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I would like to extend my since and heartfelt gratitude to my English Teacher ----------------- , who has
helped me in this endeavour and has always been very cooperative. Without his help, cooperation,
guidance and encouragement, the project could not have been what it evolved to be.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to our Principal, ---------------------- for his support, guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing me the necessary resources for the completion of this project.

At last but not the least, my gratitude to all my friends who helped me to complete this project within
the given time frame.


Class and section

Roll No.

This is to certify that Master/Miss ------------------ of class XII --- (Science /Commerce) of St John’s School,
Firozabad has completely done his/her project under my supervision. She has taken proper care and
shown utmost sincerity in the completion of English project.

I certify that this project is up to my expectations and as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

This is partial fulfillment of the requirement of English project for the session 2022-23.

Mr. George M I / Biju Joseph Rev. Fr. Vinoy P M

English (PGT) Principal

External Examiner


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