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Methodology of this project paper are collection from Primary data and Secondary data.
Primary data of this project paper are Questionnaire while Secondary Data are from Archived
File. According to Polit and Hungler (2004:233), “methodology refers to ways of obtaining,
organizing and analysing data. Methodology decisions depend on the nature of the research
issues occurring. Methodology in research can be referred to as the theory of correct
scientific decisions”.

Primary data

Primary Data collection contains three methods which are Questionnaire, Job Observation
and Interview. Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for
the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaire is defined as a printed
or written question with varies choices of answers. Eventually, Questionnaire leads to record
the performance of a selected group of people in a specific field or general feedback.
Interview contains several types such as structured interview, semi-structured, narrative
interview, stress interview, behavioural interview, problem solving or case interview and
panel interview. Job Observation is third types of primary data. Job Observation is
performing during On Job Training or during working hours.
Secondary Data

Secondary data is known as information which has been collected by someone in the past.
For example, newspaper articles, research from the internet and company reports such as
Annual Budget or Annual Report which will be stored in the Archived File. Secondary data is
used to check whether is the research of primary data is correct or incorrect. Data collection
of this project paper are form Archived file of year 2019 and Questionnaire.

Archived File

An Archived File is defined of one or more computer files along with metadata. Archived
File are used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and
storage or simply to compress files to use less storage space. Archived files often store
directory structures, error detection and correction information, arbitrary comments, and
sometimes use built-in encryption. Archive Files are particularly useful to store file in system
data and Metadata. Archived File of Company B contain list of files such as Approved
Custom Appointment Letter of Company B, Total Completed Job File or Company B
recognize as Job sheet, List of Job File for year 2018, List of Job File for year 2019, List of
cancelled Job File of year 2018 and year 2019.
Archived File of Company B are kept in a system called SQL Accounting System. This
system mainly being used to generate job files, Delivery Order, Billing, Accounting and etc.
The system also contains information such as Approved Custom Appointment Letter of
Company B, Total Completed Job File or Company B recognize as Job sheet, List of Job File
for year 2018, List of Job File for year 2019, List of cancelled Job File of year 2018 and year
2019. This SQL system is with grey coloured background, white coloured midscreen where
all the options are placed in a round shaped form. For example, Sales Order, Invoice,
Delivery Order and etc. Thus, on the left side of the screen there is a list of option in the panel
such as customer, sales, company details.

The system is only accessible by the operations team and the accounting team. This is
because operations team are the one appointed to always update the job sheet and the
accounts team will do billing process. The main data which we need was the company’s Job
File of the year 2018 and 2019. We were lucky as we could get the copy of the Job File for
the months of July and august of 2019 and 2020. Besides, declaration there were many other
jobs done by company B and all the data were found in Archived file. Since company B
provides variety of logistics services, we also found other popular jobs done by company B
such as door to door services, trucking, over-sized cargo handling and many more. Job sheet
in the Archived File of company B was divided into four folder, first folder for the year 2017,
second folder for the year 2018, third folder for the year 2019 and the fourth folder for the
year 2020. Upon collected all the raw data we transferred it into Microsoft Excel we also
prepared Bar Chart and Data Base.

As Intern student we need to follow specific Standard Operation Procedure of company B

whereby we need to send email to Branch Manager, Mr. Sunny George. An email was sent to
Mr. Sunny George on 20th July 2020 to request his approval retrieving Achieved File data.
We requested permission from our Supervisor to enter Archived File system. We were lucky
to received reply email on next day which was 21 st July 2020, and immediately we start our
data collection. On 22nd July 2020 we collected the information needed from the Archived
File with the help of Miss Siti, our supervisor. She was with us until we collected all the data
we needed. Time duration given to our group is two hours and we manage to collect all data
within the time given. We allowed only viewing on Job File data. Upon negotiation, we were
allowed to have some copy of the document.

A Questionnaire is defined as a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers,

devised for purposes of a survey or statistical study. Normally, a Questionnaire serves to
record performance of a selected group of people in a particular field or collect opinions or
general feedback. Our Questionnaire Form contains five sections which are Section A with
Rating Question which are content one to five rating, one is very bad, two is bad, three is
good, four is Very Good and five is excellent. Section B, are divided into two types which are
Agreed and Disagreed Question, respondents can choose where they agreed or disagreed with
this question. Section C, are divided into two types which are Yes and No respondent need to
reply either Yes and No. Last section is section D, which is an Open-End Question, whereby,
respondent is given a chance to write their opinion and suggestion on improvising.


Respondent of this project paper are only from Inbound Department of Company B which is
located in No.7, Jalan Kempas Utama, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor. Our Respondents are 10
staffs. There are 3 Male and the balance seven of them are female staff. Respondent’s ages
are twenty-two until fifty-three years old. Education levels of this group are Degree holders,
Diploma holders, Certificate holders and Sijil Penilaian Malaysia (SPM) holders. Two of
them have Degree in Logistic Management, one of them is a Diploma Holders, one of them is
a Certificate holder, and balance six of them are Sijil Penilaian Malaysia holders. Majority of
our respondent’s working experience’s range are between one year until 13 years of

Research Instrument of our project paper is Questionnaire. We prepared manual

questionnaire with five sections. We used Microsoft word year 2019 and respondent must fill
in using pen or pencil. Open end consists of 5 questions, Likert scale with 5 question, 5
questions of agreed and disagreed, 5 Yes or No questions and 5 True or False Questions. We
printed ten sets of questionnaires which we distribute to Company B, Inbound Department
staffs. This Questionnaire form consists of five sections and each section content five


We need to follow Standard Operation Procedure of Company B whereby we emailed Mr.

Sunny George, Branch Manager of Company B on 10 th July 2020 and while waiting for
response from him, we prepared our Questionnaire Form. On 17 th July 2020 we received
reply email by Mr. Sunny George. We used a draft Questionnaire Form and perform our First
Pilot Study on 19th July 2020 and it was failed because we cannot gain as much of
information. On second day we edited our Questionnaire form and we distribute
Questionnaire Form to our Company B Inbound Department Staff on 20th July 2020. We
collected Questionnaire form on same day in evening on 6.00 pm. After collected we identify
there are some problem that Company B Inbound Department staff are facing. We have
attached an email copy we sent to Mr. Sunny George.
Work Flow of Questionnaire

Email send to Mr.

Sunny George on 10th
July 2020.

Prepare Questionnaire
on 11 July

Received reply email

from Mr. Sunny
George on 17th July

First Pilot
Questionnaire on 19th
July 2020

Edit and distribute

Questionnaire on 20
July 2020

Collect Questionnaire
on 20 July 2020

Figure 2.2 Work Flow of Questionnaire


Gantt Chart is mostly used in project paper. Gantt Chart are defining sequences of task that
requires to complete that by individual or group. Gantt Chart has needs benefits such as time
management, task performance guardians, ensure project to be remain on track in Gantt Chart
which consist 41 rows and 16 columns. This project consist with several details such as
Project Confirmation, Confirmation Of Title, Gather Information, Make Referrals Writing
Introduction, Writing Research Methodology, Developing Research Instrument, Data
Collection, Analysed Data, Writing Finding And Analysis, Writing Conclusion And
Recommendation, Review And Printing, Draft Submission, Presentation Slideshow
Preparation, Internal Preparation 1, Presentation Slideshow Improvisation, Internal
Presentation 2, Final Report Submission And Final Presentation. The Gantt Chart was in
figure 2.3 predicted the Blue colour will be planning days, Green colour will be the actual
days and Yellow will be semester break together with On Job Training. Gantt Chart is
attached is appendix xx

Figure 2.3 Work flow of Gantt Chart2.8.


Methodology of this project paper consist of Primary and Secondary Data, which collected
from Questionnaire and Archived File. As Intern Student we need to follow Standard
Operation Procedure of company B whereby email need to be sent to General Manager.
Questionnaire was distributed in the month of July and August of year 2020. Archived File
collection was collected from the month of July and August of year 2020. Respondent of this
project paper are only from Inbound Department of Company B which is located in No.7,
Jalan Kempas Utama, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor. Our Respondents are 10 staffs. There are 3
Male and the balance seven of them are female staff. Respondent’s ages are twenty-two until
fifty-three years old. Research Instrument of our project paper is Questionnaire. We prepared
manual questionnaire with five sections. We used Microsoft word year 2019 and respondent
must fill in using pen or pencil. Open end consists of 5 questions, Likert scale with 5
question, 5 questions of agreed and disagreed, 5 Yes or No questions and 5 True or False
Questions. We printed ten sets of questionnaires which we distribute to Company B, Inbound
Department staffs. This Questionnaire form consists of five sections and each section content
five question.

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