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Persuasive Essay Final Draft

Video games can be educational.

I am giving my point of view about the video games are not an education because
they are additive. they are games that do not help to live the reality of life makes you
create a fantasy. Most of the games are about killing and violence and that is not
educational at all. there are many definitions for education and to educate but a video
game does not educate. the theme of videogames for this generation is more to
experience what they want to do.

One of the main things in education is schools, so it is not better for young people not
to stay at home glued to a television without doing anything. These points and
examples that I present are testimonies of experiences. Through video games a person
attacked a school because they did not focus the same way they felt in the
game. Because of these games, children become addicted from a young age and have
an unrespectful attitude. games that teach the most is to kill and in violence and it is
not something healthy for a person.

What is education for them when education begins at home with their parents not to
put a television so that the child does not disturb? These are other points and
examples that I present are testimonies of experiences. There was a case that a mother
left her son alone at home and the child was found alone in the salt in front of the
television. There have been cases that children for a game beat their mothers to buy
them and that is education. Ayoung man suffered a cardiac arrest from sitting for so
long playing right now the young man cannot close his eyes.

Thanks to these games, young people do not leave their homes or help their parents
since they are four to a whole day in a video game. These are others and more of the
points and examples that I present are testimonies of experiences. Young people who
can go without eating without bathing can spend days like this and believe that this is
healthy. Young people suffer from this addiction that is not healthy for young people
and children with more than a hundred games that cause the same. because it is not
something healthy that can educate someone is bad and they should make it different
or eliminate it.

In Conclusion the game videos are not educational they are bad influences. You
cannot tell games that they are educational, much less that they educate because it is
not like that. games are an emergency case is not healthy for humanity. to finish these
are my views on video games what's yours in this case. Do you think that the game is
a way to educate a child or a young person with the things that are happening today
with the Matanzas and murders, violent deaths of children? Children? to know that
that is to live.

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