Road To Grammar Quiz 2

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Topic 2 Adjective or Noun?

1 Which word is an adjective? (A) difference (B) differ (C) different

2 Which word is an adjective? (A) body (B) fitness (C) healthy

3 Which word is an adjective? (A) agreeable (B) agreement (C) agree

4 Which word is a noun? (A) confident (B) confide (C) confidence

5 Which word is a noun? (A) joy (B) happy (C) glad

6 Which word is a noun? (A) equipped (B) equipment (C) equip

7 Which word can be an adjective? (A) confused (B) confusion (C) confuse

8 Which word is a noun? (A) hopeless (B) hope (C) hopeful

9 The birth of my first child brought me great _____. (A) joy (B) happy (C) glad

10 I am very _____ that I will succeed. (A) confident (B) confidence (C) confide

11 I’m so _____ to finally meet you. (A) glad (B) joy (C) happiness

12 Which word is a noun? (A) fear (B) frightened (C) scared

13 Which word is not a noun? (A) honor (B) honest (C) honesty

14 Don’t let _____ stand in your way. (A) frightened (B) fear (C) scared

15 It is a great _____ to finally meet you. (A) honesty (B) honor (C) honorable

16 Which word is a noun? (A) late (B) actual (C) lateness

17 Which word is a noun? (A) real (B) realistic (C) reality

18 Which word is an adjective? (A) evaluation (B) valuable (C) value

19 Which word is an adjective? (A) late (B) lately (C) lateness

20 You have to wake up and face the ____________. (A) reality (B) real (C) realistic
21 These features actually add ____________ to the (A) valuable (B) evaluate (C) value

22 This piece of work looks _________. (A) familiarity (B) familiar (C) family

23 Pamela is actually a very ______________ person. (A) cooperation (B) cooperative (C) cooperate

24 Which word is NOT an adjective? (A) good- (B) sweet (C) feeling

25 The old woman had great ____________ in her eyes. (A) sadly (B) sad (C) sadness
Answer Key

1) C 2) C 3) A 4) C

5) A 6) B 7) A 8) B

9) A 10) A 11) A 12) A

13) B 14) B 15) B 16) C

17) C 18) B 19) A 20) A

21) C 22) B 23) B 24) C

25) C

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