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A. PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT: To make as the student will read further on

managerial economics academic discipline area and broadening their views.
B. GRADING: The assignment evaluated from 30%
C. SUBMMISION: You have to submit through add: Manually through class
representative Until Jun 30, 2022
1. To make maximum use of individual behavioral determinants, managers should;
A. Identify as many determinants as possible
B. Reward the determinants to maximize their effectiveness
C. Concentrate on those determinants within the manager’s sphere of influence
D. Select only those individuals who have all the determinants
E. Promote cultural change to eliminate conflicting determinants

2. An individual locus of control his/her behavior

A. To what degree the person controls his/her behavior.
B. Their attribution process for events
C. Internally located for most individuals
D. A personality deficiency in many peoples
E. An area of research that needs much more attention.

3. Introversion and extroversion could best be described as:

A. Personality trait that has been associated with managerial success
B. Version of the intro and extro theories of personality
C. Qualities that can be learned
D. Machiavellian tendencies
E. Strongly correlated with locus of control

4. Which one of the following is false bout attitude?

A. Attitude is the learned part of four psychological make-ups.
B. Attitude are changed through experience.
C. Attitude are difficult to measure.
D. Attitude can be divergent from behaviors.
E. None of the above.

5. As used in this course, the term ‘ability’

A. Refers to an individual willingness to perform the various tasks in a job
B. Is a current assessment of what one can do
C. Is made up of only intellectual skills
D. Is made up of “people skills”
E. None of the above

6. Which one of the following is synonyms for ”ability”?

A. Motivation D. Intellect
B. Capacity E. None of the above
C. Experience

7. Which one of the following is not the components of intellectual ability?

A. Perceptual speed D. Stamina
B. Verbal comprehensiveness E. None of the above
C. Number aptitude
8. All of the following are personality determinant except:
A. Heredity D. Environmental factors
B. Intelligence E. None of the above
C. Situational condition

9. Which of the following personality shaping factor is not external:

A. Parent’s height D. All of the above
B. Experience E. None of the above
C. Religious Ethics

10. Factors that are considered environmental influence on our personality includes all the
following except;
A. Birth order D. Family norms
B. Heredity E. None of the above
C. Culture

11. “Bekele is easy going at home, but at work he become very tense and anxious.” This
statement attributes Bekele’s personality more to which of the following:
A. Hereditary D. Locus of control
B. Environmental E. None of the above
C. Situation

12. People consistently believe they control their own destinies have;
A. A high extroversion D. High self-discipline
B. High internal locus of control E. None of the above
C. High degree of authoritarianism

13. All of the following are characteristic traits of people with a high external locus of control with
the exception of;
A. They are less satisfied with their job D. They are less involved on
their job
B. They have high absenteeism rate E. None of the above
C. They are less alienated from the work setting

14. People with an internal locus of control trend to;

A. Quit their job more often than those with an external locus of control
B. Indicate that quit their jobs less often than those with external locus of control
C. There is no clear relationship between locus of control and turnover
D. Start their own business
E. None of the above
15. People with a high need to achieve:
A. Tend to be comfortable with the way they are doing things as long as they are rewarded for
their accomplishment
B. Went to avoid obstacles in order to minimize the risk of failure
C. Want to feel that their success is due to their own actions
D. Tend to choose projects that are easiest to accomplish.
E. None of the above

16. Which of the following is not true about high achievers?

A. They like to take high risks D. They dislike tasks that are easy
B. They like feedback on their performance E. None of the above
C. They went control over results

17. High achievers will do best on jobs that provides;

A. Low difficulty and high probability of positive results
B. Intermediate difficulty, rapid performance feedback, and control over results.
C. High difficulty, performance feedback, and high risk
D. High difficulty, immediate performance feedback and control over results.
E. None of the above

18. When the response is followed by the termination of withdrawal of something unpleasant, it
is called:
A. Negative reinforcement D. Elimination
B. Positive reinforcement E. None of the above
C. Manipulation

19. Allowing employee to consistency arrive at work a half hour late with no consequences is an
example of;
A. Extinction C. Positive behavioral modification
B. Negative reinforcement D. Poor planning E. None

20. An example of ______________ is when an employee receives a one-week suspension from

work and is fined 200 birr for stealing company property.
A. Penalization D. Negative reinforcement
B. Punishment E. None of the above
C. Extinction

21. Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called:

A. Extinction D. Positive reinforcement
B. Punishment E. None of the above
C. Negative reinforcement
22. All of the following are true about both positive and negative reinforcement except;
A. Both positive and negative reinforcement results in learning
B. Both positive and negative reinforcement strengthen a desired response and increase the
probability of repetition
C. Both positive and negative reinforcement tend to weaken behavior and decrease its
subsequent frequency.
D. Both positive and negative reinforcement are effective shaping tools
E. None of the above

23. It is not true that the use of punishment by a manager;

A. Tend to produce a conditional fear of the manager
B. May provide only a short-term solution
C. Tells employee what not to do but don’t tell them what alternative behavior are preferred
D. Usually change behavior and puts an end to the problem
E. None of the above

24. A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to
give meaning to their environment is called;
A. Interpretation D. Outlook
B. Environmental analysis E. None of the above
C. Perception

25. Which one of the following is not a factor that influence perception?
A. Target C. Perceiver
B. Society D. Situation E. None of the above

26. If two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently, the factors that
operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside in:
A. The perceiver D. The context of the situation in which the
perception is made
B. The target being perceived E. None of the above
C. The timing

27. The theory that has been proposed to develop explanations of how you judge people
differently depending on what meaning you assign to a given behavior is;
A. Behavioral theory D. Attribution theory
B. Judgmental theory E. None of the above
C. Equity theory

28. Which of the following is not true attribution theory?

A. It tries to attribute causes to specific behavior D. Behavior can be attributed to
one’s heredity
B. The cause of behavior may be internal E. None of the above
C. The cause if behavior may be external
29. When you judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she
belongs, you are using the shortcut called:
A. Grouping C. Categorizing
B. Stereotyping D. Assimilating E. None of the

30. How individual in the organization make decision and the quality of their final choice is largely
influenced by their;
A. Personality C. Experience
B. Perception D. Job Satisfaction E. None of the

31. Which one of the following is not an attitude?

A. Job productivity C. Job involvement
B. Job satisfaction D. Organization Commitment E. None

32. If attitude and behavior is inconsistent, individual will most likely;

A. Change their behavior D. Rationalize the inconsistency
B. Change their attitude E. C and D
C. Change either their attitude and/or behavior

33. The best synonyms for “dissonance” is

A. Cognitive C. Equality
B. Attitude D. Inconsistency E. None of the

34. Job satisfaction is best described as;

A. Behavior C. An attitude
B. A value D. Causing high performance E.

35. There are three parts to the definition of “Motivation”, which of the following is NOT one of
A. There is tendency to persist C. It is a force that energize behavior
B. Behavior has a goal or at least a direction D. It is measurable E.

36. There are four needs theories in the area of motivation. Which of the following is NOT one of
A. Acquired B. ERG C. Equity D. Two-factor E.
37. In the area of motivation, need theories argue that you behave the way you do because you
have internal needs that you are attempting to fulfill. These theories of motivation are
sometimes referred to as_____________.
A. Process B. Content C. Hygiene D. Reinforcement E. None

38. Two core ideas in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivation theory are, first at any given time
some needs are more important to an individual than are others needs and, second.
A. The fixed internal schedule of reinforcement is most effective in matching behavior to
organization expectation.
B. Satisfied needs are no longer motivators
C. Each level of needs must be nearly 100% satisfied before individuals turn their attention to
the next level.
D. Sooner or later everyone works his/her way through all five levels of the need hierarchy
E. None of the above

39. Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of needs in the hierarchy of needs theory of
A. Reinforcement needs B. Physiological needs C. Self-actualization
D. Belongingness need E. None of the above

40. According to the hierarchy of need theory of motivation, after an individual satisfies his/her
physiological needs sufficiently, the_________ needs becomes the primary focus for that

A. Self-Actualization B. Safety C. Esteem D. Reinforcement

E. None

41. Two criticism of Maslow’s motivation theory are that needs may very well cluster into only
two or three categories rather than the five Maslow’s suggested and

A. Need can’t be really identified

B. The hierarchy of needs may not be the same for everyone

C. Safety needs should be the first rather than the second level of needs

D. All of the above E. None of the above

42. Alderfer’s is most associated with which of the following motivation theories?

A. Equity theory B. Acquired need theories C. ERG theories

D. All of the above E. None of the above

43. The ERG needs theory og motivation most obviously differs from Maslow’s needs hierarchy
theory in that the ERG theory

A. Combines needs into three levels rather than five.

B. Is broader in scope, including staff employees as well as production workers.

C. Includes reinforcement perspectives.

D. Recognize that no one ever reaches self-actualization levels.

E. None of the above

44. The ERG theory approaches motivation needs a bit differently than does Maslow’s need
hierarchy theory, the ERG theory emphasizes existence needs, _______needs, and growth

A. Random C. Reinforcement

B. Relatedness D. Relative E. None of the above

45. The ERG theory of motivations cites a number of levels of needs. A characteristics of levels of
needs as described in this model is that:

A. There are more levels in the ERG models than in the hierarchy model

B. the number of needs in each level increases from the bottom level to the top

C. Physiological needs are omitted from consideration in the ERG model

D. The degree to which needs can be measured or even verified decreases from the bottom level to
the top

E. None of the above

46. Aside from differences in numbers of levels of needs, the ERG theory of motivation differs
from the needs hierarchy model in a number of ways. Which of the following is NOT one of
those differences?

A. The ERG model recognizes that different individuals may experience needs in a somewhat
different orders than the needs hierarchy model.

B. It argues that more than one level of needs may be addressed at the same time.

C. It argues that being continually frustrated in trying to satisfy a higher-level needs may cause a
regression to a lower-level needs.
D. It states that needs must be satisfied to a much greater degree before any higher-level needs
become important.

E. None of the above

47. Herzberg’s theory about motivation is called the “dual-factor or two-factor theory”. One of
these factors is usually identified as being hygiene factors. The other is

A. Hierarchy factor C. Motivation factors

B. Satisfaction factors D. Relationship factors E. None of the above

48. An interesting proposal in the Herzberg’s two-factor motivation is the notion that the
opposite of “satisfaction” is

A. Motivation C. Dissatisfaction

B. No satisfaction D. Hygiene E. None of the


49. Which of the following best describes how David McClelland’s acquired-needs theory differs
from all other needs theories of motivation;

A. McClelland suggested that there are three groups of needs.

B. He suggested that needs don’t manifest themselves in some forms of behavior

C. He suggested that rewards and/or reinforcement are unimportant

D. He suggested that needs are learned or are acquired rather than being inhere

E. None of the above

50. McClelland, in his acquired needs theory of motivation, described three sets of needs: Power,
achievement and_____

A. Activities C. Affection

B. Affiliations D. Activities E. None of the above

51. McClelland’s research work in motivation theory suggests that the best managers are most
often found among those individuals who have high need for

A. Achievement C. Affiliation

B. Instrumental power D. Activities E. None of the above

52. According the McClelland’s views of motivation theory, if a person finds that he/she doesn’t
have the “right mix of needs,” that person

A. Is doomed to repeat the mistakes of history

B. Can learn the “right set” through training

C. Is pretty much limited to the level of management he or she can be expected to reach

D. Can always be successful as an entrepreneur and should start his or own organization.

E. None of the above

53. The expectancy theory of motivation consists of three major parts. Which of the following is
NOT one of them?

A. Effort-performance expectancy

B. Perceived equitability of reward distribution

C. Performance-outcome expectancy

D. Outcome valences

E. None of the above

54. If the conventional wisdom around the campus is that old Professor Bogale never given
anyone a grade lower than C and has never given a grade higher than B+ in 32 years of
teaching the course, that part of the expectancy model of motivation which is most likely to
be affected in the students taking the course at this time is

A. Effort-performance expectancy C. Outcome valence

B. Performance-outcome expectancy D. All of the above E. None

55. Rewards that are related to our own internal experience with successful performance, such as
feeling of achievement, challenge, and growth are Known as;

A. Performance reward C. Intrinsic reward

B. Valence reward D. Outcome rewards E. None

56. As used in expectancy theory of motivation, valence is

A. The probability we assign to the likelihoods that our effort will result in success performance

B. The anticipated value of the various extrinsic and intrinsic outcomes or reward
C. The actual outcome rather than the projected outcome resulting from our performance

D. The perceived likelihood that the distribution of rewards is equitable

E. None of the above

57. According to expectancy theory of motivation, an individual having expectancy about both
effort-to-performance and performance-to- outcome probabilities, but zero valence about the
rewards that will result, will most likely be expected to have;

A. Zero motivation

B. Tolerable level of motivation

C. Average motivation

D. A high level of motivation as long as the intrinsic rewards are perceived to be equitable

E. None of the above

58. Studies have verified that expectancy theory can be a valuable tool for managers in;

A. Comparing the likely motivation of various individuals in the same situation

B. Comparing the likely motivation of various groups

C. Predicting where a given individual might decide to expand efforts

D. Deciding the rewards to offer for various levels of performance

E. None of the above

59. As related to the expectancy theory of motivation, Bartol and Martin cite a number of ways
managers can help foster high effort-to-performance expectancies in subordinates. Which of
the following is NOT one of them?

A. Provides encouragement

B. Provides training and resources necessary for each subordinate

C. Set performance goals that are challenging but possible

D. Give subordinates the chance to determine what is expected of them

E. None of the above

60. According to the equity theory of motivation we prefer situations in which

A. All share equally in reward

B. The winner takes all

C. Equal rewards are given to all who produce equally

D. The ratio of our and outcomes is perceived as equal to that of comparison others

E. None of the above

61. The success of Goal-setting theory of motivation depends on establishing goals that have a
number of appropriate attributes or characteristicsm. Which of the following is NOT one of

A. Goals should be specific.

B. Time limit for goal achievement create too much pressure and should be eliminated

C. The result of setting Goals should be challenging, yet attainable, goals.

D. Goals, however determined, should be relevant to the major work of the organization

E. None of the above

62. Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding goal theory of motivation?

A. Goal commitment is an important element of this theory

B. Although goal theory seems logical, there is as yet little research to sup

C. In expectancy theory the effort-to-performance expectancy can be enhanced by theory

D. As related to expectancy theory, goal theory can help determine reward valence

E. None of the above

63. Which of the following best describes the reinforcement theory of motivation?

A. Our cognitive process relates to behavior

B. Commitment to goal is the key elements to predicting behavior.

C. Those rewarded equally respond with fairly equal performance.

D. Behavior is best explained by consequences in the environment.

E. None of the above

64. Basically, reinforcement theory explains behavior in terms of:

A. Our sense of the perceived fairness of rewards for a given level of performance (or behavior);

B. How committed you are to the goal you are pursuing.

C. Differences in abilities among individuals.

D. The concept that performance which is rewarded is more apt to be repeated.

E. None of the above

65. The reinforcement theory of motivation is most associated with;

A. Goal acceptance C. Equitable rewards

B. Learning theory D. Behavior Modification E. None of the above

66. Which of the following statements about positive reinforcement is TRUE?

A. Rewards are made for all levels of performance.

B. A positive reinforcement reward can be an intangible reward.

C. All positive behaviors are rewarded positively.

D. Reprimanding failure is one form of positive reinforcement.

E. None of the above

67. Negative reinforcement is best described by which of the following statements?

A. Reward are made to all organization members regardless of performance levels.

B. the consequences of “incorrect” behavior are so understandable that “correct” behavior is


C. Relatively small rewards are given for “incorrect” behavior

D. “Incorrect” behavior results in subtractions from previously gained rewards.

E. None of the above

68. The extinction form of reinforcement is best described as:

A. Negative consequences in order to decrease or discourage a behavior.

B. A particular schedule of reinforcement

C. The withholding of positive consequences which were previously available for a given behavior

D. A reduction from other positive consequences previously earned for all previous behavior during
a given time schedule.

E. None of the above

69. According to reinforcement theory, it would be most correct to say that extinction is the
_______of ________ consequences for unwanted behavior.

A. Giving/Positive C. Giving/negative

B. withholding/Positive D. Withholding/positive E. None of the


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