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Guideline For Research Proposal

Guideline for Research Proposal


A research proposal is the presentation of an idea that you wish to pursue.

A good research proposal presumes that you have already thoughts about
your project and have devoted some time and effort in gathering
information, reading, and then organizing your thoughts. A research
proposal is not a project to be thrown together in one night with ideas off the
top of your head. Thus, one might say that the research proposal is a second
step, following the selection of a broad topic.

The actual proposal will indicate what analytical question you wish to
address andthe foundation of a good research paper is a good research
question. Just a tree needs a good root system to be strong; a good research
paper needs a good analytical question.

What dose ‘‘analytical’’ mean? An analytical question can take different

forms and no one form is necessarily better than others. What all analytical
questions have in common is the fact that they are not merely descriptive.
That is, an analytical question beyond the ‘‘what’’ and explores the ‘‘how’’
and the ‘‘why’’ a good analytical research paper will use ‘‘the what’’ as part of
the answer to ‘‘the why.’’ But it is obligatory to address a question beyond
the ‘‘what.’’. For example, a descriptive paper would ask: ‘‘whatwere USSR
economic policies?’’ An analytical paper would ask: ‘‘why did USSR economic
policies fail?’’ As part of the paper, you would then review what the
policeswere, but then you would go beyond that description.


1. The title of the proposal
2. Abstract (optional)
3. Introduction

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Guideline For Research Proposal
I. Statement of the problem
II. Significance of the problem
III. Objective of the study
IV. Scope of the study
V. Hypotheses
4. Literature review(optional)
5. Material and methods/procedures
I. Description of the study and target population
II. Research design and rationale
III. Data collection methods
IV. Data analysis procedures
6. Logistics
(Time schedule/work plan/phases/budget)
7. References / bibliography
8. Appendices


The perfect title tells the reader what the paper is about. Often title is
started in terms of a functional relation, because such titles clearly indicate
the independent and dependent variables. Remember, the title is what the
reader will first see in a contents list, and it will have to compete with all the
other for attention with titles around it.In the other hand the length of the
title matter a lot. Titles longer than fifteen to twenty substantive words are
usually too cumbersome. So avoid non-essential information. Unnecessary
words or waste words that say noting, such as `` A Study of......’’
‘‘Observation of....’’ ‘‘Examination of.......’’ ‘‘A note on.......’’‘‘Investigation
on........’’etc.such words should always be avoided.

The title should include key terms that readily identify the scope and nature
of the study. It should tell what the proposal is about. It should be concise,
accurate and informative.The title is usually written in capital letters without
the use of abbreviations.

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Guideline For Research Proposal


1. Let us assume one student submitted a title which says ‘‘Impact

assessment of women empowerment in poverty reduction in Jigjiga
city.’’ This is good idea but wrong title formation because there is no
need to put both impact and assessment at once. The student may
use impact of................................
2. Let us assume one other student submitted a title which says ‘‘A
study of the effect of urea supplementation on the performance of
sheep fed grass hay.’’. A study of is not necessary for this title.

4. ABSTRACT (Write this section last)

It is a summary of the proposal with brief review of the major points in the
statement of problem, the objectives, procedures, evaluation, total amount
of money required, etc.; umbrella statement of your case and what you plan
to do, with approximately 300 words. Now in senior essay it will depend on
your adviser but it is mandatory in practical world.

What is your idea? Stress the end products. Use lay language, reasonably
comprehensible to the non- specialists.

Write this section last. It is the most important section of the entire
document because you will provide the reader of a snapshot of what is to
follow in the proposal. Essentially it is a seals (marketing) document, to
convince the reader that the project is worth of their support.


The introduction persuades the reader that the topic is important and that
the objective of the research is justified. It presents at greater length than
the abstract, the problem to be addressed; it should describe the nature and
purpose of the study; presents the guiding researchquestions, and explain
the significance of and justification for the conduct of the study.Terms likely

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Guideline For Research Proposal
to be used in the proposal should be defined in this chapter. In developing
this chapter consider the following guidelines:

 Briefly discuss the historical developments of events regarding the

specific topic you are interested to study.
 Describe your basic assumptions/concerns that led you to study the
 Justify why you think there is still a need to further study the topic.
 Briefly describe how you intend to go about conducting the
study.Provide the structure to be followed in conducting the study.


The statement of the problem is the focal point of your research. It is just
one sentence (with several paragraphs of elaboration). In building up to the
problem statement, a research must show why he has selected the variables
in the problem statement. The selection of the variable must be based on
either empirical date or on information extracted from the literature. The
specific problem statement can then be clearly stated in a final paragraph.
But same time’s statement of the problem may be put as question. In this

You are looking for something wrong.

..............or something that needs close attention

.................or existing methods that no longer seem to be working.

Example of a problem statement:

‘‘The frequency of job layoffs is creating fear, anxiety, and a loss of

productivity in middle management workers.’’

While the problem statement itself is just one sentence, it is always

accompanied by several paragraphs that elaborate on the problem. Present

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Guideline For Research Proposal
persuasive arguments why the problem is important enough to study.
Include the opinions of other (politicians, futurists, other professionals).
Explain how the problem relates business, productivity, social or political
trends by presenting data that demonstrates the scope and depth of the
problem. Try to give dramatic and concrete illustration of the problem. After
writing this section, make sure you can easily identify the single sentence
that is the statement of the problem.

Leading question that can help you to formulate research problem

 What do you what to know?

 Where do you want to do the research?
 How is the situation? What state of affaire or processes do you want
to describe?
 When will you study this? To what purpose?
 What consequence will the knowledge have?

Rules in defining a research problem

 Be sure that the topic chosen is neither too vague nor too broad
to in scope.
 To make the problem clearer and more understandable, state it
as a question this will require a definite answer.
 Carefully state the limits of the problem, eliminating all aspects
and factors which will not be considered in the study.
 Define any special term that must be used in the statement of
the problem or throughout the study proposal.



I. Blanket statement, broad and indefinite objectives

II. Failure to account of previous work or of the general status of
investigation on the particular subject;

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Guideline For Research Proposal
III. Inadequate initial procedure to enable attainment of the objectives,
sometimes failure to incorporate the means to be employed beyond
superficial generalities.


I. Technical terms and words or phrases, with special meaning used

in the statement of the problem, should be clearly defined.
II. Basic assumption or postulates (if any) relating to the research
problem be clearly stated.
III. A straight forward statement of the investigation (i.e., the criteria
for the selection of the problem) should be provided.
IV. The suitability of the time period and the source of data available
must also be considered by the researcher in defining the problem.
V. The scope of the investigation or the limits within which the
problem is to be studied must be mentioned explicitly in defining a
research problem.

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Guideline For Research Proposal

Finally let us give you checklist for testing the feasibility of the research

No Checklist YES NO
1 Is the problem of current interest? Will the research result have
economic, social, educational or scientific value?
2 Will it be possible to apply the results in practice?
3 Does the research contribute to science of economics?
4 Will the research opt new problem and lead to further research?

5 Is the research problem important? Will you be proud of the

6 Is there enough scope left within the area of research (field of
7 Can you find an answer to the problem through research? Will you
be able to handle the research problem?
8 Will it be practically possible to undertake the research?
9 Is the research free of any ethical problems and limitations?

10 Will it have any value?

11 Do you have the necessary knowledge and skills to do the
research? Are you qualified to undertake the research?
12 Is the problem important to you and are you have enough time
and energy to complete the project?
13 Do you have the necessary funds for the research?
14 Will you be able to complete the project within the time available?

15 Do you have access to the administrative, statistic and computer

facilities the research necessitates?


The objectives are the statements which indicate what the research
intendeds to accomplish. Objectives are statements that indicate in a more
specific terms what the researcher intendeds to accomplish. They are

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Guideline For Research Proposal
derived from the general statement of the problem. The investigator breaks
down the problem in to several manageable components and state specific
objectives or ends sought by the study.

This section should specify the measurable outcomes of the research, i.e.
end products. Objectives must be typically very brief (specific) and
achievable. Objective can be general/broad and or specific. The general
objective provides a short statement of the scientific goal being pursued by
research. The specific objectives are operational in nature.

It always wise to list specific objectives, no more than a sentence or two a

piece, in approximate order of their importance or potential contributions.
The objective must neatly fit into the statement of the problem. It is
important to distinguish the specific objective from the means of achieving
them, such as conducting fieldwork, organizing workshops, etc. Objective
emphasizes what will be done, whereas a method will explain how it will be
done. Consider using bullet, number, or indentation to call attention to your
objective in the text.

Major characteristics of objective

Objective must be specific and concrete statements which appear to

be achievable.
The objective should neatly the statement of the problem.
The objective should not propose to do things where the design of the
study is not capable of achieving and finally the objective should be
stated in their approximate order of importance.

A few typical statements are

The goal of this study is to.............

....... Overcome the difficultywith..... what........

.........understand the causes or effects of......

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Guideline For Research Proposal
.........refine our current understanding of......

........ Understand what makes_____ successful or unsuccessful


This section creates a perspective for looking at the problem. It point

out how your study relates to the larger issues and uses a persuasive
rationale to justify the reason for your study. It makes the purpose
worth pursuing. The significance of the study answers the questions:

Why is your study important?

To whom is it important?

What benefit(s) will occur if your study is done?

The social, economic and educational significance of the study may be

justified with reference to such facts as:

 Timeliness – critical issues of the time

 Relation to a particular problem
 Relation to a wider problem
 Sharpening of the definition or refinement of concepts,
theories, etc.
 Creation or improvement of an instrument for observing and


Here you’re expected to provide on precise indicationof the research. It is,

therefore, important to designate the limitations and delimitation of the
research before the study begins. In other words, the boundaries of the
study should be made clear in relation; the specifying the idea/concept you
will focus, the time period of the study will consider (how many year data

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Guideline For Research Proposal
you are going to use) and the other scope of the study is geographical
location/scope of the study.


A hypothesis is tentative statement that implies a proposed answer to a

problem, setting accountability and responsibility of effective research
procedure as high priority. It should, however, be emphasized that in noway
a hypothesis statement can claim to be the only solution to the problem. It
serves only as a point of departure – the chain between the theory and leads
to the broadening of knowledge.

Hypotheses are thus tentative statement that should either be acknowledged

or rejected by means of research. Because hypotheses give structural and
direction to research, the following aspects should be kept in mined when
formulating a hypothesis:

 Hypotheses can only be formulated after the research has gained

enough knowledge regarding the nature, extent and intensity of
the problem.
 Hypotheses should figure throughout the research process in
order to give structure to the research.
 Hypotheses are tentative statement/solutions or explanations of
the formulated problem. Care should be taken care not to
oversimplify and generalize the formulation of hypotheses.
 The research problem does not have to consist of one hypothesis
only. The type of problem area investigated, the extent which
encircle the research field are the determining factors on how
many hypothesis will be included in the research proposal.

A research hypothesis is usually stated in an explanatory form, because the

expected reference of the difference between two variables. In other words it
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Guideline For Research Proposal
verifies the reference that the researcher expects by means of incorporating
selected research procedures.

Types of research hypotheses the research hypotheses that you design may
be stated in a directional or non-directional. According to Landman
(1988:86) and De wet et al, (1981:80), a directional hypotheses is further
divided into positive hypotheses (i.e., a statement which indicates which
indicates the expected direction of results positively), and negative
hypotheses (i.e., a statement which indicates the result in unexpected
direction negatively).

The non-directional hypothesisindicates that there is relation between

variables, though it does not show the direction of the relationship. The null-
hypothesis, on the other hand indicates that there is no difference or no
relationship between variables.


A) If CA (continuous assessment) is well planned and integrated with the

course that you teach, then the better will be students’ achievement
and your instruction (positive hypothesis)
B) Even if CA is will planned and integrated with the course that you
teach, your students’ achievement and instruction will be
minimal(negative hypotheses)
C) A will planed CA being integrated with the course that you teach your
students’ achievement or success. (non-directional hypothesis)
D) There is no relationship between well planned CA and its integration
with courses and students’ achievement or success. (null- hypothesis)

N.B. Hypotheses are usually stated in the null form or in the alternative form.

Criteria for the formulation of a hypothesis

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Guideline For Research Proposal
According to Srnit (1983: 20-21) the following criteria are of importance in
formulating hypotheses. A hypothesis should:

 Stand a test
 Be expressed in clear language
 Be in accordance with the general theme of other hypotheses
statements in the same field of study, and should be regarded
as valid
 Be co-ordinated with the theory of science
 Be a tentative answer to the formulated problem
 Be logical and simplistic
 Consider available research techniques ( to be able to analyze
and interpret the results )
 Be specific and
 Be relevant to the collection of empirical phenomenons and not
merely conclude value judgements.

Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing

1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research

2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.
3. Failure to cite landmark studies.
4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical
contributions by other researchers.
5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.
6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the
proposed research.
7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on
major issues.
8. Too much rambling –going ‘‘all over the map’’ without a clear
sense of direction.( the best proposals move forward with ease
and grace like a seamless river).
9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect reference
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Guideline For Research Proposal
10. Too long or too short

Comments on Structure and Style

Avoid the use of first person pronouns. Refer to yourself or the

research team in third person. Instead of saying ‘‘I will....’’ or we
will...’’, say something like ‘‘the researcher will.......’’ or ‘‘the
research team will...........’’
Read. Read everything you can find in your area of interest.
Read. Read. Read. Take notes, and talk to your advisor about
the topic. If your advisor won’t talk to you, find another one or
rely on ‘the net’ for intellectual interaction.
Write about the topic a lot, and don’t be afraid to tear up (delete)
passages that just don’t work. Often re-think and re-type faster
than you can edit your way out of a hopeless mess. The
advantage is in rethinking
Use some systematic way of recording notes and bibliographic
information from the very beginning.
Another point is to keep in mind from the outset that this
project is neither the last nor the greatest thing you will do in
your life. It is just one step along the way. Get it done and get
on with the next one.

Questions to address in preparing your research proposal

1. Background
o Why is this research important?
o What other studies have there been in this area?
o How will this research add to knowledge in this area?
o What do you want to find out?
o What is the main question you wish to answer?

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Guideline For Research Proposal
o What are the specific questions you will ask to address the main
2. How you will do your research
o Will you be doing this research on your own or with others?
o Have you provided full details of anyone else you intend to carry
out this research with, including fieldworkers?
o Who are you targeting in this research?
o How many people or case files do you intend to interview or read
o Where will the research take place?
o Will participants be clearly and fully informed of the purpose of
the research study?
o How will you do this?
o How will participants be clear about the expectations of the
o Do you have an information sheet and a consent form for
o Supervisory arrangements - how do you intend your research to
be supervised and monitored and by whom?
o Who will be funding your research?
3. Timetable When will your research start and finish?
o When will your research start and finish?
o Are there particular stages to the research - e.g. piloting, then
main research?
o If so, what are they?
o Is the timetable realistic?
o Is it influenced by external constraints or deadlines?
o How will you provide regular updates and progress reports and to
whom will you provide them?
4. Methodology
o What sort of data will you be collecting - e.g. are you intending to
count numbers, talk to people directly or a mixture of the two?
o What is the main method you will use to carry out the research -
e.g. questionnaire, face-to-face interviews, focus groups, paper
reviews etc.?
o How will you select your sample?
o How will you recruit your sample?
o How will you collect your data?
o Will you be paying participants?

Wish u good luck

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Guideline For Research Proposal

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