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Cysts and Tumors of

Odontogenic Origin

„ Inflammatory Cysts 273 „ Odontogenic Ectomesenchyme with or without Included
„ Tumors of Odontogenic Origin 275 Odontogenic Epithelium 297
„ Odontogenic Epithelium with Odontogenic Ectomesenchyme „ Malignant Odontogenic Tumors 301
with or without Hard Tissue Formation 289 „ Odontogenic Carcinomas 301

Tumors derived from the odontogenic tissues constitute an classification and system of nomenclature of the lesions. Some
unusually diverse group of lesions. This multiformity reflects of these classifications have not been entirely satisfactory
the complex development of the dental structures, since because they generally failed to recognize the mode of origin
these tumors all originate through some aberration from the and development of the cysts and did not unite the views of
normal pattern of odontogenesis. An understanding of the the oral surgeon, the radiologist and the pathologist.
pathogenesis of the odontogenic tumors is predicated upon The following classification of odontogenic cysts
an understanding of the histogenesis of the tooth. (Table 4-1) is based on etiology and tissue of origin.
Certain of the lesions discussed in this chapter represent only
minor alterations in odontogenesis and not true neoplasms.
Dentigerous Cyst
The odontogenic cysts are included because they too represent
(Follicular cyst)
an aberration at some stage of odontogenesis, and in fact, may
be intimately associated with the development of certain of the Dentigenous cyst can be defined as an odontogenic cyst that
odontogenic tumors. All of the various lesions are grouped here surrounds the crown of an impacted tooth; caused by fluid
because of their common origin from a uniquely specialized accumulation between the reduced enamel epithelium and
group of tissues, and their classification is based upon this the enamel surface, resulting in a cyst in which the crown is
origin from the various germ layers. located within the lumen. This is one of the most common
types of developmental odontogenic cyst, estimated to be about
Odontogenic Cysts 20% of all jaw cysts. It is estimated that about 10% of impacted
teeth have formed a dentigerous cyst. Their frequency in the
Cysts of the jaws can be classified as: general population has been estimated at 1.44 cyst for every 100
O Odontogenic (arising from tooth-forming tissues) unerupted teeth. The dentigerous cyst nearly always involves
O Nonodontogenic (developmental or fissural). or is associated with the crown of a normal permanent tooth.
The odontogenic cysts are derived from epithelium Seldom is a deciduous tooth involved.
associated with the development of the dental apparatus. Clinical Features. This cyst is always associated initially
The type of epithelium can vary with most lesions having with the crown of an impacted, embedded or unerupted
stratified squamous but some developmental or fissural cysts tooth (Fig. 4-1). A dentigerous cyst may also be found
in the maxilla may have respiratory epithelium. enclosing a complex compound odontoma or involving a
Several types of odontogenic cysts may occur, dependent supernumerary tooth. The most common sites of this cyst
chiefly upon the stage of odontogenesis during which they are the mandibular and maxillary third molar and maxillary
originate. Various investigators have attempted to devise a cuspid areas, since these are the most commonly impacted

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Disturbances of Development and Growth

Table 4-1: Classification of odontogenic cysts the absence of these syndromes, bilateral dentigerous cysts are
Classification by etiology
rare. The dentigerous cyst is potentially capable of becoming
an aggressive lesion. Expansion of bone with subsequent
Developmental: Unknown origin but are not the result of an inflammatory reaction
facial asymmetry, extreme displacement of teeth, severe root
Dentigerous cyst resorption of adjacent teeth and pain are all possible sequelae
Eruption cyst
brought about by continued enlargement of the cyst. Cystic
Odontogenic keratocyst
Gingival cyst of newborn involvement of an unerupted mandibular third molar may
Gingival cyst of adult result in a ‘hollowing-out’ of the entire ramus extending up
Lateral periodontal cyst to the coronoid process and condyle as well as in expansion
Calcifying odontogenic cyst of the cortical plate due to the pressure exerted by the lesion.
Glandular odontogenic cyst
Associated with this reaction may be displacement of the
Inflammatory: Result of inflammation third molar to such an extent that it sometimes comes to lie
Periapical cyst compressed against the inferior border of the mandible. In the
Residual cyst case of a cyst associated with a maxillary cuspid, expansion
Paradental cyst of the anterior maxilla often occurs and may superficially
Classification by tissue of origin resemble an acute sinusitis or cellulitis. There is usually no
Derived from rests of Malassez pain or discomfort associated with the cyst unless it becomes
secondarily infected.
Periapical cyst
Residual cyst Radiographic Features. Radiographic examination of the
Derived from reduced enamel epithelium jaw involved by a dentigerous cyst will reveal a radiolucent
area associated in some fashion with an unerupted tooth crown
Dentigerous cyst
Eruption cyst (Fig. 4-2A). The impacted or otherwise unerupted tooth
crown may be surrounded symmetrically by this radiolucency,
Derived from dental lamina (rests of Serres)
although the distinction between a small dentigerous cyst and
Odontogenic keratocyst an enlarged dental follicle or follicular space is quite arbitrary,
Gingival cyst of newborn
Gingival cyst of adult
especially since the small cyst and the enlarged follicle would
Lateral periodontal cyst be histologically identical. While a normal follicular space is
Glandular odontogenic cyst 3–4 mm, a dentigerous cyst can be suspected when the space
Unclassified is more than 5 mm. Only when the size of the radiolucency is
grossly pathologic can the distinction be made with assurance.
Paradental cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst Three radiological variations of the dentigerous cyst may
be observed. In the central variety, the crown is enveloped
symmetrically. In these instances, pressure is applied to the
crown of the tooth and may push it away from its direction
of eruption. In this way, mandibular third molars may be
found at the lower border of the mandible or in the ascending
ramus and a maxillary canine may be forced into the maxillary
sinus as far as the floor of the orbit. The lateral type of
dentigerous cyst is a radiographic appearance which results
from dilatation of the follicle on one aspect of the crown.
This type is commonly seen when an impacted mandibular
third molar is partially erupted so that its superior aspect is
exposed. The so-called circumferential dentigerous cyst results
when the follicle expands in a manner in which the entire
tooth appears to be enveloped by cyst. The dentigerous cyst
is usually a smooth, unilocular lesion, but occasionally one
Figure 4-1. Dentigerous cyst. with a multilocular appearance may occur. In actuality, the
The cyst wall is attached to the cervical region of the associated unerupted various compartments are all united by the continuous cystic
tooth. The crown of the tooth projects into the cyst cavity and its roots exhibit
hypercementosis. membrane. Sometimes the radiolucent area is surrounded by
a thin sclerotic line representing bony reaction. In cases of
apparently multiple dentigerous cysts, care should be taken to
rule out the possible occurrence of the odontogenic keratocyst,
teeth. Most lesions present in second and third decades,
basal cell nevus, bifid rib syndrome (q.v.).

with slight male predilection (M:F–3:2). Most dentigerous

cysts are solitary. Bilateral and multiple cysts are usually Histologic Features. There are no characteristic micro-
found in association with a number of syndromes including scopic features which can be used reliably to distinguish the
cleidocranial dysplasia and Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome. In dentigerous cyst from the other types of odontogenic cysts.

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin


Figure 4-2. Dentigerous cyst.

The radiograph (A) demonstrates a large radiolucent area associated with the crown of the impacted mandibular third molar. The photomicrograph (B) shows this cyst to be
lined by a thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium similar in appearance to the primordial cyst. Occasional mucus-containing cells are present in the epithelium. Small
islands of odontogenic epithelium (C) are often present in the connective tissue wall.

It is usually composed of a thin connective tissue wall with a stainability which are of uncertain origin, questionable nature
thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium lining the lumen and unknown significance. Even electron microscopic studies,
(Fig. 4-2B). Rete peg formation is generally absent except in such as those of El-Labban, have only been of partial help in
cases that are secondarily infected. The connective tissue wall determining that the structures are probably of hematogenous
is frequently quite thickened and composed of a very loose origin, although it is not clear why they have such an intimate
fibrous connective tissue or of a sparsely collagenized myxo- relationship to epithelium. The content of the cyst lumen is
matous tissue, each of which has been sometimes mistakenly usually a thin, watery yellow fluid, occasionally blood tinged.
diagnosed as either an odontogenic fibroma or an odonto- It was reported by Brannon in his excellent clinicopathologic
genic myxoma. A hyperplastic dental follicle is not necessar- study of 312 cases of odontogenic keratocysts that 8.5%
ily associated with inflammation. An additional feature of the of a series of 1,850 dentigerous cysts were odontogenic
connective tissue wall of both normal dental follicles and den- keratocysts (q.v.) with the characteristic histologic findings
tigerous cysts is the presence of varying numbers of islands in the epithelium of a parakeratinized, corrugated surface, a
of odontogenic epithelium (Fig. 4-2C). These are sometimes remarkable uniformity of a 6- to 10-cell thickness without rete
very sparse and obviously inactive, while at other times they peg formation, and a polarized and palisaded basal layer of cells.
are present in sufficient numbers to be mistaken for an amelo- This percentage of dentigerous cysts which are odontogenic
blastoma. While this latter odontogenic tumor can originate keratocysts is in close agreement with the findings of Pindborg
in this situation, care must be taken to differentiate between and his coworkers (7.1%) and Payne (8.5%).
it and simply odontogenic epithelial rests. Inflammatory cell The pluripotentialities of the epithelium in mandibular
infiltration of the connective tissue is common although the dentigerous cysts has been further emphasized by Gorlin,

cause for this is not always apparent. An additional finding, who described mucus-secreting cells in the lining stratified
especially in cysts which exhibit inflammation, is the pres- squamous epithelium, respiratory epithelial lining, sebaceous
ence of Rushton bodies within the lining epithelium. These cells in the connective tissue wall, and lymphoid follicles with
are peculiar linear, often curved, hyaline bodies with variable germinal centers.

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Disturbances of Development and Growth

Treatment. The treatment of the dentigerous cyst is usually

dictated by the size of the lesion. Smaller lesions can be
surgically removed in their entirety with little difficulty. The
larger cysts which involve serious loss of bone and thin the
bone dangerously are often treated by insertion of a surgical
drain or marsupialization. Such a procedure is often necessary
because of the potential danger of fracturing the jaw if
complete surgical removal were attempted. Recurrence is
relatively uncommon.
Potential Complications. Several relatively serious poten-
tial complications exist stemming from the dentigerous cyst,
besides simply the possibility of recurrence following incom-
plete surgical removal. These include:
O The development of an ameloblastoma either from the lin-
ing epithelium or from rests of odontogenic epithelium in
the wall of the cyst.
O The development of epidermoid carcinoma from the same
two sources of epithelium.
O The development of a mucoepidermoid carcinoma, ba-
sically a malignant salivary gland tumor, from the lining
epithelium of the dentigerous cyst which contains mucus-
secreting cells, or at least cells with this potential, most
commonly seen in dentigerous cysts associated with im-
pacted mandibular third molars.

It is of great clinical significance that numerous cases of

ameloblastoma have been reported developing in the wall of
dentigerous cysts from the lining epithelium or associated
epithelial rests (Fig. 4-3). Stanley and Diehl have reviewed B
a series of 641 cases of ameloblastoma and have found that
Figure 4-3. Ameloblastoma developing in wall of dentigerous cyst.
at least 108 cases of this neoplasm, approximately 17%,
were definitely associated with an impacted tooth and/or a
follicular or dentigerous cyst. The disposition for neoplastic
epithelial proliferation in the form of an ameloblastoma is far documented in the literature reviewed by Gardner, who
more pronounced in the dentigerous cyst than in the other reported eight acceptable cases among 25 cases of carcinoma
odontogenic cysts. The formation of such a tumor manifests developing in odontogenic cysts of all types combined. Browne
itself as a nodular thickening in the cyst wall, the mural and Gough have reported two additional cases of malignant
ameloblastoma, but this is seldom obvious clinically. Therefore, transformation in dental cysts and suggested that keratin
it is not only good clinical practice, but also an absolute metaplasia in long-standing cyst lining appears to precede the
requisite that all tissue from dentigerous cysts be submitted to development of the carcinomatous change, although there is
a qualified oral pathologist for thorough gross and microscopic little evidence that the odontogenic keratocyst is associated
examination. In reviewing the histologic changes sought by with malignant change more commonly than other types of
the oral pathologist which occur in the dentigerous cyst as odontogenic cysts. The predisposing factor and mechanism
a premonitory manifestation of ameloblastoma, Vickers and of development of this malignancy are unknown, but its
Gorlin have stressed that hyperchromatism of basal cell nuclei, occurrence appears unequivocal (Fig. 4-4).
palisading with polarization of basal cells and cytoplasmic Finally, the development of a mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
vacuolization with intercellular spacing of the lining epithelium, a type of salivary gland tumor, is less well documented than
when observed together, are manifestations of impending the epidermoid carcinoma of this origin, but it also appears
neoplasia. These findings may occur individually in other to be a potentiality. The inclusion of normal salivary gland
rather harmless conditions. The presence of sprouting or tissue in the posterior portion of the body of the mandible
budding and protruding of epithelial islands from lining has been reported, and undoubtedly, some central salivary
epithelium has been claimed to be evidence of neoplastic gland tumors in this location originate from this source.

transformation, but this in itself was not considered such an However, cases of central mucoepidermoid carcinoma (q.v.)
indication by Vickers and Gorlin. have been discovered in association with dentigerous cysts
The development of epidermoid carcinoma from the lining involving impacted mandibular third molars, and considering
epithelium of the dentigerous cyst also has been adequately the frequency with which mucus-secreting cells are found

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin


Figure 4-4. Epidermoid carcinoma developing in dentigerous cyst.

in this lining epithelium indicative of the pluripotentiality alveolar ridge over the site of the erupting tooth. When the
of this epithelium, this very distinct possibility must always circumcoronal cystic cavity contains blood, the swelling appears
be considered. These findings comprise most of the medical purple or deep blue; hence the term ‘eruption hematoma’.
rationale for removal of impacted third molars with pericoronal It is usually painless unless infected.
radiolucencies; however, impacted teeth with small pericoronal Sometimes more than one cyst may be present. There is
radiolucencies (suggesting the presence of normal dental follicle often a brief history of about three to four weeks duration
rather than dentigerous cyst) also may be monitored with serial during which they enlarge to approximately 1–1.5 cm.
radiographic examination. Any increase in the size of the lesion Radiographic Features. It may show a soft tissue shadow
should prompt removal and histopathologic examination. Any since the cyst is confined within it and there is usually no bone
lesion that appears larger than a normal dental follicle indicates involvement.
removal and histopathologic examination.
Histologic Features. The superficial aspect is covered by
the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium of the overly-
Eruption Cyst ing gingiva. This is separated from the cyst by a strip of dense
Eruption cyst is defined as an odontogenic cyst with the connective tissue of varying thickness which usually shows a
histologic features of a dentigerous cyst that surrounds a tooth mild chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate. Inflammatory cell
crown that has erupted through bone but not soft tissue and infiltration is common. The follicular connective tissue is
is clinically visible as a soft fluctuant mass on the alveolar more densely cellular, less collagenous and has a basophilic
ridges. hue, presumably because of a higher content of acid muco-
An eruption cyst or ‘eruption hematoma’ is in fact a polysaccharide in the ground substance. Odontogenic epithe-
dentigerous cyst occurring in the soft tissues (Shear, 1992). lial cell nests may be present in the connective tissue.
Whereas the dentigerous cyst develops around the crown In noninflamed areas, the epithelial lining of the cysts is
of an unerupted tooth lying in the bone, the eruption cyst characteristically of reduced enamel epithelial origin, consisting of
occurs when a tooth is impeded in its eruption within the soft two or three cell layers of squamous epithelium with a few foci
tissue overlying the bone. The pathogenesis is probably very where it may be a little thicker. The adjacent corium is hyperemic
similar to that of the dentigerous cyst. The difference is that and is the seat of a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate (Fig. 4-5).
the tooth in the case of the eruption cyst is impeded in the Treatment. No treatment is necessary as the cyst often
soft tissue of gingiva rather than in the bone. The presence ruptures spontaneously. Surgically exposing the crown of the
of particularly dense fibrous tissue in the overlying gingiva tooth may aid the eruption process.
could be responsible.
Clinical Features. Shear (1992) had recorded a 0.8%
Odontogenic Keratocyst
frequency. It is likely that they occur more frequent clinically
and as some rupture spontaneously, these cysts go unnoticed A cyst derived from the remnants (rests) of the dental lamina,
and are not submitted for histological examination. with a biologic behavior similar to a benign neoplasm, with
These cysts are found in children of different ages, and a distinctive lining of six to 10 cells in thickness, and that

occasionally in adults if there is delayed eruption. Deciduous exhibits a basal cell layer of palisaded cells and a surface of
and permanent teeth may be involved, most frequently anterior corrugated parakeratin.
to the first permanent molar. Clinically, the lesion appears as a This is the most interesting of jaw cysts. The term ‘odontogenic
circumscribed, fluctuant, often translucent swelling of the keratocyst’ was first used by Philipsen in 1956, while Pindborg and

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Disturbances of Development and Growth

Figure 4-5. Eruption cyst.
The cyst is lined by a thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium in which there are scattered inflammatory cells. Eruption cyst often shows marked secondary inflammatory
changes from masticatory trauma.

Hansen in 1963 described the essential features of this type of cyst. Reclassification of the Odontogenic Keratocyst to
It is named keratocyst because the cyst epithelium produces so Tumor: Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KOT)
much keratin that it fills the cyst lumen. Furthermore, flattening
of the basement membrane and palisading of the basal epithelial In 1967, Toller suggested that the OKC may best be regarded
cells, reminiscent of odontogenic epithelium, are characteristics as a benign neoplasm rather than a conventional cyst based
of odontogenic keratocyst. on its clinical behavior. The WHO has reclassified the lesion
They are unique odontogenic lesions that have the potential as a tumor based on several factors, that formed the basis of
to behave aggressively, that can recur, and can be associated this decision.
with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. Toller (1967) O Behavior: The KOT is locally destructive and recurrence
suggested that OKCs might be regarded as benign cystic rate is very high.
neoplasms. Whether they are developmental or neoplastic O Histopathology: The basal epithelial layer of KOT shows
continues to be debated. proliferation and budding into the underlying connective
Studies indicate that a significant number of OKCs show tissue in the form of daughter cysts and mitotic figures are
clonal loss of heterozygosity of common tumor suppressor frequently found in the suprabasal layers of the lesional
genes. The finding of clonal deletion mutations of genomic epithelium.
DNA in these cysts supports the hypothesis that they are O Genetics: PTCH (patched), a tumor suppressor gene in-
neoplastic rather than developmental in origin. The odonto- volved in both syndrome associated and sporadic KOTs,
genic keratocyst is regarded as a distinctive entity because of occurs on chromosome 9q22.3 – q31. Normally, PTCH
its characteristic histology, proliferation kinetics, and behavior. forms a receptor complex with the oncogene SMO
Therefore, although keratinization may be present in many (smoothened) for the SHH (sonic hedgehog) ligand.
other types of cysts, the specific histologic pattern of the PTCH binding to SMO inhibits growth signal transduc-
odontogenic keratocyst separates it from all others. tion. SHH binding to PTCH releases this inhibition. If
Differences in cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen normal functioning of PTCH is lost, the proliferation-
(EMA) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) immunoreactiv- stimulation effects of SMO are permitted to predominate.
ity between the parakeratinized OKC and the orthokeratinized
variety have been demonstrated and the suggestion made that Evidence has shown that the pathogenesis of syndrome
the latter having a considerably less aggressive behavior is associated and sporadic KOTs involves a ‘two hit mechanism’,
different entity and should bear a different name orthoke- with allelic loss at 9q22. The ‘two hit mechanism’ refers to
ratinized odontogenic cyst (Shear M, 2002). the process by which a tumor suppressor gene is inactivated.
There is general agreement that the origin of the odontogenic The first hit is a mutation in one allele, which, although it

keratocyst comes from dental lamina remnants in the mandible can be dominantly inherited, has no phenotypic effect. The
and maxilla. However, the origin of this cyst from the extension second hit refers to loss of the other allele and is known as
of basal cells of the overlying oral epithelium has also been ‘loss of heterozygosity’ (LOH). In KOTs, this leads to the
suggested. dysregulation of the oncoproteins cyclin D1 and p53. LOH

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin

in the 9q22.3–q31 region has been reported for many epithe- position). Approximately 30% of maxillary and 50% of man-
lial tumors, including basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell dibular lesions produce buccal expansion. Mandibular lingual
carcinomas, and transitional cell carcinomas; and LOH is by enlargement is occasionally seen. Proximity to the roots of ad-
definition a feature of tumorigenic tissue. jacent normal teeth sometimes causes resorption of these roots,
Clinical Features. The largest and most detailed series although displacement is more common. Sometimes these
of cases of odontogenic keratocyst has been published by cysts displace the neurovascular bundle.
Brannon, and his data are probably most representative of this Histologic Features. The odontogenic keratocyst wall is
lesion. The cyst may occur at any age, from the very young to usually rather thin unless there has been superimposed in-
the very elderly, although Brannon found it to be exceedingly flammation. The lining epithelium is highly characteristic,
rare under the age of 10 years, there being only two such and is composed of:
patients in his series of 283 persons. The peak incidence is O A parakeratinized surface which is typically corrugated,
in the second and third decades of life, with a gradual decline rippled or wrinkled.
thereafter. The data of Browne (104 patients) and of Forssell O A remarkable uniformity of thickness of the epithelium,
(119 patients) are virtually identical. In all series, there is a usually ranging from 6 to 10 cells thick.
predilection for occurrence in males, ranging from 1.44:1 O A prominent palisaded, polarized basal layer of cells often de-
(Brannon), 1.46:1 (Browne) to 1.79:1 (Forssell). scribed as having a ‘picket fence’ or ‘tombstone’ appearance.
The mandible is invariably affected more frequently than
Histologically, these cysts are formed with a stratified
the maxilla: in the series of Brannon, 65% versus 35%, in the
squamous epithelium that produces orthokeratin (10%),
series of Browne, 79% versus 21%, and in that of Forssell,
parakeratin (83%), or both types of keratin (7%). No rete ridges
78% versus 22%. In the mandible, the majority of the cysts
are present; therefore, the epithelium often sloughs from the
occur in the ramus-third molar area, followed by the first
connective tissue (94% of the time). The epithelium is thin,
and second molar area and then the anterior mandible. In
and mitotic activity is frequent; therefore, OKC grows in a
the maxilla, the most common site is the third molar area
neoplastic fashion and not in response to internal pressure. In
followed by the cuspid region.
the presence of an intense inflammatory process, the adjacent
Multiple odontogenic keratocysts occur with some
epithelium loses its keratinized surface, may thicken and
frequency. Lesions found in children are often reflective of
develop rete processes or may ulcerate.
multiple odontogenic keratocysts as a component of the nevoid
The connective tissue wall often shows small islands of
basal cell carcinoma syndrome. However, at other times, these
epithelium similar to the lining epithelium; some of these
multiple cysts are independent of the syndrome. A rather
islands may be small cysts. In at least some cases, the apparent
remarkable parallelism between the odontogenic keratocyst and islands of epithelium and small satellite or ‘daughter’ cysts
the ameloblastoma with respect to mean age of occurrence, actually represent the ends of folds of the lining epithelium
predilection for site of occurrence, radiographic findings and of the main cystic cavity which have been cut in cross-section;
recurrence rate has also been pointed out by Browne. the linings of these cysts are very commonly folded. Forssell
There are no characteristic clinical manifestations of the and his associates have studied this problem using serial
keratocyst, although about 50% of the patients in Brannon’s series sections of cysts and found microcysts in the wall in 20% and
were symptomatic prior to seeking treatment. Among the more epithelial islands in 50% of their cases. In 35% of the cases,
common features are pain, soft-tissue swelling and expansion apparent microcysts were found to be part of the main cyst
of bone, drainage and various neurologic manifestations such as by the serial sections while pseudo islands of epithelium were
paresthesia of the lip or teeth. The maxillary OKC tends to be found in 75% of the cases.
secondarily infected with greater frequency than the mandibular The lumen of the keratocyst may be filled with a thin straw
ones, due to its vicinity to the maxillary sinus. colored fluid or with a thicker creamy material. Sometimes the
Radiographic Features. Radiographically most OKCs are lumen contains a great deal of keratin, while at other times
unilocular, presenting a well-defined peripheral rim. Scalloping it has little. Cholesterol, as well as hyaline bodies at the sites
of the border is also a frequent finding and this represents varia- of inflammation, may also be present. The electrophoretic
tions in the growth pattern of the cyst. Multilocular radiolucent measurement of fluid from these cysts has been reported by
OKC is also observed, generally representing a central cavity Toller to show that it contains a very low content of soluble
having satellite cysts. When it is multilocular and especially if protein compared with the patient’s own serum (Fig. 4-6).
located in the third mandibular molar area, it may be confused Dysplastic and neoplastic transformation of the lining
radiographically with an ameloblastoma. Occasionally OKC epithelium in the odontogenic keratocyst is an uncommon
may mimic a dentigerous cyst and contain the crown of a re- occurrence but has been reported. Of the 312 keratocysts studied
tained tooth within its lumen. The final diagnosis of any cystic by Brannon, only two exhibited cellular atypia. Occasional
cavity within the jaw bones will be achieved only after biopsy other cases have also been described in the literature. Areen

of the surgical specimen. Multilocularity (20%) is often present and his associates have recently reported a case of epidermoid
and tends to be seen more frequently in larger lesions. Most carcinoma developing in an odontogenic keratocyst, and in
lesions, however, are unilocular, with as many as 40% noted reviewing the literature, have emphasized the necessity for
adjacent to the crown of an unerupted tooth (dentigerous cyst careful microscopic examination of all such cysts.

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Disturbances of Development and Growth


Figure 4-6. Odontogenic keratocyst.
Figure 4-7. Odontogenic keratocyst.
(A) The epithelial lining is uniformly thin, generally ranging from 8–10 cell layers thick.
The basal layer exhibits a characteristic palisaded pattern with polarized and intensely
The variant of OKC that produces only orthokeratin acts
stained nuclei of uniform diameter. The luminal epithelial cells are parakeratinized
somewhat differently than other OKCs. These almost always and produce an uneven or corrugated profile. (B) Odontogenic keratocyst stained
are found in a dentigerous association, usually around the using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) antibodies (x 10).
mandibular third molar, and they are much less aggressive.
They do not have a hyperchromatic basal layer; in fact, the easily fragment. In addition, perforation of cortical bone,
basal layer is flattened. They are not associated with basal cell particularly in lesions involving the ramus, is common and
nevus syndrome (orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst). this complicates total removal.
Finally, the highly characteristic nature of the parakeratinized The most important feature of the odontogenic keratocyst
lining epithelium and its relationship to the high recurrence rate is its extraordinary recurrence rate. This has been reported
have been emphasized by a report dealing with orthokeratinized as being between 13 and 60%. A review of 763 cases of
odontogenic cysts and their recurrence rate. Wright investigated odontogenic keratocysts in 13 different reported series of
59 cases of orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts and found that cases has shown the average recurrence rate to be 26%,
they showed a predilection for occurrence in males, most with the majority occurring within five years of the surgical
commonly in the second to fifth decades. These cysts were procedure. Forssell, Forssell and Kahnberg (1988) observed
located predominantly in the posterior mandible, where they that recurrences were more frequent (63%) with cysts in
most typically appeared as dentigerous cysts. The thin, uniform patients with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome than
lining epithelium was covered with orthokeratin and showed with cysts in patients without the syndrome (37%). Keratocysts
a prominent granular layer and a cuboidal to flattened basal enucleated in one piece recurred significantly less often than
layer. Follow-up of 24 of these patients revealed only one cysts enucleated in several pieces, and the recurrence rate in
case of recurrence. This difference in biologic behavior would cases with a clinically observable infection, a fistula or with
further underscore the necessity for very strict application of a perforated bony wall was higher. The size of the cyst did
the definition of the term odontogenic keratocyst in diagnosis not seem to influence its prognosis after surgery, but those
of the lesion (Fig. 4-7). whose radiographic appearance was multilocular had a higher
recurrence rate than those with a unilocular appearance.

Treatment and Prognosis. The odontogenic keratocyst

should be surgically excised. However, clinical experience has Browne found no significant differences in recurrence rate
shown that complete eradication of the cyst may be difficult following three basic methods of treating the lesions:
because the wall of the cyst is very thin and friable and may O Marsupialization

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin

O Enucleation and primary closure

O Enucleation and packing open.
Furthermore, recurrence does not appear related to the
presence of satellite cysts. On this basis, Browne concluded
that recurrence of the keratocyst is due to the nature of the
lesion itself, i.e. the presence of additional remnants of dental
lamina from which a cyst may develop, and is not related to
its method of treatment. Since recurrence may be long delayed
in this lesion, follow-up of any case of odontogenic keratocyst
with annual radiographs is essential for at least five years after Figure 4-8. Odontogenic keratocysts in the basal cell nevus syndrome.
surgery. It is also essential that patients with an odontogenic
keratocyst, especially if multiple, be evaluated medically to
Treatment and Prognosis. Several cases of ameloblastoma
rule out the possibility of the jaw cyst-basal cell nevus-bifid
have developed in cysts of this syndrome, thus emphasizing
rib syndrome (q.v.).
the importance of surgical removal of the cysts and their
Jaw Cyst-Basal Cell Nevus, Bifid Rib Syndrome histologic examination. Whenever a diagnosis of odontogenic
(Basal cell nevus syndrome, hereditary cutaneomandibular keratocyst is received by the dentist, he must be certain to
polyoncosis, Gorlin and Goltz syndrome) rule out the presence of this syndrome because of the many
associated problems which these patients ultimately will face.
This syndrome, first described by Binkley and Johnson in 1951,
has been thoroughly reviewed by Gorlin and his coworkers. A Dental Lamina Cyst of Newborn
hereditary condition, it is transmitted as an autosomal dominant (Gingival cyst of newborn, Epstein’s pearls, Bohn’s nodules)
trait, with high penetrance and variable expressivity. It is caused
by mutations in patched (PTCH), a tumor suppressor gene that Dental lamina cyst of the newborn are multiple, occasionally
has been mapped to chromosome 9q22.3–q31. solitary, superficial raised nodules on edentulous alveolar
ridges of infants that resolve without treatment; derived from
Clinical Features. The syndrome is very complex and
rests of the dental lamina and consisting of keratin-producing
includes a great variety of possible abnormalities. These may
epithelial lining. Bohn’s nodules and Epstein’s pearls are
be briefly summarized as follows:
two similar lesions with which gingival cysts sometimes
O Cutaneous anomalies, including basal cell carcinoma, may be confused; however, the location and etiology of
other benign dermal cysts and tumors, palmar pitting, pal- these lesions are somewhat different. As originally described,
mar and plantar keratosis and dermal calcinosis. Epstein’s pearls are cystic, keratin-filled nodules found along
O Dental and osseous anomalies, including odontogenic the midpalatine raphe, probably derived from entrapped
keratocysts (often multiple), mild mandibular progna- epithelial remnants along the line of fusion (q.v.). Bohn’s
thism, rib anomalies (often bifid), vertebral anomalies and nodules are keratin-filled cysts scattered over the palate, most
brachymetacarpalism (Fig. 4-8). numerous along the junction of the hard and soft palate and
O Ophthalmologic abnormalities, including hyper- apparently derived from palatal salivary gland structures (q.v.).
telorism with wide nasal bridge, dystopia canthorum, con- Discussions of these various types of cysts in the newborn
genital blindness and internal strabismus. have been published by Fromm and by Cataldo and Berkman.
O Neurologic anomalies, including mental retardation, In studying sections of the maxillae and mandibles of 17
dural calcification, agenesis of corpus callosum, congenital infants, Kreshover reported finding 65 examples of gingival
hydrocephalus and occurrence of medulloblastomas with cysts (38 multiple and 27 single). These cysts were localized in
greater than normal frequency. the corium below the surface epithelium. Those in the anterior
O Sexual abnormalities, including hypogonadism in males portion of the jaws were usually displaced lingually with respect
and ovarian tumors. to the deciduous incisors and cuspids. Those in the posterior
Some of these patients have shown a lack of response to portion of the jaw were found occlusal to the crown of the
parathormone as judged by the lack of phosphate diuresis molars. Kreshover stated that in all instances the cystic lesions
which, coupled with shortened fourth metacarpals in some were seen to arise from cells of the dental lamina. The etiology of
patients, has suggested that there may be some relationship these cysts has been thoroughly discussed by Maher and Swindle.
to pseudohypoparathyroidism. Clinical Features. Occasionally these dental lamina cysts
Oral Manifestations. The odontogenic keratocysts are in infants become sufficiently large to be clinically obvious as
indistinguishable from those previously described by that term small discrete white swellings of the alveolar ridge, sometimes
which are not associated with this syndrome (Fig. 4-8). Because appearing blanched as though from internal pressure

they often develop early in life, deformity and displacement of (Fig. 4-9A). These probably correspond to those structures
developing teeth may occur. However, they may not develop described in the older literature as the ‘predeciduous
until middle age even though the basal cell skin tumors have dentition’. These lesions appear to be asymptomatic and do
occurred early in life. not seem to produce discomfort in the infants.

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Disturbances of Development and Growth


Figure 4-9. Gingival cyst of the newborn.

(Courtesy of Dr Ralph E McDonald and Dr Alfred Fromm).

Histologic Features. These are true cysts with a thin epi- Buchner and Hansen have reported essentially the same
thelial lining which lacks rete processes and show a lumen conclusions. The similarities between the lateral periodontal
usually filled with desquamated keratin, occasionally contain- cyst and the gingival cyst of the adult in clinical behavior,
ing inflammatory cells (Fig. 4-9B). Interestingly, dystrophic morphologic appearance, anatomic site of occurrence and age
calcification and hyaline bodies of Rushton (q.v.), commonly predilection are too striking to be coincidental.
found in dentigerous cysts, are also sometimes found in this The vast majority of these gingival cysts appear to originate
lesion. in the fashion described from dental lamina, including a soft
Treatment. No treatment is required inasmuch as these tissue counterpart of the multilocular botryoid odontogenic
lesions almost invariably will disappear by opening onto the cyst. However, an implantation type of cyst can occur lined
surface of the mucosa or through disruption by erupting teeth. by a more mature keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium
lining derived from surface mucosal epithelium. Finally, as
suggested by Buchner and Hansen, there is some evidence
Gingival Cyst of Adult that a dental lamina cyst of the newborn may persist into
A small developmental odontogenic cyst of the gingival soft adulthood, as judged by the finding of cysts packed with
tissue derived from the rests of the dental lamina, containing a orthokeratin that appear identical to those in the newborn.
lining of embryonic epithelium of cuboidal cells and distinctive Clinical Features. The gingival cyst may occur at any age
focal thickenings similar to the lateral periodontal cyst. but is most common in adults. In the review of the literature
The gingival cyst of the adult is an uncommon cyst of gingival by Reeve and Levy, the majority of patients were over 40 years
soft tissue, occurring in either the free or attached gingiva. of age. The mean age in the 33 cases reported by Buchner
The etiology and pathogenesis of this lesion have been and Hansen was 48 years and that of the 10 cases reported
reviewed by Ritchey and Orban, who suggested possible by Wysocki and his associates was 51 years. The location of
sources of cystic formation as: the lesion closely follows that of the lateral periodontal cyst.
O Heterotopic glandular tissue. Thus, all except one cyst in the series of Wysocki and his
O Degenerative changes in a proliferating epithelial peg. coworkers were in the mandibular bicuspid-cuspid incisor
O Remnants of the dental lamina, enamel organ or epithelial area, the one exception being in the maxillary lateral incisor
islands of the periodontal membrane. area. The locations in the series of Buchner and Hansen were
O Traumatic implantation of epithelium. virtually identical except that they had several cases also in the
maxillary arch from cuspid to first molar.
Of these possibilities, only the last two appear valid, and This lesion presents generally as a small, well-circumscribed,
on this basis there do appear to be two recognizable forms painless swelling of the gingiva, sometimes closely resembling
of gingival cyst: a superficial mucocele (Fig. 4-10). The lesion is of the same
O That arising from cystic transformation of dental lamina or color as the adjacent normal mucosa and seldom measures
the ‘glands’ or rests of Serres. over 1 cm in diameter, generally much less. Although this
O That arising from traumatic implantation of surface epithe- cyst may occur in either the free or attached gingiva, some
lium (and, therefore, not truly an odontogenic cyst). gingival cysts occur in the gingival papilla itself.
The origin of the gingival cyst of the adult has been Radiographic Features. The gingival cyst is a soft tissue

evaluated by Wysocki and his colleagues, who concluded that lesion and does not generally manifest itself on the dental
it does arise from postfunctional rests of dental lamina and radiograph. If it enlarges to sufficient size, it may cause
thus represents the extraosseous counterpart of the lateral superficial erosion of the cortical plate of bone, but this is still
periodontal cyst, with which it shares a common histogenesis. generally not visible on the radiograph. If a circumscribed,

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin

The lateral periodontal cyst, as the name implies, occurs on

a lateral periodontal location and it is of developmental origin
arising from cystic degeneration of clear cells of the dental lamina.
In order to establish the proper diagnosis, an inflammatory origin
as well as exclusion of a possible odontogenic keratocyst must
be ruled out clinically and histologically.
The lateral periodontal cyst is an uncommon but well-
recognized type of developmental odontogenic cyst. The various
theories concerning the etiology and pathogenesis of the lesion
have been reviewed by Standish and Shafer. These cysts appear
to arise in intimate association with the lateral root surface of an
erupted tooth, with a predilection for the mandibular bicuspid
A area. The possibilities which have been offered to explain their
origin and mode of development include:
O Origin initially as a dentigerous cyst developing along the
lateral surface of the crown, and as the tooth erupts, the
cyst assumes a position in approximation to the lateral sur-
face of the root.
O Origin from proliferation of rests of Malassez in the peri-
odontal ligament although the stimulus for this prolifera-
B tion is unknown.
Figure 4-10. Gingival cyst of the adult. O Origin simply as a primordial cyst of a supernumerary
tooth germ, since the predilection for occurrence of the
lateral periodontal cyst in the mandibular bicuspid area
radiolucent cystic lesion of alveolar bone with some swelling corresponds well with the known high incidence of super-
of the soft tissue is present, the cyst probably represents a numerary teeth in this same region.
lateral periodontal cyst rather than a gingival cyst. O Origin from proliferation and cystic transformation of rests
of dental lamina, which are in a postfunctional state and
Histologic Features. The gingival cyst of the adult is a true
therefore have only a limited growth potential that is in ac-
cyst, since it is a pathologic epithelium lined cavity which
cordance with the usual small size of these cysts.
usually contains fluid (Fig. 4-10 B). The lining epithelium is
generally identical to that found in the lateral periodontal cyst, This latter theory, including the suggestion that the lateral
with the occasional exceptions noted above. The epithelium periodontal cyst and the gingival cyst of the adult (q.v.) share
ranges in thickness from simply one flattened cell to several this common histogenesis from postfunctional dental lamina
cells, a thin stratified squamous epithelium. Glycogen-rich rests and that these two cysts represent basically the central
clear cells may be present, especially in the focal thickenings or or intraosseous and peripheral or extraosseous manifestations
plaques of the lining. Dental lamina rests may also be found in of the same lesion, has been discussed in detail by Wysocki
the connective tissue wall and these are commonly composed and his colleagues. At present, it seems the most appropriate
of the same type of glycogen-rich clear cells. As noted earlier, one. They have also pointed out the important fact that in
these lesions may be unicystic or polycystic. Since the cyst lies many reports of the lateral periodontal cyst in the previous
free in the connective tissue of the gingiva, it may or may not literature, the term has been used to designate any cyst that
exhibit an associated inflammatory reaction. may be positioned against the lateral root surface of a tooth
In cases of the traumatic or implantation type of gingival (e.g. lateral radicular cyst related to pulp infection, odontogenic
cyst, calcification or even ectopic ossification on rare occasions keratocyst, etc.). This positional use of the term should be
may be associated with the cystic lesion, reminiscent of avoided and the designation applied only to that specific
the ossification occurring after experimental implantation of developmental lesion with characteristic features.
bladder epithelium into subcutaneous tissues. An unusual form of cyst was reported in 1973 by Weathers
Treatment. Local surgical excision of the lesion in adults is and Waldron under the term botryoid odontogenic cyst.
usually recommended, and the lesions do not tend to recur. A They described two cases of cysts which had a multilocular
neoplastic potential has never been reported. pattern apparent radiographically, histologically and even
clinically at the time of surgical removal. Additional experience
with this cyst, as indicated by Wysocki and his associates,
Lateral Periodontal Cyst now strongly suggests that this is simply a polycystic variant

A slow growing, nonexpansile developmental odontogenic of the lateral periodontal cyst developing through cystic
cyst derived from one or more rests of the dental lamina, transformation of multiple islands of dental lamina rests. The
containing an embryonic lining of one to three cuboidal cells epithelial lining in the two cysts is identical, as are its clinical
and distinctive focal thickenings (plaques). features, including age of predilection and sites of occurrence.

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Disturbances of Development and Growth

In addition, a multilocular extraosseous form analogous to the definitive and is even surrounded sometimes by a thin layer of
gingival cyst of the adult also occurs. sclerotic bone. The botryoid odontogenic cyst appears similar
Clinical Features. The lateral periodontal cyst occurs except that its polycystic nature is often evident through its
chiefly in adults, according to the series of 39 cases reported multilocular pattern on the radiograph (Fig. 4-12).
by Wysocki and his associates in which there was a mean age Histologic Features. Histologically, the lateral periodontal
of 50 years and an age range of 22–85 years. In this series, there cyst is a distinct type of developmental cyst characterized by
was a predilection for occurrence in males over females, 67: 28 a thin, nonkeratinized epithelium usually one to five cell lay-
with 5% unknown. The location of the lesion was extremely ers thick, which resembles the reduced enamel epithelium.
limited in this study: 67% of cases were in the mandibular Cuboidal or even columnar cells may be found composing
bicuspid/cuspid/incisor area, while 33% were in the maxillary the lining. Many of the lining cells have a clear, vacuolated,
lateral incisor area. Lesions were found at no other sites and glycogen-rich cytoplasm (Fig. 4-13). This lining is incomplete
this has also been the experience of most other investigators. and easily sloughs away. Focal thickened plaques of proliferat-
No rational explanation has been offered for this localization. ing lining cells often project into the lumen in areas. These
The majority of cases have presented no clinical signs are especially prominent in the botryoid odontogenic cyst
or symptoms and have been discovered during routine (Fig. 4-13). Rests of dental lamina are sometimes found in
radiographic examination of the teeth. Occasionally, when the the connective tissue wall and these similarly are frequently
cyst is located on the labial surface of the root, there may be a composed of glycogen-rich clear cells. These also appear to be
slight mass obvious, although the overlying mucosa is normal. more common in the botryoid-type cyst. Papillary infoldings
Unless otherwise affected, the associated tooth is vital. If the of the lateral periodontal cyst wall are sometimes seen and in-
cyst becomes infected, it may resemble a lateral periodontal flammatory cells may be present, but this is a secondary reac-
abscess and even seek to establish drainage. tion. The histologic characteristics of these cysts have been
Radiographic Features. The periapical radiograph discloses detailed by Wysocki and his colleagues as well as by Shear and
the lateral periodontal cyst as a radiolucent area in apposition Pindborg. The connective tissue subjacent to the epithelium
to the lateral surface of a tooth root (Fig. 4-11A–D). The exhibits a zone of hyalinization, consisting of a thick fibrous
lesion is usually small, seldom over 1 cm in diameter, and may noninflamed cyst wall. A different histologic appearance
or may not be well circumscribed. In most cases the border is has been described for this cyst with the name of botryoid



Figure 4-11. Lateral periodontal cysts.

A cyst lies in the periodontal tissues proximal to the roots of premolar and molar teeth. The pulp of the associated teeth appear normal.

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin



Figure 4-12. Botryoid odontogenic cysts.

The multilocular appearance (A, B) is indicative of their polycystic nature. The lining epithelium (C, D) of the numerous small cysts is thin and shows focal areas of


Figure 4-13. Lateral periodontal cysts.

Chapter4.indd 271 01/06/12 10:54 AM

Disturbances of Development and Growth

odontogenic cyst. This name reflects the gross similarity of epithelium (Sadeghi et al, 1991). The use of this name
the cystic cavities to that of a cluster of grapes. might, however, lead to confusion with the mucoepidermoid
Treatment and Prognosis. Provided that the lesion is carcinoma, and is therefore unlikely to find favor (Shear, 1992).
unilocular on radiographic examination the lateral periodontal Padayachee and van Wyk, 1987, indicated that the typical
cyst is treated by surgical enucleation. Attempts should be features of the cyst are that it is intrabony and multilocular
made to avoid sacrificing the associated tooth, but this may radiographically; that it can recur if not adequately excised; that
not always be possible. The botryoid variety, a lesion that is it is multicystic, with the cystic spaces lined by a nonkeratinized
radiographically or histologically multilocular, has an increased epithelium similar to reduced enamel epithelium, with
risk of recurrence or persistence and patients treated for a epithelial thickenings or plaques; that mucous and cylindrical
botryoid odontogenic cyst should be followed periodically. cells form an integral part of the epithelial component; and
It is especially important that the diagnosis be established that mucinous material within the cystic spaces is a prominent
because of the similarity in appearance between this cyst and feature. Gardner et al, (1988) who favored the name ‘glandular
other more serious lesions such as an early ameloblastoma. odontogenic cyst’ suggested that its histological features and
biological behavior are sufficient for it to be regarded as an
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
(Keratinizing and/or calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst, Gorlin Clinical Features. The glandular odontogenic cyst occurs
cyst, cystic keratinizing tumor) over a wide age range. A slight male predilection was reported.
The common site affected was anterior mandible. The
A rare, well-circumscribed, solid or cystic lesion derived from lesions showed slow progressive growth, were painless and
odontogenic epithelium that resembles follicular ameloblastoma locally destructive. The mandible seems to be affected more
but contains ‘ghost cells’ and spherical calcifications. commonly (87.2%) than the maxilla. The age ranges from
The so-called calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) represents 10–90 years with the mean of 49.5 years.
a heterogeneous group of lesions that exhibit a variety of
clinicopathologic and behavioral features. Because of this Radiographic Features. The lesions appear well defined
diversity, there has been confusion and disagreement on the with a multilocular pattern but without specific diagnostic
terminology and classification of these lesions. The term features.
calcifying odontogenic cyst includes both non-neoplastic Histologic Features. Histologically, glandular odontogenic
cyst and true neoplasms. The 1992 WHO classification cyst is lined in parts by a nonkeratinized stratified epithelium of
includes this cyst and all its variants in the category of varying thickness (Fig. 4-14). The epithelium has a glandular
odontogenic tumors. or pseudoglandular structure, with goblet mucous producing
It has become obvious that it is not one lesion but really cells as well as intraepithelial crypts or microcysts containing
two—a cystic lesion and a solid neoplastic lesion. A third mucus. These microcysts may open onto the surface of the
malignant counterpart of the neoplastic lesion may be added. epithelium giving a papillary or corrugated appearance.
The calcifying odontogenic cyst may present as an intraosseous Some cells may also be ciliated. Occasionally the epithelium
cystic lesion or in association with an odontoma. On rare is thinner, similar to reduced enamel epithelium. Epithelial
occasions, it may present as a peripheral (gingival) lesion. thickenings or plaques may be present either in this thin
The neoplasm, more aptly termed a dentinogenic ghost epithelium or in the stratified epithelium. Interface between
cell tumor, is a rare lesion that may occur in bone or in the epithelium and connective tissue is flat. The diagnosis of
gingival soft tissue (for detailed description refer section on
odontogenic tumors).

Glandular Odontogenic Cyst

(Sialo-odontogenic cyst, mucoepidermoid odontogenic cyst)
An unusually large solitary or multilocular odontogenic cyst
probably derived from the rests of dental lamina, consisting
of a stratified squamous epithelium containing numerous
mucus-secreting cells.
The glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC), also known as
sialo-odontogenic cyst has many similarities to the lateral
periodontal cyst of which it is considered a variant by some
authors. Glandular odontogenic cyst occurs in the same
location as the lateral periodontal cyst but as a rule it has a Figure 4-14. Sialo-odontogenic cyst.

multilocular radiolucent appearance. The name of the cyst is Nonkeratinized stratified epithelium of varying thickness; cuboidal or columnar
not yet established. The term most descriptive of the lesion is ciliated surface lining with goblet cells; polycystic with secretory and epithelial
probably mucoepidermoid odontogenic cyst because of the elements; microcysts may form duct like structures and are filled with a PAS-
presence of both secretory elements and stratified squamous positive material surrounded by fibrous capsule.

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin

glandular odontogenic cyst should be considered when rarely does it produce expansion of the cortical plates. The
observing a lateral periodontal multilocular radiolucency. The apical periodontal cyst is a lesion that represents a chronic
diagnosis is essentially microscopic. inflammatory process and develops only over a prolonged
Treatment. The treatment should be conservative but with a period of time. In some cases, such a cyst of long standing may
careful dissection of the margins in order to avoid recurrences. undergo an acute exacerbation of the inflammatory process
Patient should be followed-up periodically in order to assess and develop rapidly into an abscess (periapical abscess) that
early recurrences. may then proceed to a cellulitis or form a draining fistula. The
cause of such a sudden flare up is not known, but it may be a
result of loss of local or generalized tissue resistance.
Radiographic Features. The radiographic image of the ra-
Periapical Cyst dicular cyst is a peri- or para-apical, round or oval radiolucen-
(Radicular cyst, apical periodontal cyst, root end cyst) cy of variable size which is generally well delineated and most
likely with a marked radiopaque rim. Other lesions, such as
The periapical (radicular) cyst is the most common odontogenic granulomas, neoplasms of various origin and some diseases
cyst. The usual etiology is an infected tooth, leading to necrosis of bone can also present a similar radiolucent periapical ap-
of the pulp. Toxins exit at the apex of the tooth, leading to pearance. Therefore, a periapical radiolucency cannot be auto-
periapical inflammation. This inflammation stimulates the matically assumed to be a cyst. Several studies have indicated
epithelial rests of Malassez, which are found in the apical that it is not possible to rely on the radiographic size of a peri-
periodontal ligament, resulting in the formation of a periapical apical radiolucency to establish the diagnosis of either cyst or
granuloma that may be infected or sterile. Eventually, this granuloma unless the lesion is larger than 2 cm in diameter.
epithelium undergoes necrosis caused by a lack of blood Rarely radicular cysts will induce resorption of the root of the
supply, and the granuloma becomes a cyst (periapical cyst). affected tooth.
The lesions are not usually clinically detectable when small
but most often are discovered as an incidental findings on Histologic Features. Microscopically a radicular cyst is lim-
radiographic survey. ited by a mature collagenous connective tissue wall. Abundant
fibroblasts can be identified within the cystic wall. The wall
Pathogenesis. This cyst is classified as inflammatory, generally presents an inflammatory infiltrate of variable de-
because in the majority of cases it is a consequence to pulpal gree. Lymphocytes are generally the most prominent cells in
necrosis following caries, with an associated periapical the infiltrate and are characterized by their darkly stained nu-
inflammatory response. Other causes include any event cleus, which occupies most of the cytoplasm. Plasma cells are
that may result in pulpal necrosis such as tooth fracture and also abundant in cysts’ walls and mostly seen in long standing
improper restorations, among others. The first line of defense (chronic) cysts. They are characterized by an eccentric nucle-
to pulpal necrosis in the periapical area is the formation of us with a cartwheel arrangement of the nuclear chromatin.
a granuloma. A granuloma is a highly vascularized tissue Plasma cells are considered repertoire of immunoglobulins.
containing a profuse infiltrate of immunologically competent Other histological findings within the cystic wall are: erythro-
cells, i.e. lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. cytes and areas of hemorrhage, occasional spicules of dystro-
The epithelial rests of Malassez, which are pluripotential in phic bone, multinucleated giant cells and cholesterol crystals
nature can differentiate into any type of epithelium, under the (Fig. 4-15A).
proper stimuli. These rests play a central role in the formation The cavity of a radicular cyst is generally lined by stratified
of radicular cysts. In the midst of the rich vascular area provided squamous epithelium. These cysts can be lined by respiratory
by the periapical granuloma, the rests of Malassez proliferate and epithelium, especially if they are in the vicinity of the maxillary
eventually form a large mass of cells. With continuous growth, sinus. The epithelial lining, many times, is discontinuous,
the inner cells of the mass are deprived of nourishment and they frequently missing over areas of intense inflammation. Rarely
undergo liquefaction necrosis. This leads to the formation of a radicular cysts may be lined by mucus producing epithelium
cavity which is located in the center of the granuloma, giving in either maxillary or mandibular locations. The mucous
rise to a radicular cyst. epithelium is the result of metaplastic transformation of the
Islands of squamous epithelium which have developed from epithelial rests of Malassez which are pluripotential. In rare
odontogenic rests of Malassez can also be found in a periapical instances, carcinoma has been reported developing from the
granuloma without cystic transformation. Endodontists refer lining epithelium of odontogenic cysts, including the radicular
to these granulomas as ‘bay cyst’. cyst. These have been reviewed by Gardner (1969).
Clinical Features. Around 60% of all jaw cysts are radicular An interesting and peculiar structure, originally described
or residual cysts. Radicular cysts can occur in the periapical area by Rushton and subsequently reported by Molyneux, Medak
of any teeth, at any age but are seldom seen associated with the and Weinmann and Shear, is the hyaline body or Rushton
primary dentition. The majority of cases of apical periodontal body, often found in great numbers in the epithelium of

cysts are asymptomatic. The tooth is seldom painful or even apical, periodontal or residual cysts (Fig. 4-15 B). These
sensitive to percussion. This type of cyst is only infrequently hyaline bodies are tiny linear or arc-shaped bodies, generally
of such a size that it destroys much bone, and even more associated with the lining epithelium, that appear amorphous

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Disturbances of Development and Growth

Residual Cyst
Residual cyst is a term of convenience because no teeth are
left by which to identify the lesion. Most commonly, these
actually are retained periapical cysts from teeth that have been
removed. The histology of the lining is a nondescript stratified
squamous epithelium.
Theoretically, it could develop in a dental granuloma that is left
after an extraction. The residual cyst may be found in any of the
tooth bearing areas of the mandible or maxilla. Morphologically,
the residual cyst may present as a fairly well defined radiolucency
that can vary in size from a few mm to several cm. Clinically,
these cysts are usually found on routine radiographic examination
A of patients. They may have been present for many months or
years and only become symptomatic upon secondarily infected
(Figs 4-16 A, B, and C). Usually, residual cysts do not expand
bone. Treatment is surgical curettage (refer periapical cyst).

Paradental Cyst
A cyst of uncertain origin found primarily on the distal or
facial aspect of a vital mandibular third molar, consisting of
intensely inflamed connective tissue and epithelial lining.
The paradental cyst is an inflammatory cyst which develops
on the lateral surface of a tooth root. Some authors refer to
this cyst as an inflammatory periodontal cyst or collateral cyst.
B This cyst is of rare occurrence and must be radiographically
differentiated from the lateral periodontal cyst. It is treated
Figure 4-15. Radicular cyst.
by surgical ablation and does not have a tendency to recur.
(A) The cyst cavity is filled with an eosinophilic coagulum containing slit-like
spaces which contain cholesterol. These cholesterols may form mucosal nodules; It seems clear that the paradental cyst is of inflammatory origin
the epithelial lining becomes discontinued where such nodules have formed. (B) and that it arises from odontogenic epithelium. Craig (1976) has
Hyaline bodies. Another feature that may be seen within the epithelial linings suggested that either the cell rests of Malassez or the reduced
of radicular cyst is the peculiarly shaped structures which are eosinophilic, and enamel epithelium might provide the cell of origin. He favored
typically, are described as lady’s hairpin shaped (Courtesy of Dr K W Lee). the latter source, arguing that in his study the rests of Malassez
always appeared inactive and that if the Malassez rests were
in structure, eosinophilic in reaction and brittle in nature, responsible the lesions should be equally distributed around the
since they evidence fracture in some cases. Their frequency of root surface. His serial sections indicated that the development
occurrence in cyst linings ranges between 2.6 and 9.5% of cysts, of paradental cyst may follow hyperplasia and cystic change in
according to a review by Allison. The etiology, pathogenesis, reduced enamel epithelium. He suggested that the presence of
and significance of these structures are unknown. The lumen an extension of reduced enamel epithelium over the enamel
of the cyst usually contains a fluid with a low concentration of projections might be the source, and could explain the frequent
protein that stains palely eosinophilic. Occasionally the lumen buccal location of the cyst.
may contain a great deal of cholesterol, and in rare instances, Pathogenesis. There is no unanimity with regard to patho-
limited amounts of keratin are present. genesis. Ackerman, Cohen and Altini (1987) like Craig (1976),
Treatment. The treatment of the radicular cyst consists of favored origin from reduced enamel epithelium but suggested
extraction of the involved teeth and careful curettage of the that cyst formation occurs as a result of unilateral expansion of
periapical tissue. Under some conditions, root canal therapy the dental follicle secondary to inflammatory destruction of peri-
may be carried out with apicoectomy of the cystic lesion. odontium and the alveolar bone. Fowler and Brannon (1989)
The cyst does not recur if surgical removal is thorough. If the suggested that it may be a variant of the dentigerous cyst or de-
cystic sac is badly fragmented, leaving epithelial remnants, rived from an occluded periodontal pocket. Vedtofte and Praeto-
or if a periapical granuloma is incompletely removed with rius (1989) were satisfied that the cyst was of inflammatory ori-
epithelial rests remaining, a residual cyst may develop in this gin, initiated by a pericoronitis at the time of tooth eruption and
area months or even years later. If untreated, the radicular considered rests of Malassez and reduced enamel epithelium the
most likely source of the cyst epithelium.

cyst slowly increases in size at the expense of the surrounding

bone. The bone undergoes resorption, but seldom is there a Clinical Features. In the sample of 2,616 jaw cysts reported
remarkable expansion of the cortical plates, as is frequently by Shear (1992), there were 65 paradental cysts classified over
seen in the case of the dentigerous cyst. a 32-year period (2.5%). The series of 50 cases reported by

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Cysts and Tumors of Odontogenic Origin

Ackermann, Cohen and Altini found most of their cyst

located distally and distobuccally to the third molar. All the
papers emphasized that the involved teeth were vital. Bilateral
examples occurred in a number of instances.
Radiographic Features. All authors reported a variable
radiographic picture but there are some features which appeared
consistently and which seem to be useful in contributing to
the diagnosis. These are the non widening of the periodontal
ligament space and that the lesion was superimposed on the
buccal root face. When there was a distal as well as a buccal
radiolucency, the distal element was separate from the distinct
distal follicular space (Shear, 1992).
Histologic Features. Histologically, the cysts were lined by
a hyperplastic nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
An intense inflammatory cell infiltrate is present associated
with the hyperplastic epithelium and in the fibrous capsule
adjacent to the epithelium. Histologically the paradental cyst
cannot be differentiated from a radicular cyst.
Treatment. Enucleation and extraction of associated molar.


Odontogenic tumors represent a spectrum of lesions ranging
from malignant (rare) and benign neoplasms to dental
hamartomas, all arising from odontogenic residues, i.e.
B odontogenic epithelia and/or ectomesenchyme with variable
amounts of dental hard tissues formed generally in the same
sequence as in normal tooth development.
Occasionally an odontogenic tumor develops from a preexisting
developmental cyst (e.g. adenomatoid odontogenic tumor from
a dentigerous cyst) or dental primordium (e.g. ameloblastomas
often take the place of lower third molars). In many instances
the exact tissue of origin (histogenesis) of an odontogenic tumor
may only be inferred from its site and structure.
Classification of Odontogenic Tumors. The WHO clas-
sification (1992) divides odontogenic tumors into benign and
malignant, with major subdivisions in each category (White,
2004) (Table 4-2). The subdivisions for the benign neoplasms
are based on types of odontogenic tissue involved in the pro-
cess and include:
O Odontogenic epithelium without odontogenic ectomesen-
Figure 4-16. Residual cyst. chyme.
Histopathological features of (A), residual cyst using H & E stain (x 10), (B) of O Odontogenic epithelium with odontogenic ectomesen-
residual cyst using PCNA antibody stain (x 10), and (C) of residual cyst using
chyme, with or without dental hard tissue formation.
PCNA antibody stain (x 40).
O Odontogenic ectomesenchyme with or without included
odontogenic epithelium.
Ackerman, Cohen and Altini (1987) represented the 3% of The classic example of odontogenic tumor viz. amelo-
a sample of 1,852 odontogenic cysts observed over a 20-year blastoma is an archetype of a neoplasm where the neoplastic
period. Virtually all the cases in the study by Ackermann, component is epithelial only without contribution from the
Cohen and Altini occurred between the ages of 10 and 39 ectomesenchyme. In the second category, some of the neo-
with two-thirds of their sample in the third decade; the same plasms are pure epithelial tumors but are capable of inducing

as in Craig’s material (cited by Shear, 1992). There was a dysplastic enamel and dentin formation. Examples include
considerable preponderance of males reported by Ackermann, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, calcifying odontogenic cyst,
Cohen and Altini and by Fowler and Brannon but of Vedtofte and odontoameloblastoma. Other tumors in the category
and Praetorius. There was an equal gender distribution. exhibit neoplastic cells of both odontogenic epithelium and

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