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Back Seat (Excerpt)

by Brian Benson
I sit, quiet, clutching my bony elbows, watching Jason’s dark arm hairs dance in the wind. I want
to ask him to shut the window, but I don’t know how to do that without sounding like the kind of
boy. I don’t want Jason to know I am. I don’t want Jason to know I’m a boy who can’t handle a
breeze, a boy who shivers when he’s cold, who cries when he’s sad. I don’t want Jason to know
that because he is a big boy, a popular boy, a boy other boys wish they could be, and because I
know that last year Jason’s dad got drunk and threw him down the stairs and even then Jason
didn’t cry.

1. Which type of non-fiction is the passage above?

A. Expository nonfiction C. Persuasive nonfiction
B. Narrative nonfiction D. Descriptive nonfiction

2. A genre runs the gamut from traditional philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes) to scientific
theories (Newton, Watson & Crick) to analysis of scientific or cultural phenomena.
A. Philosophy and Insights C. Academic books
B. History D. Journalism

3. The most regularly consumed in the form of newspapers and magazines, along with monthly
journals, TV news reports, and more is ____________.
A. Philosophy and Insights C. Academic books
B. History D. Journalism

4. It dwells purely in objective facts, and other histories are refracted through the lens of the
author’s personal beliefs.
A. Philosophy and Insights C. Academic books
B. History D. Journalism

5. Mechanics in writing which pertains to the selection of an appropriate pattern to be used to

develop and establish a chosen topic.
A. Selection of a topic C. Correction of syntactic and
B. Development of an outline mechanical errors
D. None of the preceding
6. Writers can establish their identities through their writing _____ and _____.
A. Approach and style C. Art and creativity
B. Grammar and error D. Technique

7. It begins with a catchy and clever titles to get reader's attention; should give a quick idea, but
not the whole story
A. Resolution C. Falling Action
B. Rising Action D. Plot

8. It is called as a story within a story.

A. Flashback C. Parallel structure
B. Frame story D. Histories
9. Why do genres evolve and change over time?
A. Because artists run out of ideas
B. Because they adapt to the society and culture of the times
C. Because artists don't like to be categorized
D. None of the answers are correct; genres remain the same.

10. Why is the classification of art into genre categories so important?

A. Because genres affect the sale of art, books and movies
B. Because audiences like to know what to expect
C. Because artists require structure
D. Because categories can help us to date a work

11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a biography?

A. A written history of a person’s life C. It is about the life of a person
B. An account or the story of a real narrated by himself or herself
person’s life that is written by D. None of the above
another person

12. An emerging form of fiction that is best remembered because of its relative shortness.
Words used by the writer range from 100-150 but still consider a complete story since all the
essential elements of fiction can be observed.
A. Aphorism C. Flash Fiction
B. Short Story D. Novella

13. Genre of non-fiction that is written to highlight the life of a famous personality only.
A. Essay C. Novel
B. Fiction D. Biography

14. Genre of non-fiction that is the imaginative recreation and reconstruction of life.
A. Fiction C. Drama
B. Nonfiction D. Folksongs

15. Which of the following is NOT part of the pre-writing phase?

A. Selection of a topic C. Correction of syntactic and
B. Development of an outline mechanical errors
D. None of the preceding
16. A principle of writing that pertains to the accuracy and truthfulness of information provided in
a piece of writing
A. Coherence C. Conciseness
B. Cohesion D. All of the above

17. Element of the story where the protagonist is discovering or searching for something
A. Narrative Arc C. Reflective Narrative
B. Linear Narrative D. Expository

18. The element that makes the essay literary

A. Theme and content C. Language and style
B. Form and structure D. Coherence and unity

19. The topic for writing can be either specific or _____.

A. Simple C. Extended
B. Extensive D. Intended

20. Creative writing can be distinguished from other forms of writing for its purpose. Which of
the following is the purpose of creative writing?
A. It seeks to review, dissect, summarize, and elucidate data.
B. It aims to examine, analyze synthesis, and explain information.
C. It aims to express an idea, present a world view and/or to entertain.
D. It aims to explain technical information effectively.

21. To improve a creative text, one must limit the use of technical terms. Why is this so?
A. Because technical terms are more often used in technical writing
B. Because too many technical terms make it hard for the readers to understand a text
C. Because the abundance of technical words redirects readers
D. Because readers don’t have the luxury of time to understand difficult terms.
22. Creative nonfiction texts are written for a singular reason – to _____.
A. Entertain C. Inform
B. Persuade D. None of the above

23. A type of writing that avoids the utilization of literary writing techniques
A. Persuasive essays C. Reflective essays
B. Entertaining essays D. None of the above

24. Element of the story where physical location and time in which the characters move
A. Settings C. Plot
B. Character D. Theme

25. The end of the story; loose ends tied up

A. Resolution C. Falling Action
B. Rising Action D. Plot

26. Diaries, memoirs, autobiographies, and biographies highlight _____.

A. Experience C. Life
B. Love D. None of the above

27. Which is true about a short story and a novel?

A. These literary works are both classified as fictional works
B. Both are imaginative prose works
C. They differ from each other in length and complexity
D. All the preceding

28. A type of creative nonfiction in which factual reporting is facilitated through the utilization of
narrative techniques and stylistic strategies that are mainly observed in fiction writing.
A. Autobiographical writing C. Personal reflective essay
B. Narrative of travel D. Literary journalism

29. A type of essay include the writer’s contemplation or realization on his/her experience.
A. Persuasive essays C. Reflective essays
B. Entertaining essays D. None of the above

30. This is also known as “character essay.”

A. Informal essay C. Critical essay
B. Didactic essay D. Biographical essay

31. In the line, “the child is the father of the man”, what figure of speech is employed?
A. Anaphora C. Paradox
B. Essay D. Simile

32. Which group of words exemplifies onomatopoeia as a sound device?

A. Hold, told, mold, gold C. Hiss, buzz, swoosh, boom
B. Wicked and wan D. Die, sky, fly, pie

33. Element in creative nonfiction where the narrator is outside of the story, about other
A. 1st person point of view C. 3rd person point of view
B. 2nd person point of view D. None of the foregoing

34. Element in creative nonfiction where the narrator used to talk or address to another person
A. 1st person point of view C. 3rd person point of view
B. 2nd person point of view D. None of the foregoing

35. “He couldn’t turn away from the desire to finally break free.”
A. Organic C. Auditory
B. Tactile D. Gustatory

36. “He had to scamper along the bare hallway to let the guest inside.”
A. Olfactory C. Tactile
B. Auditory D. Kinesthetic

37. “When Zoey entered the room, a disturbing stench of what seemed to be rotting assailed
her nose.”
A. Olfactory C. Tactile
B. Auditory D. Kinesthetic
38. “I could feel the scorching heat of the fire desperately lapping at my body” -Leo, stargirl
A. Organic C. Auditory
B. Tactile D. Gustatory

39. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?

A. Face-to-face interviews C. Personal accounts
B. Diaries D. All of the foregoing

40. Which of the following is an example of a work that classifies as Creative Nonfiction?
A. Autobiography C. Personal Narratives
B. Memoir D. All of the foregoing

41. Many of these books concern business success, buoying confidence, staying organized,
relationship advice, dieting, and financial management
A. Self-help C. Journal
B. Manual D. Biography

42. Style is the chief characteristic that sets creative writing apart from other forms of writing.
Which of the following best describes the style in creative writing.
A. When portraying current world views and examining current societal challenges, authors
are not required to follow any stylistic guidelines
B. The organization and execution of creative writing must follow a set of rules
C. When writing creatively, the author must convince the audience that what is being stated
is true and accurate
D. Any judgements or deductions based on textual evidence or data must be supported,
and ideas must be clarified

43. To improve a creative text, one must limit the use of technical terms. Why is this so?
A. Because technical terms are more often used in technical writing
B. Because too many technical terms make it hard for the readers to understand a text
C. Because it directs the reader’s attention from deciphering the message towards
unlocking the terms
D. Because the aim of creative writing is not to impress or intimidate but rather to enlighten
the mind and touch the hearts.

44. Element in creative nonfiction where the narrator is the character in the story
A. 1st person point of view C. 3rd person point of view
B. 2nd person point of view D. None of the foregoing

45. The sequence of events the story is presented and composed in significant order.
A. Plot C. Falling Action
B. Rising Action D. Exposition

46. It is the most popular form of literature which is classified as a prose composition which
attempts to explain or clear up idea, perception, or point of view.
A. Editorial C. Fiction
B. Essay D. Research report

47. Which sentence below is an example of Man Vs. Society?

A. A character disagrees with the values, laws, or beliefs of a group
B. The character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land
C. A character develops a struggle between his thoughts and ideas
D. A character has an agreement or disagreement with another character.

48. Written in the first-person point of view by the author himself/herself.

A. Biography C. Memoir
B. Autobiography D. Journal

49. Academic texts are designed to instruct readers on a particular topic.

A. Philosophy and Insights C. Academic books
B. History D. Journalism

50. It is perceived as an emerging form of human expression that is technologically or digitally

A. Songs C. Novel
B. Literature D. Poet
Key to Correction
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. C
18. B
19. E
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. D
37. A
38. A
39. D
40. D
41. A
42. A
43. D
44. A
45. D
46. A
47. A
48. B
49. C
50. B

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