Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions A Case Study From Guwahati City

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Pure Appl. Geophys.

168 (2011), 1645–1668

Ó 2010 Springer Basel AG
DOI 10.1007/s00024-010-0197-7 Pure and Applied Geophysics

Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions: a Case Study from Guwahati City, Northeast India

Abstract—The 1897 Great Shillong earthquake revealed con- 1. Introduction

siderable seismic susceptibility in Guwahati City, such as soil
liquefaction, landslides, and surface fissures. In an attempt to
quantify the seismic vulnerability of the city based on geological, The surface geology and soil conditions in sedi-
seismological, and geotechnical aspects concerning seismic site mentary basins have considerable influence on the
characterization, in-depth analysis was performed using a micro-
ground motions induced by an earthquake, causing
tremor survey with recordings of five small to moderate magnitude
(4.8 B mb B 5.4) earthquakes that occurred in 2006 and geotech- significant amplifications (e.g., PHILLIPS and AKI, 1986;
nical investigations using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). AKI, 1988; SU et al., 1992; KATO et al., 1995; BONILLA
Additionally, the basement topography was established using ver- et al., 1997a, b; NATH et al., 2002a, b). Seismic waves
tical electrical resistivity sounding and selected drill-hole
information. Region-specific relationships are derived by correlat- generated by a fault dislocation are modulated as they
ing the estimated values of predominant frequency, shear-wave propagate through the medium. An understanding of
velocity, and basement depth indicating conformity with the pre- the associated phenomena can be drawn from source,
dominant frequency distribution and the basin topography
underlain by a hard granitic basement. Most parts of the city adhere
path, and site effects apart from the material charac-
to the predominant frequency range of 0.5–3.5 Hz, setting aside terization. As far as the site effects are concerned, the
areas of deep sediment fills or hilly tracts, suggesting that the three-dimensional real earth model is complex and
existing moderate-rise RC buildings in the territory are seismically
difficult to emulate. Therefore, a simple 1D model is
vulnerable. Furthermore, the geotechnical assessment of the soil
liquefaction potential reveals widespread susceptibility across the generally considered by assuming the medium to be
terrain. Eventually, a site classification map of the city is prepared horizontally homogeneous and isotropic, but vertically
following the National Earthquake Hazard Program (NEHRP) inhomogeneous as accounted for by the impedance
provision. The average site amplification factor from geotechnical
modeling for site class D is about 3 in the frequency range of contrasts due to younger sediments overlying the older
2–4 Hz. In addition, earthquake data yield an average site ampli- ones. From an engineering perspective, it is preferred
fication factor of 4–6 in the frequency range of 1.2–5.0 Hz at the to predict the ground motions at ‘‘engineering bed-
seismic stations located in site class E and F. High site amplifi-
cations of around 5.5 and 7.5 at 2 Hz, respectively, are observed at
rock’’ on which the foundations of built structures are
AMTRON and IRRIG seismic stations, which are located in the laid. The so-called engineering bedrock or the base-
proximity of Precambrian rocks, indicating probable basin edge ment is usually defined as the onset of Tertiary
effects—scattering and diffraction of incident energy. Interplay of
formation or hard Pleistocene deposit. SATOH et al.
dispersed valleys surrounded by small hillocks in the study region
is likely to induce micro-basin effects where the sediment thick- (1995) delineated the engineering bedrock with the
ness/depth vis-à-vis predominant frequency and basin geometry in sedimentary rock of Pliocene or earlier age with the
conjunction play pivotal roles in the augmentation of site response. S-wave velocity of 500 m/s or larger and a Standard
Key words: Guwahati city, predominant frequency, shear- Penetration Test (SPT) blow count of 50 or more.
wave velocity, site classification. Conventionally, the engineering bedrock has been
assumed to be at the uppermost layer, having an
S-wave velocity C760 m/s of the soil column in
accordance with the National Earthquake Hazard
Reduction Program (NEHRP) provisions (e.g., ANSAL
et al., 2005). In view of the site effects dominating the
overall hazard, site characterization is often performed
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India. E-mail: to differentiate zones with similar seismic responses. Such characterization is implemented with shear-wave
1646 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

velocity and predominant frequency of the ground, the geotechnical and geophysical investigations com-
latter being measured as the frequency corresponding prised of vertical electrical resistivity sounding
to the maximum site amplification of the ground (VES), drill holes, and microtremor surveys are used
motion that is controlled by the focusing effects from to establish correlations among shear-wave velocity,
soil-bedrock topography and lateral inhomogeneity in predominant frequency, and basement depth. The
the soil stratigraphy (NAKAMURA, 2000; MUCCIARELLI basement depth distribution of the study region is
and GALLIPOLI, 2001). The shear-wave velocity pro- worked out on the basis of VES results and selected
files, on the other hand, are employed in the soil borehole data, while the microtremor data are used to
response modeling. The velocity reflects the strength estimate the predominant frequency. The SPT data
and impedance contrasts between the materials and logged at boreholes with depth variation from the
eventually is related to the expected amplification at ground surface to around 30 m are used to derive the
the site of interest. Ultimately both parameters, i.e., shear-wave velocity profile at the down-hole sites and
shear wave velocity and predominant frequency, allow thereafter averaged to estimate the effective
definition of seismic susceptibility for appraising the shear-wave velocity. The liquefaction susceptibility
damage potential of a devastating earthquake. in the terrain is evaluated by geotechnical analysis.
Guwahati City is located in northeast India where Eventually, site classification of the terrain is
the seismic source potential surpasses that of great accomplished taking into consideration the shear-
earthquakes, indicating high seismic vulnerability of wave velocity distribution and the pertinent soil
the urban agglomerations in the territory (e.g., conditions. The aspects of different geological
THINGBAIJAM and NATH, 2008; NATH et al., 2008a, b). formations and their geotechnical characteristics are
The damage patterns associated with the historical also judiciously examined. This analysis considers
earthquakes are generally considered to be the indi- equivalent linear geophysical problems in an other-
cators of the seismic susceptibility of an urban area. wise non-linear complex domain in which the scope
OLDHAM (1899) reported widespread destruction in the of inhomogeneity and anisotropism is limited to
city during the 1897 Great Shillong earthquake (MW homogenous and isotropic conditions of a layered
8.1) that occurred at a hypocentral distance of about earth model.
70 km from the city; the seismic intensity observed
was VII–VIII on the Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik
scale (AMBRASEYS and BILHAM, 2003; BILHAM, 2008). 2. Background Settings
Reportedly, the earthquake induced liquefaction of
considerable areas adjoining the Brahmaputra River, Guwahati City covers an area of about 600 km2
causing land fissures, landslides, rockfalls, wide- bounded between the longitude 91° 300 –91° 500 E and
spread slumping, and spreading of the ground between latitude 26° 050 –26° 120 N. Owing to its strategic
the hilly tracts on the southern bank of the river. In location, significant socioeconomic importance is
recent times, a population explosion in the city has attached to the city, which is the largest in the region
caused unplanned habitations and construction of and a home to a diversified and multiethnic popula-
houses, encroachment into the hilly terrains, and tion. In addition to being the political state capital of
reclamation of natural water bodies, inadvertently Assam, it is also an active business hub and a host to
increasing the seismic vulnerability of the terrain. several educational and economic institutions.
Seismic microzonation studies in the city have The city is located on the lower Brahmaputra
been envisioned in order to facilitate planned urban basin between tectonic grains of the Himalayan
growth with appropriate building code provisions for mobile belt to the north and the Shillong plateau to
the development of lifeline facilities. In that direc- the south. The geological and geomorphological
tion, assessment of the geotechnical characteristics of background of the city is depicted in Fig. 1. The
the near-surface geology constitutes the most terrain manifests mainly interspersed Precambrian
important task and is dealt with extensively in this granitic rocks forming the hill tracts and isolated
study. The data collected across the city through hillocks and a valley filled with Quaternary alluvium
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1647

Figure 1
Geological and geomorphological map of the Guwahati region (after NATH et al. 2008a, b) depicting the locations of geotechnical boreholes,
microtremor recording stations, seismic stations, and VES/lithological section profiles as shown by the lines AA0 , BB0 , and CC0 , respectively

deposited over the basement of hard granitic rocks. 3. Data

The steep-sided hillocks on the southern and eastern
fringes rise to an average height of 400 m above With the aim of seismic hazard microzoning of
mean sea level (msl), while those within the valley the city, a consorted effort towards data compilation
elevate up to approximately 300 m above msl at was undertaken involving deployment of geotechni-
several places. The hard granitic rock basement of the cal instruments, borehole drills, and extensive ground
shallow basin exhibits a coincidence of the engi- surveys (DST, 2007). Geological Survey of India
neering and the seismic bedrock in most parts of the (GSI) conducted vertical electrical-resistivity sound-
region. The alluvium deposits could be classified into ing (VES) employing the standard Schlumberger and
five aggradational units based on lithological char- Wenner techniques (e.g., PATRA and NATH, 1999) at
acters, state of weathering, order of superposition, selected traverses in the city. Three layers of rocks
and unconformity. They, in order of increasing have been identified at depths with resistivity values
antiquity, are (1) active flood plain and levee deposit, of 200, 100, and 25 Xm. The electrical resistivity
(2) Digaru surface, (3) Bordang surface, (4) Sonapur observations and litho-stratigraphic data from 30
surface, and (5) Pediment surface. The sludge col- selected boreholes drilled to the basement for
lected during drilling of boreholes of up to 120 m groundwater exploration and those located closer to
depth for groundwater exploration indicates that the hillocks were used to derive the basement
sand, silt, clay, and gravel alternate in irregular pro- topography of the study region. The onset of the hard
portions with extensive lateral variations. Significant granitic layer overlying the alluvium overburden is
disparities in the geological and geomorphological considered the basement. The basement, thus
features indicate a likely variation in the seismic observed (exposed at several places), is comprised of
response across the terrain. hard rock of granitic composition, wherein the
1648 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

engineering and seismic bedrock merges into one Figure 2 c

a Typical subsurface conditions in Guwahati City depicted by
entity prohibiting identification of critical contrast section profiles as indicated in Fig. 1: A–A0 (adapted from DST,
between the two hazard-related terminologies. 2007), B–B0 , and C–C0 derived from VES and geotechnical
Accordingly, the engineering bedrock considered in borehole litholog data. b The basement zonation map of the region
derived from VES and selected borehole data (adapted from DST,
this study is defined by the rock condition having S-
wave velocity between 760 and 1,500 m/s. SPT
N value data were collected from 200 boreholes
drilled across the terrain, as depicted in Fig. 1, with dynamic range of the systems is 108 dB, 200 sam-
penetration up to 24–30 m in most of the cases. ples/s, and 18-bit resolution. Each of the systems has
Typical sub-surface conditions in the region are been set with a trigger level of 0.1% of the full-scale
presented in Fig. 2, which depicts section profiles and sensitivity (2 g). The present analyses make use of
the basement zonation. five earthquakes that occurred during 2006 and were
In another geophysical investigation, a microtre- recorded with a good signal-to-noise ratio (C3) at
mor (ambient noise) survey was conducted jointly by several stations.
the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and GSI
in the city. Several CMG-6TD (sensitive to 60 s–
80 Hz) and SS-1 (sensitive to 1–50 Hz) seismometers 4. Methodology and Results
with digital (Reftek and Kinemetrics) recorders were
deployed at the locations as depicted in Fig. 1 with a The local soil is known to exhibit different pre-
total of 141 recording stations to account for dominant frequency depending upon its physical
approximately one station per square kilometer. The property and the sediment thickness, as well as varia-
exact locations of all the stations were determined tions due to focusing at the soil-bedrock interface and
through a built-in GPS system with a precision of diversity in the layering and lateral continuity within
0.0001 degree. The data acquisitions were conducted various soil layers. The shear-wave velocity often
according to the recommendations of BARD, (2000) increases with the confining pressure (e.g., DOBRY and
and MUCCIARELLI, (1998). Sufficient data covering VUCETIC, 1987), which in turn is proportional to the
24 h to several days were collected at each site basement depth. As revealed by laboratory tests, an
addressing day, night, and local variations to generate increase in pressure leads to soil compaction and hence
hourly data for the spectrum analysis, each of which an increase in the shear wave velocity. However, the
was sub-divided into 8–10 min providing 6–8 data variation of shear wave velocity within the stratum
files, and the pertinent uniform wave-train analyzed column in the sedimentary basins may not have a
for any spurious inconsistency that could be induced monotonic trend owing to different material proper-
by heavy traffic or spurious transients. New wave- ties. The relation between shear wave velocity and the
form data files were created by separating a portion of basement depth is therefore appropriate when the
the smooth common wave train of about 120 s from average shear wave velocity is considered as a repre-
each of the waveform data files. An appropriate data sentative of the overall overburden. Similarly,
portion of each file was used for spectrum analysis predominant frequency ‘fr’ and the basement depth ‘h’
according to the time window length selection crite- can be connected by means of an average shear
ria. A generally accepted rule of thumb is that the velocity in a simplistic manner, although the variations
window length should have at least ten cycles for the in physical characteristics of the soil could be com-
lowest frequency analyzed (e.g., BARD, 1998). In the plicated, as suggested by BARD (2000). For a single
present study, a 30-s time window length was used. layer over a half space earth model, the average shear-
Additionally, Kinemetrics Altus K2 strong- wave velocity (VavS ) can be written as
motion accelerographs were installed at 12 sites of
VSav ¼ 4  h  fr ð1Þ
significant landmarks/installations across the city by
the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) The predominant frequency is known to have
as a part of the seismic microzonation initiative. The inverse correlation with the basement depth. IBS-VON
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1649
1650 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

SEHT and WOHLENBERG (1999) suggested the relation especially on soft soils where clear HVSR peaks can
between the two parameters to follow a power law be ascribed to the contrast at the soil-bedrock
model, interface (e.g., FIELD et al., 1995; LACHET et al.,
1996; BARD et al., 1997; MUCCIARELLI, 1998; MUCC-
h ¼ aðf r Þb : ð2Þ
IARELLI et al., 2003; SESAME, 2004; GOSAR et al., 2009;

The average shear-wave velocity can also be GALLIPOLI et al., 2009a). The results from site effects
related to the thickness in a similar fashion following assessment using the Ambient Excitations (SESAME,
DELGADO et al. (2000), 2004) Project of the European Commission delivered
assessments on the HSVSR technique, guidelines,
VSav ¼ x  hy : ð3Þ
and recommendations for probable applications.
The relations given by Eqs. 2 and 3 are reckoned In the present analysis, the SPEC program tagged
to introduce durability in geo-spatial extrapolations/ with SEISAN (HAVSKOV and OTTEMOELLER, 2000)
interpolations of the parameters. Further, they pro- was used for the computation of Fourier spectra of
vide an expedient tool in the regions with similar individual components and relative spectra of hori-
geology for the first-order assessment of either zontal versus vertical (H/V) components. The
parameter in case one parameter is known. Such spectral amplitudes were accordingly smoothed with
relations act as a thumb rule in geotechnical and a one-third of octave band filter before computing
geophysical investigations from regional and global the HVSR, which is done until a distinct peak is
perspectives, e.g., the Cologne Area, Germany obtained and at times going to 300 iterations (e.g.,
(PAROLAI et al., 2002), Bajo Segura Basin, SE Spain AL YUNCHA et al., 2004). Figure 3a depicts a few
(DELGADO et al., 2000), and the Lower Rhine representative plots of the average HVSR against
Embayment, Germany (IBS-VON SEHT and WOHLEN- frequency (after SINGH et al., 2008). The correlation
BERG, 1999), and in Southern Italy (D’AMICO et al., between basement depth and predominant frequency
2004). is established as given in Eq. 2. The basement depths
obtained from VES at 34 points located in the
4.1. Predominant Frequency proximity of the microtremor survey stations are
used for the analysis. The correlation through
Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) orthogonal distanced regression assigning equal
analysis on microtremor (ambient noise) measure- weight to both the abscissa and ordinate, as depicted
ments offers the advantage of easy data acquisition, in Fig. 3b, is deduced as,
as well as being inexpensive and reliable (e.g.,
NAKAMURA, 1989, 2000; LUZÓN et al., 2001). The h ¼ 125ð1:22Þfr1:495ð0:407Þ : ð4Þ
theoretical basis has been contentious and the Equation 4 is similar to those given by IBS-VON
approach mostly experimental. The HVSR curve SEHT and WOHLENBERG (1999) and PAROLAI et al.
has been implicated in body waves (e.g., NAKAMURA, (2002), observed, respectively, at the Lower Rhine
2000; HERAK, 2008) as well as surface waves (e.g., embayment and the Cologne area, Germany. The
KONNO and OHMACHI, 1998; ARAI and TOKIMATSU, estimated basement depths are consistent with the
2005). On the basis of theoretical modeling, ALBA- predominant frequency in the range of 0.5–3.5 Hz. It
RELLO and LUNEDEI (2009) observed surface-wave is to be noted that the exponent term among the three
approximation to be consistent with the larger regional relations (Fig. 3b) does not vary signifi-
frequencies and the body wave interpretation to cantly, implying that in the generic model given by
concur with the predominant frequency and its Eq. 2, the coefficient ‘a’ is region specific (e.g.,
vicinity. At the same time, the dependence of HVSR DELGADO et al., 2000). The spatial distribution of the
on the source distribution (e.g., human activities in predominant frequency in the study region is depicted
the area) yields minor aberrations to the location of in Fig. 4. Overall, the different frequency responses
the HVSR maximum. Several studies have demon- are seen to conforming to the geomorphological
strated the applicability of the microtremor analysis, signatures in the study region.
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1651

Figure 3
a Representative plots of HVSR against frequency in Guwahati City—the mean values are given by continuous curves, and the standard
deviation of each is depicted by the grey shades. b The basement depth against the predominant frequency plot wherein different correlating
models are depicted

4.2. Shear-Wave Velocity SCHNABEL et al., 1972). The parameter relates to

physical properties of the surface deposit/weathered
The shear-wave velocity is used in earthquake
layer such as fabric, aging, compaction, structure,
engineering for site response modeling (e.g.,
1652 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 4
Predominant frequency distribution map of Guwahati City

constituents, degree of weathering, and alterations of

seismic motions. The fundamental model given by
Eq. 3 connects the average shear-wave velocity to the
basement depth. We compute the average shear-wave
velocity with Eq. 1 using the basement depths and the
observed predominant frequency at the selected
microtremor observation sites. Non-linear regression
analysis performed thereafter on the data pairs of
average shear-wave velocity and basement depth, as
shown in Fig. 5, yields the following,

VSav ¼ 101ð14:9Þ  h0:03ð0:052Þ : ð5Þ

The relation shows higher uncertainties with
increasing basement depth. As depicted in the
diagram, the function is close to the one given by
PAROLAI et al. (2002). The average shear wave
velocity is ascribed to the overburden thickness.
However, site classification schemes are generally
based on the shallower depth in view of the near-
surface affinity to the site effects in addition to the
cost and convenience for the engineering practices Figure 5
(e.g., FIELD et al., 2000; STREET et al., 2001). In fact, The predicted relationship between average shear-wave velocity
and basement depth derived for the study region and that of
JOYNER et al. (1981) observed that the velocity to a PAROLAI et al. (2002) for Cologne, Germany, is depicted by solid
depth equal to one-quarter wavelength of the period and dashed lines, respectively
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1653

of the propagating wave train from resolution point of Table 1

view represents the site conditions appropriately. Several relations between SPT N value and shear wave velocity,
Several studies, to name a few, BORCHERDT et al. VLS , available for different soil types
(1991), BOORE et al. (1997), DOBRY et al. (2000), and Soil-type Relations Author(s)
FIELD et al. (2000), have formulated site amplifica-
tions as a function of average shear-wave velocity for Clay VLS = 5.3 N ? 134 FUMAL and TINSLEY
the upper 30 m of the subsurface, i.e., effective shear- VLS = 114.4 N0.31 LEE (1990)
wave velocity (V30 S ). The parameter is also used by VLS = 165.7 N0.19 PITILAKIS et al. (1992)a
both the NEHRP and the Uniform Building Code VLS = 105.7 N0.33 RAPTAKIS et al. (1995)a
VLS = 184.2 N0.17 RAPTAKIS et al. (1995)b
(UBC) to classify sites for earthquake engineering
VLS = 27.0 N0.73 JAFARI et al. (2002)
(BSSC, 2001). The parameter has also been incorpo- VLS = 80.2 N0.292 IMAI (1977)
rated as the site term in the ground motion prediction VLS = 97.9 N0.269 HASANCEBI and ULUSAY
equations (e.g., POWER et al., 2008). (2007)
Sand VLS = 5.1 N ? 152 FUMAL and TINSLEY (1985)
A straightforward and widely used technique for VLS = 56.4 N0.50 SEED et al. (1983)
shear-wave velocity estimation is the conventional VLS = 57.4 N0.49 LEE (1990)
SPT data analysis. Several empirical relations VLS = 162.0 N0.17 PITILAKIS et al. (1992)c
VLS = 100.0 N0.24 RAPTAKIS et al. (1995)
between SPT N values and lithological shear-wave VLS = 123.4 N0.29 RAPTAKIS et al. (1995)d
velocity (VLS ) are available as listed in Table 1; these VLS = 80.6 N0.331 IMAI (1977)
are often used to overcome the absence of in situ VLS = 100.5 N0.29 SYKORA and STOKOE
measurements with explication of their applicability
VLS = 90.8 N0.319 HASANCEBI and ULUSAY
for a study region. The present study region, with (2007)
Archean hillocks exposed in places and undulating VLS = 22.0 N0.76 CHIEN et al. (2000)c
basement topography bearing a Precambrian gneissic Gravel VLS = 192.4 N0.13 RAPTAKIS et al. (1995)
VLS = 63.0 N0.43 SYKORA and KOESTER
complex, falls into the category of thin alluvium (1988)
characterized by smaller basins underlain by harder Silt loam/ VLS = 4.3 N ? 218 FUMAL and TINSLEY (1985)
bedrock. Higher shear-wave velocity range is usually sandy
observed in such geological settings as compared to All VLS = 91.0 N0.34 IMAI (1977)
the deeper basins (e.g., WILLS and CLAHAN, 2006). VLS = 85.35 N0.348 OHTA and GOTO (1978)
It has been observed that VLS values cluster around VLS = 121.0 N0.27 YOKOTA et al. (1991)e
VLS = 61.0 N0.50 SEED and IDRISS (1981)
the mean values for different soil types (e.g., OHSAKI
VLS = 107.6 N0.36 ATHANASOPOULOS (1995)
and IWASAKI, 1973; TONOUCHI et al., 1983). Loose soil VLS = 22.0 N0.85 JAFARI et al. (1997)
conditions such as that of sands are expected to VLS = 116.1 JINAN (1987)
exhibit lower Vav (N ? 0.3185)0.202
S ; however, for the same N value,
VLS = 51.5 N0.516 IYISAN (1996)
which is indicative of soil compactness, sand can VLS = 97.0 N0.314 IMAI and TONOUCHI (1982)
exhibit higher velocity (e.g., IMAI, 1977; OHTA and VLS = 82.0 N0.39 OHSAKI and IWASAKI
GOTO, 1978; FUMAL and TINSLEY, 1985; HASANCEBI (1973)
VLS = 92.1 N0.337 FUJIWARA (1972)
and ULUSAY, 2007). FUMAL and TINSLEY (1985) VLS = 90.0 N0.309 HASANCEBI and ULUSAY
implicated ‘sandy clay’ and ‘loam soils’ in higher (2007)
VLS for similar N values compared to other soil types. a
Soft clay
The control of the N value over VLS , notwithstanding b
Stiff clay
the influence of the soil type, yields average relations c
Silty sand
when soil types are not considered to account for a d
Loose sand
larger number of observations (e.g., HASANCEBI and e
Adapted from JAFARI et al. (2002)
ULUSAY, 2007). On the other hand, the soil classifi-
cations enable geologically constrained predictions. ‘silt loam and sandy clay,’ and ‘sand and gravelly
The equations of FUMAL and TINSLEY, (1985) based on sand,’ are preferred in the present study due to their
different soil textures, namely ‘clay and silty clay,’ coherency with the observed soil lithology. The
1654 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

implications, thereupon, are examined through com-

parisons with that of several available correlations via
assessment of a linear median trend through least
squares fit that employs minimization of the least
absolute residuals. The relation for ‘clay and silty
clay’ is seen to be comparatively moderate, as shown
in Fig. 6a. Although the relation for ‘sand, gravelly
sands, and gravels’ yields higher VS values at larger
N values as depicted in Fig. 6b, it is reasonably
consistent with the median at the lower N values.
Figure 6c presents an overall comparison between the
three relations and those available for all soil types,
indicating that the relations for clayey and sandy soils
are closer to the median trend, while that for ‘silt
loam and sandy clay’ yields higher VS estimates for
the same N values. However, the latter trend matches
satisfactorily with that given by ATHANASOPOULOS
(1995). The estimation of shear-wave velocity is
depicted with two representative borehole logs given
in Fig. 7a.
Eventually, V30
S is computed at each borehole site.
However, in cases where the bedrock is found to be
located within a depth of 30 m, the average shear-
wave velocity of the overburden thickness, rather
than V30
S , considered as the presence of rock would
escalate V30S . The spatial distribution of VS
depicted in Fig. 7b. Although the estimated velocities
range from 180 to 360 m/s, the maximum number of
observations is within 220–280 m/s.

4.3. Soil Liquefaction, Site Classification,

and Site Response
NEHRP recommends provisions for seismic reg-
ulations according to site classes (A–E) defined for
similar seismic responses. The site classes A and B
are assigned to hard rock and rock site conditions
with V30 -1
S [ 1,500 ms , and within 760–1,500 ms ,
Figure 6
Several relations between SPT N value and shear wave velocity as
respectively, while site class C is designated to soft
depicted along with the median trend (bold line) and the dashed lines rock, hard, or very stiff soils, or gravels exhibiting
representing 95% prediction bounds. It is observed that: a in the case V30 -1
S in the range of 360–760 ms , and stiff soils with
for clay and clayey soils, the median trend to be well aligned to that of 30
VS in the range of 180–360 ms-1 are designated to
FUMAL and TINSLEY (1985), while b in the case of sand and gravelly
sand including gravel, the relation given by the same authors is be in the site class D. However, site class E is
reasonably consistent with the median at lower N value; however, it implicated in a soil profile with more than 3 m of soft
yields higher shear-wave velocity as the N value increases. c Avail- clay defined as soil with a plasticity index (PI) [ 20,
able relations between SPT N value and the shear-wave velocity for
all types of soil conditions plotted together with those of FUMAL and moisture content (w) C40%, and average undrained
TINSLEY (1985) classified on the basis of soil textures shear strength (Su) \25 kPa, while site-specific
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1655

Figure 7
a The soil strata, SPT N, and the corresponding shear-wave velocity profile depicted for two closely located boreholes. b The spatial
distribution of V30 30
s across Guwahati City. The estimated Vs at the borehole sites is seen to range between 180 and 360 m/s with the maximum
number of observations exhibit a range of 220–280 m/s

testing and evaluation are warranted for the identi- seismic loading such as liquefiable soils, quick and
fication of site class F. All of the four categories of highly sensitive clays, and collapsible weakly
soil are considered to be indicative of site class F: (1) cemented soils, (2) peats and/or highly organic clays
soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under (soil thickness [ 3 m) of peat and/or highly organic
1656 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

clay, (3) very high plasticity clays (soil thickness stress ratio (CSR) and cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) to
[8 m with PI [75, and (4) very thick soft/medium arrive at the Factor of Safety (FOS) ratio of the two
stiff clays (soil thickness [36 m). Geological attri- factors whose value equals one or less than one,
butes are often connected to shear-wave velocity in indicating soil liquefaction susceptibility. The seis-
view of the limited number of observation sites (e.g., mic demand of a soil layer is represented by CSR,
WILLS and SILVA, 1998). On the basis of the while the capacity of soil to resist liquefaction is
overlapping ranges of V30 S accorded to different represented by CRR. The shear stress generated at the
geological units, WILLS et al. (2000) introduced soil column excited by a propagation of shear wave
intermediate classes, namely BC, CD, and DE velocity at the base can be computed as,
corresponding to an average V30 S of 760, 360, and
180 ms-1, respectively. ðsmax Þd ¼ 0:65rd r0 ð6Þ
4.3.1 Soil Liquefaction where (smax)r represents maximum shear stress, r0 is
the total overburden pressure, amax is the peak hori-
In the present study, the alluvial deposits of mainly zontal acceleration, rd is a correction factor for a
Pleistocene-Holocene sediments in the overall terrain deformable body, which is termed the stress reduction
predominantly come under site class D as inferred coefficient, and g represents acceleration due to gravity
from the V30S distribution. However, soft soil sites and (SEED and IDRISS, 1971). In the present study, the
marshy lands (reclaimed at several places) over the average values of rd are estimated using the relations
active flood plain and levee deposits (soil embank- given by CETIN et al. (2004). The CSR is computed as
ment along the river), and Digaru and Bordang
r0 amax
surfaces are liable to come under site class E or F. CSR ¼ 0:65 0 rd ð7Þ
r0 g
While site class E is identified from the geotechnical
considerations, soil liquefaction susceptibility is where r0 is the initial effective overburden pressure,
evaluated in the study region to identify site class which is given as,
F. The resistance of the soil to earthquake-related P 
0 di c   
liquefaction mainly depends on density, fabric, r0 ¼ dj P i  9:81 dj  wl ð8Þ
cementation, and age of the soil, whereas the
susceptibility increases with earthquake magnitude, where dj is the depth interval of each N value, di is the
duration, and the extent of shear-stress reversal. The depth at which the soil lithology changes, wl is the
present investigation is based on the data acquired at depth of the water table, and ci is the average unit
each borehole at down-hole intervals of 1.5 m. The weight of the material. The CRR values are estimated
water table is seen mostly at 1.5 m, but ranges from from N1(60) values using the relationships provided by
0.0 to 6.6 m across the borehole dataset. The fine YOUD et al. (2001). These relationship curves were
grain criteria based on two factors, namely the ratio developed for granular soils with fine contents of 5 or
of water content to liquid limit (wc/LL) and soil less, 15, and 35% for magnitude MW 7.5 earthquakes.
plasticity index (PI), as proposed by BRAY and SANCIO The magnitude scaling, e.g., MW 8.7, is achieved by
(2006), is used to evaluate the susceptibility of plastic means of the magnitude scaling factor (MSF) such that,
soils. The susceptible zones are identified with wc/LL  
[0.85 and PI \12, while moderately susceptible FOS = MSF: ð9Þ
zones are identified with wc/LL [0.8 and PI \18.
The Factor of Safety (FOS) against soil liquefaction Following YOUD et al. (2001), the magnitude
is designated to be less than 1 and equal to 1, scaling factor (MSF) is computed as,
respectively, in the former and the latter cases.
MSF = 102:24 =MW
: ð10Þ
Thereafter, the methodology based on SPT data
analysis given by YOUD et al. (2001) is followed for The scaling factor provides an approximate rep-
non-plastic soils. It involves estimation of the cyclic resentation of the effects of shaking duration or the
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1657

the 1897 Shillong earthquake are indicated by

inscribing square boxes on the site classification
map given in Fig. 9.

4.3.2 Site Classification

The site classification of the city was eventually

achieved by demarcating the zones of site classes CD,
D, E, and F as presented in Fig. 9. For the liquefac-
tion susceptibility zonation purposes, a buffer area of
500 m around each identified site was created on a
Figure 8 Geographical Information System (GIS) platform and
A representative synthetic accelerogram generated through sto- modified thereafter according to the geological con-
chastic finite fault modeling at the bedrock level for a reverse ditions in the immediate vicinity. The zones identified
faulting earthquake with scenario magnitude of MW 8.7 nucleating
from Shillong plateau with a hypocentral distance of *70 km as liquefiable soil (FOS \ 1) and at point of failure
(FOS = 1) are, irrespectively, classified as site class
equivalent number of stress cycles enabling the F. On the other hand, the low-lying Precambrian
adjustment of the induced CSR during an earthquake residual hills interspersed across the terrain are
for a specific magnitude to an equivalent CSR for a classified as rock sites. The narrow tracts underlying
magnitude of MW 7.5. older (Pleistocene) alluvium, gravel, and soft rocks
For the assessment of peak horizontal accelera- are placed under the site class CD.
tions, synthesized base motion for scenario The HVSR can be inverted through Monte Carlo
earthquake magnitude of MW 8.7 nucleating from perturbation of the initial model parameters to
the hypocenter of the 1897 Shillong earthquake generate best fit soil models (e.g., HERAK, 2008).
simulated by NATH et al. (2009) is used. A represen- This analysis can provide a supplementary analysis to
tative synthetic accelerogram obtained at COTTON reinforce the present observations and provide yet
seismic station is depicted in Fig. 8. another perspective to overcome geophysical ambi-
Soil liquefactions associated with the 1897 Shil- guity. In the present study, a representative
long earthquake in Guwahati City were not fully geotechnical model is derived using the observed
reported, probably because the earthquake-related average HVSR spectra computed from the earthquake
phenomenon was not well-known during that period data. In case of ambient tremors, an anthropogenic
of time. The 1897 Shillong earthquake induced origin consisting mostly of horizontally traveling
widespread soil liquefaction and deformations in surface waves could violate the fundamental assump-
Guwahati City, which can be inferred from the tion of a body wave field and therefore needs critical
accounts of OLDHAM (1899) and BILHAM (2008). The examinations. The amplitudes of H/V ratios are
latter discussed several personal observations of La usually interpreted either as related to the ellipticity
Touche, a geologist with GSI during the period. From of surface waves or response of the ground conditions
these reports, we could gather several pieces of to the excitation of the body wave field. The
information, such as (1) deformations were observed interpretations in terms of body waves assume
along the banks of Brahmaputra River, some of vertical incidence of SH waves on the stratified soil
which were likely to be associated with soil lique- layers similar to the theoretical amplification of S
faction, (2) sands and floods with fissures were waves for geotechnical models (NAKAMURA, 2000;
reported, with devastation of crops at unnamed HERAK, 2008). A MatlabÒ code developed by HERAK,
locations, and (3) fissures, likely induced by soil (2008) based on the excitation of the body wave field
liquefaction, developed across the road connecting is used in the present study. The algorithm for the
Sukleswar Ghat and Bhorolumukh on the southern inversion to determine the best fit soil model has been
bank of the river. The likely liquefaction sites during described by the author. The methodology is based on
1658 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 9
Site classification map of Guwahati City prepared following the extended National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP)
nomenclature of WILLS et al. (2000). The likely liquefaction sites during the 1897 Shillong earthquake are depicted with square boxes

Monte Carlo search in the model space minimizing at AMTRON, and V30 S = 167 m/s at AEC. It is to be
the misfit function, noted that inversion problems can be ill-posed, i.e.,
X different models could provide the same solutions; in
m¼ f½HVSRobs ðfi Þ  HVSRtheo ðfi ÞW i g2 : ð11Þ
that respect, the present results correspond to a
solution constrained by the initial model parameters.
HVSRobs and HVSRtheo stand for the observed
and the theoretical HVSR, respectively. Wi represents 4.3.3 Site Response
the weights assigned to each of the frequencies, with
the highest being allocated to the largest HVSR The HVSR, better known as Nakamura’s technique
value. The analysis at the COTTON station is (NAKAMURA, 1989), is applicable only to ambient
illustrated as follows. The model space consists of noise-driven site effects in terms of predominant
six parameters for each layer (excluding the half- frequency. In case of the recorded earthquake wave-
space) as listed in Table 2. HVSRtheo is computed as form data, there are three widely used site response
the ratio of S-wave and P-wave amplifications, estimation techniques, namely classical standard
respectively, considering that the horizontal and spectral ratio (SSR), generalized inversion (GINV),
vertical motions are the same on average at the and HVSR receiver function (RF) type. In case of
engineering bedrock level. The final model achieved SSR, there is the requirement of a reference site,
is depicted in Fig. 10. The results at the seismic whose site response is flat and modulated around the
stations indicate conformity of the site classification amplification factor of 1. At the same time, GINV
with V30 30
S = 212 m/s at IITG, VS = 238 m/s at necessitates a constraining inversion scheme with a
IRRIG, VS = 187 m/s at COTTON, V30
S = 327 m/s known site response at one or more sites. On the other
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1659

Table 2
The initial model constructed using geotechnical data from the adjacent borehole site and the final models of the 1D soil profile at the
COTTON station consisting of S-wave and P-wave velocity (VS and VP), density q, and S-wave and P-wave attenuation coefficients (QS and
QP), respectively

VP (m/s) VS (m/s) q (gm/cc) h (m)a QP QS

Initial model
596 266 1.78 6 26 13
466 208 1.78 6 26 13
671 300 2.2 6 26 13
648 290 2.23 6 26 13
614 274 2.25 6 26 13
1,192 637 2.25 15 108 54
1,192 637 2.25 15 108 54
1,192 637 2.25 15 108 54
1,192 637 2.25 15 108 54
1,762a 788a 2.25a ?a ?a ?a
Final model
180 (±18) 50 (±05) 1.70 (±0.17) 6 29 (±3) 19 (±2)
435 (±44) 109 (±10) 1.74 (±0.17) 6 37 (±4) 20 (±2)
844 (±85) 383 (±38) 2.04 (±0.20) 6 37 (±4) 20 (±2)
577 (±58) 189 (±19) 2.3 (±0.23) 6 47 (±5) 16 (±2)
625 (±63) 206 (±21) 2.3 (±0.23) 6 47 (±5) 20 (±2)
1,263 (±126) 316 (±32) 1.7 (±0.17) 15 47 (±5) 20 (±2)
1493 (±150) 540 (±54) 1.7 (±0.17) 15 60 (±6) 20 (±2)
1,244 (±125) 719 (±72) 2.3 (±0.23) 15 60 (±6) 20 (±2)
1,765 (±177) 1020 (±102) 2.3 (±0.23) 15 37 (±4) 20 (±2)
1,762a 788a 2.25a ?a ?a ?a
Fixed values

hand, the RF type does not necessarily have the

requirement of either a reference site or site/s with
known site response. In the present study, we have a
global problem in the application of the first two
techniques because of the absence of a reference site.
It has been observed globally by several workers that
SSR and GINV are consistent in the assessment of site
amplifications. However, there are several opinions
regarding the site amplification estimate by RF
methodology that has emerged globally through
experimentations carried out in different terrains by
several workers. LERMO and CHAVEZ-GARCIA (1993)
proposed the H/V ratio (RF type) using intense parts
of the S-wave envelope for site response assessment
and observed that the RF estimates mimic the site
Figure 10 amplifications computed using the classical SSR on
HVSR and amplification spectra are depicted where the fitting model the basis of analyses carried out at three different
is inverted on the basis of theoretical body wave amplification.
S-amp and P-amp denote S-wave and P-wave amplifications, cities in Mexico. PAROLAI et al. (2004), NATH et al.
respectively (2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005), BONILLA et al. (1997a, b),
1660 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

CHÁVEZ-GARCÍA et al. (1997), LACHET et al. (1996), seldom crosses the 8 Hz limit as suggested by LACHET
and FIELD and JACOB (1995) reported scattering in et al. (1996), the RF technique as suggested by LERMO
the estimated amplitudes computed using the RF and CHAVEZ-GARCIA (1993) can be expected to define
technique when compared to those estimated by SSR. at least the lower bound for the site amplification
Overall, the RF technique conforms to simple geo- estimates with significant applicability in the site
logical considerations where amplifications of the characterization.
vertical components are negligible (PAROLAI et al., The 1D site response distribution in the study
2004; Nath et al. 2002a, b, 2003, 2005), especially in region has been estimated by NATH et al. (2008a, b)
the lower frequency range (\8 Hz), which does not through SHAKE 2000 (ORDONEZ, 2004) at the bore-
have severe contamination from surface waves hole sites. An equivalent linear model was used in the
(LACHET et al., 1996). LACHET et al. (1996) demon- analysis, which accounts for recurring and systematic
strated that the consistency of the RF technique is cyclic loading on horizontally layered soil deposits
frequency dependent, with the reliable range falling with expected elliptical hysteresis loops in the shear
below 8 Hz. The data from the site response studies in stress and strain behavior. The shear modulus and
the Sikkim Himalayas, Delhi basin, and Garhwal damping reduction curves were assigned on the basis
Himalayas, respectively, from NATH et al. (2002a, b, of the soil attributes from the geotechnical data
2003, 2005), as depicted in Fig. 11, depict reasonable according to inbuilt functions of the software. The
compliance between the site amplifications derived curves used for clay and sand are those given by SUN
using the RF type and GINV techniques. CASTRO et al. et al. (1988), and SEED and IDRISS (1970), respectively.
(2004) also observed that site functions computed by The mean site amplification factor derived from
both the techniques are similar within the standard geotechnical modeling, as depicted in Fig. 12a, is
deviations of the estimates at several sites. Since the observed to be around 3 in the frequency range
predominant frequency observed at the seismic 2–4 Hz. The average site response curves from the
stations comes within the pertinent lower frequency earthquake data through frequency averaging at each
range in the present study at Guwahati City and seismic station are depicted in Fig. 12b–f.

5. Discussion

A strong earthquake occurred on 21 September

2009 with a magnitude of MW 6.1 in the eastern
Bhutan province at the epicenter 27.346° N, 91.412°
E, which is around 133 km NNW of Guwahati City.
Several high-rise buildings in the city developed
cracks, and incidentally, a seven-story building
located in the Bhangagarh area (site class F) tilted
because of the earthquake impact, corroborating the
present assessment of the soil conditions.

5.1. Predominant Frequency

The structural damages inflicted by an earthquake
are logically tied with appropriate seismic design
Figure 11 code adaptations. Nevertheless, the damage distribu-
A comparison between site amplification factors obtained using the tions are often seen to be dependent on the resonance
generalized inversion (GINV) technique and those obtain by means
of the receiver function (RF) type method using the data from NATH effect because of the proximity between the predom-
et al. (2002a, b, 2003, 2005) inant frequency of soil layers and natural frequency
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1661

Figure 12
a Mean site response amplification factor from the estimated amplification spectra by means of geotechnical modeling at 136 borehole sites in
the site class D zones across Guwahati City is depicted by the bold curve while the normal curves indicate ±1 SD. b–f Average site response
curves through frequency averaging observed at the seismic stations

of the buildings (e.g., NAVARRO and OLIVEIRAM, 2006). given by GALLIPOLI et al. (2009b) puts the building
In order to present a rudimentary assessment, a distributions in a seismically safe zone, while that of
current building footprint map of the city as depicted the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS, 2002) indicates
in Fig. 13a is adapted from the building inventory that moderate-rise to high-rise buildings are seismi-
compiled by Assam Engineering College. The build- cally vulnerable. The different predictions given by
ing typology, namely Type A (mud, adobe, timber the relationships mentioned here can be attributed to
frame), Type B (brick masonry buildings), and Type the diversity of the construction practices across the
C (reinforced concrete buildings), is followed accord- globe, especially between India and Europe. All the
ing to BMTPC (1997). The categorization based on the same, the observations in the study region suggest
number of stories is: 1–3 is defined as ‘low rise,’ 4–7 that moderate- to high-rise buildings in the city are
as ‘moderate rise,’ and C8 as ‘high rise.’ The seismically vulnerable. This warrants tackling the
assortment of residential building distribution con- implicated resonance effects with measures like
sists mostly of low rise buildings (Type A, B, and C), structural retrofitting (e.g., stiffening, introducing
while the commercial locations have predominantly damping in building components, etc.) in addition
moderate- to high-rise buildings (Type C). to determining building code provisions for future
Figure 13b depicts different relations between developments. In summary, the spatial distribution of
height of the building and the fundamental natural predominant frequency constitutes a first-cut hazard
period. Most of the inhabited parts of Guwahati City map that is not only useful for vulnerability analysis
are interspersed between the hillocks. Low-rise to of built environments, but also for structural devel-
moderate-rise buildings are predominately observed opment and urban planning. The present appraisal is
there, while the predominant frequency of the ground intended to be followed by building-specific analysis
mostly lies in the range 0.5–3.5 Hz. The relationship (e.g., GOSAR et al., 2009; GALLIPOLI et al., 2009b).
1662 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 13
a The building footprints in the city adapted from the inventory prepared by Assam Engineering College as a part of a consorted effort towards
seismic microzonation and risk assessment in the city. b The relationships between fundamental natural frequencies versus building heights
(in terms of number of story/s and 1 story *3.0 m) are depicted. The grey shaded zone covers the predominant frequency range of 0.5–3.5 Hz
observed across the inhabited areas of Guwahati City, and dashed lines denote the average upper and lower values of the overall predominant
frequency distribution. The categories of buildings are indicated as low, moderate, and high rise, respectively, according to BMPTC (1997)

5.2. Shear Wave Velocity, Site Classification, frequency, and basement depth in line with those
and Site Response observed in other parts of the globe. The borehole logs
of two sites, as depicted in Fig. 7a located adjacent to
In the present study, we derived region-specific
a microtremor survey location near Boragaon, exhibit
relations among shear-wave velocity, predominant
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1663

basement depths of around 27.5–29.0 m. On the other assessment as explained in Fig. 14b. The simulations
hand, the electrical resistivity sounding surveys place of accelerograms show that the geotechnically derived
the basement depth at the site at approximately 30 m. site response yields average acceleration spectra
The corresponding microtremor data analysis indi- compared to those simulated using the site response
cates a predominant frequency of 2.5 Hz, which calculated from the earthquake data (Fig. 14b),
indicates a basement depth of approximately 32 m although they are lower compared to those estimated
using Eq. 4. Consequently, average shear wave from the data in the higher frequency band ([5 Hz).
velocity in the range of 301–310 m/s could be The difference might be attributed to the underesti-
estimated by Eq. 5 with basement depths ranging mation of high frequency site amplifications from non-
between 27.5 and 30.0 m. The estimated V30 S at linear effects (e.g., PARK and HASHASH 2004).
the boreholes ranges between 242 and 287 m/s. The The present study adheres to the NEHRP site
relations apparently yield reasonable estimates of the classification scheme. Nevertheless, we appraise the
parameters, suggesting the consistency thereof. observed average maximum site amplifications vis-à-
In case of the applicability of relationships between vis predominant frequency and V30 S . MIDORIKAWA
shear-wave velocity and SPT N value, a strategy has (1987) observed that the mean amplification factors
been adopted to add to the knowledge of the litho- for geological units of Holocene origin are around 3
stratigraphic setting in the study region by several in the frequency range of 0.4–5 Hz. The relation
analyses involving comparisons of existing relations between the site amplification factors and V30 S given
reported from across the globe by various workers. In by the author yields an amplification factor equal to
order to establish the practical viability of the strategy, 2.0–2.8 for site class D in the region, which is
the site responses are derived from 1D geotechnical comparable to the mean site amplification factors
modeling and the earthquake recordings located in the obtained by three-point frequency averaging of site
close vicinity and calibrated. Figure 14a depicts a response estimated by the geotechnical modeling
comparison between estimated site amplification fac- pertinent to site class D. NEHRP site class F is
tors from the 1D geotechnical modeling using the qualified with the soils vulnerable to potential failure
borehole data and that evaluated from the ground or collapse under seismic loading such as liquefiable
motion data. A frequency spacing of 1 Hz was used to soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, and collapsible
compare the site response curves for a generalized weakly cemented soils.

Figure 14
a Site amplification factor versus frequency evaluated from the earthquake data at COTTON station (in lighter shade curves) and that
estimated through 1D geotechnical analysis (in bold curve) at a borehole site in the proximity of the seismic station, and b the simulated
spectral accelerations using site response curves derived from geotechnical data depicted in the bold curve and from the earthquake data
depicted in the lighter shade at the station (after NATH et al., 2009)
1664 S. K. Nath, K. K. S. Thingbaijam Pure Appl. Geophys.

respect, the surficial geometry along with varying

predominant frequency may further subdivide the
broad NEHRP site classification implementation.
Indeed, a number of recent studies demonstrated that
in case of diverse geological and geotechnical
contexts, the site effects may not always be accu-
rately represented by a simple index, such as V30 S
(e.g., PARK and HASHASH 2004; SEMBLAT et al., 2002;
BAKIR et al., 2002; HUSKER et al., 2006). The site
effects may be further resolved in view of the
bedrock topography and the basin complexities by
probable 2D/3D basin modeling. The geometric
parameters such as basement depth vis-à-vis predom-
inant frequency and distance from the basin edge can
be envisaged to enforce the basin effects in improv-
ing the present site classifications (e.g., FIELD, 2000;
RAPTAKIS et al. 2005).

Figure 15 6. Conclusions
a The observed predominant frequency from the ground motion
data at the monitoring station (square box) with respect to that
The site conditions have significant influence on
derived from the ambient noise survey (circle) and geotechnical
modeling (asterisk) in the vicinity of the station. b The corre- the overall seismic hazard potential. Even in the
sponding site amplification factor estimated from ground motion regions characterized by small basins, the disparities
data at each seismic station with respect to that estimated at an
of seismic site conditions across the region could be
adjacent borehole from 1D geotechnical modeling
significant. This entails the need to integrate various
Figure 15a shows that the geotechnical modeling, data for understanding the basin attributes such as
earthquake ground motion, and ambient noise data basin geometry and depth. The present study
analyses provide efficacy for the 30-m-depth soil appraised the seismic site conditions of Guwahati City
column around the predominant frequency of 2 Hz. in terms of predominant frequency and shear wave
In case of IITG, the area underlies a shallow velocity. The employed geophysical and geotechnical
basement where the pertinent soil condition comes data include ambient noise measurements, earthquake
under site class F. As observed in Fig. 15b, maximum recordings, and geotechnical borehole (SPT N value)
site amplifications inversely correlate with predom- data. Along with the delineation of the basement
inant frequencies, i.e., higher amplifications at the topography based on vertical electrical-resistivity
lower predominant frequencies and vice versa. A sounding and selected drilled boreholes, region-spe-
rather high site amplification factor of 7.5 on average cific relationships between predominant frequency,
is seen at IRRIG (with a predominant frequency of shear wave velocity, and basement depth could be
about 2.0 Hz at a shallow basement depth and formulated. The basement depths are mostly shallow
relatively higher ground topography going up to (about 50–100 m deep) across the study region,
130 m), which could be indicative of a basin edge although in the northwestern and the western parts, the
effect. Although similar predominant frequency val- basement depths go as high as 550 m. The predomi-
ues are observed at COTTON (site class E) and nant frequency in most parts of the inhabited areas of
AMTRON (site class D), the locations are far from the city is in the range of 0.5–3.5 Hz. The variation of
edges of the basin. Overall, the study region consists predominant frequency is seen to match the geomor-
of small valley interplays causing irregular micro- phological signatures in the study region with
basin features in the parent Brahmaputra basin. In this different frequency responses across the geologically
Vol. 168, (2011) Assessment of Seismic Site Conditions 1665

complex province. Owing to the predominant fre- AMBRASEYS, N. and BILHAM, R. (2003), Reevaluated intensities for
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Acknowledgments BARD, P.-Y. (2000), Lecture notes on ‘Seismology, Seismic Hazard
Assessment and Risk Mitigation’, International Training Course,
Potsdam, p. 160.
The critical review and constructive suggestions of BARD, P.-Y., Duval, A.M., Lebrun, B., Lachet, C., Riepl, J., and
Dr. Fabian Bonilla and the other anonymous reviewer Hatzfeld, D. (1997), Reliability of the H/V technique for site
greatly helped in improving the manuscript with effects measurement: An experimental assessment. In: 7th Int.
Conf. Soil. Dyn. Earthq. Engg., Istanbul 19–24.
enhanced scientific exposition. The Guwahati Seis- BILHAM, R., (2008), Tom LaTouche and the Great Assam Earth-
mic Hazard Microzonation Consortium of expert quake of 12 June 1897; letters from the epicenter, Seism. Res.
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