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Questionnaires for Each Stakeholder

1. Customers
o How often do you shop at RetailCo?
o What do you typically buy?
o How satisfied are you with RetailCo's product range and services?
o Can you describe a particularly memorable experience (good or bad) at
o Why do you choose RetailCo over other options? (Laddering question)
2. Employees
o Describe your role and daily activities at RetailCo.
o What are the challenges you face at work?
o How does RetailCo's work environment affect your job satisfaction?
o What improvements would you suggest?
o Why is employee morale important in the retail sector? (Laddering question)
3. Vendors/Suppliers
o What is your relationship with RetailCo like?
o How does RetailCo's order process and payment terms compare with other
o What challenges do you face when working with RetailCo?
o How could RetailCo improve its partnership with you?
o Why is a reliable supply chain critical for retail success? (Laddering question)
4. Local Community Leaders
o How does RetailCo impact the local community?
o Are there community initiatives supported by RetailCo?
o What are the community's expectations from RetailCo?
o How does RetailCo's presence affect local businesses and environment?
o Why is a retail store’s relationship with its local community important?
(Laddering question)
5. RetailCo Management Team
o What are RetailCo's short and long-term goals?
o How do you measure RetailCo's success?
o What are the biggest challenges facing RetailCo today?
o How does RetailCo plan to evolve in the next 5 years?
o Why is innovation important in the retail industry? (Laddering question)

Key Stakeholders & Questionnaire Responses

1. Customer - Subhash, 34, Engineer

o Shops at RetailCo for convenience and quality.
o Prefers high-tech gadgets and quality home appliances.
o Values customer service, but finds it inconsistent.
o Remembers a positive experience with a helpful employee.
o Chooses RetailCo for its product range and location.
2. Employee - Rajeev, 27
o Works in the electronics department, often handles customer queries.
o Faces challenges with inventory management and occasional understaffing.
o Suggests better staff training and improved inventory software.
o Feels that employee input is sometimes overlooked.
o Believes that employee satisfaction directly impacts customer service quality.

(Hypothetical) Remaining Stakeholders

3. Vendor/Supplier - Anjali, 45, Business Owner

o Supplies home and kitchen appliances to RetailCo.
o Appreciates prompt payments but struggles with last-minute order changes.
o Suggests clearer communication and more predictable ordering patterns.
o Sees the relationship as crucial for her business growth.
o Believes a reliable supply chain is key for RetailCo’s success.
4. Local Community Leader - Mr. Sharma, 52, Community Organizer
o Notices RetailCo’s contribution to local employment.
o Wants RetailCo to participate more in community events.
o Concerned about RetailCo's environmental impact.
o Sees potential for RetailCo to support local small businesses.
o Emphasizes the importance of corporate responsibility in the community.
5. RetailCo Management - Priya, 39, Regional Manager
o Aims to increase RetailCo's market share and customer satisfaction.
o Tracks success through sales growth and customer feedback.
o Acknowledges challenges in adapting to digital retail trends.
o Plans to introduce more online shopping features.
o Stresses the importance of innovation to stay competitive.

Inferences from Interviews

1. Subhash (Customer)
o Prefers quality and convenience.
o Values customer service but experiences inconsistencies.
o Chooses RetailCo for its product range and proximity.
2. Rajeev (Employee)
o Feels challenges with inventory and understaffing.
o Suggests better training and improved systems.
o Sees a direct link between employee morale and customer service.
3. Anjali (Vendor)
o Appreciates timely payments; struggles with unpredictable orders.
o Wants better communication and order stability.
o Views the relationship as vital for business growth.
4. Mr. Sharma (Community Leader)
o Recognizes RetailCo’s role in local employment.
o Desires more community engagement from RetailCo.
o Concerned about environmental impacts and local business support.
5. Priya (Management)
o Aims for market growth and enhanced customer satisfaction.
o Sees digital transformation as a current challenge.
o Plans to integrate more online shopping features.

Persona of 5 Stakeholders

1. Subhash: Tech-Savvy Shopper

o Age: 34, Occupation: Engineer
o Prioritizes convenience and tech products.
o Looks for reliable customer service.
2. Rajeev: Committed Employee
o Age: 27, Role: Electronics Department
o Desires a well-organized work environment.
o Believes in the importance of employee input.
3. Anjali: Strategic Supplier
o Age: 45, Business Owner
o Values clear communication and stable orders.
o Sees partnership with RetailCo as a growth opportunity.
4. Mr. Sharma: Community Advocate
o Age: 52, Community Organizer
o Focuses on corporate responsibility and community impact.
o Wants RetailCo to be more involved locally.
5. Priya: Forward-Thinking Manager
o Age: 39, Regional Manager
o Driven by market trends and customer feedback.
o Emphasizes the need for innovation and digital adaptation.

Journey Map of 5 Stakeholders

1. Subhash’s Journey
o Discovers products online, visits store for purchases.
o Interacts with staff; sometimes satisfied, sometimes not.
o After-sales service is a critical touchpoint for his loyalty.
2. Rajeev’s Journey
o Starts with daily inventory checks.
o Interacts with customers, addresses queries and issues.
o End-of-day feedback and suggestions often overlooked.
3. Anjali’s Journey
o Regular communication with RetailCo's purchasing team.
o Adjusts to fluctuating order patterns.
o Seeks more predictable and collaborative planning.
4. Mr. Sharma’s Journey
o Observes RetailCo's local activities.
o Engages in occasional discussions for community events.
o Advocates for stronger community and environmental commitments.
5. Priya’s Journey
o Analyzes market trends and customer data.
o Coordinates with different departments for strategy implementation.
o Focuses on integrating online and offline retail experiences.

Empathy Canvas

 Feelings & Thoughts: Address the emotional and cognitive experiences of each
 Motivations & Goals: What drives each stakeholder, their objectives.
 Pain Points & Challenges: Identify the difficulties and hurdles they face.
 Opportunities & Needs: Potential areas for improvement and support.

Number of Insights Gained

Insights from Each Stakeholder

1. Subhash (Customer)
o Insight 1: Importance of convenience in shopping.
o Insight 2: High value placed on product range.
o Insight 3: Desire for consistent and reliable customer service.
2. Rajeev (Employee)
o Insight 4: Challenges with inventory management impact employee efficiency.
o Insight 5: Understaffing affects service quality and employee morale.
o Insight 6: Need for better staff training and feedback mechanisms.
3. Anjali (Vendor)
o Insight 7: Suppliers seek predictable and stable order patterns.
o Insight 8: Clear and proactive communication is key for vendor satisfaction.
o Insight 9: Potential for collaborative planning and growth.
4. Mr. Sharma (Community Leader)
o Insight 10: RetailCo has a significant impact on local employment.
o Insight 11: Community expects more engagement and corporate
o Insight 12: Environmental concerns and support for local businesses are vital.
5. Priya (Management)
o Insight 13: Emphasis on digital transformation in retail.
o Insight 14: Need to balance online and offline customer experiences.
o Insight 15: Customer feedback is crucial for strategy development.

5 Team Problem Statements

1. Customer Service Consistency: "How might we provide consistent and high-quality

customer service to meet the expectations of customers like Subhash?"
2. Employee Engagement & Morale: "How can we improve employee engagement
and morale to enhance overall work efficiency and customer satisfaction?"
3. Supply Chain Stability: "What strategies can be implemented to ensure a more
stable and predictable supply chain for partners like Anjali?"
4. Community Engagement: "In what ways can RetailCo strengthen its involvement
and positive impact in the local community?"
5. Digital Transformation: "How might RetailCo effectively integrate digital solutions
to enhance customer experience and maintain market competitiveness?"

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