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11/28/23, 8:32 AM Rig Veda DQ 10:30AM: Submission Preview

The submissions for this assignment are posts in the assignment's discussion.
Below are the discussion posts for Prescilla Pascua, or you can view the full

from Rig Veda DQ 10:30AM Sep 18, 2023 9:02PM

1) The ancient people who wrote down and practiced in the rituals
of Rig Veda believed to achieve eternity in a place other than Earth,
known as Heaven, after death. One follower tested the Soma plant and
claimed to have seen this so-called Heaven, describing the experience
saying, "We have drunk the Soma; we have become immortal]; we have
gone to the light; we have found the gods. What can hatred and the malice
of a mortal do to us now, O immortal one?" (O'Flaherty 1981, 134-135).
After experiencing the effects of the Soma plant, the poet went on to tell
people that there's nothing to fear now if they participate in the ritual as it
will grant them "immortality". Other people's actions shouldn't bother them
anymore when there's a better afterlife coming for them in the end. One of
the items they value are the cows since the milk they produce is mixed in
with the Soma for the ritual. Their greatest threat and fear was the demons
known as the Panis who would steal the cows and hide them in caves.
They would also participate in horse sacrifices in hopes to, "... bring...
good cattle and good horses." (O'Flaherty 1981, 92).

3) A common theme between The Rig Veda and Hatshepsut's Expedition

to Punt is that in both cases, the leaders were seen to provide riches for
their respective communities. In the Expedition to Punt, Hatshepsut sets
out on an expedition ordered by the gods and promises to give her people
goods from the land of Punt (Hatshepsut 2006, 2). In the end, we can
interpret the Egyptians gratitude for her efforts and success in bringing
back the goods she promised. Similarly, Indra in The Rig Veda defeats
Vrtra and provides the community with cows, which are important
components for Soma (O'Flaherty 1981, 154). The people value the gift of
the Soma and continue to practice sacrificial rituals in order to maintain its
supply. 1/2
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