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Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System



Senior Lecturer, Construction Technology and Management Centre (CTMC), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia Master Student, Construction Technology and Management Centre (CTMC), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia *Corresponding Author:

Abstract: A good formwork system enables speedy completion of the concrete structure, following which other subsequent jobs can be started. However, the current approach in the selection of formwork systems regularly cannot be specified even though it is crucial in assuring an optimal and consistent result. The aim of this paper is to highlight factors in selection of formwork system. It is crucial to identify the selection factors to support the sustainable construction and indirectly response to sustainable development. The selection factors have been listed by intensive reviewing of several references, such as journals, articles, and previous study on formwork system. The questionnaire method is being used in collecting the data. There are about 34 related respondents have been approached at several locations in Johor Bharu, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The analysis of data is being done by using Likert Scales. Data validation study is also being conducted in order to endorse the significance factors in the proposed list of selection factors. Project nature and budget have been selected as the most effective factors in selecting formwork system. Majority of respondents said that formwork systems do not require high skills in the design, manufacture, install and monitor the progress of construction projects

Keyword: selection of formwork system; sustainability

1.0 Introduction

Formwork represents a significant part of the cost of concrete structure construction. Most subsequent jobs including internal finishing and external cladding depend on the completion of the building structure. A suitable formwork system is thus crucial for maintaining the smooth flow of the various jobs and a proper working sequence of various work activities. Typically, the selection of formwork system is made by a senior member of the contractors organization. The decision is heavily based on that individuals experience. This experience may limit the selection of a system to one that is not optimum.

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

Building and construction activities worldwide consume 3 billion tons of raw materials each year or 40 per cent of total global use (Roodman and Lenssen, 1995).In order to sustain raw materials depletion, using green building materials and products for the formwork system promotes conservation of declining non-renewable resources internationally. In addition, integrating green building materials into formwork system can help reduce the environmental impacts associated with the extraction, transport, processing, fabrication, installation, reuse, recycling, and disposal of these formwork source materials.

The sustainability elements have to be considered nowadays in selecting the type of formwork is crucial in such manner to support the sustainable construction. Sustainable construction is an agenda to response to more effective solutions by considering recycle, reuse and reduce the usage of raw construction material. Therefore it is crucial to identify the elements of sustainability that should be incorporated in construction processes or system. The most system that cannot be avoided in construction is formwork system that helps to form and cast the shape of the designed concrete. The sustainability elements have to be considered in selecting the type of formwork system. It is crucial in such manner to support the sustainable construction. Therefore, accounts on level of responsive of each element are a must when considering the type of formwork system.

2.0 Research methodology

This research applied three stages in obtaining data needed. The first stage is preliminary stage whereas the research problem being identified through study and understand the relation between sustainable and formwork system. In this stage, a list of sustainability elements in construction development is being listed. This has been done by reviewing several references, such as journals, articles, and previous study on sustainability elements. The related information and data extracted from these references are being simplified into table of major sustainability concept. From identified elements of sustainability of IBS formworks, the sustainability elements of those systems have been described as the crucial elements to be taken into account on the future construction.

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

The second stage of this research is the data collection using questionnaire method. There are about 34 related respondents have been approached at several locations in Johor Bharu, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. For this stage, the analysis of data is being done by using Likert Scales, in which being ranked for those elements of interest are as follows:

Strongly disagree Disagree Moderate Agree Strongly agree

=1 =2 =3 =4 =5

For this research, the software being used to analyse data received from questionnaires are Microsoft Excel 2007 and Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS version 13.0). The average index is calculated based on the equation as follows;

Where, = =

constant expressing the weight given to i the frequency of the response for i = 1,2,3,4, and illustrated as follows: 1= 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = frequency of extremely not important response and corresponding to1 frequency of the not important response and corresponding to 2 frequency of the moderately important response and corresponding to 3 frequency of the very important response and corresponding to 4 frequency of the extremely important response and corresponding to 5

The final stage, which is the third stage of this research, is data evaluation. In this stage, the result from the findings being evaluated in details and several conclusions were being made. The researcher has come out with several recommendations to enhance the quality of the future research.

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System


Research Methodology Flowchart

STAGE 1: PRELIMINARY STUDY Identify Research Problem

Identifying the research

Literature review

Types Class Innovation Formwork system Sustainability

Construction Development Green building

Define inter-relation between formwork system and sustainability Identifying preliminary elements of sustainability in formwork system STAGE 2: DATA COLLECTION

Data Collection [Questionnaires]

Data Validation & Screening

Data Analysis






Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

3.0 Results and Discussions

Factors of Selection Project nature and budget Formwork system availability Installation method Ease the construction Fast track construction process Material use in formwork system Formwork safety and risk assessment Effects on environment and local community Provide site safety to all parties Form durable structure in the construction Needs low maintenance, thus provide less cost. Need low skill requirement

Mean 4.21 4.00 3.94 3.94 3.88 3.76 3.68 3.62 3.56 3.15 3.09 2.74

Rating Scale very effective very effective very effective very effective very effective very effective very effective very effective very effective moderately effective moderately effective moderately effective

Figure 1(a): Selection Factors of Formwork System

Need low skill requirement Needs low maintenance, thus provide Form durable structure in the construction Provide site safety to all parties Effects on environment and local Formwork safety and risk assessment Material use in formwork system Fast track the construction process Ease the construction Installation method Formwork system availability Project nature and budget 0 1 2

2.74 3.09 3.15 3.56 3.62 3.68 3.76 3.88 3.94 3.94 4 4.21 3 4 5

Figure 1(b): Comparison Graph for Selection Factors of Formwork System

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

As refer to Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b), almost 75% (9 over 12) of factors listed have been chosen to have more than average level of 3.50. The most selected factor as the most effective factor of selection is project nature and budget (average score 4.21), while the lowest score of 2.74 (Formwork system need low skill requirement) being put as the most ineffective factor.

Project nature and budget have been selected as the most effective factors in selecting formwork system. This factor can be divided into two, namely the nature of the project budget and project itself. Project budget means a budget that was held in a project to govern the financial and levels of specific components involved in the construction. For example, project management must determine how much money should be invested. This is because the formwork systems are sometimes different from conventional projects. Furthermore, the formwork systems should meet the design of the site and they need to be modified. Thus, the modification of the formwork system criteria means the cash flow also has to be manipulated.

Construction projects sometimes require a different type of formwork and the nature of the project itself. As for example, the constructions of terraced houses are different to the construction of skyscrapers that give priority to the architecture. Terraced houses under construction, formwork systems used are often repetitive and similar in size and design. however, the artistic aspects of the construction of skyscrapers formwork system sometimes requires a different and unique to get the desired shape, such as the architectural drawings.

Meanwhile, there are 3 factors have being selected below the average level of 3.50 which been categorized as moderately effective selection factors. These factors are inclusive of formwork system need low skill requirement, formwork system form durable structure in the construction and formwork system need low maintenance therefore providing less cost for the whole construction.

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

Majority of respondents said that formwork systems do not require high skills in the design, manufacture, install and monitor the progress of construction projects. This is probably because most of the formwork systems, (not including permanent formwork system) are being used for a while and not one of the components as structural beams and columns. This causes the formwork system does not require the attention of experts in the construction aspects as mentioned earlier.

On average, only 3.15, which are below the average level of 3.50 of the respondents, stated that the formwork system factors contributing to the production of durable structures in construction. This is because the effect of the formwork system is only slightly lower than the properties of the concrete, reinforcement and other factors that are directly involved.

An average of 3:09 of the respondents stated that the formwork system only requires little maintenance contribute to the reduction in construction costs. This is because most of the formwork system used today is made of steel which is less affected by climate change, human error and other factors as well as reduce maintenance costs because of less damage. In contrast to conventional formwork system that comes from natural sources such as timber. These resources are easily damaged by climate change, etc., as well as increased spending for new formwork system.

4.0 Conclusion

As far as the above concern of questionnaire findings, most of the favourable selection factors of formwork system are basically common selection factors which have been practiced in construction area. Based on the discussion of the findings above, this study found that respondent choose the factor of existence of formwork system will ease the construction as it is used as supportive structure in making different parts of building like beams, columns and walls. They also agreed that formwork system will help to accelerate the construction work schedule. In the meantime, the formwork system will provide site safety to all parties involved in construction by preventing harmful material like concrete

Factors Influence The Selection of Formwork System

mixture and imperfect structure from being collapsed to the ground or in the worst case scenario; get down over personnel surround. The properties of material used as formwork system also being put into their consideration in selecting formwork system. The method of installation like precast or in-situ formwork is being among the major factor in selection of formwork system. Meanwhile, the effects to the environment and local community are also being emphasized by construction personnel in selecting the best formwork system. It is crucial to reduce the effect on environment by using green or proper material which has less toxic. Hazardous formwork system will affect human health and also contaminate water source. Finally, as the world of construction is a part of a business, the factor of project nature and budget is the most chosen factors among others is selecting wise formwork system. Hence, the developer especially contractor are carefully will make proper budget inclusive of selection of formwork system to prevent loss of money, manpower and time which become among important keys in construction progress.

5.0 Acknowledgment

The authors would like to thank the consultants and contractors involved for cooperation and support in providing data for the study.


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