Horror History

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It was a beautiful halloween afternoon in a small town in the north of England. It was a very
special day for three of the friends; one had a birthday that day and the other two were cheesy
boyfriends who were turning six months old. They were twelve friends, ten of them wanted to
do 'illegal things' but the other two did not want to because their parents were police and
could arrest them and would be a big disappointment to their parents. So they split up and
said that at dinner time, when they no longer did stupid things, they would see where they
were going to eat.

. They were twelve friends, ten of them wanted to do 'illegal things' but the other two didn't
want to because their parents were police and could arrest them and would be a big
disappointment to their parents. So they split up and said that at dinner time, when they no
longer did stupid things, they would see where they were going for dinner.

The two kids went to order candy and do the typical Halloween trick-treatment while the other
ten went to do some hooliganism. The first thing they did was to go buy eggs to throw at the
facades of the houses, they bought two dozen eggs, they threw them all away but the last egg
hit the house of one who had been in an asylum and was completely crazy.

The idea of throwing the eggs was the boy who had a girlfriend to pimp in front of his
girlfriend; they were lucky that the boy from the asylum didn't notice. They wanted more, so
they went to pick up stones to throw them at some houses, including that of the madman.
They reserved the last two stones to throw at the madman without knowing what was in store
for him. As soon as they threw them, they hit a door and ran out, but when they saw that no
one had come out, they went to get more stones to throw them again. The madman had
already realised that a gang of children in disguise were throwing stones at him and when they
returned the madman was in the garden hiding with a knife and the children just saw him and
ran away shouting "help help a madman wants to kill us! .

Some people saw them and asked what had happened to them and the children told them and
the adults told them not to do it again that this person has head problems and that it is wrong.
But the children wanted to do the last thing by asking for sweets again, they went to some
blocks of flats, there were 4 blocks and they proposed to take sweets from all the blocks. But
they didn't remember that their other two friends were waiting for them. They finished the
first, the second and the third, but they had the fourth block left. On the fourth floor there was
a very strange and smelly smell, they also saw that there was nobody in their flats, only one
who was the source of the smell. Then they called and saw a man with a shirt, trousers and
shoes stained with blood, they asked him for some trinkets and the man told them that he was
going to give them but that they had to go inside the house when they entered they saw the
body of a man and they ran out but the man of the house realized it and came out behind
them because if they found out he was going to go to jail. The children screamed and shouted
until a police car saw them and asked them what.

Mario Terrón Metro 3A

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