(มิวมิวติวENG) MockTestสาธุ TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ #dek67

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TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ
เวลาจะทำกี่โมงก็ทำเถอะค;ะแต;ต/องจับเวลา 60 นาทีเด/อ
(ถ/าทำเสร็จภายใน 50 นาทีได/คือปHง)


1. ข$อสอบจำลองโดยนางฟ2าจำแลงชุดนี้จัดทำขึ้นโดยยึดเนื้อหาและจำนวน
ข$อสอบจาก blueprint ของอีทปอ. (ทำลายปMญญาและอนาคต) คRะ
2. กรุณา ได$โปรด ขอร$อง แมRกราบงRามตีนเลยละคRะ ขอเถอะอยRาลืมจับ
เวลา 60 นาทีตอนทำข$อสอบทั้ง 60 ข$อนะคะ
3. ใครทำในไฟล]เสร็จแล$วอยากเช็คคะแนนให$ไปทำใน Google Form ตาม
ลิ ง ก] ใ น QR CODE นี ้ เ ลยคR ะ เดี ๋ ย วนางตรวจให$ คิ ด ซะวR า เปg น การฝน

เอกสารชุดนี้ไมRนRาจะเปgนลิขสิทธิ์ของนางฟ2าภาษาอังกฤษ (มิวมิวติวENG)
การทำซ้ำหรือดัดแปลงหรือเผยแพรRงานดังกลRาว จะไมRถูกดำเนินคดีตามกฎหมาย
โอuยยยยย จะสRงให$เพื่อน อยากให$เพื่อนได$ฝvกด$วย ก็สRงเถอะคRะลูก
sharing is caring คRะ เรามาสู$กบั อีทปอ. อีผีนี่ไปด$วยกันคRะ
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 2.

Section I: Speaking Skill (Items 1 – 30)

Part I: Question—Response (Items 1 – 10)

Directions: Choose the best response to each of the following questions.

1. Q: Have you heard the latest news about Prayut Chan-o-cha?

R: ________________________________________

1. He’s corrupt and disgusting.

2. I don’t know how to break the bad news to you.

3. Yes. I’m all ears.

4. No. What about him?

2. Q: Do you have small change?

R: ________________________________________

1. I only have a couple of 1000-baht bills.

2. It’ll cost you a fortune.

3. Hang in there. Change is going to come.

4. Small change can make a big difference.

3. Q: Why are these airfares so pricey?

R: ________________________________________

1. It doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.

2. Last-minute flights are typically more expensive.

3. Why don’t you fly low-cost airlines then?

4. I’m afraid they only accept cash here.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 3.

4. Q: How about dining out for a change?

R: ________________________________________

1. You’re going to pay. How about that!

2. Perfect. I don’t feel like cooking today.

3. That’s a piece of cake.

4. You’re the apple of my eye.

5. Q: How do you like your eggs?

R: ________________________________________

1. Sorry, I’m a vegetarian.

2. From free-range farm, please.

3. Soft boiled, please.

4. It’s perfect.

6. Q: Can I get you something to drink first?

R: ________________________________________

1. No, I don’t want to.

2. Yes, please. Thank you.

3. Never mind.

4. Tap water if fine.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 4.

7. Q: What’s something that always make you cringe?

R: ________________________________________

1. That’s embarrassing.

2. Everything he does turns me off.

3. When someone is obnoxiously loud in public.

4. When people are walking on air.

8. Q: Would you mind not interrupting all the time?

R: ________________________________________

1. Sure. I’m so sorry.

2. Not at all. Go ahead.

3. Let’s come back to that.

4. I’m not quite finished yet.

9. Q: What seems to be the problem today?

R: ________________________________________

1. Nothing, sir.

2. I’ve been having constant heartburn.

3. Your dog peed at my fence last night.

4. Problem-solving skills are necessary today.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 5.

10. Q: Can I help you with anything?

R: ________________________________________

1. I’m just browsing.

2. Let me know if you need anything.

3. This is not very affordable.

4. The price is reasonable.

Part II: Short Conversations (Items 11 – 20)

Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the following conversations.

Conversation 1

Nid: Hey! Long time no see! ____(11)____

Tim: I know, right? I’ve been buried in books and assignments. How about you?

Nid: Pretty much the same. Remember those high-school days when we used to

think a 10-page paper was the end of the world?

Tim: Oh, absolutely! Now, that feels like ____(12)____ compared to

what we face now. But hey, what about those late-night cramming sessions,

do you miss them?

Nid: Sometimes! But I don’t miss the panic before exams or the stress of

group projects, though.

Tim: ____(13)____. Oh! My friends are waiting for me over there.

I think I’ve got to go. ____(14)____ again later.

Nid: Definitely! Bye.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 6.

11. 1. Would you like to catch up?

2. Have you gone bananas?

3. How’s your new job?

4. How are things?

12. 1. a walk in the woods

2. a walk in the park

3. a walk to remember

4. a walk on thin ice

13. 1. Couldn’t agree more.

2. That’s alright.

3. I wouldn’t mind that.

4. I’m sorry to hear that.

14. 1. Let’s have a good time

2. Let’s keep in touch

3. Let’s catch up

4. Let’s take turn

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 7.

Conversation 2

Customer: Excuse me, ____(15)____. Could you tell me how to get to the cinema?

Receptionist: Absolutely! From here, ____(16)____ down this corridor, then take the first left.

You'll find the cinema on your right.

Customer: Got it, thank you so much!

Receptionist: You're welcome! ____(17)____!

15. 1. I'm a bit lost

2. I come a long way

3. I love watching films

4. I’m looking for the loo

16. 1. go right ahead

2. go straight

3. go forward

4. go through

17. 1. We’ll miss you

2. Enjoy the movie

3. Don’t forget to buy some popcorn

4. You’re very helpful

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 8.

Conversation 3

Host: Good afternoon. It’s Arabesque Restaurant. How may I help you?

Customer: Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for two for dinner tomorrow evening,

preferably in the VIP room, please.

Host: Absolutely, sir! ____(18)____. … Yes, we have space in the VIP room.

What time would you prefer?

Customer: 7:30 PM would be great.

Host: Perfect! ____(19)____?

Customer: Yes, it’s Bassem Youssef.

Host: Thank you, Mr. Youssef. Your reservation for two in the VIP room at 7:30 PM

tomorrow is confirmed.

Customer: Excellent, thank you so much!

Host: Our pleasure, Mr. Youssef. ____(20)____ tomorrow evening.

18. 1. Let me have a go

2. Let me check the availability for you

3. You’re very lucky today

4. You’ll be here in no time

19. 1. Are you sure

2. May I have your name, please

3. Are you Bassem Youssef

4. Is it your fist time here

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 9.

20. 1. Don’t forget to come

2. We look forward to seeing you

3. Please call us again

4. You’re welcome

Part III: Longer Conversations (Items 21 – 30)

Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the following conversations.

Conversation 1

Piers: Hey, have you ever thought about whether it's okay to use dating apps

when you're already seeing someone?

Antonia: Oh, ____(21)____. I guess it depends on the boundaries in the relationship.

Some might see it as harmless, while others could view it as ____(22)____.

Piers: True. I mean, if you're just chatting with people without any intentions,


Antonia: Well, it could still be seen as breaking trust. If you're committed to someone,

actively seeking connections on a dating app might signal dissatisfaction

with the current relationship.

Piers: ____(24)____. But what if it's just for fun?

Antonia: It's a slippery slope. What starts as innocent fun might lead to emotional

involvement or even crossing certain boundaries. I think communication

is key here because everyone's definition of cheating can be different.

Piers: Totally agree. If both are on the same page and comfortable with

the situation, then maybe ____(25)____.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 10.

21. 1. definitely, yes

2. I have no idea

3. that sounds exciting

4. that’s such an interesting topic

22. 1. a form of cheating

2. a friendly interaction

3. a reminder

4. a rule of law

23. 1. do you mind

2. how do you find it

3. is it really a big deal

4. don’t you agree

24. 1. Fair point

2. Exactly

3. Say no more

4. Actually

25. 1. they should not be with each other

2. they can break up easily

3. cheating is fun

4. using dating apps isn't a problem

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 11.

Conversation 2

Student 1: Hey, have you seen the new Barbie movie?

Student 2: ____(26)____ It was surprisingly good.

Student 1: Right? I thought ____(27)____, but it was pretty entertaining.

Student 2: ____(28)____ The animation was so colorful, and the storyline was cute.

Student 1: I liked how they emphasized friendship and being true to yourself.


Student 2: Absolutely. Plus, Barbie's adventures are always fun to watch.

It's a feel-good movie.

Student 1: I might watch it again sometime. ____(30)____?

Student 2: Oh, I loved the dance-off scene! It was so catchy and fun. What about you?

Student 1: Hmm, I think the feminism monolog on what it means to be a woman

really touched my soul. I literally cried.

Student 2: Yeah, that was very powerful!

26. 1. I wouldn’t say so.

2. Are you serious right now?

3. No, how was it?

4. Yeah, I watched it last weekend!

27. 1. it was very enjoyable

2. it couldn’t be better

3. it would be just for little kids

4. it was a chef kiss

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 12.

28. 1. Exactly!

2. That sounds awful.

3. What do you mean?

4. Come on!

29. 1. It's a nice message

2. Give me a break

3. Unfortunately, yes

4. I wish I could

30. 1. Do you want to come along

2. What’s your favorite song

3. Did you have a favorite part

4. How often do you dance

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 13.

Section II: Reading Skill (Items 31 – 60)

Part I: Text Completion (Items 31 – 45)

Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the following passages.

Passage 1 (Items 31 – 37)

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my genuine ____(31)____ in Greenpeace Thailand’s Plastic Audit

Volunteer Leader program. As a third-year Arts student deeply ____(32)____ to environmental

issues, I am enthusiastic about contributing my leadership skills to this crucial initiative.

My coursework in the Arts has honed my communication and organizational abilities,

____(33)____ allows me to effectively engage diverse groups toward a common goal.

Additionally, my involvement ____(34)____ the “Wasting Your Waste Is Such a Waste”

contest showcases my capacity to coordinate and lead teams.

I am inspired by the impact a Plastic Audit Volunteer Leader can make in raising ____(35)____

about waste management, ____(36)____ initiating tangible changes. I am eager to apply my

passion and skills to drive this meaningful endeavor forward.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the prospect of contributing

to your team and ____(37)____ the mission of reducing plastic waste.

Warm regards,

Chloe Runa
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 14.

31. 1. interest

2. interesting

3. interested

4. to interest

32. 1. commitment

2. committing

3. committed

4. commit

33. 1. that

2. who

3. which

4. where

34. 1. of

2. in

3. to

4. about

35. 1. understanding

2. knowledge

3. realization

4. awareness
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 15.

36. 1. apart from

2. as well as

3. furthermore

4. however

37. 1. supported

2. supporting

3. to support

4. to be supporting

Passage 2 (Items 38 – 45)

Beauty pageants, like Miss Universe and Miss Grand International—____(38)____ recent

efforts to focus more on intelligence, inner beauty and accomplishments—often maintain a

substantial emphasis on conventional beauty ideals. They set stringent beauty standards,

which emphasize ____(39)____ as criteria for success. These standards often prioritize a

narrow definition of beauty, promoting conventional ideals that can perpetuate unrealistic


Participants ____(40)____ on superficial qualities, reinforcing societal norms that prioritize

physical appearance over other qualities. This singular focus can have detrimental effects

on ____(41)____ and ____(42)____, creating unrealistic benchmarks for beauty and self-worth.
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 16.

____(43)____, there's an evolving conversation within pageantry, striving to redefine beauty

standards. Some pageants are embracing diversity by celebrating various body shapes,

ethnicities, and backgrounds. Shifting the paradigm in beauty pageants toward inclusivity

and diversity not only reflects changing societal attitudes ____(44)____ individuals to

embrace their uniqueness. This change will promote a more realistic and holistic perception

of beauty, ____(45)____ confidence and self-acceptance beyond narrow standards, for both

participants and audiences alike.

38. 1. though

2. due to

3. despite

4. in contrast

39. 1. specific attributes physical

2. attributes physical specific

3. specific physical attributes

4. physical specific attributes

40. 1. judge

2. are judged

3. have judged

4. had been judged

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 17.

41. 1. how individuals perceive themselves

2. how do individuals perceive themselves

3. how individuals themselves perceive

4. how do themselves perceive individuals

42. 1. others

2. other

3. the others

4. one another

43. 1. However

2. That is why

3. On the other hand

4. Moreover

44. 1. but also empowers

2. and empower

3. also empowers

4. as well as empower

45. 1. inspiring

2. allowing

3. enjoying

4. producing
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 18.

Part II: Reading Comprehension (Items 46 – 60)

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answers for each question.

Passage 1 (Items 46 – 50)

Dear Barbie,

(1) I would very much like to congratulate you on the incredible achievement of your

recent motion picture! Your empowering stories continue to captivate audiences and

spread positivity worldwide.

(2) I'm reaching out to seek your guidance. Recently, I discovered that my boyfriend was

unfaithful. I'm at a loss about how to navigate this situation. Your resilience in facing

challenges have always been admirable, so any advice or insights you could offer would

mean a lot to me during this difficult time.

(3) On a brighter note, I wonder if there are plans for another Barbie film on the

horizon. Your adventures inspire countless individuals, and I'm eagerly anticipating

more empowering narratives that resonate with audiences of all ages.

I appreciate any wisdom you can share and look forward to the possibility of more magical

stories from the Barbie universe.


TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 19.

46. What does Greta congratulate Barbie for in the letter?

1. Winning a contest

2. Success of a movie

3. Publishing a book

4. Starting a new business venture

47. What does the phrase “at a loss” in the second paragraph mean?

1. bored

2. frustrated

3. puzzled

4. disappointed

48. Why does Greta seek Barbie's guidance?

1. She decides to plan a vacation.

2. She wants to ask for relationship advice.

3. She needs to discuss a business opportunity.

4. She seeks career advice.

49. What is the tone of the third paragraph?

1. Indifferent

2. Curious

3. Negative

4. Critical
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 20.

50. What can be inferred from the email?

1. Greta is a child who loves dolls.

2. Greta’s boyfriend cheated on her.

3. The Barbie movie is made exclusively for young women.

4. There will definitely be a sequel to the Barbie movie.

Passage 2 (Items 51 – 55)

Dear Colleagues,

As you all know, a break-in incident occurred late Friday night last week. Fortunately, no

one was hurt and the loss was kept to minimum. Therefore, I'm writing to remind you of the

rules regarding office security and safety.

General Rules for Office Security

1. Do not leave any confidential materials or data in the fax machines, photocopiers,

or printers so that no one outside the company can access them.

2. Make sure you lock the doors, both exterior and interior, if you're the last one to

leave the building.

3. Be sure to wear your pass when entering the building. If you lose your pass, please

report it to the Human Resources immediately and apply for a replacement.

4. If unplanned after-hour access is necessary, please inform our security personnel.

5. Report any unusual activities or suspicious persons immediately.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 21.

Visitor Control and Procedures

1. All visitors should sign in and sign out at the reception and should be accompanied

by our employees. Do not let them wander around our premises.

2. Visitors do not have any access to our computers and Internet without authorization.

If you have any further questions regarding the rules, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ashley Kim

Human Resources

51. What is the purpose of the email?

1. To inform employees of a recent incident

2. To advise employees to be alert

3. To remind employees of the company’s safety measure

4. To warn against theft by visitors

52. What does an employee need to do if he/she wants to come to the office after regular

office hours?

1. Apply for a pass

2. Report to the Human Resources Department

3. Notify security personnel

4. Sign in as usual
TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 22.

53. The word "confidential" is closest in meaning to ________.

1. confident

2. private

3. published

4. archaic

54. According to the email, what happened last Friday?

1. Someone kept breaking something.

2. Something was broken by accident.

3. Someone entered the office without permission.

4. Someone was hurt.

55. What’s TRUE about the visitors?

1. They need to report to the Human Resources Department.

2. They need to be escorted by employees.

3. They can wander on their own as long as they sign in properly.

4. They can use the Internet with a special pass.

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 23.

Passage 3 (Items 55 – 60)

(1) Pandas, beloved for their iconic black and white fur, possess intriguing traits that

distinguish them in the animal kingdom. These gentle giants primarily thrive in

bamboo forests of China, exhibiting a predominantly herbivorous diet consisting

almost entirely of bamboo. Their unique "thumb," a modified wrist bone, aids in

grasping bamboo stems with incredible dexterity.

(2) Despite their endearing appearance, pandas boast surprising physical prowess. Though

primarily herbivores, their digestive system is more akin to that of a carnivore, offering

a clue to their evolutionary history. While they appear solitary, they are not entirely

antisocial and communicate through vocalizations and scent marking.

(3) Pandas are also captivating for their elusive reproductive habits. They have a short

window for mating, which makes breeding in captivity a significant challenge.

Furthermore, panda cubs are among the smallest at birth compared to their adult size,

requiring attentive care from their mothers.

(4) Conservation efforts have spotlighted these charming creatures, as they face

endangerment due to habitat loss and low reproductive rates. In spite of

their challenges, pandas' unique traits and undeniable charm continue to captivate

people worldwide, making them an enduring symbol of conservation and wildlife

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 24.

56. According to the essay, what is one way pandas communicate?

1. Through dancing rituals

2. Through complex gestures

3. Through vocalizations

4. Through camouflage

57. What is highlighted as a challenge in panda breeding according to the essay?

1. Long mating season

2. Large size of panda cubs at birth

3. Limited time for conception

4. Abundance of suitable habitats

58. What does the term "endangerment" in paragraph 4 mean?

1. Plentiful

2. Threatened with extinction

3. Protected

4. Flourishing

59. What does the phrase "their challenges" in the last paragraph refer to?

1. Pandas' dietary preferences

2. The difficulties in understanding panda behavior

3. Conservation efforts and endangerment faced by pandas

4. Pandas' physical prowess

TGAT1 การสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ 25.

60. Which of the following statements about pandas is NOT true?

1. Pandas primarily feed on bamboo in their natural habitat.

2. Pandas are solitary animals and avoid communication with other pandas.

3. Pandas possess a modified wrist bone that aids in grasping bamboo.

4. Pandas face endangerment due to low reproductive rates.

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