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Teacher Observation 1

Teacher Observation

Lucia I. Gonzalez

California State University, Chico

EDTE 265

David Teja

October 12, 2023

Teacher Observation 2


The teacher begins sitting with a group of students. She asks students to review the

objective and uses inquiry to encourage students to use academic language. After she ensures

that all students in the table group share an understanding of the steps taken in the activity by

having them take turns explaining each step. In order to keep students engaged it is apparent that

she is using a curious tone while asking questions and an encouraging tone while providing

positive feedback. She then continues to make her way around the room and stops to sit with the

next group of students where she asks questions about the results of the experiment. Once the

students give their answers she repeats what the students state back to them and uses clarifying

questions to get students to demonstrate their understanding of why and how the activity works.

At the same table, she asks the students who haven’t spoken much for their observations and has

students review their number sentences. After providing some words of encouragement she

points out her own observation for the students to consider and finishes the line of questioning

before moving on to the next group. She once again asks for observations and repeats the

responses in order to encourage students to use academic language. This line of reasoning is

continued in all the groups which ensures all students share the same general knowledge as well

as make their own individual connections. In the next group, she again asks for observations and

repeats them back. In this group, she gives them real-world examples to consider and attentively

listens to the students reasoning again providing positive feedback to encourage curiosity for the

students. In the last group, it is no surprise that equal treatment is given and they are asked for

their observations as well. The teacher repeats back responses in a curious tone before asking

questions that further the line of reasoning started by the students. Once the students elaborate a

little more she responds with positive feedback and encourages the use of diagrams based on
Teacher Observation 3

what she spotted on a student's paper and suggests adding labels so the concepts could be

understood by someone with no prior knowledge. The pattern used by the teacher in this case

ensures each student has a part and is able to explain their part in a way that makes sense to them

as well as using academic language related to the concept. There also seems to be a point system

for students who may struggle to pay attention. In the first group a point is given for paying close

attention and another point is given in the last group for sitting still during the activity.
Teacher Observation 4


Atlas. Investigating Absorption of Soils [Video]. Retrieved October 11, 2023, from

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