Figure 2.3:
The complete set up for the model

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction:-
A machine is a structure that applies different types of forces and controls motion with the
help of power. Work that is extremely repetitious can be done. It could be beneficial to
automate tasks in industries to increase productivity. To create and put into place a system
that automatically. The aim of this project is to separate things according to colour. IOT will
be applied as a display of the present that envisions a less reserved future that is safe and
nearby where those questions claiming regular proximity can be prepared for computer
response. Additionally, reasonable social event stacks that are able to organize them would
talk to one another. Therefore, the idea behind IOT is to make the internet noticeably more
vibrant and reliable. Additionally, by permitting basic access and coordinated work with an
enormous array of devices, for example, home appliances, displays, cars, and so on, the
Internet of Things will grow. the development of various applications that utilize the
potentially enormous totality and the diversity of information provided by these
investigations allows new groups to focus on topics, associations, and open connections. It is
expected to have commercial applications in the near future, therefore to sum up the
fulfilment of each person individually. Magnificent residences, for instance, can encourage
their residents to regularly open their parking spaces upon arriving home, set up their TVs,
coffee makers, and unique occupations. The real goal is to understand this possible
advancement, emerging technologies, and organizational applications and concerns must
expand extensively in order to enable showcase solicitations and the needs of the buyer.
Additionally, devices should be supplied in a way that fits consumer demands, are equivalent
to transparency everywhere and at any time. Furthermore, new guidelines are necessary for
connection and comparability between different objects.
1.2 Problem Statement:-
To design an IOT based colour sorting project with real time segregation for efficient sorting
reducing time and also making it cost and labour effective.
1.3 Scope Of Research:-
The rate at which innovation has advanced detection, hardware, and programming in the
present day is astounding, and it has made it possible to increase effectiveness, accuracy,
efficiency, and dependability. Currently, smaller, more contemporary, and financial connects
are available for significantly less money, which has spurred the creation of more reliable and
efficient machines for arrangement. Prospective customers need to be aware that machines
can be configured to match their sorters and needs can and will be properly maintained.
However, sorter producers have to attempt to demonstrate that high innovation-based sorters,
notwithstanding how easy to introduce, maintain, work, and mend are more readily available
to meet the needs.
Furthermore, the emergence of a new discharge method or systems with reduced energy
consumption is essential for ongoing advancement and recognition of arranging innovation.
These days, molecular estimates as small as 1mm can be obtained using arrangement
machines with radical alterations. The feed introduction framework could improve the
machine's recognition of molecules with diameters as small as a few thousand microns. In the
future, this needs to be objectively picked up. Many more doors will open up for the
presentation of programmed identification and arrangement framework as a result of the
advancement of cutting-edge sensors and information preparation, which may become
commonplace sooner rather than later. Additional computerization in the planning phase
integrates combination of workable mechanical partition steps and sensor-controlled
arrangement. Making use of sorters using many sensors to synchronously identify a few
highlights using sensors. Having a variety of discovery standards is essential to improving the
accuracy and productivity of the setting up the process for future events.
1.4 Research Hypothesis:-
Python is a suitable language for both certified programming and learning. Guido van
Rossum created the incredible high-level, object-oriented programming language Python. In
this work, we first present the features of Python programming and highlights. This essay
also looks at the justifications behind Python's recognition as the programming language that
is evolving the fastest in current times, supported by research completed over the articles that
were sourced from reputable websites and other periodicals. This work contains information
about the qualities and salient features of the Python language, the kinds of Python
programming is supported by its clients and apps. [1]
The modern region of today needs to be interested in automation. Since a decade ago, human
attempts have decreased due to computerization. These days, organizing items according to
shade is a difficult task. Industry is growing at a rapid rate, appealing for automation. The
sorting of articles based on colour is really difficult task. We get an idea about programmed
shading arrangement from this challenge. Here we are organizing and carrying out a skilled
shading arrangement with the shading sensor TCS3200 dependent on Arduino UNO. High
execution and precision are required for this task. easy to operate and grow, which lessens the
impact of human error. The current arrangement method makes extensive use of separate
item shading achieved via optical, capacitive, and inductive sensors. [2]
Optical arrangement is particularly beneficial for organizing objects in the industrial sector.
The two most important factors to consider when precisely grouping and arranging items are
colour and dimension, which should be achievable by using optical sensors or dissecting their
images. The organizing machine is primarily a device that recognizes an object's unique
colour and classify them under different belt transports. When an object moves, beginning
with one place, then onto the next using the transport line's pivot, sensors as the devices'
information sources indicate to the microcontroller. [3]
The Internet of Things provides access to devices, home automation systems, and online
information. There is a great deal of private data in the common information, and data
security on the common information is a massive problem that is hard to solve. In this
instance, safety IOT general foundation comes first, then data security-related foundation.
IoT encounters challenges. Finally, similar consideration is given to titles that can be utilized
in next projects. [4]

1.5 Objective:-
Industries that sort fruits or candies according to colour frequently utilize colour-based item
sorting. This method offers a mechanism that uses image processing to identify the product's
colour and sort it appropriately. The product is selected and placed into the appropriate colour
bin or basket after it has been sorted. We'll use electronic circuits to demonstrate this
technique and a sorting mechanism that uses three bins. To do this, the system will employ an
Arduino Uno coupled to a circuit and a colour sensor. The object's colour will be detected by
the colour sensor, which will then send a signal back to the Arduino Uno so that it can
physically divide the product into its corresponding colour box using the robot arm.

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Background Study:-
The recommended framework is a demonstration version that provides the most
straightforward method of object differentiation technically, at a lower cost, and in less time.
Additionally, this framework makes use of the Arduino Uno, which makes the model easier
to use and more efficient.

Colour Sensor(TCS3200):-
The colourama-to-frequency programmable converter TCS3200 was introduced by the TAOS
corporation. It is the first RGB colour sensor in the market, combining three different types of
RGB light filters into a single CMOS circuit that is coupled with a programmable silicon
photodiode and current frequency converter. Because TCS3200 can drive normal TTL or
CMOS logical input, it can be connected to a microprocessor or logic circuit. The circuit
becomes simpler and is able to process more than 10 bits of signal in each colour channel as
the sensor outputs digital signals without the requirement for A/D conversion. A photodiode
is the component of a colour sensor that measures the power reflected by a red, green, and
blue light source. For the same reason, it will aid in identifying the designated colour.
Because each photodiode has an 8 by 8 matrix, there are 16 green, 16 red, and 16 blue filters,
and the remaining 16 are clear filters, which are used when no colour is detected [10].
When a colour filter is chosen for the TCS3200, only that specific primary colour is permitted
to pass through, blocking the passage of other primary colours. For example, when the red
filter is used, only red light from the incoming light can get through; blue and green light are
blocked, allowing the red light's intensity to be measured. Similarly, by choosing different
filters, the light intensity of green and blue light can be obtained. You can examine the colour
of the light cast on the TCS3200 sensor using these three values. The programmable colour
light-to-frequency converter Tcs3200 is appropriate for colorimeter measuring applications,
including medical diagnostics, process control, colour coordination of paints, fabrics,
cosmetics, and printed materials, and colour printing. The White Balance and Colour
Recognition Principle The purpose of white balance is to define white to the system.
Although red, green, and blue make up the same proportion of white in theory, the three
fundamental colours of white are not exactly equal in practice. The RGB output of the
TCS3200 light sensor is not equal because of the light sensor's varying sensitivity to these
three primary hues.
To ensure that the TCS3200 is equally sensitive to the three primary colours in the detected
"white," the white balance must be adjusted before testing. The adjustment of white balance
is done in order to get ready for colour recognition. The following are the precise procedures
and techniques for adjusting the white balance on the device. To allow incident light to pass
through the test tube and onto the TCS3200, place the empty test tube above the sensor and a
white light source above the test tube. The red, green, and blue filters are chosen in turn, and
their corresponding values are measured using the above-described procedure. From there,
the three adjustment parameters can be computed.

A servomotor, or servo, is a rotary or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular
or linear position, velocity, and acceleration. It is a closed-loop system, meaning it
continuously receives feedback about its current state and adjusts its position to achieve the
desired output.

The basic components of a servomotor system include:
1. Motor: The motor is responsible for producing the mechanical motion. In the case of a
servomotor, the motor is often a DC (direct current) motor.
2. Feedback Device: This device provides information about the current position, speed, or
other relevant parameters of the motor. Common types of feedback devices include
potentiometers, encoders, and resolvers.
3. Controller: The controller processes the feedback information and sends signals to the
motor to adjust its position or speed accordingly. It compares the actual feedback with the
desired setpoint and generates an error signal, which is used to control the motor.
4. Amplifier: The amplifier amplifies the control signal from the controller to a level that can
drive the motor effectively.
Servomotors are widely used in various applications where precise control of position or
speed is required. Some common applications include robotics, CNC machinery, automation
systems, aerospace systems, and more. The closed-loop control system of a servomotor
allows for accurate and repeatable motion control, making it suitable for tasks that demand
precision and reliability.
Specifications of Servomotor to be used:-
• Operating voltage: 4.8 V (~5V)
• Operating speed: 0.1 s/60 degree
• Stall torque: 1.8 kgf·cm
• Dead band width: 10 µs
• Temperature range: 0 ºC – 55 ºC .

Arduino Uno :-
The Arduino Uno is a popular open-source microcontroller board that is widely used for
prototyping electronic projects. It is part of the Arduino family of boards and is based on the
Atmega328P microcontroller. Here are some key features and characteristics of the Arduino

1. Microcontroller: The Arduino Uno is powered by the Atmega328P microcontroller, which

is an 8-bit AVR (Advanced Virtual RISC) microcontroller.

2. Digital and Analog I/O Pins: It has 14 digital input/output (I/O) pins, where 6 can be used
as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) outputs. Additionally, there are 6 analog input pins.

3. Clock Speed: The Atmega328P on the Arduino Uno runs at a clock speed of 16 MHz.

4. Flash Memory: The microcontroller has 32 KB of flash memory, of which around 0.5 KB
is used for the bootloader.

5. SRAM and EEPROM: It has 2 KB of SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory) and 1 KB

of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory).

6. USB Connection: The Arduino Uno can be connected to a computer via a USB connection,
which is used for programming the board and for serial communication with the computer.

7. Power Supply: The board can be powered via the USB connection or an external power
supply. The voltage range for the external power supply is 7 to 12 volts.

8. Reset Button: There is a reset button on the board that restarts the microcontroller.

9. LEDs: The board has built-in LEDs, including a power LED, a built-in LED on digital pin
13, and LEDs for indicating communication on the RX and TX lines.

10. Open-Source Platform: Arduino Uno is based on an open-source platform, and its
schematics and source code are available to the public. This open nature has contributed to its
popularity and widespread use in the maker and electronics communities.

The Arduino Uno is widely used by hobbyists, students, and professionals for a variety of
projects, ranging from simple LED blinking experiments to more complex projects involving
sensors, actuators, and communication with other devices. Its simplicity and ease of use make
it an excellent choice for those learning about electronics and programming.

Software Used:
Python is a usually useful, perceptive, and very intelligent programming language. Between
1985 and 1990, Guido van Rossum created it. Python is a strange, interpreted, intelligent, and
disorganized programming language. Python is anticipated to be sensible. It frequently
employs English catchphrases, however different dialects utilize complement, and

Compared to different dialects, it has less linguistic advancements.


Designing the Collecting the Connecting all the

layout of the project components of the components
project (hardware)

Real time Sorting Compiling and Writing the code for

based on colour executing the code the Arduino

Block Diagram:-

Power Supply Arduino Uno Colour Sensor

Sorter Mechanism
2.2 Summary of Literature Review:-

We can see how all the components function differently and The software specifies how the
system should be put together and how various parts, such as sensors and servo motors,
should be interfaced. Just like in sweet arrangement projects, Colour Based Object Sorting
finds extensive application in the arrangement of natural products. This framework presents a
tool for classifying objects and identifying shading through image preparation. Once
identified, a device is used to arrange the candies into designated canister containers. Here,
we demonstrate this method arranging the component using four containers. The structure
makes use of a Arduino Uno and a controller circuit, this project will be completed.
Assembling various coloured things serves as inspiration in the current situation, where
modern assembly is highly challenging. There is a fundamental importance to assembling.
Because of its extensive implementation, automated colour arrangement is an amazing
undertaking. Utilizing the venture's potential, the industries are able to classify the necessary
item as indicated by its tinting. Even if there are less obstacles, by making a few changes, this
concept of the project, which has a broad range of applications. The main advantages of the
framework are that sorting the things takes less time because the entire system is operated by
a machine, which reduces the possibility of oversight and requires less labour. There's a
probability that any company can deliver the goods within the necessary range. At that point,
the item's appeal will increase. in order for the organization to make money.

Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Materials:-

The materials to be used are a colour sensor, servomotors and Arduino uno ( Refer to table
2.1). This framework advances a component to distinguish shading and sort things through
picture handling. When recognized a component is utilized to sort the confections into
specific receptacles crates. We here exhibit this component utilizing a camera with electronic
hardware alongside arranging instrument utilizing 3 canisters. The framework utilizes
Arduino uno associated with a controller circuit to accomplish this errand. The colour sensor
needs to be properly connected to the pins (refer to the table 2.2 for the pin description of the
sensor). The hardware has to be set up in the form of Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3. As soon as
the shading is detected, a flag is given to the sorting component, which uses an engine to
move the organizing tube in the direction of a certain section. Next, the item is moved toward
the tubs containing the using a feeder, intend for it to be organized before the feeder pulls in
the following item. This assignment is made using the cause of both human impediment and
the drop in labour costs.
Python has been used to sort the colours of different items using a Arduino Uno. The
majority of Internet of Things applications use Python as their programming language. This
language has been used to create code and algorithms. Other than that, it serves a broad role
in high-level, object-oriented, interpreted, and interactive programming language as a result
of which
It becomes incredibly flexible and portable to offer a superior platform in comparison to other
languages, like MATLAB or any other.

Simulation Code for the sorting mechanism:-

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
pwm = GPIO.PWM(11, 50)
while True:
for i in range(0, 101, 5):
for i in range(100, -1, -5):
except KeyboardInterrupt:

s0 = 4

s1 = 5
s2 = 6
s3 = 7
out = 8
servo1 = Servo()
servo2 = Servo()

def colour(red, green, blue):

digitalWrite(s2, LOW)
digitalWrite(s3, LOW)
red = pulseIn(out, LOW if digitalRead(out) == HIGH else HIGH)
digitalWrite(s3, HIGH)
blue = pulseIn(out, LOW if digitalRead(out) == HIGH else HIGH)
digitalWrite(s2, HIGH)
green = pulseIn(out, LOW if digitalRead(out) == HIGH else HIGH)

def setup():
pinMode(s0, OUTPUT)
pinMode(s1, OUTPUT)
pinMode(s2, OUTPUT)
pinMode(s3, OUTPUT)
pinMode(out, INPUT)
digitalWrite(s0, HIGH)
digitalWrite(s1, HIGH)

def loop():
red = 0
green = 0
blue = 0
colour(red, green, blue)
print(“R: “, red)
print(“G: “, green)
print(“B: “, blue)
if red < blue and red < green and red < 20:
print(“ – Red Colour”)
elif blue < red and blue < green:

print(“ – Blue Colour”)



elif green < red and green < blue:
print(“ – Green Colour”)



print(“ – No Colour”)


3.2 Summary Of Methodology:-

The simulation code and the framework will help in building the model. The research shows
that it is quite time effective, cost effective and reduced a labour by quite some time. Even
small-scale industries can update to the automated system using the affordable solution that is
being presented. This allows for the order of things to be sorted according to colour, which
saves industry time and labour. We can also add a LCD display to display the information
about the item being sorted. Given that the object’s information is shown on an LCD display
and a web server, it is simple for the person who oversees the system.

Chapter 4: Results And Discussions

4.1 Summary of results and Discussions:-

The set up basically works is by detection of the colour using the help of the colour sensor.
The sensor detects the colour of the given object by comparing the colour to the given range
of colours incorporated in the sensor and then sorting them with the help of the two
Three basic colours—Red, Blue, and Green have all been sorted in this "IOT BASED
COLOR SORTING" project. If the remaining coloured things are positioned in front of the
sensor, we will see the garbage value on the camera. The feeder won't turn at any angle when
it gets rotate in various directions to represent the colours red, green and blue.

Chapter 5: Conclusion And Future Prospective

5.1 Conclusion:-
Almost all firms now consider automation to be essential. When a machine executes a task, it
does so faster and with more accuracy than a human. Measurement, cutting, and sorting are
key tasks in the majority of sectors. You can sort things according to size, shape, colour, and
other factors. For this project, we will use the colour of each item to be classified. We showed
how we can do the same with the help of this project, how the colour sensor detects the
colour and then sorts the item with the help of the two servomotors which is controlling the
sorting mechanism. The arriving items are directed into the appropriate containers after being
sorted by colour. In light of this, a fully automated IOT-based colour sorting system is set up
and operated. We can also send Each detected object's colour and count to the web server and
display it on the LCD display. By including cameras in the sensing part and utilizing image
processing techniques to increase the accuracy of the suggested system, it can be further
developed and aids the user in obtaining more information about the item [8]. To determine
the weight of the objects, we can also add load cells to the system. At the output area, a
robotic arm can also be utilized to guide objects to the appropriate containers.[9]

5.2 Future Prospective:-

Importance of colour sorting in various industries :-
Colour sorting is an important process in various industries and applications due to the
following reasons:
1.Quality Control in Manufacturing: In manufacturing, especially in industries like food
processing, pharmaceuticals, and electronics, colour sorting is crucial for quality control. It
ensures that products meet specified colour standards, helping to identify and remove
defective or contaminated items from the production line. This helps maintain consistency
and meet quality standards.
2. Food Processing: In the food industry, colour sorting is used to ensure the quality and
safety of food products. It helps separate items with irregular coloration, defects, or foreign
materials. This is particularly important for products like grains, fruits, and vegetables where
visual appearance is closely associated with freshness and quality.[5][6]
3. Agriculture: Colour sorting is employed in agriculture to separate and classify harvested
crops based on colour. This is commonly used in the sorting of grains, nuts, and fruits. It

enables farmers to ensure that only high-quality produce is brought to market, improving
marketability and profitability.
4. Recycling: Colour sorting is used in recycling facilities to separate different types of
materials based on colour. For example, in plastic recycling, sorting by colour is necessary as
different colours of plastic have different properties and recycling processes. This helps in
efficient recycling and reduces contamination.
5. Mining and Mineral Processing: In mining and mineral processing, colour sorting is
employed to separate valuable minerals from waste based on their colour characteristics. This
improves the efficiency of the extraction process and reduces the amount of material that
needs further processing.
6. Textile Industry: In the textile industry, colour sorting is used to ensure consistency in
dyed fabrics and yarns. It helps in achieving uniformity in colour, which is essential for
producing high-quality textiles.[7]
7. Medical Imaging: In medical imaging, colour sorting or colour analysis is used to identify
and analyse specific features or components within images. This can aid in the diagnosis and
study of various medical conditions.
8. Automation and Robotics: Colour sorting is a key component in automation and robotics,
where machines use sensors and cameras to identify and sort objects based on colour. This is
commonly used in logistics, packaging, and assembly lines.
9. Environmental Monitoring: Colour sorting can be applied in environmental monitoring,
such as analyzing the colour of water to detect pollution or changes in water quality.

In summary, colour sorting plays a crucial role in ensuring quality, efficiency, and safety
across a diverse range of industries. It enhances the precision and reliability of processes,
reduces waste, and contributes to the overall improvement of products and services.

[1] K. R. Srinath, “Python – The Fastest Growing Programming Language”, International
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)”; Dec-2017.
[2] Mr. Umesh A. Chatte, “Arduino based object sorting”, March 2018
[3] Sattom Halder, Md. Kamrul Islam, Mahmood Sabria Chowdhury and S. C. Banik:
“Development of an automatic color sorting machine on belt conveyer”; May 2014.
[4] SomayyaMadakam; R. Ramaswamy; Siddharth Tripathi, “Internet of Things:
[5] Himanshu Patel, Riya Joy, Selin Macwan, Hardik Modi, “IOT Color Based Object
Sorting Machine”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 13, no. 10,
(2018), 0973-4562.
[6] Y.M.Anekar, V.S.Koli, S.D.Degloorkar, S.B.Bharamgonda, Y. R. Mahulkar,
“Development of an Automatic Sorting Machine based on product colour and weight
characteristics with Conveyor Belt and sensors”, International Journal of Advanced Research
in Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, (2018), 2319- 8354
[7] S. V. Rautu, A. P. Shinde, N. R. Darda,A. V.Vaghule, C. B.Meshram, S.S.Sarawade,
“Sorting of Objects Based on Colour”, Weight and Type on A Conveyor Line Using PLC,
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), vol. 4, no. 7, 2278-1684.
[8] S. V. Rautu, A. P. Shinde, N. R. Darda,A. V.Vaghule, C. B.Meshram, S.S.Sarawade,
“Sorting of Objects Based on Colour”, Weight and Type on A Conveyor Line Using PLC,
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), vol. 4, no. 7, 2278-1684.
[9] Abhinav Lakras, Homanshi Dhiman , B. Hari Kishor Rao, “Object sorting based on
Object’s colour”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), vol. 3, no. 1, (2017),

[10] Amitesha Sachdeva, Mahesh Gupta, Manish Pandey, Prabham Khandelwal,
“Development Of Industrial Automatic Multi Colour Sorting and Counting Machine Using
Arduino Nano Microcontroller and TCS3200 Colour Sensor”, The International Journal of
Engineering and Science (IJES), vol. 6, no. 4, (2017), 2319 – 1813


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