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Annals of Botany 88: 279±291, 2001

doi:10.1006/anbo.2001.1458, available online at on

Dynamic Model for the E€ects of Soil P and Fertilizer P on Crop Growth, P Uptake and
Soil P in Arable Cropping: Model Description
D . J . G R EE N WO O D *{, T. V. K A R P I N E T S{ and D . A . S TO N E {
{Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV 35 9EF and {The Institute for the Protection of
Soil from Erosion, Karl Marx Street, 70, 6, Kursk, Russia

Received: 24 November 2000 Returned for revision: 29 January 2001 Accepted: 10 April 2001

A mechanistic model is described for calculating the e€ects of starter fertilizer, granular fertilizer and 05 M NaHCO3
pH 85 extractable soil phosphate on plant growth and plant P concentration during the entire period of growth up to
commercial harvest. For each day, the model calculates the increment in root growth and partitions it into segments
between the regions of soil enriched with starter fertilizer, those enriched with granular fertilizer and the remainder of
the soil. It calculates the maximum possible amount of P that can di€use through soil to each root segment in each
region. Using this information and the P concentration in the plant, total P uptake is calculated. The increment in
plant weight and root growth is calculated from the current plant weight, plant P concentration and air temperature.
Subroutines calculate daily soil water content, the extractable and non-extractable soil P, and di€usion coecients in
the P-depleted zones around each root segment and in the remainder of the soil. Model simulations and sensitivity
analyses indicate that extractable soil P and starter fertilizer P can lead to higher crop yields than are achieved when
granular fertilizers are incorporated in soil, in the usual way, immediately before sowing. They also indicate that in the
long-term, levels of extractable soil P will move towards a level characteristic of the soil. These ®ndings are in
agreement with results of long-term ®eld experiments that have been reported in the literature. All inputs to the model
that have a substantial impact on P-response of a single crop are easy to obtain. They include standard soil properties,
the maximum potential yield, and daily rainfall, mean air temperature and evaporation from an open water surface.
The model runs interactively at: # 2001 Annals of Botany Company

Key words: Simulation, dynamic model, vegetable crops, soil phosphate, phosphate fertilizer, growth, response, plant

I N T RO D U C T I O N that they seldom attempt to take account of the enormous

spatial variation of phosphate concentration in soil resulting
Phosphate de®ciency limits yields in much of the world,
from the application of starter and granular fertilizers. This
especially in poorer countries where fertilizers are una€ord- results in parts of the root system exploring high-P soil
able. On the other hand, in some richer countries, levels of whereas the remainder explores low-P soil. Of the P-
soil phosphate have often become far higher than are response models so far developed, most attention has been
needed by crops and are causing environmental pollution. given to the Barber-Cushman model (Barber and Cushman,
There is, however, still much uncertainty about how best to 1981; Barber, 1995) for calculating plant uptake of P. It is
adjust fertilizer and manurial practices for di€erent crops based on an equation for di€usive/mass ¯ow of phosphate
and soil conditions. The growing interest in sustainable through the soil to cylindrical roots. The ®nite di€erence
agriculture and horticulture is an incentive to provide better form of this equation is solved by the Crank-Nickolson
methods of optimizing practices. procedure with boundary conditions de®ned by assuming
Crop response to soil phosphate depends on a range of that root P uptake is related to P concentration at the root
interacting soil and plant processes, many of which have surface by a Michaelis-Menten equation. Root growth is
been studied in detail. One way of applying this information simulated using a predetermined relationship between the
for predictive purposes is to devise mechanistic models in rate of root elongation and time. Good agreement has been
which key processes are represented by equations that are re- reported between simulated and measured P uptakes
calculated for each time interval during the growing season. especially in pot experiments (e.g. Bidin and Barber, 1985;
Models for P response have been reviewed by Amijee et al. Jungk and Claassen, 1989) while agreement is poor in some
(1991), Rengel (1993), Claassen and Steingrobe (1999) and ®eld experiments (Silverbush and Barber, 1984; Lu and
Tinker and Nye (2000). However, while much attention has Miller, 1994).
been devoted to the soil aspects that a€ect P response, plant The fundamental drawback of this type of model is that it
aspects have been largely neglected. Thus, there has been does not allow inputs that vary with time (Yanai, 1994).
little attention to the dependence of uptake on plant weight For example, the soil water content and the pattern of root
or plant composition. Another de®ciency of the models is growth remain constant and are una€ected by weather or
plant growth. This limitation severely restricts the useful-
* For Correspondence. E-mail ness of the model.
0305-7364/01/080279+13 $35.00/00 # 2001 Annals of Botany Company
280 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
More simple, stationary state models have been devised, The soil is visualized as being homogeneous with all roots
including one by van Noordwijk et al. (1990) which has con®ned to the plough layer, 30 cm in depth. This approxi-
given promising predictions of the extractable soil P mation is made because nearly all the roots (and thus P
required for maximal yields of di€erent crops grown on a absorption by them) occur in that layer. P is assumed to
range of soils. It is, however, based on a stationary state exist as extractable soil P (with 05 M NaHCO3 pH 85),
concept of the various processes and so does not allow solution soil P and non-extractable soil P, that includes all
account to be taken of factors such as changes in daily the remaining P. Transport of P through soil is by di€usion
weather during growth. and it is assumed that no P is leached below the plough
Other modelling approaches have been adopted that do layer.
not su€er from the aforementioned constraints. They have A simpli®ed ¯ow diagram for the P response of a crop
been widely used in the development of plant growth grown on unfertilized soil is given in Fig. 1. The main soil
models (e.g. Thornley and Johnson, 1990) and in modelling processes are on the left-hand side of the diagram and the
N-nutrition of plants (e.g. Greenwood et al., 1996; Smith et main plant ones on the right-hand side. The model is,
al., 1996). They allow the rate and state variables to be however, more complex than is implied by the diagram.
updated for each day, or for shorter intervals, in response to There are three regions of soil: one consists of soil enriched
changes in environmental conditions and crop develop- by starter fertilizer, another of soil enriched with granular
ment. An advantage of this approach is that the models can fertilizer, and another consists of unenriched soil. The
be readily incorporated into broader models and decision processes in each region are treated separately. The daily
support systems such as those referred to by Hartkamp increment in root length is partitioned into segments that
et al., (1999). The purpose of our work was to explore the are allocated to one or more regions. Around each root
possibility of developing a dynamic model along these lines segment a zone of depleted soil P develops, which increases
to explain the P response of vegetable crops. It was hoped with time throughout the growing period. The soil
that such a model would allow prediction of the time course processes given on the left of the diagram are re-calculated
of the response of both plant weight and plant P for each depletion zone for each day during growth. They
concentration, rather than just P uptake, to increasing are also re-calculated for the undepleted regions of soil as
amounts of soil P and fertilizer P, an objective that has not, there is generally interchange between the extractable and
as far as we are aware, been met by any previous model. non-extractable P. The sum of the total amounts of P that
An approach to this problem was suggested by a model can be transported to each of the root segments gives the
on the related topic of crop response to soil potassium maximum possible uptake. This is, however, reduced
(Greenwood and Karpinets, 1997a,b). It included algo- depending on the plant % P to give the actual uptake.
rithms for the dependence of K uptake from the soil on All the above calculations are adjusted for daily rainfall,
plant demand and composition. Plant demand for P is temperature and evaporation from an open water surface.
much smaller than that for K, and the P ®xation and For each day the following are calculated:
adsorption phenomena are very di€erent from the corre-
sponding K processes. Transport of P through soil is an (1) the increment in dry weight and the new value of total
order of magnitude slower than that for K. While it is a plant weight (calculated from the % P in the plant, the
reasonable approximation to consider that K is uniformly dry weight of the plant and the mean air temperature);
distributed through soil, as in the K model, we do not (2) the increment in root length and the total root length
believe that a similar assumption is tenable for P models. (calculated from the increment in plant weight and
The intention was therefore to use the K model as a starting total plant weight) and the partitioning of root growth
point for the P model and, in particular, to treat P uptake into segments that enter regions of soil enriched with
from regions enriched with fertilizer separately from that in the starter or the granular fertilizer or unenriched
unenriched regions. regions;
(3) P uptake calculated from P di€usion to each of the root
segments and the plant % P;
MODEL (4) the average volumetric water content of the soil, the
values of the tortuosity coecients, the P-di€usion
coecients for the bulk soil and for each of the P
The model simulates the e€ects of soil P, granular fertilizer depletion zones around each segment;
P, and starter fertilizer P, on daily crop growth, on P (5) the volume of the P depletion zones around each of the
concentrations within the plant and on the P economy of root segments; the changes in the various amounts of
the soil. It is considered that granular and starter fertilizers solution P, extractable soil P and non-extractable soil P
are applied immediately before sowing, whereas the soil P is in each of the zones and in the undepleted soil.
the net result of the soil's type and history. All other
nutrients, including N and K, are considered to be sucient
for maximum growth. The model consists of equations
representing the more important processes and requires
only inputs for which most values can be readily obtained. The more important equations and rules are now described.
Integration is in steps of 1 d as most weather data are only Symbols and default values are summarized in Tables 1
available as a daily average. and 2.
Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate 281

by R. eqn (1)
Daily weather Daily
Temperature ( T )
temp increment in
and volumetric water content plant dry
( V)
1 matter Plant dry
( D W) matter
eqns (1) and (2) ( W)
by eqn (12)
by G temp


increment in

root length

( DLt)
eqn (3)
coefficient of P P conc in

through soil plant

D s

eqns(11),(14) and (16) P= W/Up

Root length Lt
by eqn (12)

by eqn (11)

by G . eqn (8)
Amount Amount

of non- of

extractable extractable Flux of P

P in P in to root Actual P uptake

upper 30 upper 30 surface Up
cm of cm of eqns eqn (8)
soil soil (6),(7) and (9)


F I G . 1. Simpli®ed ¯ow diagram of the model; details of equations are given in the body of the text.

Daily increment in plant dry matter. The daily increment variable depends on the day from Jan 1. The integral of this
in plant weight is given by equation with Gtemp(d) and R(d) both set equal to one has
given good ®ts to measurements of W made during the
DW ˆ Gwt Gtemp d† R d† W d†=‰W0:5 ‡ W d†Š 1† main growing season in western European ®eld experiments
(e.g. Greenwood et al., 1977, 1991).
with minor modi®cations to improve the integration
Gtemp d† ˆ 1 for 12 5 Atemp 4 30  C
procedure. W is plant dry weight excluding ®brous roots
which must be expressed in t ha ÿ1, W05 is a constant that is Gtemp d† ˆ Atemp ÿ 7†= 12 ÿ 7† for 7 5 Atemp 4 12  C
always set at 1 t ha ÿ1, Gwt is a growth coecient, Gtemp(d) Gtemp d† ˆ 0:01 for Atemp 4 7  C
corrects for the e€ects of air temperature on growth and
R(d) for % P; the d in parentheses indicates that the where Atemp is the mean daily air temperature.
282 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
T A B L E 1. De®nition of symbols and default values

Symbol De®nition Default value

Agfert Weight of granular fertilizer P incorporated in soil before sowing 005 t ha ÿ1

Astfert Weight of starter fertilizer P incorporated in soil before sowing 001 t ha ÿ1
a Root radius 0008 cm
Bd Bulk density 14 g cm ÿ3
Dw Di€usion coecient of P through water at 25 8C 102 cm2 d ÿ1
Gafr Coecient in Freundlich isotherm 517
Gbfr Coecient in Freundlich isotherm 0505
Gp Parameter for e€ect of P concentration in the plant dry matter on P uptake by the roots 06
Kcn Coecient for the decline in plant P parameters with increase in plant weight 00209 t ÿ1 ha
Kextr Rate constant for conversion of extractable P into non-extractable soil P 637  10 ÿ4 d ÿ1
Knextr Rate constant for conversion of non-extractable soil P into extractable soil P 332  10 ÿ5 d ÿ1
Phlf(0) Parameter used in de®ning e€ect of % P in plant dry matter on growth rate; value when W ˆ 0 004 %
Pextrw Concentration of extractable P in upper 30 cm of soil expressed per unit weight of soil 18 mg g ÿ1
Pnextrw Concentration of non-extractable P in upper 30 cm of soil 1190 mg g ÿ1
Pmax(0) The minimum % P of dry matter required for maximum growth rate when W ˆ 0 06 %
Pmin Minimum possible % P of plant dry matter 01 %
Popt(0) Parameter for e€ect of % P of plant dry matter on the rate of plant P uptake when W ˆ 0 03 %
Pseed The % P of seed dry matter 08 %
Rgrno Radius of P fertilizer granule 17 mm
Sdef Soil moisture de®cit on Jan 1st 0 mm
Th Time from sowing to harvest 146 d
Ts Sowing date in days from Jan 1st 125 d
Vfc Volumetric water content at ®eld capacity 026
Vlsens Volumetric water content used in sensitivity analyses 02
Vsoil Volume of soil to depth of 30 cm 3  103 m3
Vst Volume of soil enriched by starter fertilizer 24 m3
Wmax Plant dry matter yield at harvest 145 t ha ÿ1
W0 Dry weight of sown seed 164 kg ha ÿ1
W05 Constant relating growth rate to W 10 t ha ÿ1

P concentration in the plant dry matter and weights of plant dry matter are for the entire plant excluding ®brous roots.

T A B L E 2. De®nition of symbols without default values

Symbol De®nition Units

(d) Indicates that the variable depends on day from Jan 1 d

Droot Depth of soil containing 90 % of roots cm
D1 Di€usion coecient of P through water after correction for temperature cm2 d ÿ1
Ds Di€usion coecient of P through soil cm2 d ÿ1
Fp Flux of P to root surface mg cmÿ2 d ÿ1
Ftort Tortuosity in calculation of di€usion coecient of P through soil Dimensionless
Gf Actual increment of plant P uptake expressed as a fraction of the maximum Dimensionless
Gtemp Corrects daily growth rate for mean air temperature Dimensionless
Gwt Growth rate coecient t ha ÿ1 d ÿ1
Lt Total root length km m ÿ2
nLdpl Length of root segment cm
F Viscosity of water cP
Pgrth P concentration in the plant dry matter on any day during growth %
Pl Concentration of P in soil solution mg cmÿ3
Pextrv Concentration of extractable soil P expressed as per unit volume of soil i.e. Pextrv ˆ Bd Pextrw mg cmÿ3
Pextrvo Pextrv in regions of soil una€ected by root uptake mg cmÿ3
R Factor for reducing the increment in growth for sub-optimal % P Dimensionless
Rgrn Radius of the enriched zone around a fertilizer granule mm
Tdf Time from formation of a given root increment d
Tg Time from incorporating granules in soil d
Ttemp Temperature 8C
Up Crop uptake of P kg ha ÿ1
Vdpl Volume of the depleted zone round each root segment cm ÿ3
V1 Volumetric water content of soil on a given day cm3 cmÿ3
W Total plant dry weight excluding ®brous roots t ha ÿ1
Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate 283
These relationships were based on experience of growing occupied by the regions of soil enriched with granular
vegetable crops in the UK but are similar to those derived fertilizer divided by the total volume of soil to a depth of
from measurements made on cauli¯ower by Alt et al., 30 cm. The rest of the root system initially enters the region
(2000). They may, however, vary depending on the cultivar of soil enriched with starter fertilizer that occupies 08 % of
and environment. the total volume of soil. However, root growth in this
region ceases when the volume of the di€usion zones
R d† ˆ minf1; ‰ 1 ‡ P hlf 0 W†=P max 0 W†††= calculated using eqn (9) exceeds the volume of the region.

1 ‡ P hlf 0 W†=P grth 0 d†††Šg All subsequent root growth apart from that entering the
granular fertilizer-enriched zones enters unfertilized soil.
where When fertilizer P granules are incorporated into soil,
water vapour moves towards them and they dissolve. The
P hlf 0 W† ˆ Phlf 0† 1 ÿ Kcn W† fertilizer P then moves outwards at a rate dependent on soil
P grth 0 ˆ Pgrth ÿ Pmin moisture content. On the basis of work by Lawton and
Vomocil (1954); Lehr et al., (1959), Burns et al., (1963) and
P max 0 W† ˆ Pmax 0† 1 ÿ Kcn W† ÿ Pmin
de Sousa and Volkweiss (1987), it was deduced that
where Pgrth is the % P in the plant at time t (days), Pmin is
Rgrn ˆ minf3:33Rgrno ‡ 70; 01f333Rgrno
the minimum % P that can occur in the plant, Pmax is the

lowest % P in the plant at which the growth rate is
‡ 133‰Vl Vl ÿ 0166†Tg Š0:5 gg
maximal; and Phlf is a coecient de®ning the sensitivity of
R(d) to % P in the plant. The zero in parentheses indicates
where Rgrn is the radius (mm) of the P-enriched zone
values of the parameters when W is zero; they decline
around the granule, and Rgrno is the radius of the fertilizer
linearly with an increase in W; the coecient for this
granule (mm). Vl is the volumetric water content, and Tg is
decline is given by Kcn. Evidence for this decline is provided
time (in days) from incorporating the granule in the soil.
by Belanger and Richards (1999) amongst others. Equation
The extent to which this equation depends on soil type is
(2) is derived by modifying the Michaelis-Menten equation
to ensure that R(d) ˆ 1 when P grth 0 (d) reaches P max 0 (W);
In studies into the e€ects of fertilizer granule size on crop
it also ensures that R(d) does not continue to increase with
response to P, an equation has been derived, by two
further increase of P grth 0 (d) beyond P max 0 (W).
independent procedures, for the probable number of
granules intercepted by roots (Moreno, 1959; Costigan,
Daily increment in root growth. The daily increment in
1987c). Earlier work (Nelder, 1964) had established
root growth is calculated as
equations relating the surface area/volume ratio of an
DLt ˆ Al ‰e A1 ln W d††‡Bl †
ŠDW d†=W d† 3† object to the mean length of chords thrown at random
through it. From these relationships it was derived that the
where W is plant weight in t ha ÿ1, Lt is root length in km fraction of the total root length that is within the P-enriched
m ÿ2 and Al and Bl are coecients. The equation is derived zones around the fertilizer granules is proportional to the
by di€erentiating: ratio of the volume of these zones to the total volume of
soil, i.e. to a depth of 30 cm. It was assumed that this
ln Lt ˆ Al ln W ‡ Bl 4† fraction was equal to the fraction of roots absorbing P from
the P-enriched zones. The proportionality constant was
For non-leguminous vegetable crops grown on sandy loam considered to be one, as experimental evidence indicates
soils, that additional root proliferation in soil enriched with P is
generally small unless there is acute P de®ciency in the
Al ˆ 107; Bl ˆ 181 for ln W 4 ÿ 3 rooting medium (e.g. Castilhos and Anghinoni, 1983;
Al ˆ 082; Bl ˆ 106 for ln W 4 ÿ 3 Brouder and Cassman, 1994). The chemical changes within
the P-enriched zones are as described in the bulk soil; the
Equation (4), with the indicated parameter values, ®tted e€ects of very low pH values at the centre of granules are
experimental data for a wide range of crops (Greenwood et ignored.
al., 1982; Costigan, 1985; Bosch Serra et al., 1997). There is
also evidence that root growth may be similar over a wide Plant P uptake. P uptake by roots is determined by ®rst
range of soil conditions (e.g. Stypta et al., 1987). When ln calculating the maximum amount of P that can be
W 4 ÿ 3 the equations above may be widely applicable. transported to the roots; this amount is then modi®ed
Root growth in the model is not enhanced by plant P or depending on the plant P concentration (Pgrth) to give P
plant water stress. uptake.
Transport of P is assumed to be solely by di€usion as the
Partitioning of the roots. All root absorption of P is contribution of mass ¯ow is generally negligible (Jungk and
considered to take place from the upper 30 cm of soil. Claassen, 1997). Each day a segment of root is formed in
Throughout growth, a fraction of the total root length one or two regions of soil. Also for each day, from their
enters regions of soil enriched with granular fertilizer. This formation to the end of the growing season, the maximum
fraction, which is small, equals the ratio of the volume amount of P that can di€use to each of them is calculated
284 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
separately. The calculations are similar irrespective of where achieved by integrating B against Gtpy (using time steps of
the root segments were formed, but for the sake of clarity, 001 d), ®tting an empirical equation to it, ®nding the area
subsequent descriptions will be for segments in unfertilized under the curve corresponding to the values of Gtpy at the
regions of soil. It is considered that the potential ability of beginning and end of the time step and dividing it by the
roots to absorb P (e.g. Clarkson et al., 1978) and their di€erence in the two values. With this modi®cation, ¯uxes
radius do not vary along the length of the root. The were calculated by eqns (6) and (7) with the value of Ds
concentration of solution P at the root surfaces is assumed calculated as the mean value over the life of the segment.
to be zero as they can absorb P from very low concentra- The sum of the ¯uxes to each of the segments is the
tions compared with those in soil solution. In practice, it is maximum possible uptake. The actual amount is less than
convenient to work in terms of extractable soil P, but this is this because plant P concentration, at least above a certain
converted to solution P through the di€usion coecient as critical level, can suppress P uptake by roots (e.g. Drew et al,
described later [eqn (12)]. We visualize that each newly 1984; Dunlop et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1998). If Gf is the ratio
formed root segment is a cylinder, of radius a, with its of the actual increment in P uptake to the maximum
surface maintained at zero extractable soil P and that this possible increment then
cylinder is placed in uniform soil of in®nite extent.
According to this model, it may be derived from Fick's Gf d† ˆ min 1; e ÿ27x † 8†
law (Crank, 1957) that the ¯ux of P to the root surface, Fp is
given by: where

Fp ˆ Ds Pextrvo f pGtpy † ÿ05 ‡ 05 ÿ 025 Gtpy =p†05 x ˆ Pgrth d†=Popt W†† ÿ Gp
‡ 0125Gtpy g=a for Gtpy 4 3 6† Popt W† ˆ Popt 0† 1 ÿ Kcn W†

Fp ˆ 2Ds Pextrvo f‰ln 4Gtpy † ÿ 2gŠ ÿ1 ÿ g= where Pgrth(d) is the % P in the plant dry matter and
Popt(W) and Gp are coecients de®ning the suppression of
‰ln 4Gtpy † ÿ 2gŠ2 g=a for Gtpy 4 3 7† uptake by % P. Popt(0) is the value of the parameter when
W ˆ 0 and Kcn corrects for its decline with increase in W.
where Ds is the di€usion coecient through soil [calculated The equation is that of Siddiqui and Glass (1982) modi®ed
by eqn (12)], Gtpy a temporary dimensionless coecient to ensure that when the % P in the plant is below a
de®ned by the expression Gtpy ˆ Ds Tdf =a2 in which Tdf is threshold level, P uptake is una€ected by the % P in the
time from the formation of the increment in root length and plant; it is then limited by the amount of P that can di€use
g ˆ 05772 is Euler's constant. For a considerable period, to the roots.
Pextrvo is the concentration of extractable soil P (in mg cm ÿ3)
in regions of soil una€ected by root uptake at the time of P depletion zone. The daily increase in the volume of the
formation of the root segment. The value of Pextrvo, P depletion zone (DVdpl ) around each daily increment in
however, is time-dependent because of interchange between root segment, DLdpl(cm), is calculated by
extractable and non-extractable forms of soil P [eqn (11)].
During this period, the P depletion zones of soil, calculated DVdpl ˆ 4pDLdpl Ds d†Tdf 9†
as will be shown in eqn (9), are regarded as independent of
one another. Eventually, however, if growth continues for a where Ds cm2 d ÿ1 † is the di€usion coecient through the
long time, the total volume of the di€usion zones may soil, Tdf is the time in days from the formation of the
occupy the entire volume of soil available for rooting. increment and DVdpl is in cm3. The equation was derived by
When this happens, Pextrvo, for any newly formed segment is considering that the spread of the di€usion zone normal to
taken to be the mean concentration of the entire soil the root's surface is given by (4Dst)05 (Tinker and Nye,
volume. 2000, p. 133). This relationship may be deduced by
There is a restriction on uptake by root segments in assuming that under uniform conditions the radius of the
regions enriched by granular and starter fertilizers. When- depletion zone is equal to the root mean square displace-
ever uptake by a root segment exceeds 20 % of the ment of a molecule, di€using in two dimensions, from a
extractable P in the depletion zone around it, then that point source.
segment ceases to absorb P. This limit was estimated from
reviews of the literature (including De Wit, 1953; Cooke, Volumetric soil water content. The average volumetric
1967, p. 262; Wild, 1988, p. 734) which indicated that soil water content Vl is updated for each day of the
arable crops invariably recover no more than 10 % of the simulation. It is calculated from soil moisture de®cit, the
applied fertilizer P in the year of application, although volumetric water content at ®eld capacity and the depth of
occasionally recoveries of up to 25 % have been reported. soil from which water is lost by evapotranspiration.
According to eqns (6) and (7), the ¯ux ®rst declines very Greenwood et al. (1996) describe the algorithm for soil
sharply and then slowly with time, resulting in simulations moisture de®cit. It requires the daily rainfall, including
being sensitive to the integration step. To permit accurate irrigation, evaporation from an open water surface and the
integration it is necessary to have a means of calculating an current simulated values for soil moisture de®cits and plant
average value of the terms within the brackets (B) over any dry weights. Plant dry weights are required both to
time interval that is chosen for integration. This was determine the fractional crop cover and the depth of soil
Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate 285
from which water is extracted. Water moves rapidly through Dl is directly proportional to absolute temperature and
soil so, in contrast to phosphate, only a few roots inversely proportional to viscosity. Viscosity, Z in cP, is
penetrating to depth can absorb large quantities of water. approximately related to temperature in degrees centigrade
The depth of soil containing 90 % of the roots in cm by
(Droot(d)) of non-leguminous crops grown in a sandy loam
soil has been well described by: Z ˆ 0000602 Ttemp †2 ÿ 0049485 Ttemp † ‡ 1742 13†
Droot d† ˆ 176 ‡ 853W d† 10† which gives a good ®t to the data in Weast (1985). It is
assumed that soil temperature is the same as air tempera-
where W is expressed in t ha ÿ1 of plant dry matter ture. Ftort(d) is a tortuosity factor for P transport through
(Greenwood et al., 1982). It was assumed in the model that soil calculated from Vl(d) the volumetric soil water content,
water was extracted to a depth of Droot d† ‡ 10 cm and that from
on any day, the volumetric water content was the same
throughout this depth. Ftort d† ˆ 161 Vl d† ÿ 01† for Vl d† 4 01
Interchange between di€erent forms of P. Equilibrium Ftort d† ˆ 00001 for Vl d† 4 01
between solution P and extractable P is assumed to be
instantaneous. However most of the soil P is in other forms, which has ®tted measurements on sands and loams
including minerals which we group together as non- (Barraclough and Tinker, 1981).
extractable P. There is interchange between extractable The bu€er power, the reciprocal of which is required for
and non-extractable P but it is slow and it is re-calculated the calculation of the di€usion coecient, is always
for each day for each region and for each zone separately assumed to be that in the unfertilized regions of soil and
by: is calculated by
Gbfr ÿ1†=Gbfr
d Pextrv †=dt ˆ ‰Knextr Pnextrw ÿ Kextr Pextrw ŠBd 11† dPextrv =dPl ˆ Gafr Gbfr Pextrv =Gafr † 15†

where Pextrw and Pnextrw are the extractable and non- where Pextrv is the concentration of extractable soil P,
extractable concentrations of soil P expressed on a per unit expressed per unit volume of soil, Pl is the concentration of
weight basis, Knextr and Kextr are rate coecients and Bd is P in soil solution, and Gafr and Gbfr are coecients
the bulk density of soil. The equation is a simpli®cation of characteristic of the soil. Equation (15) is the derivative of
Barrow's (1983) solid state di€usion model for sorption and the Freundlich isotherm:
desorption of phosphate in soil minerals. Experimental
evidence in Fig. 2, discussed later, provides further support Pextrv ˆ Gafr PG
for the validity of the equation.
which has given good representations of phosphate
Di€usion coecient. The di€usion coecient, Ds(d), of adsorption in a range of world soils (Tinker and Nye,
extractable P through soil to the root surfaces is calculated 2000). Hysteresis between adsorption and desorption is
for each day by: ignored.

Ds d† ˆ Dl d†Vl d†Ftort d†dPl d†=dPextrv d† 12†

Parameterization and inputs
(Tinker and Nye, 2000) where Pl(d) is the concentration of P
Table 1 gives the default values for a typical non-
in soil solution, Pextrv(d) is the extractable-soil P and Dl(d) is
leguminous vegetable crop grown on a coarse sandy loam.
the di€usion coecient of P through water after adjustment
It will be shown in a companion paper (Greenwood et al.,
for temperature Ttemp. At 25 C; Dl ˆ Dw ˆ 1:02cm2 d ÿ1.
2001) that the plant parameters correspond closely with
those of carrot, Daucus carota L.
Extractable P
Plant parameters. Gwt was calculated by solving eqn (1)
0 100 200 300 over the growth period with inputs of daily temperature and
Change in extractable P

0 R(d) ˆ 1. The starting weight was the dry weight of seed

sown (W0) and the maximum value of W at harvest (Wmax).
The secant algorithm for solving non-linear equations
–20 (Johnson and Riess, 1977) was adopted to solve the
equation and always rapidly provided an accurate solution.
Estimation of Phlf is not straightforward. Although many
–40 workers have related growth after a given period to % P,
growth in these measurements is the integral of the e€ects
over time of % P on growth rate, both of which vary;
–60 therefore, these measurements do not provide a satisfactory
F I G . 2. Relationship between change in extractable P (mg g ÿ1) over basis for estimating Phlf. What is required is the relationship
351 d and the level of extractable P at the end of this period. between relative growth rate (RGR) and % P when both
286 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
variables are measured at the same time. Both the nutrient Inputs. To run the model the following inputs are
interruption technique (Burns et al., 1997) and nutrient required:
addition procedures (Ericsson and Ingestad, 1988) appear Weather: Rainfall (including irrigation), evaporation
to meet these requirements. Burns et al., (1997) grew lettuce from an open water surface and mean air temperature for
and Ericsson and Ingestad (1988) grew birch seedlings, yet each day.
the relationships between RGR as a fraction of the Soil: Bulk density, volumetric water content at ®eld
maximum against % P are approximately the same. Values capacity, soil moisture de®cit on some date prior to drilling,
of Pmin(0) ˆ 01 % and Phlf (0) ˆ 004 % were estimated extractable soil P, parameters of an isotherm to de®ne the
from these data. The value of Pmin(0) can be deduced from relationship between extractable soil P and soil solution P
many other experiments. For a wide range of crops, Pmin (0) and the rate constants for interchange between extractable
is generally about 01 % (Chapman, 1966; Brewster et al., and non-extractable soil P.
1975; Mengel and Kirkby, 1978; Yost and Fox, 1979; Fertilizer P: The amount of fertilizer P incorporated in
Stribley et al., 1980; Tinker et al., 1982; Fohse et al., 1988; soil, the time of incorporation, the average radius of the
Marschner, 1995; Bollons and Barraclough, 1999). Pmax (0) fertilizer granules, amount of starter fertilizer and the
was estimated as 06 % from measurements on lettuce volume of the soil it occupies at the time of injection.
seedlings grown in fertilizer experiments conducted in the Cultural: Crop species, date of planting and harvest,
UK (Costigan, 1986). Kcn is an average value estimated initial dry weight (W0) calculated as the product of plant
from measurements of critical % P during growth of a population and seed dry weight, % P of seed (Pseed) and
range of vegetable crops (Greenwood et al., 1980). The root potential maximum plant dry weight at ®nal harvest, Wmax.
radius, a ˆ 0008 cm, is the average of many crops given in Table 1 gives default values for all the above inputs
de Willigen and van Noordwijk (1987). The initial % P in apart from the daily weather which was the best estimate for
the seed, Pseed , is 08 %Ðit is the average of measurements Wellesbourne, UK. The method of estimation and the
on seeds for a range of vegetable crops (Haworth and actual values are given at
Cleaver, 1964). phos.htm

Soil parameters. All soil parameters were determined on

a coarse sandy loam soil of the Wick series at Horticultural
Research International, formerly the National Vegetable Unless otherwise stated, simulations were run with the
Research Station, Wellesbourne, UK. The soil is described default parameter values given in Table 1. Integration was
by Whit®eld (1974). by Euler's method (Thornley and Johnson, 1990) with time
Values of the rate coecients Kextr and Knextr were steps of 1 d because weather inputs were only available for
calculated from measurements made by Stone (1998). Eight each day and none of the input values changed rapidly with
di€erent levels of triple superphosphate [Ca(H2PO4)2] time. Running the model with constant temperature and
supplying between 0 and 3500 kg P ha ÿ1 were incorporated soil water content provided limited evidence that the
in soil 25 years before measurements began. Levels of method did not lead to substantial errors; reducing the
extractable soil P were measured then, and again 351 d step length from 1 to 01 d seldom a€ected simulated values
later. The change in extractable soil P plotted against the of W or % P by more than 10 %.
level of extractable soil P for each treatment is shown in
Fig. 2. The relationship is approximately linear which
Sensitivity analyses
supports the validity of eqn (11). Substitution of the
gradient of the relationship, divided by 351, in eqn (11) A sensitivity analysis was carried out into the dependence
gives a value for Kextr of 637  10 ÿ4 d ÿ1. According to of plant dry weight, W, on the following parameters: starter
Fig. 2, d(Pextrw)/dt ˆ 0 and thus equilibrium is reached with fertilizer, Astfert; granular fertilizer, Agfert; extractable P,
Pextr ˆ 623 mg g ÿ1. It follows from eqn (11) that at this Pextrw; volumetric water content of soil, Vlsens; volume of
point, Knextr ˆ KextrPextrw/Pnextrw. Substitution in this soil enriched with starter fertilizer, Vst; the coecients of
relationship of the above values for Kextr and Pextrw and the adsorption isotherm, Gafr and Gbfr; the dry weight of
an estimate of Pnextrw of 1190 mg g ÿ1 gives sown seed, W0; the % P of the seed, Pseed; and the rate
Knextr ˆ 332  10 ÿ5 d ÿ1. constants for the inter-conversion of extractable and
The coecients, Gafr and Gbfr, de®ning the relationships non-extractable soil P, Kextrr and Knextr. These, and the
between extractable P, Pextrw, and soil solution P, Pl, were other inputs to the model given in Table 1, had the default
obtained by ®tting the logarithmic form of eqn (16) to values given in that table. In addition, temperature is given
measurements made on samples taken from plots that had a default value of 158C. Each parameter was varied, in turn,
been brought to di€erent levels of Pextrw by incorporation of from 05±to 20±times its default value whilst the other
a range of fertilizer P levels 35 years previously. Pextrw was values were kept constant. The analyses were carried out
determined by extraction with 05 M NaHCO3, pH 85 with Wmax ˆ 145 t ha ÿ1, Th ˆ 146 d; Wmax ˆ 70 t ha ÿ1,
(Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, 1986) and Th ˆ 95 d; and Wmax 10 t ha ÿ1, Th ˆ 46 d where Th is the
converted to Pextrv by multiplying by the bulk density, Bd. period of growth from the time of planting. The latter two
The concentration in soil solution, Pl, was determined in pairs of values were calculated by ®rst solving the integral
saturation pastes (Hess, 1971). The data are taken from of eqn (1) with Gtemp(d) ˆ 1, R(d) ˆ 1, Wmax ˆ 145 t ha ÿ1,
Table 2 of Stone (1998). Th ˆ 146 d and W0 ˆ 164 kg ha ÿ1 to give Gwt ˆ 0161 d ÿ1.
Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate 287
6.5 e€ects of increasing Vlsens, Agfert, Pextrrw and Gafr diminished
G afr
with increase in Wmax. The generally small response to Agrfert
over all combinations of other parameters is notable. Vst,
6.0 W0, and Pseed had an appreciable e€ect on response only
Plant dry weight (t ha–1)

when W was very small (1 t ha ÿ1) or when Gafr (and thus the
A gfert adsorption of P) was very high (not shown). Kextr and Knextr
A stfert only had an appreciable e€ect on W when the extractable P
G bfr was low and there was no starter fertilizer.
5.0 P extrw

4.5 V Comparison between model calculations and published

experimental results

Long-term experiments have been reported in which
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 some plots were brought to a high level of soil P by
Relative variation in parameter applications of P fertilizer, whilst P fertilizer was withheld
from other plots which thus had a low level of soil P. After a
F I G . 3. Sensitivity of the calculated plant dry weight as each of the
parameters is varied from 05- to 20-times its default value in Table 1 long period, new treatments consisting of di€erent levels of
while the other parameters are held constant. Wmax was set at 7 t ha ÿ1 fertilizer P were imposed on each set of plots. It was found
and Th at 95 d, but all other parameters are as in Table 1. that no matter how much fresh fertilizer P was broadcast
and incorporated immediately before drilling, yields were
often lower on the low-P than on the high-P plots (Cooke,
This value was then used to calculate the dependence of
1967; Johnston et al., 1986; Costigan, 1987a). The model
Wmax on Th throughout growth. Those parameters that had
predicts this phenomenon as is illustrated in Fig. 4. The
most e€ect on the responses were identi®ed and varied in
open symbols in Fig. 4A give the e€ect on yield of
two-dimensional sensitivity analyses.
broadcasting and incorporating fertilizer P immediately
Overall the most important factors in¯uencing plant dry before drilling into a low P soil whereas the open symbols in
weight are Gafr, Gbfr, Pextrw, Vlsens, Astfert and, to a lesser Fig. 4B give the e€ects of increasing levels of extractable
extent, Agfert, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The main features of soil P (which were the residues of fertilizer applications in
the two-dimensional analyses are given in Table 3. The left- previous years). If it is assumed that all the fertilizer P is
hand side gives the values of the parameters used in the extractable then the fertilizer P axis of Fig. 4A is directly
simulations and the right-hand side gives the corresponding comparable with the extractable P axis in Fig. 4B.
e€ect on W of changing the value of the indicated Throughout the range, and even when P levels are
parameter. Increasing the values of Vlsens and decreasing excessively high, fertilizer P treatments gave lower yields
Gafr, both of which improved transport of P though soil, than extractable P treatments. The di€erence is most
suppressed responses to Astfert and Pextrrw. The bene®t from marked at the earlier harvest when the maximum yield
Asrfert always diminished with increase in Wmax but responses obtained with fertilizer P was 41 t ha ÿ1 compared with 52 t
to the other parameters changed in a complex manner with ha ÿ1 with the extractable P treatments. The model outputs
increase in Wmax. However, when Astfert is withheld, the are therefore consistent with results of ®eld experiments.

T A B L E 3. Summary of two-dimensional sensitivity analyses

Values of parameters used in simulation* Percentage response{ to changes of

Wmax Vlsens Astfert Agfert Pextrw Gafr Vlsens Astfert Agfert Pextrw Gafr

1 02 001 005 18 369 97 194 19 104 15

7 02 001 005 18 369 123 121 32 212 334
145 02 001 005 18 369 69 67 38 231 314
7 04 001 005 18 369 ± 36 31 94 114
7 02 001 005 36 369 59 58 21 ± 144
7 02 001 005 9 369 340 205 82 ± 457
7 02 001 005 18 185 52 43 32 119 ±
7 02 001 005 18 740 337 518 95 521 ±
1 02 0 005 18 369 639 ± 270 1116 1074
7 02 0 005 18 369 323 ± 152 898 906
145 02 0 005 18 369 162 ± 917 647 678

*The parameter values in bold type are di€erent from those used in Fig.3
{Calculated, with one exception, as the change in W as a result of increasing the parameter from 05- to 20-times of its default value and
expressing it as a percentage of the default value. The exception is V1 where the range of values was 10- to 20- of the default value (virtually no
growth took place with 05-times its default value).
288 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
15.0 15.0

Plant dry weight (t ha–1)

Plant dry weight (t ha–1)
12.5 12.5

10.0 10.0

7.5 7.5

5.0 5.0

2.5 2.5

0.0 0.0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.08 0.18 0.28 0.38 0.48 0.58

Fertilizer P (t ha–1) Extractable soil P (t ha–1)

F I G . 4. Simulated e€ects on dry matter yield of (A) fertilizer P incorporated into a low P soil immediately before drilling; and (B) extractable soil P
in the absence of added fertilizer. Closed symbols indicate that starter fertilizer (001 t P ha ÿ1) is also applied, and open ones that it is not. Values
after 85 d from drilling are represented by triangles and after 146 d by circles. The extractable soil P immediately before fertilizer incorporation is
18 mg g ÿ1 which is equivalent to 008 t haÿ1.

12 14 4 5

Plant dry weight (t ha–1)

Plant dry weight (t ha–1)

Crop response to P

Crop response to P
8 3
6 2
2 1

0 0 0 0
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0 25 50 75 100
Days from drilling Days from drilling

F I G . 5. Dependence on time from sowing of crop response to P (Q) and P-sucient plant dry weight (O). A, Simulated response calculated as
yield with excess extractable soil P (140 mg g ÿ1) divided by the yield when extractable P is low (18 mg g ÿ1). B, Measured response of French beans
calculated as yield with granular fertilizer P of 320 kg ha ÿ1 divided by the yield with no added P. The s.e.m. of the dry weights for the successive
harvests of French beans are 00058, 00394, 0169, and 0205 t ha ÿ1 with 8 d.f.

Experiments have shown that small amounts of starter Fig. 4A) on a low P soil can be as high as those obtained
fertilizer P, positioned in a narrow band so that the roots of with any level of extractable soil P (open symbols, Fig. 4B).
young seedlings intercept it, can dramatically increase Another feature of these two ®gures is that the simulated
yields, even when much granular fertilizer P is incorporated percentage responses to P were much greater after 85d than
in the soil (Costigan, 1987b, c; Costigan and Heaviside, after 146 d. It suggests that the model might predict a
1988; Stone, 1998). Some of the experiments have involved characteristic time course of P response. Consider an
starter fertilizers that contain other nutrients besides experiment in which the default crop was grown on plots
phosphate but it has been shown that the bene®ts generally with high and low levels of soil P . The ratio of growth on
result from the phosphate (Costigan, 1988). Starter the high soil P plots to that on the low soil P plots is a
fertilizers have increased yield dry weights both at the measure of the crop response to excess P. According to the
seedling stage and at commercial maturity even on soils model, once the reserves of seed P have been exhausted, the
with high levels of extractable (05 M NaHCO3 pH 85) P response to P increases during the exponential period of
(between 40 and 150 mg P kg ÿ1 of dry soil) (Costigan,1988; growth and then decreases during the linear phase, as
Costigan and Heaviside, 1988; Stone, 1998). The model illustrated in Fig. 5A. These features are consistent with
predicts similar bene®ts; starter fertilizer increased yields on anecdotal evidence, but only a few multi-harvest P response
soils containing up to 04 t ha ÿ1 extractable soil P which is experiments seem to have been reported in the literature.
equivalent to 90 mg of P g ÿ1 of extractable P (Fig. 4B). It We have therefore included the unpublished results
has also been found in ®eld experiments that starter (Fig. 5B) of an experiment carried out at Wellesbourne,
fertilizer together with broadcast fertilizer P incorporated UK, admittedly on a di€erent crop, French beans
into a low P soil immediately before drilling can increase (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), but they nevertheless give a similar
yields to levels similar to those that can be obtained if the pattern of response to that predicted. In another experiment
soil had high levels of extractable P (Stone, 1998). The with this species, Costigan (1987a) found that response to P
model simulates this e€ect as the simulated dry weights of was considerable 32 d after emergence but had disappeared
plants given starter and granular fertilizer (closed symbols, at commercial maturity. Costigan (1988) and Stone (1998)
Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate 289
report similar e€ects of time on growth response to starter DISCUSSION
The rate coecients (Kextr and Knextr) a€ecting the inter-
The e€ects of interchange between non-extractable and
change between extractable and non-extractable soil P are
extractable soil P [eqn (11)] can be important when
the only inputs to the model that are not easy to obtain. In
considered over a much longer time scale than in the
sensitivity analyses. If, as is usually the case, the concen- the sensitivity analyses, however, considerable variations in
tration of non-extractable soil P is many times greater than their value had little e€ect on P response over the period of
that of extractable soil P then the values of the rate growth of a single crop when extractable soil P was above a
coecients, Kextr and Knextr, will remain approximately the very low value. Thus, by running the model with only very
same over a long period. This means that whatever level of approximate values for these coecients, it may generally
extractable soil P has developed over the years, it will tend be possible to get good estimates of P response. It therefore
towards a value characteristic of the soil. Thus, if the appears that useful runs of the model can be made with
extractable soil P had been brought to a high value by only readily available inputs.
heavy applications of fertilizer P it would subsequently According to the sensitivity analyses, plant growth was
decline whether or not a crop was grown. Conversely, if the particularly dependent on starter fertilizer, extractable soil
extractable soil P had been brought to a very low value by, P, soil water content and the parameters of the adsorption
for example, continuous growth and removal of grass, it isotherm. These latter parameters determine the bu€er
would subsequently tend to rise if the soil was left fallow or capacity which has a large in¯uence on the outputs of other
even if some crops were grown on it whilst nutrient P models (e.g. Yanai, 1994). The importance of soil water
additions were withheld. This phenomenon is illustrated content is implicit in all di€usion-based models and its
in Fig. 6, which gives the time course of simulated changes substantial in¯uence on P response in ®eld experiments has
in extractable soil P and the growth of the default crop in been noted (Greenwood et al., 1974). The considerable
®ve successive seasons on a soil that initially had a low e€ect on P response of raising volumetric water content (Vl )
extractable soil P content (15 mg P g ÿ1 dry soil). In the ®rst from 02 to 04 has not hitherto been emphasized. High
year growth was poor, but despite uptake of P by the crop values of Vl will tend to o€set the e€ects of high P
the concentrations of extractable soil P increased through- adsorption, such as occurs in peat soils, which may explain
out the year. In the second year growth was better and ®nal why current UK P fertilizer advice for peat soils is no
yields were almost twice as high as in the ®rst year. Again, di€erent from that for other soils (Ministry of Agriculture
the extractable soil P continued to rise while the soil was Fisheries and Food, 2000).
fallow and during the early part of the growing period while The superiority of extractable soil P, Pextrw, and starter
there was little growth, but once dry matter yield had fertilizer, Astfert, over granular fertilizer, Agrfert, in increasing
increased above about 2 t ha ÿ1 (i.e. during the linear phase yields, as revealed by the sensitivity analyses, warrants
of growth) P uptake suppressed extractable soil P. The same discussion. Such analyses can only cover a small fraction of
broad pattern was obtained with successive crops. Para- the possible conditions so conclusions may be atypical.
doxically, both the maximum yields and concentrations of However, this possibility is unlikely as the simulated
extractable soil P tended to increase with time despite no responses were similar to those found in past experiments
fertilizer having been applied. These are, of course, (Fig. 4). To explore the reasons for the di€erences in
predictions from the model, but it is notable that these e€ectiveness of these di€erent forms of P, ®rst consider the
trends have been noted in ®eld experiments (Nosko et al., time course of growth and crop P uptake. When growth is
1988; Nosko, 1998). not limited by P, the model calculates that dry weight ®rst
increases almost exponentially and then linearly with time.
In consequence, the rate of dry matter increase is initially
40 20
almost proportional to the plant dry weight and then almost
constant. The plant P concentration needed for optimal
Plant dry weight (t ha–1)

30 15 plant growth, however, decreases with increase in plant

Extractable soil P

weight. The net e€ect is that the rate of P uptake needed to

sustain maximum growth ®rst increases sharply with time,
20 10 reaches a maximum, and then declines slowly. Meanwhile,
the total length of root that is capable of absorbing P from
the soil increases throughout the growing period. Thus, as
10 5
has been suggested by Scaife (1994), the ability of roots to
supply P relative to crop demand will increase during the
linear phase of growth. Crop response should rise to a
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000
maximum and then decline as the plant grows, as is
Days from Jan 1st
predicted by the model and as is found experimentally
(Fig. 5). Crops will be most vulnerable to P de®ciency in the
F I G . 6. Simulated changes in extractable soil P (H) when a crop is
grown in each of ®ve successive years on soil that received no fertilizer
early stages of growth. A temporary set-back at that time
and initially had an extractable P content of 15 mg g ÿ1. The time course could restrict ®nal yield even if there was ample P in the
of increase in dry weight of the successive carrot crops is given by (d). plant for the remainder of the growing period. Only if the
290 Greenwood et al.ÐDescription of Model for Crop Response to Phosphate
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