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28/11/2023, 18:14 ELT Concourse Delta Module One paper 1 Task 3 practice

ELT Concourse teacher training for Delta

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Area 1: Theory
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Mock examinations
M1 Revision course
Paper 1: overview
Paper 2: overview
Practice for Paper 1
Delta Module One, Paper 1, Task 3 : what
Practice for Paper 2 learners need to know (1)
Questions or Feedback
The Delta index

You will be given a section of published ELT materials and directed to some of the language features
learners would need to be able to command successfully to complete the task.
Your task is to provide three more things they need to know with examples of what you mean.
This question carries 12% of the possible marks so spend no more than 10 minutes on it.

This task for the learners is a familiar information-gap one.

Learner A is given a town-centre map with half the information missing and Learner B gets a map
with the other half missing. Between them, they have to fill in the information that is missing from
their maps. In other words, they are practising asking for and giving information about where
things are.
They are asked to imagine that they have accosted a stranger on the street to ask for information so
they have to be as polite as possible.
An example of part of what the learners have is something like:

Student A Student B

The learners will, of course, need to be able to:

1. Use simple prepositions of place, e.g., opposite, in, at etc. 1/2
28/11/2023, 18:14 ELT Concourse Delta Module One paper 1 Task 3 practice
2. Ask questions with where ...?
3. Use the copular verb be in, e.g., It is in Hope Street

Can you come up with three more things with examples that the learners will need to be able to do
ELT Concourse home to complete the task? In the examination, you only need three but think of more if you can.
Course home page Click here for a list of 12 possibilities when you have.
Area 1: Theory
1. They will need to know how to pronounce the target items, e.g., hospital as /ˈhɒ.spɪt.l̩/
Area 2: Methodology
(including the tricky syllabic /l̩/) and library as /ˈlaɪ.brər.i/ or /ˈlaɪ.bri/).
Area 3: Systems 2. They will need to be aware of politeness strategies (because they are speaking to a stranger)
Area 4: Skills and be able to use, e.g.:
Area 5: Resources Excuse me, I wonder if ... / Can you ... etc.
3. They will need to be able to introduce answers politely with, e.g., falling intonation on Yes, of
Area 6: Assessment
course, ... etc.
Mock examinations 4. They will need to be able to use polite intonation with a rising tone on questions such as
M1 Revision course Can you direct me to the shopping centre?
Paper 1: overview 5. They will need to be able to use embedded question word order as in
Paper 2: overview Can you tell me where Pleasant Place is?
rather than
Practice for Paper 1
*Can you tell me where is Pleasant Place?
Practice for Paper 2 6. They will need some awareness of the use of definite and zero articles as in, e.g., The High
Questions or Feedback Street, Ø Hope Street, the hospital, the shopping centre, Ø Pleasant Place etc.
The Delta index 7. They will, to be natural, need to use noun complements / objects in prepositional phrases so
they can produce, e.g., on the corner, opposite the school etc.
8. They will need to control the politeness modality can / could as in, e.g.
Could / Can you tell me where ...
9. They may need to use polite imperatives with the pronouns, e.g.:
You go along Hope Street and turn left at ... etc.
10. They may need to be able to express ignorance politely as in, e.g.:
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know
etc. This will be true if the materials include a 'rogue' to target this exponent.
11. They will need to be able to follow up the enquiry and response with a polite closer such as:
Thanks very much, that's helpful
12. They will need to be able to repeat and/or clarify what they hear as in, e.g.:
Ah, at the end of the square
Do I turn left or right?

You may have thought of others. You only have to find three but you must exemplify all of them (as

Paper 1 revision test index

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