Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Management and Gramothan

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Swami Keshvanand Institute of

Technology, Management & Gramothan

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)

A Seminar Presentation on


Submitted to: Session: 2023-24 Presented By:

Mr. Sohan Lal Gupta Harsh Kumawat

Assistant Professor 20ESKCA024

Flutter Development
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development
framework. It's backed by Google and has gained huge
popularity among developers for its amazing features and
capabilities. In this presentation, we'll explore the world of
Flutter development
Introduction to Flutter

What is Flutter? Why Choose Flutter?

Flutter is a mobile app development Flutter has various advantages such as
framework that allows you to create hot reload, custom widgets, and easy-
highly performant and visually to-learn APIs that make it an ideal
appealing apps for both Android and framework for developers. It's also
iOS platforms with a single codebase. backed by Google, which means it's a
safe bet for future development.

How does Flutter work? Who is using Flutter?

Flutter uses the Dart programming Some of the world's biggest
language, which compiles to native companies, including Alibaba, Google,
code for mobile platforms. It also and Tencent, have already adopted
provides a rich set of pre-built widgets Flutter for their app development
and toolkits that make it easy to build needs.
beautiful and responsive apps.

Write Code in Flutter Test Your App

Write code in Dart language using Flutter Flutter provides various testing tools and
framework and Dart SDK with the help of techniques, i.e., Unit, Widget, and
Editors like Visual Studio Code, Android Integration Testing for testing your app.
Studio or IntelliJ Ide.

Deploy Your App

Once your app is developed and tested,

you can deploy the app to Google Play
Store, App Store, or distribute it for both
Android and iOS platforms.

1 Dart
Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. It is easy
to learn and has features such as garbage collection and built-in packages
that make coding a breeze.

2 Flutter Framework
Flutter Framework is a software development kit developed by Google for
building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a
single codebase. It's an essential tool for every developer that makes it
easy to build scalable and beautiful apps.

3 Material Design
Material Design is a design language developed by Google for mobile and
web applications. It makes use of various UI elements such as buttons,
cards, and menus. Flutter offers pre-built widgets based on Material
Design that make it easy to build visually appealing apps.
Advantages of Flutter
1 Hot Reload

Flutter has a unique feature called Hot Reload, which

allows developers to see the changes they've made to
their code instantly. This makes the development
process faster and more efficient.

2 Flexible UI

Flutter provides pre-built widgets that make it easy to

build beautiful UIs that work natively on iOS and
Android platforms. It's also easy to customize these
widgets to match your app's branding.

3 Single Codebase

Flutter allows developers to build high-performance

apps for both iOS and Android platforms with a single
codebase. This eliminates the need for separate
development teams and reduces development costs.

4 Open Source

Flutter is an open-source platform that provides

developers with complete control over the framework. It
has an active community that contributes to its
development and maintenance.
Drawback of Flutter
Less Popular than Large App Size Debugging Issues
Other Frameworks
Flutter uses its engine Flutter's hot reload is a
Flutter is a relatively new and widgets to render its great feature, but it also
framework compared to UI, which means that the leads to some issues with
other popular frameworks app size is larger than debugging. Sometimes it
such as React Native, other native apps. can be hard to determine
which means that it has a which code is causing the
smaller community and issue.
less third-party support

Flutter is the Future of Mobile Start Developing with Flutter

App Development Today!
Flutter is an amazing framework that Whether you're an experienced developer
provides developers with a unique set of or just starting, Flutter is the perfect
features and benefits. It's easy to learn, platform to build scalable and beautiful
fast, and efficient, which means that more apps for both Android and iOS platforms.
and more developers are adopting it as So what are you waiting for? Start
their preferred mobile app development developing with Flutter today!
Future Scope

1 Desktop Support

Flutter developers have already

Fuchsia OS 2 started working on desktop
support for the framework,
Fuchsia OS is Google's upcoming
which means that in the future,
operating system that's being
developers will be able to build
built from scratch using Flutter.
desktop apps using the same
Flutter will be the primary
development tool for the
platform, which means that the
future of Flutter looks bright. 3 Machine Learning Integration

Flutter's compatibility with

TensorFlow and its hot reload
feature makes it a great
platform for building machine
learning models for mobile and
web applications.

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