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NAME ……………………………………………… NETWORK 3

DATE ……………………………………………… MODULE 2. People in action.

Section A. Ready for adventure.
approve encourage succeed refuse hide
1 Complete the sentences with these words.
1. Did your parents ____________________ you to go to Paris?
2. I don’t ____________________ of this trip. It is dangerous.
3. The boys are looking for a place to ____________________ on the island.
4. Did John really ____________________ to help you?
5. They didn’t ____________________ in climbing the mountain before dark.

2 Change the underlined words for one of search overcame organised located quit
these verbs. .
1. I planned the party.
2. They help people stop smoking.
3. They didn’t look for the treasure.
4. I found the place with the GPS on my phone.
5. I solved my problems with help from my friends.

LISTENING You’re going to listen to six people talking about what they would like to experience.

Answer the following questions.

1) Match the people to the activity they would like to experience:

Lori (from Canada) long distance cycling

Chris (from England) dog sleigh

Aki (from Japan an extensive trip to Asia

Amir (from Iran) skydiving

Helen (from Canada) cycling

Eoin (from England) parachute jumping

2) They all (except for Eoin) have one obstacle to live their experiences.
Match them to their names.
1. Lori _____ a) acrophobia

2. Chris _____ b) doesn’t like cold

3. Aki _____ c) weight problems

4. Amir _____ d) too many tourists

5. Helen _____ e) not in good shape enough

3) Who has already experienced what (s)he is dreaming of?

4) Where was it?

5) Now, where does (s)he want to go this time? (can you be precise?)

6) What special occasion is Aki waiting for to live her experience?

7) Would she like to do it alone?

8) Where does she want to go?

BONUS: what about you, what would you like to do if you could do something special?

I would like to ...

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