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do away with

2. abrasive
causing irritation or erosion by friction

3. abridge
lessen, diminish, or curtail

4. abstinence
the trait of refraining from something, especially alcohol

5. accentuate
stress or single out as important

6. acclimate
get used to a certain environment

7. acme
the highest point of something

8. adept
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

9. advocate
a person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea

10. aesthetic
characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
11. affiliation
the act of becoming formally connected or joined

12. affliction
a cause of great suffering and distress

13. affluence
abundant wealth

14. agnostic
a person who claims the existence of God is unknowable

15. alleviate
provide physical relief, as from pain

16. ambidextrous
equally skillful with each hand

17. ambiguous
having more than one possible meaning

18. amenable
disposed or willing to comply

19. amenity
something that provides value, pleasure, or convenience

20. anarchy
a state of lawlessness and disorder
21. antagonist
someone who offers opposition

22. antiquated
so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

23. apathy
an absence of emotion or enthusiasm

24. apex
the highest point of something

25. arbitrary
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference

26. archaic
so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period

27. articulate
express or state clearly

28. artifact
a man-made object

29. astute
marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

30. audacious
disposed to venture or take risks
31. augment
enlarge or increase

32. austere
of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor

33. benefaction
an act intending or showing kindness and good will

34. benign
kind in disposition or manner

35. bereaved
sorrowful through loss or deprivation

36. boisterous
marked by exuberance and high spirits

37. caliber
diameter of a tube or gun barrel

38. calligraphy
beautiful handwriting

39. callous
emotionally hardened

40. caricature
a representation of a person exaggerated for comic effect
41. chivalrous
attentive and honorable like an ideal knight

42. chronic
long-lasting or characterized by long suffering

43. clemency
leniency and compassion shown toward offenders

44. clique
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

45. coalition
the union of diverse things into one body or form or group

46. coddle
cook in nearly boiling water

47. coerce
cause to do through pressure or necessity

48. cognitive
relating to or involving the mental process of knowing

49. condescend
behave in a patronizing manner

50. condone
excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
51. conjecture
believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

52. conjugal
relating to the relationship between a wife and husband

53. connoisseur
an expert able to appreciate a field

54. contagion
an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted

55. contingent
determined by conditions or circumstances that follow

56. covet
wish, long, or crave for

57. curtail
terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end

58. decipher
convert code into ordinary language

59. defoliate
deprived of leaves

60. delectable
extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
61. denounce
speak out against

62. despicable
morally reprehensible

63. dilapidated
in a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration

64. discern
perceive, recognize, or detect

65. disinterested
unaffected by concern for one's own welfare

66. disseminate
cause to become widely known

67. divisive
causing or characterized by disagreement or disunity

68. duplicity
the act of deceiving or acting in bad faith

69. eccentric
conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

70. efficacy
capacity or power to produce a desired result
71. elude
escape, either physically or mentally

72. embellish
make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

73. emissary
someone sent to represent another's interests

74. empathy
understanding and entering into another's feelings

75. empirical
derived from experiment and observation rather than theory

76. emulate
strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

77. encumber
hold back, impede, or weigh down

78. ensue
take place or happen afterward or as a result

79. enthrall
hold spellbound

80. excise
remove by cutting
81. exorbitant
greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

82. expedite
process fast and efficiently

83. exuberance
joyful enthusiasm

84. fallacy
a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning

85. farce
a comedy characterized by broad satire

86. faze
disturb the composure of

87. fester
generate pus

88. fiasco
a complete failure or collapse

89. figurative
not literal

90. flamboyant
tending to attract attention; marked by ostentatious display
91. flippant
showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness

92. forage
collect or look around for, as food

93. formidable
extremely impressive in strength or excellence

94. forte
an asset of special worth or utility

95. frugal
avoiding waste

96. garbled
lacking orderly continuity

97. gaunt
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

98. generic
relating to or applicable to an entire class or group

99. gravity
the force of attraction between all masses in the universe

100. gullible
naive and easily deceived or tricked
101. hallowed
worthy of religious veneration

102. heretic
a person whose religious beliefs conflict with church dogma

103. homogeneous
all of the same or similar kind or nature

104. hypothetical
a conjectural possibility or circumstance

105. imminent
close in time; about to occur

106. impassive
having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

107. impregnable
incapable of being attacked or tampered with

108. incarcerate
lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

109. incongruous
lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness

110. indigenous
originating where it is found
111. indoctrinate
teach uncritically

112. inert
unable to move or resist motion

113. inestimable
beyond calculation or measure

114. insipid
lacking interest or significance or impact

115. interminable
tiresomely long; seemingly without end

116. irrefutable
impossible to deny or disprove

117. irrevocable
incapable of being retracted

118. laborious
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

119. lacerate
cut or tear irregularly

120. lattice
an arrangement of points in a regular periodic pattern
121. lethargic
deficient in alertness or activity

122. liquidate
eliminate a debt by paying it off

123. loquacious
full of trivial conversation

124. lucid
transparently clear; easily understandable

125. lucrative
producing a sizeable profit

126. luminous
softly bright or radiant

127. lustrous
reflecting light

128. luxuriant
produced or growing in extreme abundance

129. malice
the desire to see others suffer

130. mediocre
moderate to inferior in quality
131. medley
a musical composition consisting of a series of songs

132. melancholy
a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

133. metamorphosis
striking change in appearance or character or circumstances

134. metaphor
a figure of speech that suggests a non-literal similarity

135. meticulous
marked by precise accordance with details

136. mundane
found in the ordinary course of events

137. nonchalant
marked by casual unconcern or indifference

138. nonpartisan
free from party affiliation or bias

139. nostalgic
unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things

140. objective
the goal intended to be attained
141. oblivious
lacking conscious awareness of

142. obstinate
marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

143. omniscient
knowing, seeing, or understanding everything

144. ornate
marked by complexity and richness of detail

145. paradigm
a standard or typical example

146. paradox
a statement that contradicts itself

147. paragon
a perfect embodiment of a concept

148. pare
strip the skin off

149. parody
a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style

150. pathogen
any disease-producing agent
151. pensive
deeply or seriously thoughtful

152. perennial
lasting an indefinitely long time

153. permeate
spread or diffuse through

154. pertinent
being of striking appropriateness

155. pervasive
spreading or spread throughout

156. philanthropy
the act of donating money or time to promote human welfare

157. pinnacle
a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress or a tower

158. plagiarism
taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own

159. plastic
synthetic material that can be molded into objects

160. pliant
capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
161. pragmatic
concerned with practical matters

162. precursor
something indicating the approach of something or someone

163. pristine
immaculately clean and unused

164. profusion
the property of being extremely abundant

165. prophetic
foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention

166. quack
the sound made by a duck

167. quarantine
isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease

168. quaver
give off unsteady sounds

169. quorum
a gathering of the minimal number of members of a group

170. ramble
move about aimlessly or without any destination
171. rant
talk at length in a noisy, excited, or angry manner

172. raucous
unpleasantly loud and harsh

173. ravenous
extremely hungry

174. reciprocate
act, feel, or give mutually or in return

175. refrain
resist doing something

176. refurbish
improve the appearance or functionality of

177. rejuvenate
make younger or more youthful

178. remedial
tending or intended to rectify or improve

179. remnant
a small part remaining after the main part no longer exists

180. repute
the state of being held in high esteem and honor
181. requisite
necessary for relief or supply

182. resonate
produce a deep, clear sound

183. rhetoric
study of the technique for using language effectively

184. riveting
capable of arousing and holding the attention

185. satire
witty language used to convey insults or scorn

186. schematic
represented in simplified or symbolic form

187. sinister
wicked, evil, or dishonorable

188. skeptic
someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs

189. skittish
unpredictably excitable, especially of horses

190. squander
spend thoughtlessly; throw away
191. statutory
relating to or created by regulations

192. steadfast
marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable

193. stigma
a symbol of disgrace or infamy

194. suffrage
a legal right to vote

195. taint
place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

196. tangible
perceptible by the senses, especially the sense of touch

197. tantalize
harass with persistent teasing or baiting

198. tedium
the feeling of being bored by something

199. temporal
of or relating to or limited by time

200. tenacious
stubbornly unyielding
201. tentative
hesitant or lacking confidence; unsettled in mind or opinion

202. tepid
moderately warm

203. tether
restraint consisting of a rope or chain

204. tome
a large and scholarly book

205. topical
pertaining to the surface of a body part

206. transcribe
write out, as from speech or notes

207. trifle
a detail that is considered insignificant

208. trite
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

209. ultimatum
a final peremptory demand

210. unadorned
not decorated with something to increase its beauty
211. uncharted
not yet surveyed or investigated

212. unfeasible
not capable of being carried out or put into practice

213. unison
the state of corresponding exactly

214. unscathed
not injured

215. usurp
seize and take control without authority

216. veneer
coating consisting of a thin layer of wood

217. verbatim
using exactly the same words

218. vexing
extremely annoying or displeasing

219. vibrant
vigorous and animated

220. waver
pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
221. zealous
marked by active interest and enthusiasm

222. zenith
the highest point of something

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