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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 1

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Usual combination (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -126.255 -126.255 0.000 -126.255 -126.255 0.000

2 -200.850 -200.850 22.073 -32.184 -48.493 0.000

3 -132.082 -137.715 202.577 -259.071 -390.355 0.000

4 -81.704 -81.704 227.101 -368.308 -368.308 24.525

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 2

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Usual combination (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -441.9 0.0 0.0 50.000

2 > 100 > 100 13.016 9.957 11.558 -594.4 24.8 -365.8 37.937

3 11.174 9.907 4.210 1.882 2.931 -4302.7 2321.9 5121.9 55.411

4 11.834 9.529 3.960 1.712 2.788 -4950.1 2828.3 11559.7 60.615

3.000 1.500 1.200 1.200 1.200

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 3

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Flood combination (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -113.099 -113.099 11.772 -127.639 -127.639 0.000

2 -177.894 -177.894 33.845 -43.368 -65.345 0.000

3 -94.431 -98.459 214.349 -289.015 -435.474 0.000

4 -35.845 -35.845 238.874 -406.462 -406.462 24.525

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 4

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Flood combination (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 32.293 15.194 21.450 -421.3 7.1 14.8 51.007

2 92.453 83.945 8.819 5.799 7.538 -564.4 58.4 -291.8 39.867

3 10.040 8.910 4.137 1.736 2.789 -4217.9 2572.1 7848.2 58.458

4 10.730 8.644 3.945 1.589 2.679 -4865.4 3107.9 14948.2 63.965

2.000 1.300 1.100 1.100 1.100

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 5

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -231.030 -231.030 22.073 -5.831 -8.786 0.000

3 -183.556 -191.385 202.577 -218.441 -329.136 0.000

4 -146.543 -146.543 227.101 -315.933 -315.933 24.525

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 6

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 5.969 10.660 11.731 -604.2 -8.1 -488.4 34.154

3 13.437 11.897 3.556 1.987 2.984 -4422.0 1943.5 1407.0 51.446

4 14.048 11.303 3.365 1.815 2.838 -5087.2 2396.5 6832.0 56.104

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 7

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -231.030 -231.030 22.073 -5.831 -8.786 0.000

3 -183.556 -191.385 202.577 -218.441 -329.136 0.000

4 -146.543 -146.543 227.101 -315.933 -315.933 24.525

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 8

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 5.969 10.660 11.731 -604.2 -8.1 -488.4 34.154

3 13.437 11.897 3.556 1.987 2.984 -4422.0 1943.5 1407.0 51.446

4 14.048 11.303 3.365 1.815 2.838 -5087.2 2396.5 6832.0 56.104

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 9

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -231.030 -231.030 22.073 -5.831 -8.786 0.000

3 -183.556 -191.385 202.577 -218.441 -329.136 0.000

4 -146.543 -146.543 227.101 -315.933 -315.933 24.525

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 10

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 5.969 10.660 11.731 -604.2 -8.1 -488.4 34.154

3 13.437 11.897 3.556 1.987 2.984 -4422.0 1943.5 1407.0 51.446

4 14.048 11.303 3.365 1.815 2.838 -5087.2 2396.5 6832.0 56.104

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 11

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -231.030 -231.030 22.073 -5.831 -8.786 0.000

3 -183.556 -191.385 202.577 -218.441 -329.136 0.000

4 -146.543 -146.543 227.101 -315.933 -315.933 24.525

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 12

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 5.969 10.660 11.731 -604.2 -8.1 -488.4 34.154

3 13.437 11.897 3.556 1.987 2.984 -4422.0 1943.5 1407.0 51.446

4 14.048 11.303 3.365 1.815 2.838 -5087.2 2396.5 6832.0 56.104

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 13

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Post-seismic #1 (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -126.255 -126.255 0.000 -126.255 -126.255 0.000

2 -200.850 -200.850 22.073 -32.184 -48.493 0.000

3 -132.082 -137.715 202.577 -259.071 -390.355 0.000

4 -81.704 -81.704 227.101 -368.308 -368.308 24.525

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 14

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Post-seismic #1 (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -441.9 0.0 0.0 50.000

2 > 100 > 100 13.016 9.957 11.558 -594.4 24.8 -365.8 37.937

3 11.174 9.907 4.210 1.882 2.931 -4302.7 2321.9 5121.9 55.411

4 11.834 9.529 3.960 1.712 2.788 -4950.1 2828.3 11559.7 60.615

2.000 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 22:59:58 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 1

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Usual combination (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -126.255 -126.255 0.000 -126.255 -126.255 0.000

2 -227.216 -227.216 0.000 -27.891 -42.025 0.000

3 -439.881 -458.643 0.000 -108.473 -163.442 0.000

4 -469.311 -469.311 24.525 -137.903 -137.903 24.525

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 2

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Usual combination (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -441.9 0.0 0.0 50.000

2 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -650.7 0.0 -432.3 36.978

3 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -6031.9 0.0 -13366.8 39.927

4 > 100 > 100 11.084 15.569 13.379 -6679.4 0.0 -13366.8 40.904

3.000 1.500 1.200 1.200 1.200

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 3

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Flood combination (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -126.255 -126.255 0.000 -126.255 -126.255 0.000

2 -227.216 -227.216 0.000 -27.891 -42.025 0.000

3 -439.881 -458.643 0.000 -108.473 -163.442 0.000

4 -469.311 -469.311 24.525 -137.903 -137.903 24.525

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 4

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Flood combination (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -441.9 0.0 0.0 50.000

2 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -650.7 0.0 -432.3 36.978

3 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -6031.9 0.0 -13366.8 39.927

4 > 100 > 100 11.084 15.569 13.379 -6679.4 0.0 -13366.8 40.904

2.000 1.300 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 5

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -256.633 -256.633 0.000 -2.301 -3.467 0.000

3 -476.435 -496.756 0.000 -80.145 -120.758 0.000

4 -515.914 -515.914 24.525 -101.144 -101.144 24.525

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 6

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 11.044 > 100 > 100 -660.5 -29.3 -551.6 33.630

3 > 100 91.449 22.256 > 100 > 100 -6122.4 -271.4 -15983.7 38.133

4 > 100 88.618 7.351 16.333 13.580 -6787.6 -324.9 -16729.1 38.797

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 7

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -256.633 -256.633 0.000 -2.301 -3.467 0.000

3 -476.435 -496.756 0.000 -80.145 -120.758 0.000

4 -515.914 -515.914 24.525 -101.144 -101.144 24.525

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 8

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #1 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 11.044 > 100 > 100 -660.5 -29.3 -551.6 33.630

3 > 100 91.449 22.256 > 100 > 100 -6122.4 -271.4 -15983.7 38.133

4 > 100 88.618 7.351 16.333 13.580 -6787.6 -324.9 -16729.1 38.797

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 9

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -256.633 -256.633 0.000 -2.301 -3.467 0.000

3 -476.435 -496.756 0.000 -80.145 -120.758 0.000

4 -515.914 -515.914 24.525 -101.144 -101.144 24.525

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 10

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Peak accelerations (stress analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 11.044 > 100 > 100 -660.5 -29.3 -551.6 33.630

3 > 100 91.449 22.256 > 100 > 100 -6122.4 -271.4 -15983.7 38.133

4 > 100 88.618 7.351 16.333 13.580 -6787.6 -324.9 -16729.1 38.797

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Stability drawing Page 11

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -156.637 -156.637 0.000 -99.660 -99.660 0.000

2 -256.633 -256.633 0.000 -2.301 -3.467 0.000

3 -476.435 -496.756 0.000 -80.145 -120.758 0.000

4 -515.914 -515.914 24.525 -101.144 -101.144 24.525

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 12

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Seismic #2 combination - Sustained accelerations (stability analysis) (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 13.495 > 100 > 100 -448.5 -19.9 -58.2 46.295

2 > 100 > 100 11.044 > 100 > 100 -660.5 -29.3 -551.6 33.630

3 > 100 91.449 22.256 > 100 > 100 -6122.4 -271.4 -15983.7 38.133

4 > 100 88.618 7.351 16.333 13.580 -6787.6 -324.9 -16729.1 38.797

1.300 1.000 1.100 1.100 1.100

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 13

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Post-seismic #1 (effective stress analysis)

Joint # Crack Normal Principal Uplift Crack Normal Principal Uplift

(% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (% joint) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1 -126.255 -126.255 0.000 -126.255 -126.255 0.000

2 -227.216 -227.216 0.000 -27.891 -42.025 0.000

3 -439.881 -458.643 0.000 -108.473 -163.442 0.000

4 -469.311 -469.311 24.525 -137.903 -137.903 24.525

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CADAM - Stability drawing Page 14

By Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.

NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Project: Dam location: Analysis performed by:
Dam: Date: 18/1/2022 Project engineer:

Post-seismic #1 (stability analysis)

Joint # SSF SSF OSF OSF USF Normal Shear Moment Res. Pos.
(peak) (residual) (U/S <-) (-> D/S) (kN) (kN) (kN·m) (% joint)

1 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -441.9 0.0 0.0 50.000

2 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -650.7 0.0 -432.3 36.978

3 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 100 -6031.9 0.0 -13366.8 39.927

4 > 100 > 100 11.084 15.569 13.379 -6679.4 0.0 -13366.8 40.904

2.000 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100

18/1/2022 23:01:36 filename: D:\000 trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Model parameters Page 1
by Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.
NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada

General Information:
Dam location:
Project engineer:
Analysis performed by:
Date: 18/1/2022
Geometrical Dimensions & Concrete Volumetric Mass(ρ ):




2 3 .1 5 0

2 0 .9 0 0 D I


L1 = 22.000 m
L2 = 3.800 m
L3 = 3.500 m
L4 = 3.500 m
Elev. A = 0.000 m
Elev. B = 0.000 m
Elev. C = 2.500 m
Elev. D = 2.500 m
Elev. E = 20.900 m
Elev. F = 23.150 m
2 .5 0 0 2 .5 0 0
2 .5 0 0 2 .5 0 0 2 .5 0 0 Elev. G = 29.000 m
Elev. H = 2.500 m
Elev. I = 2.500 m

ρ = 2200.00 kg/m³

trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Model parameters Page 2
by Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.
NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada

Material Properties:

Option 1 Option 2
Concrete strength Shear strength
Material name f'c ft Cohesion Angle ( φ ) σn Curve type
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (deg) (kPa) (kPa)
Ho 17000.0 1700.000 Peak: 900.000 55.000 0.000 Option 2
Residual: 850.000 45.000 0.000 Option 2
Base joint 30000.0 3000.000 Peak: 1200.000 55.000 0.000 Option 2
Residual: 1000.000 45.000 0.000 Option 2

Rock Passive Shear Strength Properties:

Consideration of Unit mass Cohesion Friction angle Failure plane angle
passive shear strength (kg/m³) (kPa) (deg) (deg)
No 2400.000 0.000 30.000 30.000

Lift Joint(s):
Upstream end Downstream end
ID Material name Elevation Position x Elevation Position x Length Inertia
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m^4)
1 Ho 23.150 3.800 23.150 7.300 3.500 3.5729167
2 Ho 20.900 3.800 20.900 8.902 5.102 11.065275
3 Ho 2.500 0.000 2.500 22.000 22.000 887.33333
4 Base joint 0.000 0.000 0.000 22.000 22.000 887.33333

Pre-Cracked Lift Joint(s):

Upstream end Downstream end
ID Material name Elevation Crack length Elevation Crack length
(m) (m) % of joint length (m) (m) % of joint length
1 Ho 23.150 23.150
2 Ho 20.900 20.900
3 Ho 2.500 2.500
4 Base joint 0.000 0.000

trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam
CADAM - Model parameters Page 3
by Martin Leclerc, M. Ing.
NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / Alcan Industrial Chair on Structural Safety of Concrete Dams
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada

Reservoirs, Ice & Silt:

Water volumetric weight Crest overtopping pressure Ice
γ = 9.810 kN/m³ Upstream pressure = 100.00% Load = 0.000 kN

Operating reservoir elevations

Downstream pressure = 50.00% Thickness = 0.000 m
Elevation = 2.500 m
Upstream Downstream
2.500 m 2.500 m Silt Floating debris
Elev. = 2.500 m Load = 0.000 kN
Flood reservoir elevations
γ′ = 7.000 kN/m³ Apply at elev. = -1.000 m
Upstream Downstream
φ = 20.000 deg Max. elevation = 2.000 m
2.500 m 2.500 m
Assumption: At rest

Uplift pressures:
Uplift pressures are considered as an external load (linearisation of effective stresses)

Pseudo-Static (seismic coefficient):

Earthquake return period = 2500 years
Ground accelerations:
Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration (HPGA) = 0.045 g
Vertical Peak Ground Acceleration (VPGA) = 0.015 g
Horizontal Sustained Acceleration (HSA) = 0.045 g
Vertical Sustained Acceleration (VSA) = 0.015 g

Apply correction for water compressibility: No

Earthquake accelerogram period (te) = 1.000 sec
Westergaard correction for inclined surfaces: Generalized Westergaard
Reservoir depth where pressure remains constant = 0000.000 m

Cracking options:
Cracking is considered for all combinations ? YES

Tensile strength:
Usual Flood Seismic Post-seismic
Crack initiation: ft / 3.000 ft / 2.000 ft / 1.000 ft / 3.000
Crack propagation: ft /10.000 ft /10.000 ft /10.000 ft /10.000
Dynamic magnification: ft * 1.500

Uplift pressure updates:

Static analyses: Full uplift pressures applied to the crack section
Seismic analyses: Uplift pressures remain unchanged
Post-seismic analyses: Full uplift pressures applied to the crack section
Downstream closed crack:Restore uncracked uplift condition
Drain effectivness: No drain effectiveness upon cracking

Numerical options:
Convergence method: Bracketing + Bi-section method
Accuracy: Medium (1E-6)
trabajo ibaltaber\chojñakota 22-10-21\13.- DISEÑO ESTRUCTURAL DE OBRAS\chojanoca23_22vacio.dam

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