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Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Task 4
Install and configure the pFSense firewall VM. Configure the firewall to block
unnecessary traffic and to allow only traffic that you configure

pg. 1 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Firewall setup

Install and configure the pfSense firewall VM. Configure the firewall to block
unnecessary traffic and to allow only traffic that you configure (per policy below).
Demonstrate (Test) that the firewall is functioning as configured.
Create firewall policy to allow:
 The Kali system access to the Internet
o DNS (Port 53 TCP/UDP)
o HTTP (Port 80)
o HTTPS(Port 443)
 The Kali system access to Metasploitable
o HTTP (Port 80)
o HTTPS(Port 443)
 Block all other traffic

System Configuration:
 Asus ROG Zephyrus G15
 Windows 10 Home
 40.00 GB RAM
 AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS with Radeon Graphics at 3.30 GHz
 64-bit Operating System, x64 based processor
 1 TB SSD Hard disk drives

Steps for setting up the firewall:

Below images describes the different steps we have taken to set up the firewall

pg. 2 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Installing pfSense using the image provided in the z drive

pfSense is installed using the files provided + we have booted into it using the hard
drive so now this state can be saved.

pg. 3 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

We start by assigning interfaces to the WAN LAN and OPT1

Now that the interfaces are assigned, we configure the interfaces

pg. 4 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Configuring the first IP address which we are going to use in out Kali system to manage
the firewall

Configuring the second interface with the IP of

pg. 5 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Now moving Metasploitable on the 2nd Network

Now changing the interfaces file in Metasploitable to the 2 nd network

pg. 6 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Disabling the 2nd adapter to make sure that there are no interfaces that can go directly
to the internet and have to pass through the firewall that we create.

Configuring the gateway for the Kali system

pg. 7 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Now looking at the ifconfig to make sure the system is working as intended and the
routes are accurate.

Now when we ping the systems from each other, the Kali system is able to reach the
Metasploitable system, however, the Metasploitable system is unable to reach the Kali
system. We will now look at the firewall to see why that is happening.

pg. 8 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

We now log into the pfsense interface at

We now have the pfsense tool configured by going through the setup process.

pg. 9 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

We can now see all the admin settings for pfsense and all the different interfaces that
are connected to the firewall

pg. 10 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

First disabling the existing connections which were allowing the Kali system to access
all of the internet

Now Configuring the different types of connections that we are allowing the Kali system
to make. The above connections are setting up a DNS service and enabling 3
connections which we have specified.

pg. 11 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Now we are able to access the internet

We are also able to access the metasploitable image on

However, we are unable to ping the machine now

pg. 12 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

We update the policy to allow the Kali system to ping the Metasploitable system by
creating a new rule.

So now we can ping the Metasploitable system from the Kali system. However, we
cannot do the converse. To do that, we need to add a new rule.

pg. 13 Srujan Sharma

Principles of Cybersecurity and Warfare (CISC 661-90-O-2022)

Now we have added a rule in the firewall policy to allow the Metasploitable system to
ping the Kali System

Now we can see that both the systems are able to communicate with each other
through the firewall. This concludes project task 4.

pg. 14 Srujan Sharma

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