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Vidya Bhuvan School & Jr. College.


I Term Exam 2022– 23

STD : V Subject.- EVS II Mark-50

Q.A) fill in the blanks 8 marks

1. The first unicellular organism on the earth are called ______

2. It is believed that various kinds of living things first appeared in _____

3. ____are the most evolved animals among vertebrates.

4. Dinosaur means a _____

5. Neanderthal used ____clothing.

6.Homo habilis Was a ____

7. The unicellular organisms gave rise to ___organism

8. The scientist _____discovered the homo habilis

Q.B) Answer in one word 5 marks

1. instrument we need to see unicellular organism

2. Pieces of stones used to make tools

3. A tool made by Homo erectus.

4. Homo sapiens sapiens began to grow this in fields

5. A way of preparing food that Neanderthals used

Q.C) Answer in one sentence ( any 9) 9 marks

1. Who is known as the skilled human?

2. How did Neanderthal man communicated with each other?

3. What does homo erectus mean?

4. why the platypus and some species of anteaters are considered mammals?

5. What does evolution mean?

6. Which species become extinct in the process of evolution?

7. Why we cannot see protozoa with naked eyes?

8. What does living world consist of ?

9. how was Neanderthal man ?

10. Where remains of Neanderthal man found?

Q.D) Answer in brief ( any 8 ) 16 marks

1. Name the eight planets in solar system

2. What are invertebrates?

3. What do you mean by amphibians?

4. What are aquatic animals?

5. What does the word Homo habilis mean ?

6. What is heredity?

7. What Neanderthals do with the dead?

8. What Did homo habilis eat?

9. How did Neanderthal man make fire?

10. For what purpose Homo Hebilis used their tools?

Q.E) answer in detail ( any 4) 12 marks

1. How were the sun and the planets in our solar system created?

2. Write characteristics of animals.

3. How did various classes of plans and animals came into being?

4. Write characteristics of mammals.

5.How Homo sapiens could produce subtle and various types of sounds?


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