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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

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Fish trace fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Puebla, Mexico

Rubén A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa a, *, María del Rosario Fernández-Barajas b,
Nelson A. Valdes-Vergara c, Erick Prado-Escamilla b
Unidad Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Calzada Solidaridad, esq. Paseo de la Bufa S/N, Campus II, C.P. 98060, Zacatecas,
Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Tierra y Paleontología, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, C.P. 54090, Tlalnepantla de
Baz, Estado de Mexico, Mexico
Posgrado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM. Coyoacán, Ciudad Universitaria, Cto. Exterior S/N Coyoacán, 04510, CDMX, Mexico


Keywords: A great amount of studies dealing with vertebrate paleoichnology, are based on footprints made by terrestrial
San Juan Raya formation vertebrates; studies on fish paleoichnology, however, are less common, in spite that fish behaviour has the
Osculichnus tepitsin potential to leave different types of bioerosion and/or bioturbation structures. Recent fieldwork on southeastern
Daandavichnus batoideum
Puebla (Central Mexico), has yielded two Lower Cretaceous fish trace fossils, from the sedimentary sequence of
fish paleoichnology
the San Juan Raya Formation (upper Valanginian to lower Hauterivian). Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov., is repre­
sented by small epichnial traces, lenticular in outline, with two elongate lip-like lobes, separated by a M-shaped
elongate furrow. The lower jaw lobe is thick, and nearly subrectangular; the upper jaw lobe bears a ventral
convex projection of the medial portion; two short, sub-triangular, maxillary barbel impressions are preserved.
Osculichnus tepitsin ichnosp. nov., is a benthic feeder fish trace fossil that represents, to date, the smallest ich­
nospecies of the ichnogenus Osculichnus; it is the first time that this ichnogenus is reported from Mexico, from the
American Continent, and from Lower Cretaceous rocks anywhere in the world. Daandavichnus batoideum ich­
nogen. and ichnosp. nov., is a trace fossil circumscribed within a small, sub-circular to trapezoid, outline; the
anterior area bears a deep impression with a M-shaped external boundary; the posterior area, preserves two
circular depressions, with smooth borders; Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., is interpreted
as the impression of the distal part of the jaw apparatus of a small-sized member of Batoidea, originated during
the symmetrical protrusion, while feeding in the benthos. Together with the ichnogenera Piscichnus and Oscu­
lichnus, Daandavichnus becomes the third ichnogenus that represents a fish feeding trace fossil, in this case a small
member of Batoidea. The close assoaciation of these new trace fossils, together with invertebrate traces such as
Skolithos and Helminthoidichnites; as well as xiphosuran feeding traces (Selenichnites), give insights into the well
stablished trophic relationships of one of the Lower Cretaceous ecosystems, represented within the sedimentary
sequence of the San Juan Raya Formation in southern Puebla, Mexico.

1. Introduction both fresh and marine waters and at a variety of depths (Muñiz et al.,
2015). There is a great amount of papers dealing with modern fish
Most studies dealing with vertebrate paleoichnology, are based on ichnology; these reports include the families Acipenseridae, Cen­
footprints made by amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals (e.g., trarchidae, Cepolidae, Cichlidae, Gasterosteidae, Gobiidae, Mala­
Lockley and Hunt, 1995). Studies on fish paleoichnology, however, are canthidae, Oxudercinae, Petromyzontidae, Sparidae, Tetraodontidae,
less common; in spite that fish behaviour, has the potential to leave Trachinidae, Protopteridae and members of Batoidea as well (Pearson
different types of bioerosion and/or bioturbation structures on a given et al., 2007; Muñiz et al., 2015 and citations therein; Falkingham and
substrate (Muñiz et al., 2015). Horner, 2016).
Through feeding, hunting, walking and/or burrowing, modern fishes However, the amazing diversity of extant fish traces is not reflected
produce several types of epi- or endogenic bioturbation structures in in the fossil record (Muñiz et al., 2015). Some of the first reported

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa).
Received 14 December 2020; Received in revised form 29 August 2021; Accepted 30 August 2021
Available online 4 September 2021
0895-9811/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the tracksite, bearing the fish trace fossils (asterisk), south to Santa Ana Teloxtoc, in southeastern Puebla, central Mexico. 1 to 5, are
different localities bearing vertebrate tracks and traces.

ichnofossils related to a fish origin, were natural casts of burrows from Broomichnium Kuhn, 1958, is a small, bilaterally symmetrical trace,
the Permian of Texas, these were attributed to aestivation activity of attributed to small demersal fishes, such as the members of Cottoidei
Paleozoic lungfishes, and have been attributed to the genus Gnathorhiza (Benner et al., 2008).
(Romer and Olson, 1954; Carlson, 1968; Dalquest, 1968; Olson and The two other ichnogenera, Piscichnus and Osculichnus, are attributed
Bolles, 1975; Berman, 1976; McAllister, 1988; Dalquest et al., 1989). to feeding activity of fishes. In the case of Piscichnus Feibel, 1987, its
Among ichnofossils related to fish feeding, several coprolites, with a emended diagnosis describes it, as a steep-sided, cylindrical or plug-like
conspicuous morphology, have been related to a fish origin (Hunt et al., to shallow, circular, dish-shaped structure of moderate to large size
2015); for example, complex spiral coprolites have been related to oriented concave upward, more or less vertical to bedding (Gregory,
hybodontid sharks, such as Hybodus (Coy, 1995), or Lonchidion and 1991). Although originally interpreted as a nesting trace (Feibel, 1987);
Pristrisodus (Rakshit et al., 2018). Other amphipolar spiral coprolites it is actually considered as a feeding structure of rays jetting water
have been related to fishes such as Asipenceriformes and possibly sar­ (Gregory et al., 1979; Gregory, 1991; Uchman et al., 2018).
copterygians (Rummy et al., 2021). Přikryl et al. (2012) reported gut The ichnogenus Osculichnus was described by Demírcan and Uchman
contents, or cololites, from the Lower Jurassic actinopterygian fish (2010) as hypichnial, bilobate mounds, generally elliptical or crescentic
Pachycormus; these cololites and pre-coprolites, contained numerous in outline, having a smaller and a larger, lip-like lobe separated by an
hooklets attributed to the coleoid cephalopod Phragmoteuthis (Přikryl undulate furrow (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010). Osculichnus is regarded
et al., 2012). as the impression of the anterior part of a fish mouth (Demírcan and
An extraoidrinary find, is that of complex radial structures, that have Uchman, 2010; Szrek et al., 2016).
been interpreted as evidence of possible courtship behaviour in a To date, four previous reports of the ichnogenus Osculichnus have
Devonian fish; these structures are, morphologically, similar to the been made, these include the two known ichnospecies. Osculichnus
courtship structures constructed by male Japanese pufferfishes (Zong labialis, from the Eocene-Oligocene of Turkey (Demírcan and Uchman,
and Gong, 2018). 2010, 2016); Szrek et al. (2016), reported Osculichnus tarnowskae, from
The diversity of trace fossils attributed to fishes is low and only five the Lower Devonian of Poland (Szrek et al., 2016). The ichnogenus, was
ichnogenera have been described to date: Undichna, Parundichna, also reported from Upper Devonian rocks near Wuhan, China (Fan et al.,
Broomichnium, Piscichnus and Osculichnus (Gregory et al., 1979; Feibel, 2019).
1987; Gregory, 1991; Simon et al., 2003; Minter and Braddy, 2006; In recent times, the ichnogenus Osculichnus was found on a sandstone
Benner et al., 2008; Demírcan and Uchman, 2010; Muñiz et al., 2015; block from the Lastres Formation, of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) age,
Szrek et al., 2016). in Spain (Piñuela-Suárez pers. com., 2020).
Undichna Anderson, 1976, it is the most commmon trace attributed An ichnofossil, similar to Osculichnus, was reported by Pieńkowski
to swimming fishes; comprises fossils with a single horizontal wave, or (1985), from Early Jurassic rocks in Poland; although these were not
set of horizontal waves (paired and parallel, or unpaired) of common refferred to a particular ichnogenera, the author recognized a fish origin
wavelength and direction of travel (Minter and Braddy, 2006; Muñiz for these impressions (Pieńkowski, 1985).
et al., 2015). Recently, Poropat et al. (2021) reported fish feeding traces from the
Parundichna Simon et al., 2003, consists of swimming traces, in Upper Cretaceous Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia; these
which undulation of scratches is induced by an active gait of paired fins were attributed to a lungfish and to an unknown actinopterygian
with protruding fin rays; these traces have been attributed to coelacanth (Poropat et al., 2021).
fishes (Simon et al., 2003). Recent fieldwork conducted near Santa Ana Teloxtoc, Tehuacan

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

Fig. 2. Trace fossils of Osculichnus tepitsin ichnospecies nov.; A, STA-BAP-2, fine-grained sandstone slab bearing O. tepitsin traces, some indicated with black ar­
rowheads; B, CP.UAZ-015, slab preserving O. tepitsin traces (black arrowheads), together with xiphosuran traces attributed to Selenichnites (Sel); C, CP.UAZ-015, O.
tepitsin epichnial trace, note the typical lenticular outline; D, STA-BAP-3, epichnial trace with silicone cast, note the two lobes typical of the ichnogenus; E, silicone
cast of holotype STA-BAP-3, note the ventral convex projection of the medial portion of the upper jaw lobe (ujl, also seen in d and f), as well as one of the short, sub-
triangular, maxillary barbel impressions (arrow), lower jaw lobe (ljl); F, STA-BAP-3, silicone cast. Coin diameter is 23.0 mm; scale bars equal 50 mm in b, and 10 mm
in c-f.

Municipality, in southern Puebla, Mexico, has revealed Lower Creta­ 2. Geological setting
ceous outcrops, of the San Juan Raya Formation, that preserve the tracks
and trackways of invertebrates, such as xiphosurans; and vertebrates, The sediments of the San Juan Raya Formation, oucrop in the
such as turtles, crocodilians, pterosaurs and dinosaurs; fish trace fossils Zapotitlán Basin, southern part of the state of Puebla, central Mexico
are present as well. (Fig. 1). Its rich, and diverse, fossil fauna has been studied since the XIX
In this paper, we report two fish feeding fossil traces. One of these Century; Among the fossils found in this Lower Cretaceous sedimentary
represents the third ichnospecies of the ichnogenus Osculichnus. It is the sequence are corals, gastropods, cephalopods, pelecypods, brachiopods,
first time that the ichnogenus Osculichnus is reported from the American echinoderms and arthropods (Nyst and Galeotti, 1840; D’Orbigny, 1850;
Continent and from Lower Cretaceous age rocks. The second feeding Desor, 1850; Coquand, 1869; Müllerried, 1933; Alencáster de Cserna,
trace is herein interpreted as a batoid feeding trace. To report these trace 1956; Reyeros, 1963; Buitrón, 1970; González-Arreola, 1974; Buitrón
fossils, as well as its paleoecological implications are the main purposes and Barceló-Duarte, 1980; Feldmann et al., 1995; Escalante-Ruiz, 2006;
of this paper. Escalante-Ruiz and Quiroz-Barroso, 2006; Mora-Almazán and
Quiroz-Barroso, 2006; Löser, 2006; Mora-Almazán, 2008;

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

Fig. 3. Size range and morphological differences between Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov. (A), Osculichnus labialis (B, Demícran and Uchman, 2010); Osculichnus cf.
labialis (C, Demícran and Uchman, 2016); Osculichnus tarnowskae (D, Szrek et al., 2016); Osculichnus from China (E, Fan et al., 2019); fish traces reported by
Pieńkowski (1985; F). In the case of A, C, D and E, the gray drawing depicts the maximum size, while the darker drawing represents the minimum size. In the case of
Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov. (A), note the maxillary barbel impressions (arrows), the ventral convex projection of the medial portion of the upper jaw lobe (ujl) and
the lower jaw lobe (ljl).

Mendoza-Rosales, 2010; González-León et al., 2014, 2015). (Mendoza-Rosales, 2010). The middle part consists of marls, claystones,
The sedimentary sequence of the San Juan Raya Formation, it is argillaceous limestones, sandstones and limestones; while the upper part
composed of an alternated sequence of sandstones, shales, limestones, is composed of a rhythmical alternace of marls, argillaceous limestones
limolites and conglomerates. Sandstones are frequently found with and intercalated fossiliferous limestones lenses (Mendoza-Rosales,
Ophiomorpha, Thalassinodides, Skolithos, Psilonichnus and Macanopsis 2010).
bioturbation structures; dinosaur tracks are knwon as well (Mendo­ According to Mendoza-Rosales (2010), the lower member is upper
za-Rosales, 2010; Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al., 2012; González-León Barremian in age; while the middle and upper parts of the San Juan Raya
et al., 2014, 2015; Serrano-Brañas and Centeno-García, 2014). Formation, are assigned to a lower Aptian age (Mendoza-Rosales, 2010).
The San Juan Raya Formation is divided into three members. The However, it is probable, that part of the formation is older in age;
lower member is known as Agua del Burro; it is composed of thin to González-León et al. (2015) and Vega et al. (2019), suggest an age,
massive layers of limestones bearing rudists, pelecipods, corals and bi­ rangging from upper Valanginian to lower Hauterivian; this, based on
valves; these layers are interbedded with sandstone and shale the presence of calcareous nannoplankton, in a sedimentary sequence

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

with fossils of the lobster Atherfieldastacus magnus and the isopod epichnial traces, in association with those of invertebrates, such as
Natatolana sp. Skolithos and Helminthoidichnites; as well as xiphosuran feeding traces,
Due to predominance of the fossils above mentioned, the San Juan similar to Selenichnites (Fig. 2b). This trace fossil bears a density, over the
Raya Formation was thought to be marine in origin for several years substrate, of 8.2 traces per dm2 (5, minimum to 11, maximum).
(Feldmann et al., 1995; Mendoza-Rosales, 2010; González-León et al., These are lenticular to oval in outline; 0.6–11.3 mm in width, and
2014, 2015). However, the finding of dinosaur tracks near the towns of 2.2–4.5 mm in height (Fig. 2c). Some traces, preserve a small elongate
San Martín Atexcal (Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al., 2012; Bravo-Cuevas and ridge in their middle portion (Fig. 2d); in other specimens, this ridge is
Rodríguez-de la Rosa, 2014) and near San Juan Raya (Bravo-Cuevas and poorly preserved or undistinguishable.
Rodríguez-de la Rosa, 2014; Jiménez-Hidalgo et al., 2015), permited to The ridge subdivides the trace into two areas, that are better
appreciate that, indeed, this sedimentary sequence preserves a great appreciated at the silicone casts; these areas, or lip-like lobes lobes, are
diversity of paleoenvironmental conditions. elongate and narrow, separated by an elongate furrow (Fig. 2d). In
This sedimentary sequence bears a thickness of 800–900 m (Bar­ vertical cross-section, most impressions are V-shaped to U-shaped; these
celó-Duarte, 1978); in spite of the presence of fossil vertebrate tracks penetrate sediment 2.8–4.2 mm deep.
and traces in many outcrops, not the whole sequence represents shallow, The elongate furrow, in the middle portion of the epichnial impres­
coastal environments; toward the medial and the uppermost portion, it sions, is M-shaped, in horizontal outline; it is possible to appreciate that
is possible to find storm deposits and reef limestone lenses, it is evidence both lobes are symmetric in shape; however, in some cases, one of the
of the relative curve of the sea level (Mendoza-Rosales, 2010; lobes is slightly larger than the other (Fig. 2E, F). The upper jaw lobe,
Serrano-Brañas and Centeno-García, 2014). bears a thicker medial portion and a ventral convex projection (Fig. 2E,
The ichnofossils, here described, were found near the small town of F). Two small sub-triangular structures are preserved laterally to the
Santa Ana Teloxtoc; at this area, the San Juan Raya Formation consists medial portion of the upper jaw lobe, these are likely to represent short
of gray/bluish-gray and greenish-gray calcareous mudstone, interca­ maxillary barbel impressions (Fig. 2E). Lower jaw lobe is thick, with
lated with gray calcareous fossiliferous siltstone that ranges in thickness fusiform lateral projections, that connect the lateral projections of the
from 10 to 40 cm, and gray calcareous fine to medium-grained sand­ upper jaw lobe.
stone, from 10 cm to 2 m in thickness. Sandstone forms both planar and The morphological details of these epichnial traces varies from well
heterolithic stratification (Serrano-Brañas and Centeno-García, 2014). preserved to specimens with absent furrow and lobes; in this way, the
The San Juan Raya Formation unconformably underlies the Cipiapa impressions are seen as lenticular in outline, with a smooth inner
Formation, at the Santana Teloxtoc area (Serrano-Brañas and Cen­ surface.
teno-García, 2014). The great abundance of fossils, as well as their di­ Remarks. The trace fossil, here reported, fits the general features of
versity, has allowed the San Juan Raya Formation to be recognized the ichnogenus Osculichnus, in having a lenticular to oval in outline, with
worldwide; however, this sedimentary sequence, still need a thorough a smaller and a larger, lip-like lobes, separated by an undulate furrow
study regarding its tectonic and sedimentary history. (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010, 2016); thus, it is refferred to that ich­
nogenus; however, as mentioned below, shows features that support its
3. Material and method inclusion into a new ichnospecies (Fig. 3).
In 2010, Demírcan and Uchman, reported Osculichnus labialis from
The sandstone layer, bearing the traces, was entirely collected, due to Eocene-Oligocene sediments of the Mezardere Formation in the Thrace
the fact that it represented a small outcrop, in risk, because its location Basin, near Malkara, Turkey. Its mean width and height, are 37 mm and
within the creek. Some silicone casts were made, to appreciate the 28.5 mm, respectively (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010).
traces. Slabs, as well as the silicone casts, are housed in the Paleonto­ Posteriorly, Demircan and Uchman (2016), reported Osculichnus
logical Collection of the Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Tierra y Paleon­ from the prodelta deposits of the Mezardere Formation, outcropping at
tología, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, Universidad Nacional the Gökçeada Island, western Turkey (Demircan and Uchman, 2016).
Autónoma de Mexico, under the catalogue numbers STA-BAP-1 to STA- This trace is 7–17 mm in width, and 7–16 mm in height. Although of a
BAP-5. Two additional slabs are housed in the Paleontological Collection smaller size, the reported traces did share the same morphological fea­
of the Unidad Académica de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma tures with Osculichnus labialis, and has been refferred to as Osculichnus cf.
de Zacatecas, under the catalogue numbers CP.UAZ-015, CP.UAZ-016. labialis by the authors (Demircan and Uchman, 2016).
Measurements were taken with the use of a digital vernier calliper. Szrek et al. (2016) reported Osculichnus tarnowskae, from the Lower
Devonian of Poland; its width ranges from 40 to 83 mm, while its height
4. Systematic ichnology from 39 to 77 mm; it is to date, the largest Osculichnus ichnospecies
(Szrek et al., 2016, Fig. 3).
Ichnogenus Osculichnus Demírcan and Uchman, 2010. Osculichnus was reported from Upper Devonian rocks of Wutong
Type ichnospecies: Osculichnus labialis Demírcan and Uchman Formation, near Wuhan, China (Fan et al., 2019). Its width ranges from
(2010). 23.5 to 59.3 mm, while its height from 17.9 to 69.4 mm.
Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov. (Fig. 2). An ichnofossil, similar to Osculichnus, was reported by Pieńkowski
Derivation of name: From the Nahuatl word, tepitsin, meanning (1985: pl. 2G); from Early Jurassic rocks of the Holy Cross Mountains, in
“tiny”, in reference to the small size of this fish feeding trace. Poland; although these were not refferred to a particular ichnogenera,
Diagnosis: Trace fossils lenticular in outline, wth two elongate lip- the author recognized a fish origin for these impressions (Pieńkowski,
like lobes, separated by a M-shaped elongate furrow; these differ from 1985); the size of these traces are ca. 10 mm in width and 0.75 mm in
the known Osculichnus ichnospecies in having an elongate, nearly sub­ height.
rectangular, lower jaw lobe, with fusiform lateral ends; upper jaw lobe As mentioned above, the ichnogenus Osculichnus has been found in
with a ventral convex projection in its medial portion; presence of two rocks of the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Lastres Formation in Spain
short, sub-triangular, maxillary barbel impressions. (Piñuela-Suárez pers. com., 2020). The overall morphology and size of
Holotype: STA-BAP-3, slab and associate silicone cast, catalogued this finding, recalls those of Osculichnus labialis, from Turkey (Demírcan
under the same number (Fig. 2e). and Uchman, 2010).
Material: Five, medium-to fine-grained greyish sandstone slabs were The homgeneous size of the fossil traces, here described, in addition
collected and numbered STA-BAP-1 to STA-BAP-5; CP.UAZ-015, CP. to their density, suggest a single, small, tracemaker. As seen before,
UAZ-016. other Osculichnus occurrences show a wide range of sizes, suggesting
Description. The trace fossils, here described, are preserved as small to large individuals (Demircan and Uchman, 2016; Fan et al.,

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

Fig. 4. Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov.; A, STA-BAP-2.4, holotype preserved as an epichnial trace, the anterior and posterior areas are shown
above and below the photograph, respectively; B, silicone cast of STA-BAP-2.4; C, STA-BAP-2.7; D-F, morphological variants of Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen.
and ichnosp. nov. (D, STA-BAP-1.1; E, STA-BAP-2.6; F, STA-BAP-2.5). Note, in A-C, the anterior M-shaped external border, the two posterior circular depressions, as
well as the striations, forming an arch, preserved between these circular depressions. Scale bars equal 20 mm.

2019). resemblance to”. Making refference to the general similarity of the mouth
The ichnogenus Osculichnus shows a notable morphological varia­ structure of some members of Batoidea, during symmetrical protrusion
tion, suggesting different fish trace-makers. Morphology ranges from the while feeding.
typical lip-like traces of Osculichnus labialis (Demírcan and Uchman, Diagnosis: Trace fossil, circumscribed within a sub-circular to trap­
2010) to the rather “square” mouth of Osculichnus tarnowskae, attributed ezoid outline; the anterior area preserves a curved impression with a M-
to a lungfish (Szrek et al., 2016). Other Osculichnus traces show lip-like shaped external boundary; posterior area preserves two circular de­
lobes of rather equal size and shape, such as those reported by Demircan pressions with smooth borders, occasionally connected by striations
and Uchman (2016) and Fan et al. (2019). forming an arch.
Among the features that supports Osculichnus tepitsin as a new ich­ Holotype: STA-BAP-2.4; it is an epichnial impression on slab STA-
nospecies, are the thick, nearly subrectangular, lower jaw lobe; the BAP-2; its silicone cast is catalogued under the same number (Fig. 4a
ventral convex projection of the medial portion of the upper jaw lobe; and b).
and the two short, sub-triangular, maxillary barbel impressions. Material: STA-BAP-1.1 to 1.3, STA-BAP-2.4 to 2.8.
The lenticular outline, observed in Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov., is Description. This trace fossil is circumscribed within a faint, sub-
quite similar to that observed in the ichnogenus Lockeia, a bibalve circular to trapezoid, outline, 30 mm in anteroposterior length and 25
resting trace (Schlirf et al., 2001). However, a notable difference mm in lateral width (Fig. 4a–f). Two components are observed, anterior
regarding the diagnostic features of Lockeia, is the presence of a distinct and posterior, of the same trace fossil. The anterior area preserves a deep
central median ridge, or crest, on its hypichnial mounds (Radley et al., impression, with a M-shaped external boundary (Fig. 4a–d); another
1998; Schlirf et al., 2001; Paranjape et al., 2013). This crest, or ridge, is variant, preserves two lateral impressions, lenticular in outline, and
unexistant in Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov.; instead of this, a M-shaped connected by a faint U-shaped to V-shaped groove, resulting in the M-
elongate furrow is present, corresponding to the space between dorsal shape external boundary, as mentioned above (Fig. 4c). This M-shaped
and ventral lobes of the fish mouth. structure is 21.3 mm in mean width, and 11 mm in mean height. The
Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov., is herein interpreted as a benthic feeder posterior area of this trace fossil, preserves two circular depressions,
fish trace fossil, that represents the first time that this ichnogenus is with smooth borders; these depressions are 3.7 mm in mean diameter
reported from Mexico, from America and from Lower Cretaceous rocks (Fig. 4c). These are separated by a mean length of 8.1 mm. In some cases,
anywhere in the world. some striations are preserved, forming an arch and connecting these
Daandavichnus ichnogenus nov. Rodríguez-de la Rosa. circular depressions (Fig. 4a, c). Some variants of this trace are known
Diagnosis: As for the ichnospecies. from the same rock layer (Fig. 4d–f). This trace fossil is herein inter­
Derivation of name: From “da′ an davi”, the self-denomination of the preted, as the impression of the distal portion of the jaw apparatus of a
Mixteco language, the regional native language in the area; plus “ich­ benthic feeder organism, during jaw protrusion.
nos”, latinised Greek “ikhnos”, meanning trace. Also, the generic name Remarks. Feeding on benthic versus pelagic prey presents different
honors Daniel and David, Rodríguez-Robles (sons of the first author). challenges for predators; in this way, some benthic feeders evolved
Daandavichnus batoideum ichnospecies nov. Rodríguez-de la Rosa buccal specializations, such as jaw protrusion (Hernandez and Staab,
(Fig. 4). 2015).
Derivation of name: In refference to the suborder Batoidea; and Jaw protrusion is an adaptation for feeding that evolved within
“oideum”, from Latin -oides -oid + -eum, neuter of -eus -eous, “in several actinopterygian lineages (Hernandez and Staab, 2015); also, it is

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

an adaptation that evolved within members of Batoidea (Gregory, 1904; particular ichnogenera, the author recognized a fish origin for these
Dean and Motta, 2004; Huber et al., 2019). Batoid elasmobranchs trace fossils (Pieńkowski, 1985).
exhibit the greatest degree of jaw kinesis among the cartilaginous fishes, The size of the ichnogenus Osculichnus ranges from small to large
due to the possession of an euhyostylic jaw suspension; during prey (Fig. 3). To date, Osculichnus tarnowskae represents the largest ichno­
capture, can protrude the jaws symmetrically and/or asymmetrically species (Szrek et al., 2016). Osculichnus tepitsin ichnosp. nov., fit the size
(Gregory, 1904; Dean and Motta, 2004; Huber et al., 2019). of the smallest specimens of Osculichnus cf. labialis reported by Demircan
The distal end of palatoquadrates and Meckel’s cartilage, together and Uchman (2016; Fig. 3); however, the trace fossils, here described,
with the labial cartilages of batoids, have a morphology capable of are morphologically different.
leaving traces during the symmetrical protrusion of the jaw apparatus Among the features of Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov., the presence of a
(e.g., narcinoid batoids; Dean and Motta, 2004: Fig. 11; Huber et al., pair of short maxillary barbels is notable. Some Osculichnus labialis traces
2019). also preserve barbel impressions; however, these differ in being larger
Batoids, such as myliobatids, leave feeding structures by jetting and rounded in shape (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010: figs. 3A and 4G).
water (Gregory, 1991; Gregory et al., 1979; Howard et al., 1977; Uch­ Barbels are an essential sensory organ, for the food-seeking ability, of
man et al., 2018). These trace fossils are known as Piscichnus Feibel, some actinopterygian fishes (e.g., Siluriformes, Perciformes, Stomii­
1987; these are characterized by being dish-shaped structures, of mod­ formes and/or Cypriniformes); thus, it is possible to find them preserved
erate (25–30 cm in diameter; Gregory et al., 1979) to large size (135 cm in association to these type of ichnofossils; its presence has been
in diameter; Feibel, 1987). The general features of Piscichnus, clearly demostrated, as well, by neoichnological experimental work (Demírcan
differ from those observed in Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and and Uchman, 2010).
ichnosp. nov. An interesting observation is, that the number and size of barbels
As described by Pearson et al. (2007), the traces left by modern varies among the different groups of fishes, and that barbels are strik­
sturgeons comprise a crescent-shaped impression (snout) and a ingly correlated with fish eye size. For example, large-eyed forms, live in
plug-shaped excavation (mouth). In the case of Daandavichnus batoideum relatively clear water and have one pair of short barbels; while super­
ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., the trace fossils are composed by the im­ numerary, long barbels, develop as an adaptation to silty streams in
pressions of two parts of the same structure, in this case the fish mouth. compensation for reduced vision (Moore, 1950; Davis and Miller, 1967).
Under this point of view, any comparison with the sturgeon traces is Poropat et al. (2021), reported fossil feeding fish traces from the Late
ruled out. Cretaceous Winton Formation, in Queensland, Australia. An isolated
As mentioned above, Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and ich­ trace fossil, shows similarities with the feeding traces of extant stur­
nosp. nov., is herein interpreted as the impression of the distal part of the geons; while, a second type has been related to a lungfish origin (Pearson
jaw apparatus of a benthic feeder organism; in this case a small-sized et al., 2007; Poropat et al., 2021).
member of Batoidea; it was originated during the symmetrical protru­ Modern sturgeon feeding traces preserve curved impressions, that
sion of the jaw apparatus, while feeding in the benthos; probably, represent the traces of barbels (Pearson et al., 2007: fig. 2). Although not
looking for preys, such as the Skolithos and Helminthoidichnites trace- mentioned, some impressions, associated to the fish trace fossils from
makers. Winton Formation, seem to represent barbel impressions (Poropat et al.,
2021: fig. 31C, and probably fig. 31B); it is interesting to note that, if
5. Discussion these represent barbels, it is in accordance with a reduced vision field
(Moore, 1950; Davis and Miller, 1967); in this case, caused by the bio­
As previously mentioned, the studies dealing with fish traces, are less turbation of turtles, crocodiles and dinosaurus (Poropat et al., 2021).
common; in spite that fish behaviour, have the potential to leave In the case of Osculichnus tepitsin isp. nov., the evidence of a potential
different types of bioerosion and/or bioturbation structures on a given trace maker is scarce; to date, an isolated and partial skeleton of a small
substrate (Muñiz et al., 2015). The amazing diversity of extant fish fish, of an unknown affinity, has been recovered from rocks of the San
traces is not reflected in the fossil record, and only five ichnogenera Juan Raya Formation; however, no detailed study has been done with
attributed to fish behavior have been described to date (Gregory et al., this evidence.
1979; Feibel, 1987; Gregory, 1991; Simon et al., 2003; Minter and Osculichnus tepitsin ichnosp. nov., is a benthic feeder fish trace, that
Braddy, 2006; Benner et al., 2008; Demírcan and Uchman, 2010; Muñiz represents to date the smallest ichnospecies of the ichnogenus Oscu­
et al., 2015 and citations therein; Szrek et al., 2016). lichnus; also, as previously mentioned, it is the first time that this ich­
Undichna Anderson, 1976, Parundichna Simon et al., 2003 and nogenus is reported from Mexico, from the American Continent, and
Broomichnium Kuhn, 1958, are traces attributed to swimming fishes from Lower Cretaceous rocks anywhere in the world.
(Simon et al., 2003; Minter and Braddy, 2006; Benner et al., 2008; Muñiz Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov., is herein
et al., 2015). The two other ichnogenera, Piscichnus Feibel, 1987 and interpreted as the impression of the distal part of the mouth, of a small-
Osculichnus Demírcan and Uchman, 2010, are traces attributed to the sized member of Batoidea; it was originated during the symmetrical
feeding activity of fishes (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010; Szrek et al., protrusion of the jaw apparatus, while feeding in the benthos; probably,
2016). looking for preys, such as the Skolithos and Helminthoidichnites trace-
In the case of Piscichnus Feibel, 1987; this trace has been interpreted makers.
as a feeding structure of rays jetting water (Gregory et al., 1979; Greg­ To date, osteological remains of batoids are unexistant in the sedi­
ory, 1991; Uchman et al., 2018), while Osculichnus Demírcan and Uch­ mentary sequence of the San Juan Raya Formation; however, relativelly
man, 2010, is regarded as the impression of the anterior part of a fish recent findings, indicate their presence; in this case, the trace of a large
mouth, while feeding on invertebrates (Demírcan and Uchman, 2010; batoid is known from a nearby site (Valdés-Vergara et al., 2016). It has
Szrek et al., 2016). been interpreted as the trace left by a batoid, walking with the anterior
The ichnogenus Osculichnus has been previously reported from the lobes of its pelvic fins (Valdés-Vergara et al., 2016). Also, some copro­
Eocene-Oligocene of Turkey (Osculichnus labialis Demírcan and Uchman, lites wtih a spiral morphology, frequently refferred to batoids, have been
2010; Demircan and Uchman, 2016); the Lower Devonian of Poland found in a stratigraphic level close to that of the trace previously
(Osculichnus tarnowskae Szrek et al., 2016) and Upper Devonian of China mentioned.
(Fan et al., 2019); in recent times, Osculichnus was found in the Late The finding of the guitarfish Tlalocbatos applegatei (Brito et al., 2019)
Jurassic of Spain (Piñuela-Suárez pers. com., 2020). in the Early Cretaceous (Upper Albian) sedimentary sequence of the
Pieńkowski (1985) reported an ichnofossil, similar to Osculichnus Tlayúa Formation of Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, is noteworthy by two
from Early Jurassic of Poland; although these were not refferred to a different situations, explained below.

R.A. Rodríguez-de la Rosa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103547

Fig. 5. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Osculichnus tepitsin-Daandavichnus batoideum association, at the San Juan Raya Formation in southern Puebla,
Mexico. The scene shows small fishes as the producers of Osculichnus tepitsin ichnosp. nov., a small batoid as the producer of Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. and
ichnosp. nov.; both preying on invertebrates, such as the Skolithos and Helminthoidichnites tracemakers. A xiphosurid, making Selenichnites traces, is also present in the
central portion of the image.

Although of a different age, theTlayúa Formation, outcrops close to Declaration of competing interest
the geographic area, where the San Juan Raya Formation outcrops. It is
interesting to note, that Feldmann et al. (1998) described the marine The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
isopod Archaeoniscus from the sediments of the Upper Albian Tlayúa interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Formation; this marine isopod, has been reported as well, from the the work reported in this paper.
Valanginian-Hauterivian San Juan Raya Formation (Vega et al., 2019).
As mentioned by Vega et al. (2019), the presence of Archaeoniscus offers Acknowledgements
an opportunity to study its presence in the same region, through time
(Vega et al., 2019). Authors thank all persons from the Museo Histórico, Cultural y
Tlalocbatos represents a small individual, with a total length esti­ Paleontológico (HICUPA), at Santa Ana Teloxtoc, Puebla, for allowing us
mated in 22.5 cm (Brito et al., 2019). Among small forms, such as Tla­ to work on their community. Authors want to thank to Alfred Uchman
locbatos, could be the trace-maker of Daandavichnus batoideum ichnogen. (Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University) and Ricardo
and ichnosp. nov. N. Melchor (Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina), for their
Together with Piscichnus Feibel, 1987 and Osculichnus Demírcan and kind review and great improvement to the original manuscript. RARR
Uchman, 2010, Daandavichnus becomes the third ichnogenus that rep­ thanks to the proyect UAZ-2019-37852.
resents a fish feeding trace, in this case a small member of Batoidea.
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