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Vesna is a beautiful goddess of youth and

spring. Her hair is styled with flowers and in her

left hand she holds flowers. Her face has a
youthful rosy glow to it. She is kind to all
around her. Vesna heals nature after the harsh
wintertime. With that, she heals the hearts of
people making them good and respectful to
others. Her arrival brings warm weather, fertile
lands, green fields, and pretty flowers. Her
symbols are songbirds, eggs, bells, birch and
willow trees, flowers such as dandelions.
Dezbog is a god that, in the literal
translation of the name means giving God. He is
the god of the sun, nature, weather and fertility.
He is very generous. His father is Svarog, who
is the god of the sky. Dezbogs first wife was
Morana, and their breakup symbolized the end
of winter. He is shown as an old wise man with
a long flowing beard.
Jarilo is the god of war, the sun and feriliy.
He is very brave, shown in paintings as a knight
riding a white horse. He also held a gold plated
shield. It’s said that he fought for justice. His
color is the color red because he is linked with
the planet Mars. Jarilo is also linked with the
Aries zodiac sign. He is the symbol for
goodness. Lada is his wife. He is celebrated at
the start of summer. If you wanted fertile crops
for the following year, you would make a doll
out of straw and throw it in the water.
Mokoš is the goddess of protection. She
protects woman and children. Her symbols are
the spindle, horsetail linden, flax, and St. John's
wort. The spindle because she is the goddess
that controls people’s fate. Because of this, she
and her followers are linked with the practice of
witchcraft. Her day of worship is Friday. On that
day women aren’t allowed to do anything. If a
woman does something on a Friday, she will be
punished by Mokoš.
Koljada is the son of Dazbog. He is part
spirit part god. Most known for being the sprit
of winter. He would show up every winter
solstice. On the other hand, his brother would
show up every summer solstice. He is very
knowledgeable. He used his smarts for good,
teaching other people about the stars and
planets. Like his father, he is generous he gave
the people a book about the stars.

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