Valeric Acid Glyceride Esters in Feed Promote Broiler Performa - 2018 - Poultry

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Valeric acid glyceride esters in feed promote broiler performance and reduce

the incidence of necrotic enteritis

Lonneke Onrust,∗,1 Karolien Van Driessche,∗ Richard Ducatelle,∗ Koen Schwarzer,†

Freddy Haesebrouck,∗ and Filip Van Immerseel∗

Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University,
Salisburylaan 133, B-9820, Merelbeke, Belgium; and † Perstorp BV, Industrieweg 8, NL-5165NH, Waspik, The

ABSTRACT Valeric acid is a C5 fatty acid, naturally the villus height/crypt depth ratio in the jejunum
produced in low concentrations by specific members of was significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05), and the crypt
the microbiota of the lower intestinal tract. Effects of depth was significantly decreased at 28 d. In a third
valeric acid on intestinal health have been poorly in- trial, immunohistochemistry showed that the density
vestigated. Valeric acid derivatives can be produced as of glucagon-like peptide-2 immunoreactive cells in je-
glyceride esters and added to broiler feed. In the cur- junal and ileal villi from broilers supplemented with
rent study, experiments were carried out to evaluate GVA (5 g/kg) was significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05)
the effect of valeric acid glycerides (GVA) on growth on d 10. In a necrotic enteritis challenge model, a sig-
performance, on the morphology of the small intesti- nificant reduction of the number of birds with necrotic
nal mucosa and on protection against necrotic enteri- lesions was found at d 21, using in-feed supplementa-
tis. In a first feeding trial, Ross-308 chicks were ran- tion of low and high regimen of GVA. These data show
domly divided into 2 dietary treatment groups and that GVA supplementation to broiler feed can decrease
fed either a non-supplemented diet or a diet supple- the feed conversion, positively affect the morphology
mented with GVA (1.5 g/kg). In the GVA supple- of the small intestinal mucosa, increase the density
mented group, the feed conversion ratio was signifi- of glucagon-like peptide-2 producing enteroendocrine
cantly decreased during the entire trial period (D1–37). cells, and reduce the incidence of necrotic enteritis,
In a second trial, gut wall morphology was evalu- making GVA a valuable candidate feed additive for
ated. In broilers fed a GVA-containing diet at 5 g/kg, broilers.
Key words: valeric acid, broiler, necrotic enteritis, intestinal health
2018 Poultry Science 97:2303–2311

INTRODUCTION in the intestinal tract (Teirlynck et al., 2011). In recent

years, major research efforts have focused on the
Intestinal health is a major issue in broiler produc- development of alternative feed additives to replace the
tion, especially since the ban on antibiotic growth growth promoting antibiotics for maintaining eubiosis
promoters in animal feed in the European Union in the intestinal tract of broilers (Huyghebaert et al.,
on January 1, 2006 (EC Regulation No. 1831/2003; 2011). The goal is to support the growth of beneficial microbes and/or to provide the host with microbe- or
uri=OJ:L:2003:268:0029:0043:EN:PDF). Without the feed-derived signaling molecules that support intestinal
growth promoters and with ever-increasing levels of health. Tools available to reinforce the beneficial
feed intake, broilers tend to develop an unfavorable microbes include probiotics and prebiotics leading to
intestinal microbiota composition, commonly known as the production of metabolites that are sensed by the
dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis. In general terms, dysbiosis host as favorable (Kim et al., 2011; Rahimi et al.,
can be defined as a loss of richness and evenness of the 2011; Tellez et al., 2012; Han et al., 2013). Among
microbiota composition, resulting in dominance of a the microbe- and feed-derived signaling molecules,
limited number of species, some of which can be strong a lot of attention has been paid to intestinal health
triggers of inflammation (Chan et al., 2013). Dysbiosis promoting effects of microbe-derived short-chain fatty
in chickens indeed has been linked with inflammation acids (SCFA) and plant-derived medium-chain fatty
acids (MCFA). The SCFA with documented beneficial

C 2018 Poultry Science Association Inc.
effects are propionic (C3) and butyric acid (C4),
Received August 10, 2017. which are added to the feed mostly in a fat coated
Corresponding author: form or as glyceride esters, in order to promote a


gradual release of the acids along the intestinal tract Table 1. Nutrient composition of the diet of the first
(Fernandez-Rubio et al., 2009; Namkung et al., 2011; feeding trial, evaluating the effects of valeric acid glyc-
eride esters on performance.
Khan and Iqbal, 2016). The MCFA include caproic
(C6), caprylic (C8), capric (C10), and lauric (C12) Nutrient (%) Starter, Grower, Finisher,
acid. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil constitute d 1–11 d 21–31 d 32–37
rich sources of MCFA. MCFA also have documented ME (kcal/kg) 2,800 2,925 3,000
beneficial effects on intestinal health (Dierick et al., Crude protein 21.0 19.5 18.0
2004; Bertevello et al., 2012; Zentek et al., 2012). Lysine 1.17 1.06 0.98
Methionine + Cysteine 0.85 0.80 0.74
Valeric acid is a C5 fatty acid which is sometimes Methionine 0.57 0.54 0.50
classified with the SCFA and other times with the Threonine 0.72 0.69 0.65
MCFA (Høverstad et al., 1984). It is naturally present Tryptophan 0.21 0.18 0.16
Calcium 0.80 0.65 0.50
in the lower intestinal tract, albeit at an approximately Phosphorus 0.38 0.33 0.30
5 times lower concentration than butyric acid. It is pro-
duced by certain members of the intestinal microbiota,
mostly those belonging to the Oscillibacter genus (Lino BV, Waspik, The Netherlands). The ester composition
et al., 2007). As valeric acid in the intestine is of mi- consisted of 45% monovalerin (26% VA), 24% divalerin
crobial origin, it may be more appropriate to classify it (18.8% VA), 3.2% trivalerin (2.9% VA) and glycerol.
with the SCFA, which are all of microbial origin. Unlike
the other SCFA, however, very little is known about
the effects of valeric acid on intestinal health and on Experimental Procedures
health in general. Nevertheless, there are indirect in- The procedures for temperature, light, and feed
dications from epidemiological observational studies in schedule were the same for each conducted experiment.
humans suggesting that valeric acid might beneficially Temperature for broilers was maintained during the tri-
support intestinal health (Mondot et al., 2011; Cai als according to the recommendations in the breeder’s
et al., 2016). Indeed, the valeric acid-producing Oscil- manual, and light schedule was set to 18 h light and 6 h
libacter valericigenes is found to be more abundant in darkness from d 7 onwards. Until d 6, 1 h darkness per
the stools of healthy people as compared to the stools d was applied. Birds were allowed ad libitum access to
of patients with Crohn’s disease (Mondot et al., 2011). feed and water.
Moreover, valeric acid is found together with propionic
acid and butyric acid in significantly higher concentra-
tions in the stools of healthy centenarians compared Effects of Valeric Acid Glyceride Esters on
to elderly people (Cai et al., 2016). Conversely, Oscil- Performance
libacter spp. are associated with diet-induced obesity
in mice (Lam et al., 2012), suggesting that valeric acid Experimental Design and Diet A completely ran-
might promote energy harvest in the intestinal tract. domized design was used with 2 dietary treatment
This can be of benefit for food-producing animals. To groups. GVA were included as feed additive for one
the best of our knowledge, no feeding trials using va- group, and the other group was a control group with-
leric acid or any of its derivatives have been carried out feed additives. Both treatment groups were repli-
out in any animal species. Therefore, the aim of the cated 8 times. Inclusion level of the GVA was 1.5 g/kg
present study was to investigate the effects of valeric in a commercial broiler feed formula (Quartes, Deinze,
acid glyceride esters on intestinal health in broilers. Five Belgium). Analyzed nutrient composition is given in
different experiments, focusing on different aspects of Table 1.
intestinal health, were carried out with different con- Animals and Experimental Procedures A total of
centrations of GVA. One study was a trial in which per- 640 day-of-hatch Ross 308 broiler chickens were ran-
formance was measured over the whole rearing period, domly divided in 16 pens, 8 pens of 43 female birds and
while 2 trials, using higher dosages of GVA, were carried 8 pens of 37 male birds. Each pen had a surface of 2.45
out to study gut wall morphology and structure. Two m2 with a solid floor covered with wood shavings.
necrotic enteritis trials were carried out with multiple On d 1, 11, 32, and 39, all broilers and feed were
dose regimens. weighed per pen to calculate the weight gain and feed
conversion ratio (FCR).


Effects of Valeric Acid Glyceride Esters on
Feed Additive Gut Health Parameters
Because of the rapid absorption of SCFAs in the in- Experimental Design and Diet A completely ran-
testinal tract, valeric acid was supplied as a glyceride domized design was used with 2 dietary treatment
(Small 1991; Roy et al., 2006). In the in vivo studies groups. One treatment group received GVA (5 g/kg)
a composition of esters derived from glycerol and va- as feed additive, and the other treatment group
leric acid (GVA) was used as feed additive (Perstorp received no feed additive. Both treatment groups were
Table 2. Nutrient composition of the diet of 2 feeding trials, with a temperature increase of 6◦ C per min. The carrier
evaluating the effects of valeric acid glyceride esters on gut health gas was nitrogen, and the temperature of the injector
and detector were 100 and 220◦ C respectively.
Nutrient (%) Starter Day 1–10 Grower Day 11–28 In the second experiment, the method previously de-
scribed by Monir et al. (2014) was used for immuno-
Crude protein 21.0 18.0
Crude fat 6.0 4.8 histochemical staining of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-
Crude ash 5.5 5.5 2-immunoreactive cells in the small intestine of the
Crude fiber 3.0 3.2 chicken. The formalin-fixed intestinal segments of je-
Lysine 1.17 0.97
Methionine 0.52 0.45 junum and ileum were dehydrated in xylene, embed-
Calcium 0.85 0.85 ded in paraffin, and 4 μm tissue sections were pre-
Phosphorus 0.58 0.53 pared. Paraffin was removed, and the samples were re-
Sodium 0.15 0.15
hydrated. After incubation with 0.5% antigen retrieval
agent, the horseradish peroxidase-labeled streptavidin-
replicated 3 times. A commercial broiler feed formula biotin method was used (Sigma-Aldrich, Overijse, Bel-
(Versele-Laga, Deinze, Belgium) was used, of which the gium). The samples were incubated with 10% normal
analyzed nutrient composition is given in Table 2. goat serum (Invitrogen, Merelbeke, Belgium) for 20 min
Animals and Experimental Procedures In a first before 24 h incubation with rabbit anti-human-GLP-
experiment, 24 day-of-hatch male Ross 308 broiler 2-serum (Abcam, Cambridge, UK). Visualization was
chicks were randomly assigned to one of the 2 dietary done with 0.05% 3,3-d-aminobenzidine in Tris-HCL
treatment groups of 12 birds each. Each pen had a sur- buffer (pH 7.6) and Mayer’s hematoxylin. The area
face of 1.44 m2 and had a solid floor covered with wood of the mucosal layer was measured, and the GLP-2-
shavings. At 28 d of age, birds were euthanized by an immunoreactive cells were counted within the area,
intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital (Natrium using a light microscope with Leica LAS software
Pentobarbital 20%, Kela Veterinaria, Sint-Niklaas, (Leica Microsystems, Diegem, Belgium). The average
Belgium). Standardized segments of jejunum were col- of 10 areas of at least 10 mm2 in both jejunum
lected and fixed in 4% formaldehyde. Intestinal contents and ileum per animal was used for calculation of
of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon and both ceca were the cell number per area of the mucosal layer
collected and stored at –20◦ C. (cell/mm2 ).
In a second experiment, for analysis of GLP-2-
immunoreactive cells, 24 day-of-hatch male Ross 308
broiler chicks were randomly assigned to one of the 2 Protection Against Necrotic Enteritis
dietary treatment groups of 12 birds each, and eutha- Challenge by Valeric Acid Glycerides
nized at 10 d of age. All other experimental procedures
were the same as those in the first experiment. Stan- Clostridium Strain and Culture Conditions C.
dardized segments of jejunum and ileum were collected perfringens strain 56 is a netB-positive toxin type A
and fixed in 4% formaldehyde. strain isolated from the intestine of a broiler chicken
Samples Processing and Analyses In the first ex- with necrotic enteritis lesions. This strain has been
periment, the formalin-fixed intestinal segments were shown to have the capacity to induce necrotic enteri-
dehydrated in xylene, embedded in paraffin, and 4 μm tis lesions in previous in vivo trials (Gholamiandehko-
tissue sections were prepared. The sections were stained rdi et al., 2007; Timbermont et al., 2009). Bacteria
with hematoxylin and eosin. Villus height and crypt were grown in Brain Heart Infusion broth (Oxoid, Bas-
depth were measured using a light microscope with ingstoke, UK) at 37◦ C in anaerobic conditions (84% N2 ,
Leica LAS software (Leica Microsystems, Diegem, 8% CO2 and 5% H2 ).
Belgium). The average of 10 measurements per segment Vaccines The commercial IBD vaccines Poulvac
per animal was calculated. Bursa Plus (Zoetis Belgium S.A., Louvain, Belgium)
The method previously described by De Weirdt et al. and Nobilis Gumboro D78 (MSD Animal Health, Brus-
(2010) was used in the first experiment to quantify the sels, Belgium) were used. Also, 2 anticoccidial vaccines
amounts of butyric, propionic, acetic, and valeric acid in were used, i.e., Paracox-5TM (MSD Animal Health,
intestinal contents of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, Brussels, Belgium) containing oocysts from precocious
and cecum. In short, SCFAs were extracted from the lines of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima (2 lines),
samples using diethyl ether. Methyl hexanoic acid was Eimeria mitis, and Eimeria tenella, and Hipracox (Lab-
added as an internal standard. The extracts were ana- oratorios Hipra, Amer, Spain) containing oocysts from
lyzed using a GC-2014 gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, precocious lines of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria max-
‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands), equipped with a ima, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria praecox, and Eimeria
capillary fatty acid-free EC-1000 Econo-Cap column tenella.
(dimensions: 25 mm × 0.53 mm, film thickness 1.2 mM; Experimental Design and Diet In a first trial, 108
Alltech, Laarne, Belgium), a flame ionization detector day-of-hatch male Ross 308 broiler chicks were divided
and a split injector. The injection volume was 1 mL, in 4 pens of 27 chickens each, assigned to 4 differ-
and the temperature profile was set from 110 to 160◦ C, ent treatment groups. Dietary treatment groups were a

positive control (no feed additive, and challenged with Medicine, Ghent University (EC 2013/25 and EC
C. perfringens), a negative control (no feed additive 2015/60).
and no challenge with C. perfringens), a group receiv-
ing feed containing GVA at higher concentrations (5.0,
2.5, 2.0 g/kg in resp. week 1, 2, 3) and challenged with Statistical Analysis
C. perfringens and a group receiving GVA at lower con-
centrations (2.5, 2.0, 1.5 g/kg in resp. week 1, 2, 3) and Statistical analysis was carried out with InVivoStat
challenged with C. perfringens. (Cambridge, UK), a statistical software package which
In a second trial, 243 day-old male Ross 308 broiler uses R as its statistics engine (Clark et al., 2012).
chicks were divided in 9 pens of 27 chickens each, as- Model assumptions were checked by visual inspection
signed to 3 different treatment groups. Each dietary of the residuals. Differences of the mean between di-
treatment was replicated 3 times. Dietary treatment etary treatment groups were analyzed with each pen
groups were a positive control (no feed additive), and a as experimental unit. The differences were considered
group receiving a diet containing GVA at 1.5 g/kg and statistically significant at P ≤ 0.05.
a group receiving GVA at 0.5 g/kg. SCFA data, villus height and crypt depth measure-
All birds were given a wheat- and rye-based (43% + ments, and density of GLP-2-immunoreactive cells were
7.5%) diet with soybean meal as main protein source for assessed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) us-
the first 16 d. From d 17 onwards, soybean meal was ing the following model: Yij = μ + τi + εij , where
replaced with fish meal as main protein source (30%) Yij represents the jth replicate (j is 1 – 12) fed the ith
as described by Gholamiandehkordi et al. (2007) treatment (i = control or GVA). μ is the overall mean
Experimental Procedures Day-of-hatch Ross 308 response, τ i is the ith treatment effect, and εij is the
broilers were obtained from a local hatchery and ran- random error associated with the jth replicate fed the
domly divided in pens of 1.44 m2 . There were 27 birds ith treatment.
in each treatment group. The pens had solid walls and Performance data, a 2 by 2 factorial design, were first
a solid floor covered with wood shavings. The exper- analyzed using a 2-way ANOVA to evaluate whether
imental procedures were as described previously by there was an interaction present between treatment
Gholamiandehkordi et al. 2007, with some modifica- and gender. The following model was used: Yij k =
tions. At d 4 Poulvac Bursa Plus and at d 9 Nobilis μ + τi + βj + γij + εij , where Yijk represents the kth
Gumboro D78 were given by oral gavage. The birds were replicate (k is 1 – 8) fed the ith treatment (i = control
orally inoculated with a 10-fold dose of 2 different coc- or GVA) to the jth gender (j = male or female). μ is
cidiosis vaccines at d 14 (Hipracox) and d 16 (Paracox- the overall mean response, τ i is the ith treatment ef-
5). At d 18, 19, and 20, all birds (except for the nega- fect, βj is the jth fixed effect of gender, and γij is the
tive control group) were challenged by oral gavage with interaction effect between the treatment and gender.
1 mL bacterial culture containing approximately 4 × For the data with interaction, a one-way ANOVA was
108 cfu of C. perfringens strain 56 (3 times a d). At used with the same procedure as SCFA data. For data
d 21, all birds were euthanized for macroscopic lesion that were not normally distributed, the nonparametric
scoring, and bodyweight was measured. Mann-Whitney U test was performed.
At necropsy lesions in the small intestine were scored Differences in mean necrotic enteritis lesion score and
as described by Keyburn et al. 2006 as follows: 0 = no body weight in necrotic enteritis model were statisti-
gross lesions; 2 = small focal necroses or ulcerations cally analysed using one-way ANOVA using the same
(1 to 5 foci); 3 = focal necroses or ulcerations (6 to model as SCFA data, where for the first trial Yij repre-
15 foci); 4 = focal necroses or ulcerations (16 or more sents the jth replicate (j is 1 – 4) fed the ith treatment
foci); 5 = patches of necrosis more than 1 cm long; (i = negative control, positive control, low regimen
6 = diffuse necrosis. Scoring was performed for duode- GVA or high regimen GVA). For the second trial Yij
num, jejunum and ileum separately. Final lesion score represents the jth replicate (j is 1 – 9) fed the ith treat-
was determined by the highest of these 3 scores. The ment (i = control, low GVA or high GVA).
score 1 used for congested intestinal mucosa was not
applied here because of difficulties in scoring this objec- RESULTS
tively, and due to the lack of scientific documentation of
an association between “congested intestinal mucosa” Effects of Valeric Acid Glyceride Esters on
and necrotic enteritis. Final lesion scores of 2 or more Performance
were classified as necrotic enteritis-positive.
In this study, broiler performance was evaluated
with and without supplementation of GVA to the diet.
Ethical Approval Body weight and feed intake were measured, and FCR
and growth were calculated. In the starter phase, in-
The experiments were carried out according to the teraction between treatment and sex was observed.
recommendations of, and following approval from, For the male birds, a significant difference in body
the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary weight, growth and FCR was observed comparing GVA
Table 3. Effect of glyceride esters of valeric acid (GVA) on feed conversion ratio, body weight (g), feed intake
(g/d/bird) and weight gain (g/d/bird) measured at 3 different time points. The data shown are the mean and
standard deviation of these parameters of broilers fed a diet without or with GVA (1.5 g/kg). Each dietary
treatment consisted of 4 pens of 43 female birds and 4 pens of 37 male birds.

Dietary Treatment
Control Glyceride Ester of Valeric Acid Pooled SEM P-Value
Parameters Mean SD Mean SD

FCR M+F 1.20 0.05 1.16 0.03 0.03 -
FCR M 1.23 0.07 1.15 0.02 0.04 0.0286
FCR F 1.18 0.01 1.19 0.03 0.02 0.8340
BW (g) M+F 319.0 9.9 323.0 14.8 8.90 -
BW (g) M 326.5 3.3 336.0 4.3 2.71 0.0102
BW (g) F 311.5 8.5 310.0 3.7 4.64 0.6559
FI (g/d) M+F 30.8 2.1 30.2 1.0 1.16 -
FI (g/d) M 32.3 1.9 31.0 0.5 0.98 0.3065
FI (g/d) F 29.2 0.8 29.3 0.4 0.45 0.8857
WG (g/d) 25.6 0.9 25.9 1.3 0.79 -
WG (g/d) M 26.2 0.3 27.1 0.3 0.21 0.0286
WG (g/d) F 24.9 0.7 24.8 0.3 0.38 0.3429
d 12–31
FCR 1.52 0.04 1.48 0.05 0.02 0.0052
BW (g) 1886.0 168.8 1942.0 203.4 93.45 0.0138
FI (g/d) 119.8 11.2 119.4 10.5 5.42 0.7888
WG (g/d) 78.4 8.01 81.0 9.5 4.39 0.3282$
d 32–37
FCR 1.65 0.04 1.63 0.07 0.06 0.1089
BW (g) 2574.0 268.5 2652.0 297.2 283.21 0.0212
FI (g/d) 187.3 21.9 191.9 21.0 21.45 0.1815
WG (g/d) 113.5 16.05 117.9 16.8 16.43 0.2786$
d 1–37
FCR 1.53 0.04 1.48 0.05 0.02 0.0211
BW (g) 2574.0 286.5 2652.0 297.2 145.95 0.0212
FI (g/d) 104.7 10.6 104.2 8.8 4.87 0.7147
WG (g/d) 68.6 7.25 70.7 8.0 3.82 0.3823$
FCR, food conversion ratio; BW, body weight; FI, feed intake; WG, weight gain.
P-values are given between the control and GVA dietary treatment within a given characteristic.
$ data was not normally distributed, analyzed with non -parametric with Mann-Whitney-U-test.

In period d 1–11, there was an interaction for the analyzed measurements between treatment and sex (M = male and
F = Female), the values for male and female were analyzed with single-factor one-way ANOVA.

supplemented groups with non-supplemented groups. supplemented groups (145 μm vs 176 μm), and for the
During the grower phase (D12–31) the FCR was 0.04 villus height a trend in increase (P = 0.0964) could be
units lower (P = 0.0052), and body weight was in- observed (977 μm vs 911 μm; Table 4).
creased with an average of 56 grams (P = 0.0183) when Glyceride Esters of Valeric Acid Have No Effect
the chickens received GVA added to the diet compared on SCFA Concentrations in Cecum Acetate, propi-
to chickens in the control group. Over the entire trial onate, butyrate, and valerate could be detected in the
period (D1–37), the FCR was also 0.05 units lower ceca of the 28-day-old broilers. In Table 5, mean val-
(P = 0.0212) for the chickens that received GVA in ues of these SCFAs are shown, indicating no differences
the diet (Table 3). between the chickens fed with and without GVA sup-
plement. In the intestinal content of the other segments
the values of SCFA were below the detection limit.
Effects of Valeric Acid Glyceride Esters on Glyceride Esters of Valeric Acid Increase the
Density of GLP-2-immunoreactive Cells in Ileum
Gut Health Parameters and Jejunum Immunohistochemistry showed that the
Glyceride Esters of Valeric Acid Decrease Crypt density of GLP-2-immunoreactive cells in jejunal villi
Depth and Increase the Villus Height/Crypt Depth (P = 0.001), ileal villi (P = 0.080), and jejunal crypts
Ratio in Jejunum Histology showed that GVA sup- (P = 0.025), obtained from broilers supplemented with
plementation to broiler feed significantly increased GVA, was increased compared to the control group
(P < 0.0001) the villus height/crypt depth ratio in (Figure 1). Only in the ileal crypts no difference
jejunum compared to controls (6.76 vs 5.58). The (P = 0.1079) was observed between the GVA treatment
crypt depth was decreased (P = 0.0013) in GVA group and the control group.

Table 4. Effect of glyceride ester of valeric acid (GVA) on the intestinal morphological parameters of broilers.
The data shown are the mean length of the villi and mean depth of the crypts and the ratio of these parameters
in jejunal sections taken at d 28 of broilers fed a diet without or with GVA (5 g/kg). Each dietary treatment
consisted of 3 pens of 4 broilers. The average of 10 measurements per animal was calculated.

Dietary Treatment
Glyceride Ester of Valeric
Control Acid Pooled SEM P-value
Parameters Mean (μ m) SD Mean (μ m) SD

Villus height 911 369 977 354 147.61 0.0964
Crypt depth 176 82 145 39 26.21 0.0013
Villus 5.58 2.01 6.76 1.83 0.78 < 0.0001
height/crypt depth

Table 5. Effect of glyceride ester of valeric acid treatment (5 g/kg) on concentrations of short chain fatty
acids in cecum of broilers at the age of 28 d. Each dietary treatment consisted of 3 pens of 4 broilers. The data
shown are the mean values of 12 chickens per dietary treatment.

Dietary Treatment
Control Glyceride Ester of Valeric Acid Pooled SEM P Value
SCFA Mean (mM) SD Mean (mM) SD

Acetate 39.08 8.38 41.57 8.29 3.40 0.4555

Propionate 7.38 4.66 5.27 3.46 1.68 0.3068
Butyrate 8.49 1.60 8.64 1.24 0.58 0.9151
Valerate 1.29 0.40 1.13 0.46 0.18 0.6441
SCFA, Short Chain Fatty Acid.

(low GVA regimen: P = 0.0103, and high GVA regimen:

Densit y of G LP -2 imm unor ea ctive cells

Control GVA P = 0.0011) (Table 6). In trial 2, lower concentrations
of GVA were tested, which resulted in a decrease in the
300 number of chickens with lesions of NE, but the mean le-
(cells/m m )

sion score was not reduced significantly. However, body


weight increased significantly (P < 0.0001) in the sec-

ond trial for the groups that received feed supplemented
with lower concentrations of GVA (691.1 g and 71.04 g
100 vs 622.2 g; Table 6).

J ejunum villi J ejunum cr ypts Ileum villi Ileum cr ypts

Figure 1. Density of GLP-2 immunoreactive cells in the small in-

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
testine of 10-day-old chickens fed a diet either or not supplemented demonstrating beneficial effects of valeric acid on in-
with glyceride ester of valeric acid GVA (5 g/kg). Each dietary treat- testinal health parameters and performance in broiler
ment consisted of 3 pens of 4 broilers. The bar charts showing mean chickens. Moreover, higher concentrations partially pro-
values of GLP-2-immunoreactive cells per 1 mm2 of mucosa, divided in
villi and crypts per segment. Error bars indicate standard deviation.
tected the birds from necrotic enteritis in a severe chal-
The differences were considered statistically significant at ∗ P ≤ 0.05. lenge model.
Valeric acid is naturally produced by the microbiota
Protection Against Necrotic Enteritis in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Most of the valeric
Challenge by Valeric Acid Glycerides acid producing microorganisms in the intestine belong
to the genus Oscillibacter (Lino et al. 2007). Valeric
Glyceride Esters of Valeric Acid Can Reduce the acid is a C5 fatty acid and, as such, its chain length is
Number of Chickens with Lesions of NE In trial 1, in between the short-chain fatty acids (C1 to C4) and
the number of chickens with lesions of NE was decreased the medium chain fatty acids (C6 to C12). Beneficial ef-
in both groups supplemented with different concentra- fects on broiler performance have been reported for C3
tions of glyceride derivatives compared to the positive (propionate), C4 (butyrate), as well as for the MCFA
control group. There was a reduction from 71% animals (Bintvihok and Kositcharoenkul, 2006; Namkung et al.,
with NE lesions in the positive control group to, respec- 2011; Zentek et al., 2012; Khosravinia, 2015). The cur-
tively, 26.7 and 35.5% in the supplemented groups. The rent study showed an improved feed efficiency for broil-
mean lesion score for the GVA supplemented groups ers fed with GVA compared to those fed a control
was decreased compared to the positive control group diet (Table 3). One of the parameters influencing feed
Table 6. Effect of glyceride derivatives treatment on the occurrence of necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens after a feeding period of
3 weeks. In trial 1, 4 experimental groups were included, of which each experimental group consisted of 1 pen of 27 broilers. In trial
2, 3 experimental groups were included, of which experimental groups consisted of 3 pens of 27 broilers.

Chickens with NE
lesions (%) Lesion score Body weight (g)

Inclusion level of
C. perfringens glyceride ester of Pooled Pooled
Group challenge valeric acid (g/kg) Mean SD Mean SD SEM P value Mean SD SEM P value

Trial 1
Negative control no 0 10.3 – 0.4138 1.240 0.50 < 0.0001 714.0 108.0 0.7101
Positive control yes 0 71.0 – 1.742 1.365 0.50 738.8 83.6
Low yes resp. week 1,2,3 26.7 – 0.7000 1.317 0.50 0.0011 686.9 135.4 0.1610
2.5, 2.0, 1.5
High yes resp. week 1,2,3 35.5 – 0.9355 1.482 0.50 0.0103 766.6 104.1 0.6212
5.0, 2.5, 2.0
Trial 2
Positive control yes 0 36.1 12.7 0.7429 1.031 0.31 622.2 91.0
Low yes 0.5 27.2 2.9 0.5571 0.9268 0.31 0.2848 710.4 83.9 < 0.0001
High yes 1.5 25.4 8.4 0.5211 0.908 0.31 0.1904 691.1 83.6 < 0.0001

P-values are given for comparison dietary treatment group with positive control group.

efficiency is gut morphology. The intestinal structure migrates to other organs and acts via specific bind-
can adapt to dietary changes by increasing or decreas- ing to receptors (GLP-2R) located on enteric neurons,
ing the height of the villi and the depth of the crypts enteroendocrine cells (Guan et al., 2006) and subep-
(Ao and Choct, 2013). Increase in length of intestinal ithelial myofibroblasts (de Heuvel et al., 2012). These
villi suggests an increased surface area capable of more cells subsequently produce multiple downstream medi-
absorption and digestion of nutrients, which will lead to ators affecting the intestinal epithelium (Dube et al.,
better performance. Conversely, shortening of the villi 2006; Sigalet et al., 2010; Drucker and Yusta, 2014).
indicates a loss of surface area for digestion and absorp- The main biological role of GLP-2 has been associated
tion, thereby lowering performance (Caspary, 1992). with intestinotrophic actions on the small intestine, in-
The crypt epithelium is responsible for continuously creased expression of intestinal tight junction proteins
replacing enterocytes, and deeper crypts indicate fast (Cani et al., 2009) and regulation of the innate im-
tissue turnover in response to increased requirements mune system by controlling the expression of antimi-
for maintenance of the digestive tract, such as inflam- crobial peptides which are implicated in the mainte-
mation caused by pathogens or their toxins (Yason nance of the gut barrier function (Lee et al., 2012). This
et al., 1987; Awad et al., 2009). In the present study, meal-induced gut hormone is derived from pro-glucagon
a shortening of crypts and a higher villus height: crypt and has already been associated with positive effects
depth ratio was measured (Table 4). This indicates a on growth performance of broilers in previous studies
lower turnover of enterocytes. As renewal of gut tissue (Hu et al., 2010). It has also been shown that a di-
requires a lot of energy, a lower epithelial turnover can etary change can influence the density of gastrointesti-
have a significant impact on nutrient requirements for nal endocrine cells (El-Salhy et al., 2016). In our study,
maintenance (Taylor-Pickard and Spring, 2008). More- we showed that the density of GLP-2-immunoreactive
over, a study by Lam et al. (2012) describes that a cells was significantly increased in jejunum and ileum
valeric acid producing strain is associated with diet- villi from broilers supplemented with GVA compared
induced obesity in mice, suggesting that valeric acid to the non-supplemented broilers (Figure 1). In mice
might promote energy harvest in the intestinal tract. an increase in density of L-cells, induced by dietary
The gut wall morphology was, however, measured in changes, correlated with an increase of GLP-1 produc-
animals that received a higher dose as compared to the tion, thereby suggesting that preproglucagon (precursor
animals in the performance trial, so a causal relation of GLP-1 and GLP-2) production is related to an ex-
cannot be established, but this analysis should be taken panded L-cell population (Aranias et al., 2015; Catry et
into account in future studies. al., 2017). It can be hypothesized that valeric acid in-
Glucagon-like-peptide (GLP)-2 is one of the gut hor- creases the density of GLP-2 cells and thereby GLP-2
mones playing an important role in the gastrointesti- production in the intestine of chickens, which stimu-
nal tract, exerting diverse actions including enhancing lates intestinal growth, and in this way, improves broil-
cell differentiation and stimulation of intestinal growth ers gut health and performance. However, as the den-
(Guan et al., 2006). GLP-2 is produced by enteroen- sity of GLP-2 cells was analyzed in birds that received
docrine cells located in the intestinal epithelial layer in a high dosage, and at 10 d of age, no causal relation
response to luminal stimuli. It is secreted at the basal between GLP-2 secretion and gut wall morphology and
side. Following secretion in the bloodstream, GLP-2 performance could be established. To strengthen the

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