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Joumal of Ape Geoplses 105 (2014) 104-113 ‘Content ists available at SeioncoDivoct Journal of Applied Geophysics ELSEVIER journal homepage: 3D gravity inversion and Euler deconvolution to delineate the Qe hydro-tectonic regime in El-Arish area, northern Sinai Peninsula Mohamed A. Khalil *”*, Fernando M, Santos *, Mohammad Farzamian* + unversioe de son, Cerro de Crofsin do Unvesidde istoe— IDL Conpo Crone E1780 * Notional Reseach ture of Aronamy and ecpysc, Helwan, are Ege son, Pra ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Irae tone “Sinai Peninsula occupies apart othe aid ane belcofnorthem Alsca and soutwrestern Asa The gest ephem= Received 1 September 2012 ‘ral stream inte Sinai Peninsula i called Wad El Arch which winds down northward tothe Mediterranean ‘ecepted 24 Jamury 2014 Aeceped A uny 214 Sea, The delta of ac EisArsh hasbeen built bythe heavy fonds ofthe Wad, The Quaternary aquifer isthe 5 on mg cater al gan ag aang sn eer re © 2014 sever BY, Al rigts reserved {introduction wow ot ot ow x : SL MEDITERRANEAN, SEA 7 ' Eos Caren , Mn ‘The high salinity zone to the east of El-Arish area has been observed. bby many authors, among them are Abu-Zeid (1995), Dames and Moor (1984), RIWR (1985), JICA (1992), and Khalil (2002), ‘The hydrochemical and isotope hyréralogical studies (Khalil, 2002), showed a high ratio of ground water salinity up to 7500 mgi to the feast of E-Arish City, The mixing ratio between Quaternary and Pre- (Quaternary aquifers is estimated using stable isotopes ("0 and *H) to bbe from 70% to 75% of Quaternary water and from 30% to 24% of Pre- ‘Quaternary water, In addition, C-14 and tritium dating showed that the groundwater samples of the Quaternary aquifer have an age ranging from 933 to 8.892 Y BP forming a mixture between sub-modern and recent recharge (Kalil, 2002). From the geological, hydrochemical and isotope hydrological stud- ies, the upward flow of old, high-salinty water under the effect of hugh pumping rate implies the presence of faut(s) system working as ‘hydrogeological connection between the two aquifer, The aim of the present study isto elucidate the relation between tectonics of OF study area eso, ago Candee C8 TE.O16 bos or Fg Location map fthe sy ze 0526-8515 - see ront mater © 2014 evi BV Al igh esered, up dag 10.1018}ppg0020401012 MA balla of Apes Geophys 1032014 fo4-113 as Te MEDITERRANEAN SEA. ww ‘yao wa dpe ‘pharma ply cepsts “aor Kaos srdtone OW cttenou Hah Fomaton (Samana {dey Conn hn tute restr nek: Jae, Machsbooh Fema (ovat Jan: Jase, Sr taghraFomston sn ‘Slsteue cy ara alimsane Jon: dams Shahan Porat pe a) oe causes Fig 2. eel ap of sh ares ater Eyatin Geol Survey and Mining Athy, 185. northern Sinai and the hydrogeological regime focusing on the salt ‘ater intrusion in che El-Arish area, The area of Wadi El-Arsh is located inthe northern part ofthe Sinai Peninsula. tis delineated by latitudes 30°50” and 31° 20° N, and fongi- ‘tudes 33°40" and 34” 10° (Fig. 1). The present study isan approach to understand the influence of different structural elements in the hhyiogeological system of Wadi El-Arish area taking into consideration the complicated tectonics of northern Sinai, which developed due toac- ‘cumulated effect of ifferent tectonic events, ‘Anattemptis made to estimate a3D density contrast madel and 23D Euler solution, The horizontal derivative and leat square separation are performed as well 3D gravity inversion results in a density contrast mode and/or the shape and dimensions ofthe density variations. It adjusts density contrasts of the prismatic cells ofa tiree dimensional model to mini mize the residual between gravity data and the model response. Many authors have studied and applied this inverse problem in different areas (eg Camacho etal, 2000, 2002; Gottsmann et al, 2008; Khalil and Santos, 2013; Montesinos et al, 2003; Patricia et al, 2013: Schiavone ane Lado, 2007), 2. Geological and hydrogeological setting ‘The geological succession of Wadi El-Arsh area has been studied by several authors among them are Said (1990) and Shata (1956, 1959) The geological succession from top to bottom is as follows 1) Holocene deposits: 4 Sand dune accumulations: Sand dunes in northern Sinai have different forms such as low beach dunes, elongated dune ridges, and disconnected lenses Holocene sand dune is composed. ‘mainly of fine to coarse quart grains Sand dunes of northern Sinai Depth in Meter [MA al et ct jour of Apple Celts 1032014) 04-113 Soe [sn - Eien vw FE) ian Fig 5. Geologic rss section A ac as local collectors of the percolated precipitation. The thickness of the sand dunes ranges rom 2 to 40 m (Figs. 2 and 3). 'b- Modecn beach deposits: Modern beach deposits are disibuted along ‘the coastal belt of northern Sinai and extended to Gaza Iti either de~ veloped into loose sand oF into consolidated sandstone with shell fragments cemented by calcium carbonate 2) Pleistocene deposits: 1 Upper Pleistocene old beach deposits Upper Pleistocene old beach, ‘deposits are distributed in the coastal zone underlying the sand ‘dune deposits It has a lenticular shape, which is made up of yellow Co grayish white, rounded to subrounded, fine to coarse ‘rain sands, partially cemented with sity materials and clay intercalation. Te thickness of the Upper Pleistocene old beach ‘deposits ranges from 6 to 44 m. The Upper Pleistocene old beach aquifer isthe main fresh water bearing aquifer being exploited {or urban water supply in El-Sheikh Zwayed-Rafah coastal zone (Mohamed, 1994) b Lower Pleistocene calcareous sandstone (Kurkar): It consists of grayish white calcareous sandstone with alga, shell fragments and rare chert pebbles. tis distinguished into upper continental ‘Kurkar and fower marine Kurkar (Taha, 1968). Ithasa large geo- -graphical distribution on the coastal area. It extends from the northern Sinai to Lebanon. The thickness of Kurkar deposits ‘anges from 12 to 63 m (Mohamed, 1994). Pre-Quatesnary: In the El-Arish area and its vicinity, the Quaternary deposits are directly underlain by the Upper Cretaceous sediments, ‘hich consist manly of chalky limestone and shales in the upper part (Senonian) and limestone, dolomites, dlomitic mestone and ‘marls in the lower part (Turonian and Cenomanian). The lower 3 boundary of the Upper Cretaceous aquifer is a marly or shaly aquiclude changed into calcareous sandstone toward the south. ‘The upper boundary isthe base ofthe overlying Tertiary formations, ‘hich dominate the major part of central and northeastern Sinai and «cause confinement tothe aquifer (Zaghloul and Khidr, 1982). ‘As showin in the geologic coss sections A~A’ and B-B’ (Figs.3 and 4), the Upper Cretaceous limestone is directly overlain by Kurkar deposits in borehole Nos. 2, 2-26, 5-5, and El-Magdaba, which may indicate some inferred faults inthe area. From hydrogeological point of view, the Quaternary aquifer consists of four main water bearing formations (Figs. 2 and 3); Holocene sand dune aquifer, Upper Pleistocene old beach aquifer, Gravel aquifer {alluvium deposits) and Lower Pleistocene caleareous sandstone aquifer (Kurkar or Fagra), ‘The differentiation in the lithological logs between sand dune {deposits and old beach sand deposits is rather difficult. The old beach sand overlain by dune sand is assumed to be one ofthe prospecting, ‘guile in the area. The thickness ranges frorn 7 to 40 m. Considering the subsurface conditions, the three water bearing horizons are hydraulically connected and no significant difference has been recorded between the piezometers ofthe three aquifers 3. Tectonic elements ‘The main tectonic elements ofthe northern Sinai ave been devel ‘oped dueto regional and local tectonic movements. The regional teccon- jc movements and its associated tectonic elements can be summarized ctaronologically from the oldest as follow: we) ity ELE EA Teen en , Gata Sony ts FM” Fig A Golgi iss section 8 MA Xba Jura of Apes Geophys 1032014 108-113 0? LINEAMENT AS FRACTURE a EEZDSHELO AREA ig. Tectonic map ofS (afte Nees, 1975 and Aga, 198), 1) Opening ofthe Tethys The breakup of North Africa~Arabia in Late Triassic-Liassic time and the opening of the Tethys took place and reactivated ENE ‘WSW-oriented deep-seated faults. The southern and central sectors of Sinat were uplifted, relative to the northern (onshore and offshore) sector (Bartov et al, 1980). The influence ofthis event has resulted in the development of a thick wedge of the Early and Middle Mesozoic sediments (Triassic Jurasic and Early Cretaceous) in the northem sector and its abrupt thinning to the south, Structurally, this phase was dominated by Jurassic NW-SE left= lateral oblique extension which resulted in ENE- to NE-trending normal faulting (Aa and Lelek, 1984). 2) Syrian Are System During the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary (Laramide) time, Aftica ‘moved west-northwest relative to Eurasia, which closed the Tethys Sea and produced a right-lateral shear couple between North ‘Africa and Eurasia (Smith, 1971). Ths shear couple started in the TTuronian, climaxed in the Late Cretaceous and decreased into the Early Tertiary, causing the rght-lateral rejuvenation of the deep- seated faults in north Egypt (Smith, 1971). This tectonic event rociuced a series of close, parallel asymmetrical NE to ENE oriented doubly plunging antclines, which pertain tothe Syrian Arc System ‘trending N65" to 85°E ane form the main topographic highs of the region. One of the main anticline features tothe south of El-Arish area isthe Risan Aniza-El-Kharruba anticline (Fig. 2), Itis a capacious surface anticlinal structure, which sa member of EL-Maghara anticlinal series. This antilina structure exposes the Jurassie rocks onthe crestal portion, and the flanks are determined by dolomitic imestone belonging tothe Lower Cretaceous and to ‘the Cenomanian. Such flanks are extensively covered by sandy and also alluvial deposits of Wadi El-Arsh. The northeastward extension, ofthis anticline is detected at EL-Kharruba by drilling between Risan ‘niga and El-Kharruba (RIWR, 1989), Moustafa and Khalil (1989) classified northern Sinai antilines into: large: tens of kilometers long mountains (Maghara, Yelleq and Halal), intermediate: several kilometers long mountains (e.g ‘Minsherah, Kherim, Arif EL-Naga) and small folds: less than 2 km. in length, The large and intermediate folds are asyrnmettic. Six jural of Apple Geol 103 (2004 108-113 we we qe Maditerranean Sea Expt. 1952) cast-northeast elongated subbelts of rght-stepped en echelon folds are recognized in northern Sinai (Moustafa and Khu, 1989). These belts probably overlie deep-seated normal faults of the Early ‘Mesozoic passive continental margin. Sinai tripe junction ‘The uneven rae of northward movement forthe ‘entral plate’ (The Sinai and Arabian subplate) and the adjacent northwest Aica and Iranian plates in the Upper Paleozoic was postulated by Neev and Friedman (1978). The faster rate of movernent ofthe central plate ‘caused it to be wedged between the two adjacent plates. Three en- echelon sinistral transcurrent faults are recognized at the western periphery of the central plate: The Qattara-EI-Alamin-Eratosthenes, shea, The Pelsium line and the Gulfof Elate-Dead Sea-Jordan shear. The first phase of movement along the Gulf of Elate-Dead Sea~ Jordan shear occurred in the Upper Oligocene or lower Miocene, in ‘association with the opening ofthe Red Sea, Ths phase is obviously ‘lear in Sinai whet, Sina is flanked by the two corresponding shear fault systems elated tothe opening of the Red Sea. One of them took place along the Gulf of Aqaba (Elate), 2 NIS°E sinistral strike-slip ‘movement simultaneously, right-ateral shear faulting, trending N35°W, developed along the Gulf of Suez. This movement is called Sinai triple junction (Courtllot et a, 1987). This movement is, responsible for the major faults (Fig. 5) which cross central Sinai (Said, 1990). Some authors separate this tectonic event into two phases. (1) The rifting ofthe Gulf of Suez that started during the latest Oligocene to the earliest Miocene (Evans, 1990), and (2) The Late Miocene to Recent Gulf of Aqaba rifing (Fyal etal, 1981). 3 ‘The local tectonic movements “inside Sinai” are defined in two shear zones: Ragabet EI-Naam and Minsherah-Abu Kandu shear zones. These two shear zones in addition to the Pelsium line subdivided Sinai Peninsula into four provinces that are separated by three NNE-SSW- and ENE-WSW-rending major tectonic dislocation “shear zones”. The ‘major fold belts are: 1) Ragabet EI-Naam Shear Zone, named Central Sinai Shear Zone by some authors, isthe most southern belt and i probably a reactivated Paleozoic trend (Beyth, 1981).Dominance of E-W.- and ENE-WSW- trending wrench faults and folds are interpreted by Aal and Lelek (1984) as a result of pure shear forces. This shear zone separates ty Mediterranean Sea A we se oqo Mediterranean Sea mealin Fig 7 Horna wade pepe ‘ie the ner fl NW (A and NSE (8) Das whens the southern sector ofthe Sinai Peninsula, known as the stable shelf area by Said (1990), with the exposed Precambrian basement from the transitional zone Minsherah-Albus Kandla Shear Zone separates the transitional zone, ‘where both compressive and wrench stresses affected central Sinai and resulted in creating lower structures along prominent right- lateral shear zones (Harding, 1985) and the unstable shelf in north, Sinai. Such flower structures have a remarkable thinning of the sedimentary section along the ENE-trending Jurassic wedge-edge, eg, Jebel El-Minsherah (Aal and Lelek, 1994), 2 4. Gravity data The Houguer gravity anomaly map ofthe Sinai Peninsula is compiled from the gravity surveys conducted by the Standard Oil Company of Egypt SA. The Anglo-Egyptian Oilfields Ltd, The Socony Vacuum Oil MA altura of Apes Crops 1032014 108-113 19 Mediterranean Sea sree one god Mediterranean Sea mal ig. Resa (A) and regional (8) ist ode east square sprain ‘Company inc and South Mediterranean Oilfield Lt, Instruments used are Thyssen, Carter and Mott-Smith gravimeters which have a sensitiv ity range between +0.5 and 1.0 mgal. The present Bouguer gravity anomaly map is published by the Standard Oil Company of Egypt SA. (1952). Fig 6 shows the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of El-Arish area, whieh has the location of measured data points, The map is digitized ina x 1 km regular grid. The spacing of data points ranges {rom 3 km in some locations to less than 1 ka in other locations such as the northwestern part of Risan Aniza Mountain. The density of data ppoints depends on the accessibility of the location and the spatial distribution ofthe anomaly under investigation. Generally, it shows a ‘ood coverage of data points within the study area, The Bouguer anomaly map has been corrected due to topographic variations (terrain correction), Fig. 6 shows the local high gravity anomaly of Risan Aniza anticline fold belt (G. Risan Aniza) to the south of El-Arish area. Risan Aniza anticline fold belt is a part ofthe Syrian Are System trending N65" to 85°F. It produced a series of close; parallel asymmetrical NE to ENE oriented doubly plunging anticline, which form the main topographic highs of the northern Sinai Peninsula. The Risan Aniza high gravity anomaly is decreasing gradually in the NE direction nearby Sheikh ‘2wayed area 5. Data processing 5.1. Horizontal derivative ‘The frst degree horizontal derivative performed in a particular litection can look up lateral changes of the gravitational field and attenuates its regional tendency along that direction, In areas where the density contrast is higher. the first degree horizontal detivative will arive at its highest or leas. In view ofthat, it sa good technique {o outline the density discontinuity in a direction perpendicular to the direction of derivation ‘According tothe Sina triple junction model, Sinai is anked by the ‘wo corresponding shear fault systems related to the opening of the Red Sea. One of them is the right-lateral shear faulting, trending N35'W, developed along the Gull of Suez simultaneously (Courtllot et al, 1987), of successively (Evans, 1990; Eyal et al, 1981) aNI5"E sinistral strike-slip movement whieh took place along the Gulf of ‘Aqaba (Elate). The first degree horizontal gradient is performed in perpendicular ditections to the two mentioned directions. Fig. 7A shows the lateral changes of the gravitational field in a direction perpendicular to N35°W, which isthe direction ofthe opening of the Gulf of Suez. There are no sharp contrast zones that could be observed In the other direction perpendicular to N15°E ~ shown in Fig. 7B, ‘two major contrast zones extending in the NE-SW direction are perceptibly clear. These two major discontinuities bounded Risan ‘Aniza anticline from its northern and southern directions. 5:2. Least square separation The Bouguer anomaly map is an involvement ofa long-wavelength sravity anomaly resembling the large, deep-seated features “regional anomaly’, and short-wavelength anomalies resulted from the smaller and shallower geological features “residual anomaly”, Computing the regional fell and further separation from the Bouguer anomaly will ‘result in a residual gravitational fed Many empirical and analytical methods could be used to separate regional and residual anomalies discussed in many text books such as Telford etal, (2001), and Reynolds (1987). nthe present study the least square polynomial regression (Agocs, 1951) has been applied in different orders, The most reasonable order of separation is selected using the method of Abdelrahman eta. (199), in which, the correla tion coefficient between consecutive least-squares residual anomalies thas been considered. The highest correlation coefficient is found to be (099 between Ist and 2nd order residual gravity anomaly maps, ‘Accordingly, the lowest order is used (Fig 8) Fig. 8 shows the regional and residual anomalies obtained by a first ‘order least square separation ofthe study area, The residual anomaly ‘map (Fig. 8A) outlines the postive superficial anomaly of Risan Aniza anticline to the south of El-Arish area. A small scale positive gravity anomaly can be observed as well in the northeastern direction of the study area 53, 30 Euler deconvolution ‘The main objective of the Euler 3D process is to produce a map that shows the locations and depths ofthe geologic sources of te gravity or ‘magnetic anomalies observed in a two-dimensional grid. Euler 3D process is based on Euler's homogeneity equation; an equation that relates the field and its gradient components to the lecation of the [MA Kh ee jouma of Apped Geophysics 103 (2004 104-113 se a seat ae ae Pel Mediterranean Sea iy Ny Mediterranean Sea Deptn m ios sea et B we se xe Mediterranean Sea Deptn tN my c source, with the degree of homogeneity N, which may be interpreted as map (Fig. 78), in which two major NE-SW regional faults bounding a structural index (Thompson, 1982). This system uses a least square ‘method to solve Euler’s equation simultaneously for each grid position ‘with sub-grid (ovindow), The Structure Index (SI is an exponential factor corresponding tothe rate at which the field falls off with distance, fora source ofa given geometry. The value of SI parameter depends on the type ofthe source body and the potential fel (gravity or magnetic). For example in gravity field the Sl value is equal to zero fr a sil or dyke for step, I fora pipe, and 2 for a sphere For the study area, total gravity field is used to produce different Euler solutions using St of, 1 and 2 (Fig 8A, B,C) Euler solution of I {equal to 0 is selected as a reasonable solution, wiser it outlines the steep contacts between gravity anomalies. The contacts between gravity anomalies represent the inferred faults in the area under study. The trend and distribution of the major inferred faults are generally in agreement with the findings of the horizontal derivative Risan Aniza anticline can be easly detected. Other two local N-S faults exist precisely in the Delta of Wadi El-Arish to the north. These two faults ean explain the existence of the Delta in that area particulary, The geological cross section AA’ (Fig. 3) shows some geological evidences for the existence ofthese two faults particularly in well No 2 54, 3D gravity inversion ‘The 3D density contrast model forthe study areas estimated using e GRABLOX (V 1.6) software (Pitijarv, 2008). GRABLOX isa gravity interpretation and modeling software based on a 3D block model. The ‘main objective isto optimize the density contrast and/or the shape and dimension of the density variations. GRABLOX computes the synthetic gravity anomaly of a 3-D block model: a large rectangular super block, which is divided into smaller brick-like volume elements MA allel ura of Apes Geophys 1032014 108-113 m 0000 & 15000 «0000 Distance 45000 Each minor block is assigned an individual, constant density value. ‘The optimization method is based on linearized inversion. Inthe present study the constrained Occam inversion method (Constable etal, 1987) is used, in which both the data mis (diflerence between, the measured data and the computed response) and the roughness of the model are minimized together. The neighboring parameter values are used as constraints, The Lagrange multiplier is used as a control parameter that defines ifthe data error i given more weight than the ‘model error ar vice versa In our case study the total gravity field data of 515 data point are used to create a synthetic model of 15,000 blocks in X, Y, and Z dlitections. The created blocks have an increasing height downward ‘The study area is divided into 50 x 50 block in X and Y directions, ‘each block is 1 km#. The default values of the background density nd Lagrange parameter are used as 2.7 g/cm* and 1 consequently. Forward calculation is applied on the measured data to have the computed model, and then Occam inversion method is applied to ‘optimize the density contrast model with a minimum RMS error (0.684510 £-1) between measured and calculated data (Fig, 10). The resulted density contrast model obtained after 8 iterations is shown in Fig 11 6, Results and conclusion “The present study isan approach to recognize the major subsurface structural elements that is supposed to control the hydrogeological regime in El-Arish area Principally, two major faults that extend rough- ly in the NE-SW direction are probably working as hydrogeologic connections between fresh Quaternary aquifer in the shallower part and salt Cretaceous aquifer in the deeper part “The NE-SW fault system is well defined using the horizontal deriva- tive analyssin te direction perpendicular tothe Gulfof Aqaba (N15°E) as showin in Fig. 7B, The same fault system is outlined by the 3D Euler ‘deconvolution analysis using (SI) equal to zero (Fig. 9A).The findings ‘ofthe 3D Euler deconvolution are not ony the recognition ofthe spatial dlistibution of faults but als the estimation ofthe fault dept which is about 3000 m in depth forthe two regional NE-SW falls Fig 9A shows also some other minor deep and shallow faults distributed in the study “The 3D density contrast madel estimated by GRABLOX software (Pirtijarvi, 2008) shows a high gravity anomaly belt extending in the [NE-SW direction in good agreement with the residual anomaly resulted by Ist order least square separation (Fig. 8A). This zone of high density ‘outlines the local igh gravity anomaly of Risan Aniza anticline to the south of the El-Arish area. As shown in Fig. 11 the Risan Aniza high density zone is characterized by a large horizontal extension in the deeper part (—3809 m) and gradually decrease upward in the shallower part that reflect the fold structural system. The high contrast in the northern and southern directions ofthe Risan Aniza fold zone increases the reliability ofthe regional NE-SW fault system. Fig. 12 shows a match between the total gravity anomaly filed along profile BB’ (A), 2D density contrast model produced from the 3D gravity inversion (C), and the geological cross section B-B' (8), which extend in the same direction. The figure shows a good match between the inferred faults inthe geological cross section and the high contrast zone in the 2D density contrast model and abrupt decrease inthe total sravity anomaly References ‘al A. le 58 suc devel of ote Si yt a ‘Aederahman. 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