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THINC Mission
To produce work-savvy graduates in an expert-based charter academy using a down-to-business approach to
education with authentic hands-on curriculum propelled by sustained community support extending learning
beyond the traditional classroom.

THINC Vision
THINC will realize the full potential of students through cutting-edge education and our business-minded
culture of excellence to drive a new era of innovation, growth and productivity in Troup County and the
surrounding region.

About Your Instructor

My name is Brittany Poole and I am a certified and licensed Athletic Trainer in the state of Georgia. I received
my Bachelor’s in Athletic Training and Master’s in Health and Physical Education from the University of North
Georgia. After working as an athletic trainer, I decided to step into the classroom. I previously taught at Long
Cane Middle School. Sports Medicine is my passion and I am excited for the upcoming semester with you all.
Email me:
Follow my classroom on IG: @mrspoolethinc

Course Description
Sports Medicine is the third course in the Therapeutic Services/Sports Medicine Career Pathway. The course is
appropriate for students who wish to pursue a career in healthcare with a focus on the musculoskeletal system,
injury assessment, injury prevention, or rehabilitation including careers in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitative
Services. This course will enable students to receive initial exposure to therapeutic services skills and attitudes
applicable to the healthcare industry. The concepts of anatomy and physiology, assessment, preventative and
rehabilitative care are introduced. Fundamental healthcare skills development is initiated, including medical
terminology, kinesiology, patient assessment, record keeping, and basic life support. The prerequisites for this course
are Introduction to Healthcare and Essentials of Healthcare.
Mastery of these standards through project-based learning, technical-skills practice, and
leadership-development activities of the career and technical student organization, HOSA (Health Occupations
Students of America), will provide students with a competitive edge for entry into either the healthcare global
marketplace or a post-secondary institution to pursue further education and training.

Updated December 2023

Brittany M. Poole, MS, LAT, ATC
Course Standards
Please see the Google Classroom for information concerning the GADOE Standards that this course is based on,
as well as the Precision End of Pathway Assessment Standards.

Course Schedule
This is subject to change.

Week Dates Topic

1 Jan 6-10 Fundamentals, Legal Issues and Terminology
2 Jan 13-17 Medical Terminology, Injuries and Healing, Muscular Structure
3 Jan 20-24 Types of Fractures, Soft Tissue Injuries and Skin Conditions
4 Jan 27-31 Soft Tissue Injuries and Skin Conditions, Review, Unit 1 Exam
5 Feb 3-7 Performance Enhancement Philosophies, Strength and Flexibility
6 Feb 10-14 Therapeutic Rehabilitation and Modalities, Review, Unit 2 Exam
7 Feb 17-21 Injury Assessment, Documentation, Begin Head and Neck Injuries
8 Feb 24-28 Head and Neck Injuries, Concussions, Lower Body Injuries
9 Mar 2-6 Lower Body Injuries, Ankle Taping, Unit 3 Exam
10 Mar 9-13 Upper Extremity Injuries, Taping the Wrist and Thumb
11 Mar 16-20 Environmental Conditions, Review, Unit 4 Exam
12 Mar 23-27 Sports Nutrition, Body Comp & Diseases, Ergogenic Aids, Review, Unit 5 Exam
13 Mar 30-Apr3 American Red Cross CPR/First Aid Certification (Counts as Unit 6 Exam)
14 Apr 6-10 SPRING BREAK
15 Apr 13-17 EOPA Review
16 Apr 20-24 EOPA Week
17 Apr 27-May1 Labs: Spineboarding and Patient Transfer, Removing Athletic Equipment
18 May 4-8 Labs: Casting
19 May 11-15 TBA
20 May 18-23 TBA

Google Classroom
Students will need to access our online classroom via the internet or a mobile device using the Google Classroom App.
To join our classroom, you will need the following code: __________. Google classroom is a great way for you to stay
informed about upcoming assignments. You will also find a link to the course syllabus, Infinite Campus parent portal,
and THINC Student Handbook.

Updated December 2023

Brittany M. Poole, MS, LAT, ATC
Classroom Expectations
1. Be active participants in their learning each day. Attitude, problem solving, initiative, and productivity are all
soft skills.
2. Be in class and on time each day. Attendance is a soft skill.
3. Keep phones put away. Attention to details and respect are soft skills.
4. Have all learning supplies each day, including the following: pen, pencil, paper, notebook, folder. Initiative
(Organization) is a soft skill.
5. Place all personal items off the desk and on the floor. Attention to details is a soft skill.
6. Remain engaged in learning with your undivided attention on the instructor. Respect and cooperation are
soft skills.
7. Clean up after yourself, and others, when necessary. Attention to detail and respect, once again, are soft
8. Work well with your assigned team using a team approach to learning. Cooperation and teamwork are soft
9. Be respectful to each other and to your instructor, as well as any guests. Once again, respect is a soft skill.
10. Professionalism is expected in the classroom and the lab. Attitude is a soft skill.
11. Check Google Classroom and Infinite Campus daily to stay informed of assignments and grades. Initiative is a
soft skill.
12. Adhere to the TCSS Dress Code and participate in Professional Dress Days. Appearance is a soft skill.

13. Submit all assignments to instructor completed and on time. 10 points will be deducted from your grade for
every day late. Sense of urgency is a soft skill.

Grading Policy
Academic dishonesty will earn the student a zero for the assignment or assessment.

Major Assignments 50%

Minor Assignments 10%
Soft Skills 30%
Total 80% of final grade

Final Exam** 20%

Total 20% of final grade

Major Assessments include assessments and projects.

Minor Assessments include classwork, homework, quizzes, etc.
Soft skills are a weekly grade based on the students performance based THINC’s Soft Skill Rubric.

**At the end of the semester, teachers will administer a final exam/project covering all standards that have been
taught during that period. The final exam/project will serve as a replacement grade for ONE major assessment, that is
a non-standardized test grade in the position where it will have the most positive impact (it can count twice). If the
grade fails to positively impact the student’s average, then the replacement grade will not be used and the exam will
only count in the final exam position.

Updated December 2023

Brittany M. Poole, MS, LAT, ATC
Absences, Tardies and Missing Work

Students are expected to attend class daily. An absence is defined as non-attendance in a regularly scheduled class -
regardless of the reason. Being absent from class results in a deduction of 20 points from the student’s soft skills
grade. Emailing me prior to the beginning of class notifying me of your absence may earn back 10 of those points.

When students return from being absent, they are expected to turn in a note to the front office within 3 days of the
absence. To earn back the additional 10 points lost, students may bring the note to me to verify that it was an excused
absence before taking it to the office. This is the student’s responsibility and I will not ask for excuses.

If a student misses more than 15 minutes of class, they are considered absent for that class period. Students are
expected to be in their seat with the necessary supplies for the day before the beginning of their block. Failure to be in
their seat ready to learn can result in a tardy for the day. A tardy will result in a 10 point soft skill deduction. 2 or more
tardies in a week will result in an office referral.

It is a student’s responsibility to gather and complete missing work upon return to school. Failure to communicate
with the instructor concerning make-up work will result in a zero for the assignment.

THINC Healthcare Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)

HOSA is our Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students interested in a career in healthcare here at
THINC College and Career Academy. Students in the healthcare pathway are encouraged to join THINC HOSA. You will
receive information regarding membership.

Follow us on Instagram: @thinchosa

Updated December 2023

Brittany M. Poole, MS, LAT, ATC

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