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EXAM 1 Study Guide

Exam will be consist of 50 multiple choice questions

You will need calculator.
Most of question will be from following topics. There can be few
questions from other topics too.
1. Different Dimensions of wellness with example behavior.
2. Definition of different stages of behavior change: like
precontemplation, contemplation etc.
3. Major challenges to Physical wellness: (in1900s and current, major
cause of death in Americans age between 15-24)
4. Definition of Physical activity and Exercise
5. Recommended duration for physical activity (for substantial and
extensive health benefits, as well as for weight management)
6. Warmup-cooldown guidelines
7. Health related fitness component (name and definition).
8. Principles of “Training Adaptation”, and methods of “progressive
overload” (name and definition).
9. Structural of Heart, blood flow sequence.
10. Difference between Artery and veins, Sites of gaseous exchange.
11. Calculation of Cardiac output and Stroke volume.
12. Benefits of Cardio Respiratory exercise (especially structural changes
in heart, and changes at cellular level)
13. 3 of energy systems (duration, fuel option, force produced, site of
reaction, and activity example).
14. FITT recommendation for Cardio Respiratory endurance activity
15.Calculation of setting Goal range for Cardio
16. Calculation of THRZ (Max Heart rate method, HRR method).
17. Different methods to estimate intensity for Cardio exercise (Heart
rate, MET, RPE)
19.Fluid intake guidelines to prevent Heat Stress during exercise
20.Heat Illness and Hypothermia.

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