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Chapter 5

Study Questions:
1. Why does Nick say Gatsby’s house looks like the World’s Fair?
2. How does Gatsby’s gardener help prepare for Daisy’s visit?
3. Why does Nick turn down Gatsby’s offer to help him make some money?
4. How does Gatsby dress and prepare for a rendezvous with Daisy?
5. Who is the Finn referred to in Chapter 5?
6. How long has it been since Gatsby and Daisy had seen each other?
7. What part does nature play in the rendezvous?
8. How does Daisy like Gatsby’s house?
9. Why does Daisy suddenly start sobbing?
10. Who provides the musical background for the love scene?

Vocabulary focus:
To put smb to trouble
To take up much of smb’s time
To have one’s hands full
A lawn-mower
To my (overwhelming) surprise
To make an excuse
To pour with rain
Smeared with tears
To inherit
Celebrated people
To sob
To adore

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