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Leisure Activities
What are leisure
Leisure activities are activities people participate in when
free, maybe in the evenings or weekends. Activities are taken
during free time outside the mandatory time. These are
activities taken for pleasure, relaxation, or other satisfactions,
typically after work and completion of other responsibilities.
Mostly, it is what people choose to do in their free time after
their daily chores and duties.
Benefits of Leisure
The purpose of taking part in leisure activities is to enable
an individual to escape from personal duties, worries, and
work and take a personal time to disconnect. Leisure
activities are shots of positivity, taking away the mind from
problems and routine duties. Leisure activities are often
taken for pleasure, relaxation, or growth, depending on
the individual's choice.
-Provides a sense of purpose- It also promotes self-care since an individual
has time for his well-being through self-knowledge.
-Improves mood of an individual.
-The productivity will increase- Some people believe that their productivity
will decrease and be interrupted if they take a break.
-Increases sense of empowerment and self-value.
-Provides different experiences.
-Leisure activities reduce stress and prevent depression.
-Improves physical and mental health.
Leisure Activities
Playing board games
Movie nights
Going out for drinks like coffee and shakes
Video games
Road trips
Scooba diving
Group fitness classes
Visiting museum
Examples of recreation activities are walking,
swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and
dancing. Leisure refers to the free time that people
can spend away from their everyday responsibilities
(e.g. work and domestic tasks) to rest, relax and enjoy

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