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1. What 2 Asian dishes are mentioned in the beginning of video?

2. What is a hot pot? How is it eaten in a restaurant?

3. When did the grilled cheese sandwich become popular in the USA? What does it mean that a sandwich is

4. In the UK, fish and chips is a popular dish. What is usually added on top of the chips before eating?

5. What are the ingredients in the Mexican quesadilla?

6. What part of Spain did the paella originate in? What are the typical ingredients in a paella?

7. What type of cheese is used in the Greek salad? What is usually poured over this salad?

8. Why is the Durian fruit, popular across Asia, banned in buses, trains and on planes?

9. The afternoon tea is a tradition in England. Between what hours is the afternoon tea typically served?
What is usually eaten?

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