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Patient Detail : Registration Location: Reference: Patient Number:

Mr Usman Anwar GRW:Chughtai Medical Centre GRW Standard. 725201-22-200146438

Age/Sex : Registration Date: Consultant: Case Number:
27 (Y) / M 17-Aug-2022 18:05 DR NOREEN SHAHID 725262-17-08

Semen for Analysis Reporting Time: 17-Aug-2022 21:52

Note: Sample Taken at the Lab

I. Key Parameters:
II. Motility Detailed Parameters:
Parameter: Result: Reference Range of WHO 5th:
Total Motility: 96 %
Duration Of Abstinece: 07 Days
Progressive (PR): 88 % %

Electronically verified report. No signature required. Lab reports should be interpreted by a physician in correlation with clinical and radiologic findings.
Colour: Pale Yellow Greyish white to pale yellow
- Rapid (VAP ≥ 25μm/s): 57 %
Liquefaction Time: 30 ~ 60 ≤ 60 min.
- Slow (5μm/s ≤ VAP < 25μm/s): 31 %
Consistency: Normal
Non-Progressive (NP) : 8 %
Volume: 2.0 mL ≥ 1.5 mL
Immotility (IM) : 4 %
pH: > 8.0 ≥ 7.2
LIN (Mean) 53 %
Concentration: 111.8 M/mL ≥ 15 M/mL
STR (Mean) 71 %
Total Sperm No: 223.60 M ≥ 39M
WOB (Mean) 70 %
Total Motility: 96 % ≥ 40%
VAP (Mean) 27.6 μm/s
Progressive Motility: 88 % ≥ 32%
VSL (Mean) 22.0 μm/s
Normal Morphology: 5% ≥ 4%
VCL (Mean) 37.4 μm/s
III. Morphology Detailed Parameters: ALH (Mean) 2.5 μm
Normal Morphology: 5% BCF (Mean) 5.8 Hz
Assessed Parameter: Mean: Abnormal Ratio:

Head Length: 5.0 μm 51 %

Head Width: 3.4 μm 47 %

Head Perimeter: 12.8 μm 35 %

Head Area: 13.0 μm² 40 %

Tail Length: 19.2 μm 23 %

IV. Remarks:

Dr. Javaid Tanveer Butt

Consultant Pathologist

Dr. Qamar Sultana Dr. Irim Iftikhar Prof Waheed UZ Tariq Dr. Omar Chughtai Dr. A . S. Chughtai
M.B.B.S., M.Phil M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S. M.B.B.S., PhD. DpBact M.B.B.S., M.D., F.C.A.P. M.B.B.S., M.I.A.C., M.Phil.
Consultant Microbiologist Consultant Microbiologist F.C.P.S, F.R.C.Path, F.R.C.P.EConsultant Diplomate American Board of Anatomic F.C.P.S., F.C.P.P.Consultant Pathologist
Virologist and Clinical Pathology

03111456789 07 Jail Road Lahore

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