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Etapa Ensino Fundamental Língua

Anos Finais Inglesa

Can you analyze women

representation in
adverts?(Parte 2)

9° ANO
Aula 4 – 3º Bimestre
Conteúdo Objetivos

● Lexical: vocabulário ● Discutir as representações de

relacionado ao tema da gêneros em peças publicitárias;

● Apresentar a análise de peça

● Temático: recursos de publicitária, realizada na aula
persuasão usados em anterior.
peças publicitárias.
Para começar

In your opinion, how women have been represented in advertisements

over the decades?
Para começar

In your opinion, how have women been represented in advertisements

over the decades?
Personal answers.
Foca no conteúdo
In pairs read the text below:
Despite some advances, stereotypes continue to be used in
advertising, especially when related to women, reinforcing social
roles that no longer make sense.

The constant reference to women in advertisements for cleaning

products, for example, reinforces that their main role would be in
the domestic environment and would limit them to that space, as
the only person responsible for taking care of the house or their
Foca no conteúdo

In recent years, however, there has been a major change in the way
the advertising industry portrays women, with an increase in the
representation of black women, of different age groups and body
Na prática
Answer the question below:
a. According to the text, why does the constant reference to women
in advertisements for cleaning products reinforce stereotypes
related to them?

b. In your opinion, why should ads stop reinforcing stereotypes

related to genders?

c. Would you buy a product whose advertising reinforces

stereotypes related to genders?
Na prática
Answer the question below:

a. According to the text, why does the constant reference to

women in advertisements for cleaning products reinforce
stereotypes related to them?

Because they reinforce that the women’s main role would be

in the domestic environment limiting them to that space, as the
only person responsible for taking care of the house or their
Na prática
b. In your opinion, why should ads stop reinforcing stereotypes
related to genders?

Personal answers.

c. Would you buy a product whose advertising reinforces

stereotypes related to genders?

Personal answers.
Na prática
In pairs, analyze these two advertising campaigns:

Anúncio norte americano das vitaminas Anúncio norte americano dos absorventes Always, intitulado
PEP, veiculado em 1950. “ Like a girl”. O anúncio foi veiculado em 2014.
Na prática

a. In which way the first ad reinforces the stereotypes related to


b.How does the second ad break the stereotypes related to

Na prática
a. In which way does the first ad reinforce the stereotypes
related to women?
This ad shows a husband stating that his wife is more
charming when she works more, in this case when she does the
housework for him. The vitamin would make women more
willing to do these housework.

b.How does the second ad break the stereotypes related to

The second ad shows three women doing varied tasks, many
of them traditionally occupied by men. The ad reinforces the
idea that a woman can assume any role she wants.
Time for a
Presenting your group’s analysis of hands-on
Last class, in groups, you searched some
adverts that use the image of women.
You chose one of them and analyzed how the
image of women is represented.

20 min
Time for a
Now, your group must share your perceptions activity!
about it to your classmates from the other
✓ Choose the best form to present the
information to the class.
✓ You can use media or other visual resources.
✓ Decide who is going to present each topic.
✓ Write a first draft of texts you may use in
your presentation.
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Discutimos a representação de
gêneros em peças publicitárias;

● Apresentamos a análise de peça

publicitária, realizada na aula
Tarefa SP
Localizador: 97502

1. Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com

seu login:
2. Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
3. Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
4. Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
5. Clique em “Procurar”.

Slides 1, 13 e 14.
df - Data de acesso 07 de junho. 2023.

Slide 10
-pep-1950.html- Data de acesso 07 de junho. 2023. -
Data de acesso 07 de junho. 2023.

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