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MAT102H5 - Introduction to Mathematical Proofs

Practice for Quiz 2

This is only for more practice. The quiz questions are not
similar or the same pattern. Some answers and hints will be

Question 1. Let F be a field with a property 1 + 1 = 0. Prove
that for any x ∈ F we have x = −x. Only use the field axioms and
mention each axiom you apply.

Question 2. If f : Z −→ R, with f (n) = n3 + n2 , show that f (Z) ⊆ Q
but f (Z) ̸= Q.

Question 3.
a) Use quantifiers to write the following statement with mathematical
symbols only. You do not need to explain.
For every real number x, we can find a real number y, so that
x > y.

b) The assertions P and Q are given. We know (¬P =⇒ ¬Q) is true.

What else is needed to be proven in order to conclude (P ⇐⇒ Q)
is true. You do not need to explain.

c) The assertions P , Q and R are given. We know [(P ∨ Q) =⇒ R]

is False. Is Q true, false or do we need more information to be
able to decide? Explain briefly.

Question 4. Let f : N −→ R with f (n) = (−1)n+1 . Find the
image of f , and prove your claim.

Question 5. If A, B and C are three sets, prove that A×(B ∪C) =
(A × B) ∪ (A × C).

Question 6. Is the set Q ∩ (−1, 1) , with usual addition and mul-
tiplication (ie. usual addition and multiplication of numbers) a field?
If yes prove it, if no show that at least one of the Fields Axioms fails.

Question 7. Suppose that P and Q are two statements such that
the implication P ∨ Q =⇒ ¬(Q ∧ ¬P ) is false. Prove that P and Q
must both be true.

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